
Scott Game profile


Jan 29th 2016, 1:28:40

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
meaningless bet that your mouth won't cover you mean?
You're just a typical blowhard.

You are the one that placed an offer for a bet and then changed all the terms. Are you that fluffing stupid??? Yes.

Scott Game profile


Jan 28th 2016, 4:40:12

SOL... y u no kill SOV? :(

Scott Game profile


Jan 27th 2016, 12:40:55

Originally posted by Ratski:
READ THIS AND LEARN :Researching technology takes time. Simply put, the more R&D Labs you own, the less time you will need to spend to develop new technologies. Because technology is vital to success and turns are a limited resource, research labs are important to quick Growth, for defense's, like spy's you can't buy them You have to use industrial complex's so build lots of them too . look to manage, and make your settings too 100 % spies, and watch your building moves, building your country up, with out harassment by spy attack's, they stop people looking at your country, and research tech, and build it up .

Don't forget to add not getting purpled. If your country get's purpled, it won't grow!

Scott Game profile


Jan 27th 2016, 0:21:04

Originally posted by Trife:
my money is on cerberus

This is the only time we have ever agreed. You are a stupid though, but at least we know you have the capability to improve.

Scott Game profile


Jan 26th 2016, 23:25:14

Originally posted by Link:
Where do they grow you morons LOL

I would assume some type of sex-offender registry.

Scott Game profile


Jan 26th 2016, 23:19:12

Midget porn?

Scott Game profile


Jan 26th 2016, 18:59:47

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
Kiss my arse lil Scotty,this does not concern you.

Ford in the event you would lose how would I collect? Not that it matters tho you wouldn't be trusted to pay up anyhow.

You want a bet? Gonna give the points?
I'll give you a bet

I will listen to your opinion the day you form an intelligent thought. I will be waiting quiet some time.

Scott Game profile


Jan 26th 2016, 17:26:18

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
Yeah like I would place a bet with you? You're delusional.
I only bet with people I trust.

Do it... stop being such a fluff.

Scott Game profile


Jan 26th 2016, 4:24:20

ROR means death on this server

Scott Game profile


Jan 26th 2016, 2:25:23

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
Originally posted by Soy Sauce:
Blade and celphi would get along just fine. Always crying lol

Sorry the statement of those hiding in false identities do not count.
Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Soy Sauce:
Blade and celphi would get along just fine. Always crying lol

You could add both of their IQ's together and it still wouldn't be enough to pass the threshold from retarded to slow.

Oh little Scotty , why do you continue to reference the handicapped? You get your arse kicked on the short bus sometime? Stay in your spot..right behind ford.

Do you even read your troll before you hit create post?

Don't run with scissors.

Scott Game profile


Jan 25th 2016, 23:00:43

Originally posted by Soy Sauce:
Blade and celphi would get along just fine. Always crying lol

You could add both of their IQ's together and it still wouldn't be enough to pass the threshold from retarded to slow.

Scott Game profile


Jan 25th 2016, 22:52:15

Can you please just hurry up with your impending meltdown? I am looking forward to you being a complete retard and telling everyone you are unbannable.

Scott Game profile


Jan 25th 2016, 22:51:16

Originally posted by Celphi:
It's effortless for me. I know that's hard to believe in your world of templates.

Scott Game profile


Jan 25th 2016, 21:23:20

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
Nice of you to run to fords defense. Pity you have nothing intelligent to add to any thread so you are delegated to playing his butt boy as usual.
I did laugh when your idol ford used the word "tard" in a post tho, it's apparent you guys think so much alike .

I have plenty of intelligence to add to a conversation. Unfortunatly, you are too stupid to grasp basic concepts.

Scott Game profile


Jan 25th 2016, 20:16:29

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
And of course the only view or opinion that matters on anything is yours ford.
Do you actually work at being an opinionated arse? Or does it just come naturally?

Does the phrase " on any given Sunday" ever into that head of yours?
Any team can win and any team can lose.

Shame we can't just block posters on these threads,would actually make some worth reading.

Did you learn this in special ed? Perhaps you enjoy participation trophys?

Scott Game profile


Jan 25th 2016, 15:19:15

Originally posted by archaic:
Originally posted by mrford:
Originally posted by Tom Brady MVP:
And this is where TB12 proves he's the best!

Really wish you had the balls to post under your real nick. but I suppose I cant expect much out of the fan of a cheating hack.

You mean the hack that has 4 super bowl rings, thats married to a super model, and that wrecked you guys in your only other super bowl appearance 13 years ago? Yeah, congrats on getting to your second super bowl in 13 years. If the pats even had an average offensive line they would have crushed Denver.

Nonetheless, great jobs by the two #1 seeds in fulfilling their destiny and setting up what should be a great game. Now hopefully Cam can finally get the Broncos to STFU and go away.

Don't forget he wears uggs and yoga pants. He will be Caitlin #2 in no time.

Scott Game profile


Jan 25th 2016, 15:00:46

Originally posted by Cerberus:
Originally posted by mrford:
Originally posted by drkprinc:
the game before one of the teaching pros at my work went ballistic on pat's last touchdown like a 4 year old getting what they wanted for xmas then to be crushed by a deflection on the 2 point conversion oh man was happiest moment of my life to see the look on his face ^_^

Learn where the fluff the period is on your keyboard. Jesus.

Did you run out of mental breath reading it, Ford?

Cerb has a mangina!

Scott Game profile


Jan 25th 2016, 0:40:20

Originally posted by Celphi:
Let's do this AZ!

Looking good so far!

Scott Game profile


Jan 24th 2016, 15:42:21

Originally posted by Crippler ICD:
last set u 'had' ppl was ICD's first when you said we were going to kill everyone :P since then we've war how many times and taken triple crown / top tnw or anw how many sets?

That was probably due to Rats telling everyone if she wanted them dead, ICD will just kill anyone they wanted.

Scott Game profile


Jan 23rd 2016, 20:36:54


Scott Game profile


Jan 23rd 2016, 18:01:23

Originally posted by Celphi:
I'll tell you what's scary... if this planet were to allow another Ford into it's atmosphere.

Don't make the same mistakes your parents did Ford, use birth control.

I think your just jelly Ford ain't a 40 year old virgin like you.

Scott Game profile


Jan 23rd 2016, 17:34:47

Originally posted by mrford:
if it would make me anything like you, im thankful i didnt have it.

not so sure why you are so focused on my birth with your insults now. it is getting kinda creepy.

are you just mad that i wasnt actually born with a mental disorder like you? mad jelly?

Pretty sure this sums up the first 9 months of Celphi's pathetic life:

Scott Game profile


Jan 23rd 2016, 16:51:03

Originally posted by Scourge:
I've enjoyed the war quite a bit, so thanks SoF.. (yes, thanks even to you tokyousr :P )

I'll be back for more the coming sets, which I guess is thanks to having fun these two last sets warring you guys

and seriously?! who put me up as an EM target? I hate you more than tokyo now!!

Tokyo did...

Scott Game profile


Jan 23rd 2016, 16:47:39

Originally posted by victor victoria:
it cant be just me..

It might just be you. I have no interest in sticking my fluff in that woman's fluff chipper.

Scott Game profile


Jan 23rd 2016, 16:39:49

Originally posted by Celphi:
I was pro life until I met Ford.

Do you think your autism was caused by that poke to your head your mom gave you with a rusty coat hanger?

Scott Game profile


Jan 23rd 2016, 16:38:16

Originally posted by Celphi:
It's too bad the NCLB Act wasn't around when you were a child. Perhaps then, you'd know how to use sentences. Your vocabulary has the volume of a coloring book.

Thankfully I have a secretary to do meaningless things that antisocial retards like you excel at!

Scott Game profile


Jan 23rd 2016, 16:20:18

Originally posted by Celphi:
It's funny reading your posts. You're not sure when to use you're from your so now you're spelling everything out with "you are". Haha.

Its funny reading your posts... you are socially inept and have clearly never been laid without paying for a Crack whore. Have fun barracks rat.

Scott Game profile


Jan 23rd 2016, 16:07:27

Also, you are too stupid to match current facts with current facts with the current problem. You are constantly trying to associate past events with current situations... even if the fact and logic pattern makes no sense. Good job retard.

Scott Game profile


Jan 23rd 2016, 16:05:39

Originally posted by Celphi:

If you're going to call someone retarded at least grammar check your sentences.

Glad you are so autistic you couldn't put that sentence into context.

You are clearly retarded.

At one point are you going to start preaching about being a l33t hacker who is unbannable?

Scott Game profile


Jan 23rd 2016, 15:37:37

Originally posted by Celphi:
Originally posted by ssewellusmc:
Perhaps if you werect so retararded, you would have understood it.

Too bad we aren't as smart as your other handle. ^^

Too bad your a grown ass woman living in the barracks. Proves you are both retarded and a loser!

Scott Game profile


Jan 23rd 2016, 14:16:36

Originally posted by Celphi:
Originally posted by Getafix:
Its a waste of time playing with people like you around, and these forums are a poisonous cesspit thanks to the likes of ford and scott.

You are making the assumption that getafix isn't an idiot too. Once again, you are wrong.

Scott Game profile


Jan 23rd 2016, 13:34:28

Originally posted by Celphi:

Look @ our past war vs xBaDx. They were an active war clan & still lost the war even with 2 players from drunksex helping them. The strat works.

Lol celphi logic at its finest. Solo server blowhard.

Scott Game profile


Jan 23rd 2016, 5:28:58

I would ask chaos as the suicide originated from chaos.

Scott Game profile


Jan 23rd 2016, 4:07:01

Originally posted by Dissident:
why do you always have to be that guy?

That thing is a chick...

Scott Game profile


Jan 23rd 2016, 2:04:51

Originally posted by Celphi:
We both start at 0 turns. Not my fault a known war clan failed to be ready fast enough. Maybe you can give them some pointers on how to build smarter.

Again, you missed the point. SHOCKING.

Scott Game profile


Jan 23rd 2016, 1:30:55

Originally posted by Celphi:
You keep calling them a ''netting clan''. Why?

One set prior:
They spent most of their turns attacking me with GS. I never attacked them. How is that netting?

Two sets prior:
They FS a netting clan: (DNH).;clan=DNH&reset=845 How is that netting?

Three sets prior:
They attacked (BOH):;clan=BOH&reset=823 How is that netting?

Do I need to continue? The point is,.. you like ford, are going to try everything, say everything, just to try and prove me wrong. It can be in black and white and you'll swear to the end it's me who is delusional.

I am not trying anything. These guys weren't built to war yet you couldn't even get 1 kill on the FS. Call it whatever you want, but you suck. The only thing you are decent at is suiciding out of nowhere...

Stop grasping at staws...

Scott Game profile


Jan 23rd 2016, 1:04:02

Originally posted by TipDaVampire:
Guess if you're into cannibalism.... might be fun. ;)

Get in the pot you filthy animal. Take some potatoes and onions with you too!

Scott Game profile


Jan 23rd 2016, 1:02:04

Originally posted by Celphi:
Not my fault they don't know how to net. We both started at 0 turns. They were LG'ing other players for land--- clearly not a netting clan.

If you knew anything about me, you'd know I don't try to get kills on FS. It's rarely a strategy I use against an active clan.

So you have to be all-x to net? Really?

Lol you didn't try to AB them on FS... so clearly you meant to GS them 25% and then get walled because you were running 5 min kr's?

The point is you were fluffing about something elders did, yet you had previously tried the same bullfluff.

Scott Game profile


Jan 23rd 2016, 0:41:00

Originally posted by Celphi:

Since we didn't get a kill, can you define what a kill is too?

I could have sworn red meant dead:;clan=xBaDx&reset=887

No one said you didn't get a kill retard. Were your born this stupid or is this what happens when you do meth every day for 10 years?

ARE you denying you got zero kills during the FS?

Also, I spied them before your FS .. very little military, decent stock, and they were all overflowing turns. Either they were netting or didn't give a flying fluff and weren't playing turns.

I loved the attempt to use a different set to make the facts fit your logic. Keep going...

Scott Game profile


Jan 23rd 2016, 0:24:08

Originally posted by Celphi:

Are you trying to say xBaDx was a netting clan? You may want to redo your homework before you fail the class.

They were clearly netting when you fsed and dint even get a kill :) you know this...

Scott Game profile


Jan 23rd 2016, 0:09:46

Originally posted by Celphi:
Silence? Uhm, there's silence because I don't understand why you're posting a quote of mine and then linking a thread. Is there supposed to be some sort of connection?

Sorry tard. Let me recap.

Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Celphi:
It was more of a statement... I can't expect the leader/member of a clan who targets netting clans to make himself easily identifiable.

The irony.... Rybka took about a week to get the first kill on a bunch of people netting...

The kettle is black...

Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Celphi:
I wasn't the leader nor a member of rybka when that happened. So I'm not quite sure what your point is.

O really? Sure acted like you were. Bullfluff meter is ringing off the charts.
Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Celphi:
I wasn't the leader nor a member of rybka when that happened. So I'm not quite sure what your point is.

I am sure your limited capacity will force you to say deep deep derp... I don't understand because I have a celphi brain, but just try to apply common sense and logic.

Scott Game profile


Jan 22nd 2016, 22:57:28

Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Celphi:
I wasn't the leader nor a member of rybka when that happened. So I'm not quite sure what your point is.

O really? Sure acted like you were. Bullfluff meter is ringing off the charts.
Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Celphi:
I wasn't the leader nor a member of rybka when that happened. So I'm not quite sure what your point is.


Scott Game profile


Jan 22nd 2016, 13:58:36

Originally posted by Link:
You define one country from ancients hitting with 3 elders as multiple clans as well lol. Things get funny when you look at the bigger picture.

That would require logic.

Celphi's logic well dried up years ago :(

Scott Game profile


Jan 22nd 2016, 4:33:13

Originally posted by MKerogazov:
Oh... what an Idiot and he's not just going to pass by... I'll try ignoring him, but all these dung flies can be so annoying

Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by MKerogazov:
Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by MKerogazov:
Boy, what industry, you're a student at the uni - when you are known in any industry, producing things of any value, let your friends know as I probably won't care anyway ;)

The defense industry. Since you appear to not be a citizen of the greatest nation in the world... it is proprietary :).

I actually meant "what industry are you talking about when you're just a student", not exactly asking what particular subject you are studying. And I'm surely not getting into discussion of nations as it's more about rotten apples than barrels that they are spoiling ;)

Your trolling is almost as terrible as your game.

Scott Game profile


Jan 22nd 2016, 3:08:32

Yet... loud mouth Patriot is no where to be found!

Patriot : "Scott and Ford will never net again!"

Scott and Ford: "Thanks!"

Scott Game profile


Jan 22nd 2016, 3:06:29

Scott Game profile


Jan 22nd 2016, 3:03:30

Originally posted by Celphi:
I live in the barracks actually. Your great tax dollars at work.

Scott Game profile


Jan 21st 2016, 23:46:29

Originally posted by victor victoria:

The rest of rhe world is wrong!

Scott Game profile


Jan 21st 2016, 23:27:29

Originally posted by MKerogazov:
Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by MKerogazov:
Boy, what industry, you're a student at the uni - when you are known in any industry, producing things of any value, let your friends know as I probably won't care anyway ;)

The defense industry. Since you appear to not be a citizen of the greatest nation in the world... it is proprietary :).

I actually meant "what industry are you talking about when you're just a student", not exactly asking what particular subject you are studying. And I'm surely not getting into discussion of nations as it's more about rotten apples than barrels that they are spoiling ;)

Your trolling is almost as terrible as your game.

Scott Game profile


Jan 21st 2016, 21:58:35

Originally posted by TipDaVampire:
Even though they had 2 or 3 inactives (some that were inactive, became active after the war started), we killed all 49 of them, with our 42.

Some things just can't be rushed.

This post needs more pictures of weaSOL fluffs...