
Scott Game profile


Jan 20th 2016, 23:16:32

Originally posted by MKerogazov:
Boy, what industry, you're a student at the uni - when you are known in any industry, producing things of any value, let your friends know as I probably won't care anyway ;)

The defense industry. Since you appear to not be a citizen of the greatest nation in the world... it is proprietary :).

Scott Game profile


Jan 20th 2016, 2:22:18

Originally posted by Celphi:
I wasn't the leader nor a member of rybka when that happened. So I'm not quite sure what your point is.

Scott Game profile


Jan 20th 2016, 2:16:33

Originally posted by Celphi:
I wasn't the leader nor a member of rybka when that happened. So I'm not quite sure what your point is.

O really? Sure acted like you were. Bullfluff meter is ringing off the charts.

Scott Game profile


Jan 20th 2016, 1:54:29

Originally posted by Celphi:
It was more of a statement... I can't expect the leader/member of a clan who targets netting clans to make himself easily identifiable.

The irony.... Rybka took about a week to get the first kill on a bunch of people netting...

The kettle is black...

Scott Game profile


Jan 20th 2016, 1:18:40

Scott Game profile


Jan 20th 2016, 0:56:29

Originally posted by Heston:
Put some fluffing tits on it and scott is a patron for sure. Tits sells anything.

Originally posted by MKerogazov:
Originally posted by Heston:
Put some fluffing tits on it and scott is a patron for sure. Tits sells anything.

Pretty much it :) Probably give him links to a few videos - I know he's a patron of that stuff as well ;D

And Scott, can you please share the area of your great success, so I can fully and profoundly heed to your valuable advice?

I am well known within my industry for showing results and producing things of value : ) You should try it.

Scott Game profile


Jan 19th 2016, 3:28:55

Originally posted by MKerogazov:
2 Scott (about art classes) - hmm... spend a few years learning and drawing and make my game look like a million other Chinese/Korean/etc games? Nope, thank you. I like my art, my kids like it, and many other people do as well - mind you, I'm not an artist and it's not bad for not an artist ;)

2 Link - yep I have, but for a short time. It is a bit too much "text-based" for me, like no graphics at all, and a bit too dark :( There must be very good mathematicians in the team for calculating all these processes - I can tell as a specialist ;) Besides, I have a game to run, not much time is left (actually none) for running anything else ;)

We arent talking about the effort you put into your game, we are talking about the end product. Spending a lot of time and effort on something gets you a pat on the back.... succeeding is what gets rewarded. I have to be honest, Hellen Keller saw those graphics and cringed.

I suppose you never thought of outsourcing the art to someone who knew what they were doing to make the end product desirable. I would imagine you hoped people would come play your game, other than your kids, and 3 random weirdos circle jerking each other on your forums.

Scott Game profile


Jan 18th 2016, 12:29:32

Originally posted by Steeps:
Had a good run, nearly died replying to in-game messages!

Loved the ingame messages.

Mooooaaarrrrrr sloth rape!

Scott Game profile


Jan 18th 2016, 12:12:04

Originally posted by mrford:
can we talk about him saying darkling is clever?

I tried to ignore it.... but.....

Scott Game profile


Jan 18th 2016, 2:48:11

Originally posted by lol:
Originally posted by Alin:
I like living in my country and 2 months per year in Europe(Uk,Spain,Austria)!

I reach this locations in:
2 hours :
1 hour :
4 hours :
30 min :
1 and half hours : ( barbeque)
3 hours :

And thats jus a few locations in my 300 km range. I ll rather choose that over any form of living among rednecks with guns or over Istanbul, Bucharest, London, Barcelona,Lisboa, Bilbao, Chicago or any other major city i ve been in the last decade. I spend less time in reaching the above locations than you spend reaching work to home.Thx for asking fluffer...

valiant attempt at polishing a turd. the fact that you think that is unique to your location is funny.


Scott Game profile


Jan 17th 2016, 22:41:02

Originally posted by drkprinc:
I'd sure hope not I have 70 missiles

Worthless if you are dead

Scott Game profile


Jan 17th 2016, 21:39:39

Originally posted by Link:
Nah Scott I meant had he tried running a country LOL


Scott Game profile


Jan 17th 2016, 21:29:59

You are getting fsed

Scott Game profile


Jan 17th 2016, 17:53:56

Originally posted by Link:
Have you even tired to play this game?

Yeah, wasn't my cup of tea.

Originally posted by MKerogazov:
Originally posted by Scott:

Invest in a quality art class...



Scott Game profile


Jan 17th 2016, 4:54:52

Originally posted by Tom Brady MVP:
Bye bye peckers, let me know when you get a real QB!

Shouldn't you be busy hating on muslims?

Scott Game profile


Jan 17th 2016, 4:10:29

Really weird game.

Scott Game profile


Jan 17th 2016, 3:46:09

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
And thank you ladies and gentleman for coming to see the show!!
Scotty the wonder Minah Bird did not disappoint I hope.
As usual he posted the quote!
But do take pity on him,he tries hard and he DID have an original thought once. But alas it died of boredom!
Give him a big hand!!!
Thanks for coming and

Do you ever make sense? I thought you would have been at least marginally smarter than the aforementioned walnut. Guess I was wong.

Edited By: Scott on Jan 17th 2016, 4:02:05
See Original Post

Scott Game profile


Jan 16th 2016, 21:54:03

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
AND LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! I ask you to shift your attention to the one, the only, the ford wannabe and his faithful butt follower!!!! The idiot savant himself......
Scott aka Shewell.
The man who not only can't keep a name straight, possible disorder there, but who also cannot help chiming in on things that don't concern him.
The wonder of SCOTTY, THE HUMAN MINAH BIRD!!!!!!


So says the retard...

Scott Game profile


Jan 16th 2016, 17:14:56

Originally posted by Ratski:
There are ways of making fast money, that are not mentioned here, in fact they are not mentioned in any of the forums, and after Ran in to MR, Ford, I am going to open my mouth and incert my foot.

LIke cheating?

Scott Game profile


Jan 16th 2016, 17:12:29

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
I don't think opinion means what you think it means.

I should have known,not only are you the smartest man,you can also tell people what they're thinking.
You ARE an amazing person and someone I and all should strive to become.

Not hard to figure out what is going on in your brain blade. I assume what is happening in your brain is the same thing happening inside a dried walnut...not much.

Scott Game profile


Jan 16th 2016, 3:22:42

Originally posted by High Priest:
how do I make money without selling goods

Get on the corner ho!

Scott Game profile


Jan 16th 2016, 3:14:36

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
Bout time you posted up nitwit.
What's the matter? You been sick?

The irony in you calling anyone a nitwit...

Scott Game profile


Jan 16th 2016, 2:39:23

We need to eat them faster!

Scott Game profile


Jan 15th 2016, 20:30:22

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
Sorry ford didn't mean to insult your sport

No special slassificstion for trannies... sorry blade!

Scott Game profile


Jan 15th 2016, 20:28:33

You could have spell checked that before hitting submit!

Scott Game profile


Jan 13th 2016, 22:57:36

Originally posted by Katrina:
Well Excuse me but what is the Relations mode for in the game for if you can't conspire with other players, Why is it in the Game ?, And Make Sure #2 your a puss ! You I got me deleted and judging you from previous posts your a control freak, and a Snitch ! And I can see other players keying in on you, what comes around goes around, remember karma you have bad karma ! I will see you after the tourney resets, and we can play heads up then, I won't be back till then, because if I restart now I would be too far back to place now. Tesla Power #47 see then.

This is fluffing pure gold..

Scott Game profile


Jan 13th 2016, 5:01:23

32 ... found my first grey ball hair today :(

Scott Game profile


Jan 13th 2016, 4:58:50

Where is patriot at? He seems to have disappeared!

Scott Game profile


Jan 12th 2016, 22:19:44

Originally posted by Bsnake:
they should of both been brown...

Are you saying they are both pieces of fluff?

Scott Game profile


Jan 12th 2016, 21:40:10

Imp had their fair share of purple too...

Scott Game profile


Jan 12th 2016, 4:40:58

Scott Game profile


Jan 11th 2016, 22:41:19

Originally posted by Syko_Killa:
Just wanted to say what a pathetic performance from LoC+Imp. I have a name for the the two of you. LimpCo!

Everyone give a golf clap for LIMP and CO!

Isn't it Chaos and IMPotent? More like CHIMPs?

Scott Game profile


Jan 11th 2016, 15:03:13

Originally posted by Colo:
I hate to break it to you guys in elders but celphi is just yanking your chain. He has absolutely no intention on fighting you. He is just making outlandish demands to troll you and when something comes up he can say "See I told you". If he could fight, he would have done something by now. bark bark bark.

Celphi'a band of merry tards took a week to get a kill on a netting clan that Rybka got the FS and they were 3 times the net at the FS.... should explain his warring/leading skills.

Scott Game profile


Jan 11th 2016, 4:03:00

Originally posted by Dissident:
Originally posted by Scott:
How has celphi not been killed by playing in traffic yet?

ive said it plenty of times... i mean it's gotta be hard when you keep a paper bag over your head all day long.

Must be an extremely large paper bag so he can hit it over that helmet...

Edited By: Scott on Jan 11th 2016, 16:46:02
See Original Post

Scott Game profile


Jan 11th 2016, 3:08:42

Originally posted by MKerogazov:
Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by MKerogazov:
Originally posted by Scott:
Posted a tutorial to the other forums.... will replace with sheep fornication in the morning.

Yeah, it's been a while since I checked in here and there is a whole conspiracy going on... As all your posts, Scott, have not been done with good intentions to actually invite players to play Earth Empires, but to spam and ridicule, I'm simply going to ban you from the Undecima Forum and delete all your posts.

I laid the sarcasm on thick. Can't believe it tool you this long.

Well, obviously I figured out you're fooling around from your first message, but I'm way too busy coding the game to check any links or follow any "thick laid sarcasm". Besides, I usually think of people better than they are and that usually doesn't serve me good...

Invest in a quality art class...

Scott Game profile


Jan 11th 2016, 3:06:53

Originally posted by mrford:
lol, pretty sure trife owns a gun.

he is just bi-polar!

I suspect his weapon maintenance falls short just like his lawn equipment maintenance!

Scott Game profile


Jan 11th 2016, 3:04:37

How has celphi not been killed by playing in traffic yet?

Scott Game profile


Jan 10th 2016, 20:24:09

Originally posted by Jayr:
I don't play anymore. I'll consider playing once IMP is ran off every server...


Scott Game profile


Jan 10th 2016, 16:09:07

Originally posted by PatriotIMP:
Originally posted by mrford:
so is syphilis why you all are so retarded? it already ate your brain?

the butthurt is strong

But he is on the winning side of a war where you guys have over 100+ member advantage. It is you whose butt is raw.

Edited By: Scott on Jan 10th 2016, 16:17:47
See Original Post

Scott Game profile


Jan 10th 2016, 2:57:05

someone had a temper tantrum

Scott Game profile


Jan 9th 2016, 23:26:42

Originally posted by drkprinc:
nobody leads :) we play eanie meanine minie moe

How does your village attract all the idiots?

Scott Game profile


Jan 9th 2016, 4:44:14

Scott Game profile


Jan 9th 2016, 4:44:12

IMP slobs knob!

Scott Game profile


Jan 7th 2016, 6:12:34

Originally posted by MKerogazov:
Originally posted by Scott:
Posted a tutorial to the other forums.... will replace with sheep fornication in the morning.

Yeah, it's been a while since I checked in here and there is a whole conspiracy going on... As all your posts, Scott, have not been done with good intentions to actually invite players to play Earth Empires, but to spam and ridicule, I'm simply going to ban you from the Undecima Forum and delete all your posts.

I laid the sarcasm on thick. Can't believe it tool you this long.

Scott Game profile


Jan 7th 2016, 4:21:24

Here ya go tards.


A petite woman. Denoted as a joke, whereby the petite woman is so thin she is able to be mounted and spun in a circle on an erect penis.
"She's a spinner."

Scott Game profile


Jan 5th 2016, 0:36:03

Originally posted by PatriotIMP:
Originally posted by mrford:
and my comment wasnt limited to just this thread, but to your character and recent actions as a whole. im sorry that scope is challenging for you to see.

maybe prime needs to put you back on a leash.

nah you just got put in your place and now you're reaching out of the topic! ha!


Do you get your insults from fifth graders? How much do you pay them?

Also, how many times did the doctor drop you on your head at birth. I will set the over/under at 35.

Scott Game profile


Jan 5th 2016, 0:05:36

Originally posted by Donny:
mmmmm yep!

You wanna go do karate in the garage?