
Locutus Game profile


Mar 1st 2012, 10:15:00

Who fooled RD?

From: Mr.Silver
To: Locutus
Subject: hey :)
Date: Mar 1st, 09:09
Message Body:
Hey there :)

hope all's well..

Just wanted to let you know about what's going on in RD. We got things turned around quite a bit and are now on our way to becoming a place where we are starting to have enough of a core group that we're welcoming back old colors that just want to play for a reset or 2 every now and then as they have breaks from thier alliances.

I just wanted to let you know this incase Mr.Flesh has any desire to play a reset every now and then ;)

The group aren't playing more than one, so it's basically whenever Locutus wants to take a reset break from playing a country and Flesh feels like poking his head around.

Let me know if ever you're interested and we'll set you up :)
take care :)

Somehow Silver thinks I used to be in RD (trust me I have a personal grudge against RD and wouldn't even pact you guys when i was in MD when we returned so :P). Also I dislike former Ix people, which seem to gather a lot in RD. :P I have never been RD, and never will be =P Buttuh either silver is senile, or someone impersonated me :P So which is it, and if it's the latter then who? :P

*hires the scooby doo gang*

Edited By: qzjul on Mar 2nd 2012, 18:42:22
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