
MILORD Game profile


Oct 19th 2020, 13:31:45

Dear Sirs Developers! I agree with the players' request to make changes to the game regarding GDI.
At the same time, I would like to ask that the game does not turn into a game of farmers and retain the military aspect, create a new function for the heads of clans - "declaration of war", which abolishes the action of "GDI". The head of the clan can activate this function if he has more than 4 people in the clan. To avoid lone psychopaths and separatists. The clan server should give priority not to single players, but to teams of players.

Edited By: MILORD on Oct 19th 2020, 13:53:23
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born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Oct 19th 2020, 11:37:30

Originally posted by Rob:

Rob, nothing personal ... If I can’t return my land with a retaliatory attack, I will cause damage in any way I can. Otherwise, it will allow other players to think that they are allowed to borrow from ASTRAL for free and not think about the consequences. As the biblical principle says - "a tooth for a tooth and an eye for an eye." I honor the law of Moses and the covenants of Christ.
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Oct 19th 2020, 7:37:49

Good time of the day friends! I created a clan "Russia" to attract Russian players. So far I am alone, but I am an optimist and I believe in success.
But that's not what I wanted to talk about.
I would be grateful if you could send me a link on how to create an IRC channel and create a bot that monitors attacks and the market.
Thanks in advance.
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Oct 19th 2020, 7:21:20

The mechanism by which bots buy goods and technologies is not yet clear to me. I would be grateful if someone could help me understand the basics and principles of bots.
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Oct 19th 2020, 4:56:46

Originally posted by HEMPMAN1:
Горячие женщины в России. лол

Было у нас на марсе несколько горячих русских женщин ... Отважные , расчетливые и непобедимые . Их имена навсегда останутся в истории марс2025 и в памяти игроков .
У вас у иностранцев ,принято считать ,что игроки не имеют пола ,в этой игре . Но поверь мне ,что настоящая русская женщина , прекрасна ,грациозна и незабываема в игре .
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Oct 18th 2020, 3:20:17

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Oct 18th 2020, 3:20:17

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Oct 15th 2020, 11:39:29

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Oct 15th 2020, 11:38:37

Россияне друзья - пора объединится в один клан. Время распрей марс2025 - прошло. Если я обидел кого, то прошу прощения! Я обычный человек из кожи и костей и небольшой прослоечки сала)))
Если кто меня обидел, не парься - я не злопамятный.
В общем так, татары, армяни, украинцы, беларусы, дагестанцы, рыцари и юники, НДС и все все марсиане - довайте собираться.
Главу назначим сами путём голосования и вперед)
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Oct 14th 2020, 15:52:50

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Oct 13th 2020, 15:18:13

Originally posted by brujodale:
my watch is a sundial and dang thing keeps breaking down each night

If your sundial does not work at night, call your work colleague and you will definitely hear the answer - "brujodale why the hell are you calling me at 4 am!"
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Oct 9th 2020, 4:23:31

I think I should add that GDI as an express is good. But along with this, you need to add to the game, a function - "declaration of war"! The clan leader should be able to put the clan in war mode, which abolishes the GDI. Thus, GDI will reliably protect peaceful players from bullies and psychopaths, and the "declare war" button will make it possible to preserve the military potential for this server.
P.S. And I also want to take revenge, in the next sets ... LoL)

Edited By: MILORD on Oct 9th 2020, 4:31:00
See Original Post
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Oct 9th 2020, 3:28:40

Originally posted by SuperFly:
What we need milord is a restructuring or perestroika of this server.

Introduce a GDI system like the one in express that prevents others from using harmful attacks against you unless you break GDI.

Or simply ban attacking and make this all-x so that you can cripple the commie indy government and we can all play all-x farmers, casher or techers

Create a new public topic for developers. I and everyone who wishes will support you in this petition.
However, despite the fact that I agree with your proposal and support it ... This does not change the fact that you attacked me and the clan in which I play. Be strong buddy, I still have a lot of time for this entertainment)))
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Oct 7th 2020, 14:33:58

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Oct 6th 2020, 16:17:53

ok thanks. Good luck to Darkn3ss and his allies with the new set.
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Oct 6th 2020, 7:51:45

What clan does SuerFly play in?
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Oct 5th 2020, 17:33:41

Bonus monus
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Oct 2nd 2020, 6:40:09

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Sep 30th 2020, 3:01:32

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Sep 28th 2020, 6:51:08

I play with my phone, I don't understand English. I would be grateful if someone would explain who is fighting with whom and for what. I also do not understand why unmarked countries are fighting. If possible, write without slang for a translator to translate your text.
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Sep 28th 2020, 6:41:32

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Sep 25th 2020, 16:33:03

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Sep 21st 2020, 5:55:41

I learned a lot on this topic and set my own record. Didn't have time to sell 10,000,000 barrels of oil ... waited for oil to be bought and fell asleep 10-15 minutes before the end of the set ... We had 5 in the morning)
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Sep 20th 2020, 14:44:11

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Sep 18th 2020, 16:04:29

Thanks for the interesting discussions on this thread. I learn a lot of interesting things.
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Sep 17th 2020, 2:40:50

You can buy all the food from farmers and set any price, no more expensive than a private market ...
But this project requires the total capital of several players.
up to 36 -37, one player can probably raise the price, having a government of democracy ...
Farmers, seeing how you inflate the price, will seek to sell at the highest price, depriving you of the speculative interest. It's hard for me to imagine if it will be beneficial.

Edited By: MILORD on Sep 17th 2020, 2:51:44
See Original Post
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Sep 16th 2020, 6:54:57

Originally posted by NitelL:
Another small thing on playing food market.. I tend to help clear people's food stockpile (inadvertently) at the end of the game so they have money to destock. That cash will then clean out all the cheap military on the public market, allowing my more expensive stuff to sell.

Up to 34, a Democrat can easily buy food. Above 34, in order to seriously influence the food market, the total capital of several players is needed.
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Sep 16th 2020, 6:02:45

Originally posted by st0ny:
Damn... look at all these insanely high nett records. Really feel like coming back and trying for a 100m nett. Hahaha

I’m still having problems understanding how you guys get it honestly.

Like this set for example. Nitiel said he played the food market and only did one military resell for this push.

I’m wondering how much you can really make from the food market. You probably earn $2 from each bushel as a demo reselling food, you need to resell 500m bushels to make 1b. The entire set sold roughly 800m bushels so 1 person reselling 500m bushels is kinda hard for me to grasp. Also, how much nett can 1b cash get you?

Then his 1 military resell. From EE records, he did this resell at the last day of the set. He’ll definitely get tons of cash on hand but my question is where does he spend it. At his land size, he’ll wipe out his private market and still have billions on hand. He’ll then have to rebuy the military at the same prize he sold them for roughly so that won’t increase his nett too much.

Also, checking from his country’s history, he did most of his teaching at 9-10k land. How much tpt is that? How does he make so much cash to make such a big jump with so little tpt? He also needs to buy bushels to resell with this tpt.

I just can’t seem to wrap my head around these questions. Could someone here please help me out? 😬

I do not understand too. I think it's either manipulations with bots or a slew of players. I often see various types of goods on the market, with low or high prices.
P. S.
It is easy to achieve high power if you create one or two more countries from different phones. Then buy food for $ 100 or medical technology for $ 999. There are many recipes.

Edited By: MILORD on Sep 16th 2020, 6:09:46
See Original Post
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Sep 15th 2020, 1:39:34

Bim-dom donus
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Sep 12th 2020, 10:23:29

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Sep 10th 2020, 15:31:58

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Sep 6th 2020, 12:39:36

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Sep 4th 2020, 4:05:51

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Sep 2nd 2020, 8:12:35

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Aug 31st 2020, 1:26:53

Funny topic name. The Russians have a saying about the girl Tomaru, who is never around the guy when he has a good erection. And as soon as the erection ends, Tomara is always there.
P.S. Murphy's Law ... When I create farms - food prices go down, I build factories - there is no demand for troops in the market. To win and take its rightful place, you need a little luck, flair and you need to take risks.

Edited By: MILORD on Aug 31st 2020, 4:36:19
See Original Post
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Aug 29th 2020, 7:21:17

it's time to raise your level to group "A")) Lol
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Aug 28th 2020, 14:33:39

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Aug 24th 2020, 16:17:03

[quote poster=Tmac; [/quote]
the translator fails ... I am writing via phone Thank you for the information.
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Aug 24th 2020, 15:55:50

It is not always possible to strike back with "ss" or "ps" ... Yes, and development can be long-term, when the real profit will be after a while, and early, like the indie communist.
A communist in the first phase of development, can make a seizure and answer him with the same coin, it is sometimes impossible. Therefore, the formula 1 cc ps = 1 cc ps, I think is not correct.
The answer must always be tough. Even when several countries attack me, I leave no one unanswered. And I always start with those who can get into the top 10.

Edited By: MILORD on Aug 24th 2020, 16:12:13
See Original Post
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Aug 22nd 2020, 15:40:01

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
If you were 23, youd be the youngest earther I know by quite a margin. Hahaha. Happy birthday man! Hope it's a good one!

I know I think two other russian players on here. Not as many here as Mars for sure. You're from Sterlitamak? I work with a girl from Aktobe in the Ukraine and I think she's mentioned it. What are you doing so far north?

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
If you were 23, youd be the youngest earther I know by quite a margin. Hahaha. Happy birthday man! Hope it's a good one!

I know I think two other russian players on here. Not as many here as Mars for sure. You're from Sterlitamak? I work with a girl from Aktobe in the Ukraine and I think she's mentioned it. What are you doing so far north?

I am more than 23 years old. August 23rd birthday. I write through translator. He sometimes distorts the translation.
in the north, I work in the construction of oil and gas fields.

Edited By: MILORD on Aug 22nd 2020, 15:45:55
See Original Post
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Aug 22nd 2020, 15:34:06

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
I'm from 08/02/1976 :-)

Golden time is 76 years in the USSR. We remember Brezhnev Andropov Chernenko Gorbachev Yeltsin and Putin. At school we were trained for a nuclear war, how to escape in a bomb shelter, etc., then perestroika began.
born in the USSR