
Locutus Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 19:28:19

Man 2 sets in a row that SoF had to call in their lapdogs at LaF to help them defeat a legit fighting MD.

You start to wonder about SoF, can they never win a battle clean? Or keep a war 1 on 1?

Locutus Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 19:25:41

We will accept FA from LaF as compensation!

Locutus Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 19:23:03

Not a tag jumper, so i guess this is welcome to the fight :P

Locutus Game profile


Feb 26th 2013, 21:50:30

I agree Murf. I'd totally smack the other alliance with a few allies regardless tho :P

Locutus Game profile


Feb 26th 2013, 18:50:44

God knows we can outnet a lot of alliances, and we totally would do it in a 1vs1 style. Without any outside FA, totally.

I remember the last time I was in MD and we were netting. Was in a friendly competition with SoFs Aponic, I like him :) He finished rank 1. I finished rank 2. I did not get any FA, he said he got some in the end to squeeze out the win.

That was fine, cos SoF were good friends anyway. And aponic was great, good guy.

Some of the SoF people I see posting currently, well they do not seem like great people. Maybe it's time for a chillpill for some of you.

P.S. Personally in war I do not believe in 1vs1. If I was president this reset and SoF fs'ed us. I would have called in every single alliance I could. Much like SoF called in LaF last set, I would have totally made the same call if I was SoF.

1vs1 are the gayest thing in an alliance server ever :P

Locutus Game profile


Feb 15th 2013, 21:08:10


Locutus Game profile


Feb 13th 2013, 23:36:47

Originally posted by Helmet:
Originally posted by Loc:
You still in active leadership in SoF? Just wondering with the whole warring MD thing SoF has going on :P

I'm taking a break this set. Btw: MD started it. :)

I have no idea who started it. All I am saying it shouldn't be so. Never been in a MD that was on the opposite side of SoF. When Md was brought into EE the first alliance we looked at was SoF, and it was because of SoF we put trust in LaF (whom I personally do not have any issue with :)).

But yeah in my mind SoF is a core ally of MD. So the enemy thing right now is weird :P

Locutus Game profile


Feb 9th 2013, 21:23:35

mmm, used my account for the wiki site i think above :P

Locutus Game profile


Jan 9th 2013, 23:37:04

tl;dr to all of the above. So the below has no on topic relevance, but this topic has MD in the title so :P

Anyway when I left MD was best buds with SoF and LaF and SoL was the enemy. Like it should be :P Now SoF and MD are at war. I cannot recall MD and SoF ever having fought as true enemies before, but then again I do have fluff memory :P

BTW hanlong being a cheat was a huge let down! I liked him...

Locutus Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 18:15:30

Owh well, now LaF is in trouble.

Locutus Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 13:58:54

Well being able to access something and having permission to do so are two different things. So they might be able to do it, simply because the data is on a hard drive on one of their servers, but it does not mean they are accessing it. If so that would be a breach of confidentially in itself :P

Basically like North Korea and Iran, LaF needs to allow observers into their site in order to inspect it for any hints towards more fluff in the area of cheating. Well it would help LaF imo.

Locutus Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 13:56:28

You do have to wonder about Hanlong tho, knowing he got the information he did in an illegitimate way and still being so propaganda heavy. He must have felt untouchable.

Locutus Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 13:51:58

Does that mean you are offering full admin access to your site SG? That would be needed to at least verify logs and such, and see any suspicious behavior.

Locutus Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 13:41:48

Very likely dibs...

Locutus Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 12:42:34

I thought you to be paranoid Arsenal. How wrong I was. Your spidey sense was working fine =P

Locutus Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 12:41:19

Elitez went through various incarnations in their time, but sky infidelz sounds post big 6...

Locutus Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 12:37:08

Originally posted by pele:
Big 6 was fun, even though i was on the receiving end.

It was funny to organize and execute, but the fall out was severe for most involved alliances. There was a lot of botting that happened the next round :P

Ah the good times of dying to hunderds of bots! =P

Locutus Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 10:33:56


Locutus Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 10:10:34

A lot of innocent players suffered already. Just removing the dude as Don does not seem like a good enough response.

Locutus Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 9:31:57

Last time an alliance defeated multiple alliances by means of cheating we banded together and made a stand against it. Elitez never recovered from that one.

Now not sure LaF deserves the same fate, but goddamn talk about massive cheating. And to just remove him as Don does not seem enough.

Locutus Game profile


Apr 16th 2012, 19:31:28

*farts out a bonus*

Locutus Game profile


Apr 14th 2012, 18:26:26


It is super effective.

And Detmer:

Edited By: Locutus on Apr 14th 2012, 18:31:05. Reason: lame link is lame
See Original Post

Locutus Game profile


Apr 12th 2012, 20:27:00

Hanlong, throwing my name up for grabs! Implying that country is run by me?! The nerve.

And MMRs? Weird concept.

Locutus Game profile


Mar 23rd 2012, 19:01:43

MD wins!

Locutus Game profile


Mar 21st 2012, 21:13:48

No one likes LCN, they blow up jets.

Locutus Game profile


Mar 20th 2012, 22:52:50

It seems like a valid war tactic of LaF to adapt to changed game rules. I do not think MD thinks negatively of their chosen war tactic of farming MD.

As a result MD started to put their own countries in DR to protect against it and allow for some growth, and thus also adapting to the new situation.

And as long as MD did not ask for a cease fire, then whats the problem? Seems to me like MD actively chose to pursue warfare while being in the situation they were in.

Locutus Game profile


Mar 8th 2012, 10:00:35

Exactly, we have LaF right where we want them.

Locutus Game profile


Mar 7th 2012, 20:40:36

Lies, filthy lies. Do not believe mapleson and his 'propaganda'.

The god honest truth is that a lot of MD members have dyscalculia ( Which helps explain both accidentally hitting our own countries and why the hits are failures.

Instead of accusing us, help rid the world of dyscalculia and it's horrid effects on this game by writing to your local congressman. Then the government will be forced to finally take affirmative action against dyscalculia.

Locutus Game profile


Mar 3rd 2012, 21:07:58

Add the frakkin bots. This game needs em to survive. It is the only way to get more players.

NPC are the only way.

Locutus Game profile


Mar 1st 2012, 12:50:11

Locutus Game profile


Mar 1st 2012, 11:25:02

Time to revive ENN

Locutus Game profile


Mar 1st 2012, 10:15:00

Who fooled RD?

From: Mr.Silver
To: Locutus
Subject: hey :)
Date: Mar 1st, 09:09
Message Body:
Hey there :)

hope all's well..

Just wanted to let you know about what's going on in RD. We got things turned around quite a bit and are now on our way to becoming a place where we are starting to have enough of a core group that we're welcoming back old colors that just want to play for a reset or 2 every now and then as they have breaks from thier alliances.

I just wanted to let you know this incase Mr.Flesh has any desire to play a reset every now and then ;)

The group aren't playing more than one, so it's basically whenever Locutus wants to take a reset break from playing a country and Flesh feels like poking his head around.

Let me know if ever you're interested and we'll set you up :)
take care :)

Somehow Silver thinks I used to be in RD (trust me I have a personal grudge against RD and wouldn't even pact you guys when i was in MD when we returned so :P). Also I dislike former Ix people, which seem to gather a lot in RD. :P I have never been RD, and never will be =P Buttuh either silver is senile, or someone impersonated me :P So which is it, and if it's the latter then who? :P

*hires the scooby doo gang*

Edited By: qzjul on Mar 2nd 2012, 18:42:22
See Original Post

Locutus Game profile


Mar 1st 2012, 7:48:38

Locutus Game profile


Feb 29th 2012, 21:44:33

Well All I know is that I did a lot of spy ops on allies of countries I was considering to grab. Maybe I happened to wanna grab your def ally. God knows I did see the fact that spy ops were stored in your country as well until later :P

Who knows, without more info I have no clue what I was thinking then heh, maybe I did consider retalling you. =)

Locutus Game profile


Feb 29th 2012, 17:08:54

The box was set in my options so it auto uploads everytime. It does state so when you do the spy op, but i didnt pay attention to that. And even disabling the option to auto upload spy ops doesn't seem to work, it kept doing it. I had to edit the API key in my boxcar profile to avoid it from happening :P

Joining up for the war is Hanlongs fault, he started talking to me and got me involved and shortly after I tagged up when LaF did the FS. So another thing to blame on hanlong. Are we keeping a list somewhere?

As for farming me by MDers, i dunno why they didn't. It was obvious I didnt retal anyone (except 1 SoL guy, cos well why not), so it was fairly save to grab me.

Paranoia i guess =) Owh and LaF was effing fast, we had some fun ingame msgs exchanged :P

Locutus Game profile


Feb 29th 2012, 16:40:58

Kalick : sorry to ruin your moment of wittiness :P

trumper: Seems to me like I am the only one who should be ready to lie in the bed I made :P I was the one being an untagged douchebag ;). At best you can say MD made a bad call accepting me back in, but that could be said regardless if i ran this untagged country or not =P

Mr iris: Again the something out of nothing comment I made reflected the fact this was 'revealed' with much 'spectacle', I did not so much refer to my grabbing spree. Just that it's a bit silly to reveal a semi public 'secret' like it's a big deal. If someone had asked me (after I tagged up and specifying the correct country name (Like Sov misspelled it when he asked me earlier) then I would have just said, yup that was me (or not replied to the message, who knows, who cares) :P

As for being well respected and what not. This is a game, i am not actively playing it (as in running an alliance or trying to play a good country), so how people view it is less relevant.

It does however make for some fun controversy and spy hunting and stuff, which I do enjoy. Hence my posting here, it's all in good fun.

Besides, it's not like I hacked some email or anything, pfffft. heh

Edited By: Locutus on Feb 29th 2012, 16:43:00
See Original Post

Locutus Game profile


Feb 29th 2012, 16:04:17

Better be pie that is not over date, or else I am so grabbing you next set. I already have a fool proof country name to avoid detection so be warned :P

Locutus Game profile


Feb 29th 2012, 16:03:13

Next reset I am so naming my country 'Definately NOT Locutus' just to avoid this sort of stuff :P It's a fool proof plan.

Locutus Game profile


Feb 29th 2012, 16:02:03

Hey Zip, it sounds like a good argument to me! haha, but no like i said I was just troll grabbing (this must catch on ffs) and was just having fun.

Once Iscode messaged me ingame, I pointed out why I grabbed em (weak defenses, not cos of dislike or anything) and how to fix the holes. Cos well, why not :)

Owh and hi Trife :)

Locutus Game profile


Feb 29th 2012, 15:46:48

Who said anything about the alliances that were grabbed having to be tolerant? I did not preach tolerance for my actions in my post you quoted =P They could have killed me all they wanted =P I did not dictate any type of response from any alliance towards my country, nor qualify any response as right or wrong. Every day i logged in and was alive, I was surprised and thought, well this can't last much longer :P

If I lead an alliance and a country would do it to my alliance, I would just kill the country. Simple as that. What else do you think I would do lol... It is an alliance game after all :P Any alliance not doing so, well that is their choice. SoF were the first to be smart and start a killrun on me, which caused me to stop hitting em, good for SoF. This is the alliance server after all, so it's kinda obvious that as an untagged you are likely to face the wrath of an organized group of players if you annoy them enough =P

As for Imagnum trying to kill me, good for them to try. though I had already promised to back off earlier, so it was a waste of their alliance resources in my view. But it's their choice. And hitting me after I tagged up MD, well I can not dictate what kind of pacts they have with other alliances :P

And I only played for MD in the reunion reset, so by default I did not write any message =P

As for mr Iris, I can understand people do not like to be grabbed. buttuh once I tagged up MD it was kinda obvious I was not hiding the country identity anymore, so to make a big reveal that it was me... Well that is just silly and making something out of nothing =P

Ah well, at least I know that next time I play a serious country, I'll be suicided upon, just like old times! Weeeeeee :D

Locutus Game profile


Feb 28th 2012, 22:53:33


Locutus Game profile


Feb 28th 2012, 22:21:04

I don't see why you guys care so much about it being me who played it. Come on, don't take it so seriously.

I did 1 grab a day on a wide variety of alliances. All within game rules. But I guess yeah, that's the end of the world nowadays =P

And as for Imagnum, I halted attacks on them when they requested it and gave em pointers on how to avoid future hits of such a nature by plugging their obvious defensive holes.

I have no dislike for Imagnum, never was around for any of the wars between Md and Imagnum I dont think :)

Locutus Game profile


Feb 28th 2012, 22:12:34

And you should. I mistakenly kept on uploading spy ops to their site cos my API key was listed in my boxcar profile. Lol how people not put 1 and 1 together is beyond me. I think Flamey did, he must have seen the uploaded spy ops on Omega boxcar (if he had access there anyway). Cos he is the only one that pegged me beforehand :P

Locutus Game profile


Feb 28th 2012, 22:07:02

lol, this is making something out of nuttin, but ok...

I have been found out! If only I had the smarts not to update my country to my boxcar profile. *shakes fist in the air*

Some facts for the trolls:
- I coin the phrase 'troll grabbing'
- I hold no official position in MD
- No one in MD knew it was me playing that country. I was not even in MD (was a guest on their site)
- I did not plan to play for MD this reset or any of the following ones
- You can blame hanlong for getting me interested in things again. (Let's blame hanlong for everything btw, it feels like the right thing to do)
- I didn't target any specific alliance.
- It was just for funsies :) No hard feelings from me anyway, if people wanna hold it against me then ah well, your problem.
- I did 1 grab per alliance per day. OMG it's like illegal gameplay to target countries with no defense :P

Hey in the end I helped create a lot of land :P Doesn't that count for anything? :P

It must be slow season for this to be news :D

Locutus Game profile


Feb 27th 2012, 22:19:24

A mystery to all.

Locutus Game profile


Feb 27th 2012, 13:27:37

So is your presidents title 'Kermit; and the Foreign Affairs title 'Ms piggy'? Cos that'd be funny =P