
Jiman Game profile


Apr 23rd 2012, 2:40:03

Originally posted by hanlong:
i trusted you guys 2 resets ago by pacting you, remember now that went Jiman?

Uh, that doesnt make sense.

Jiman Game profile


Apr 23rd 2012, 2:39:21

Originally posted by hanlong:
well, SOL is 64 and FDPed to MD/Evo and I believe uNAPped to LCN, so the next biggest they can war is Rival at 29.

we have a 41% member size advantage on SOL, while SOL has a 200%+ on the only other available targets.

if SOL was actually netgaining with all monarchies and massing missiles, i apologize :P

Sorry! But I offered Rival a unap, and we had no plans to hit them or any netter.

HEY RIVAL! Did you really think we were going to hit you? Even after I offered you guys a unap?

Is this becauase I didnt get back to you on the grab pact? SOrry but I was playing d3 beta this weekend :O

Jiman Game profile


Apr 23rd 2012, 2:37:47

1) An even war, and not with Laf. A war with purpose. I told you this. I told everyone this.
2) Please post the qoute that the pact is voided. I remember saying that it could be voided. :O So you guys decided to void it then i see.
3) Hee, So SOL can not war anyone? So you are saying SOL can not exist? You pacted everyone every set, so that means SOL has no choice but to do what Laf says?
O ya, I offered every one of your allies a unap, as well as you. So thats BS.

HEY EVERYONE! This server is not allowed to have any war alliances! If you need to defend yourselves! Watch out! You cant!

No SOL wasnt going to FS Sof. I can post the convo's to prove it if need be.

Hey Hanlong, your paranoia is showing.

O And did I mention we wanted to give laf a unap this set if they felt our current pact wasnt enough, but I was told it was! Therefor, not voided.

HAhaha man, Hanlong you really change my opinion of laf. I hope your happy. YOur lack of trust will be your undoing.

Jiman Game profile


Apr 22nd 2012, 23:37:42

*puts Boltar in a box*

Jiman Game profile


Apr 22nd 2012, 23:17:29


Jiman Game profile


Apr 22nd 2012, 23:01:45

Can i take Pictures?

Jiman Game profile


Apr 22nd 2012, 22:38:19

Originally posted by Helmet:
*hands dagga a Kleenex*

*eats Kleenex*

Jiman Game profile


Apr 22nd 2012, 22:29:22

Originally posted by Pain:
im going to wait to hear both sides of this story before i start trolling this time. :(

There isnt a story. Its laf making up a reason to FS us. Literally.

Jiman Game profile


Apr 22nd 2012, 22:28:27

OOO gawd, alliances talking to one another! So horrible!

Its like that doesnt happen every where in existence.

O wait!

You can only talk to another alliance with Lafs permission!

Jiman Game profile


Apr 22nd 2012, 22:25:29

I wanted babies too :(

Jiman Game profile


Apr 22nd 2012, 22:20:13

Originally posted by dagga:
Jiman, seriously, your first mistake was having a neutral view. :) Don't waste your breath.

Gotta start some where, id rather my views be based on what I experience. I cant look at everyones prospective and ignore my own.

Jiman Game profile


Apr 22nd 2012, 22:19:33

Ive been a SOL FA for the last few sets :O

Jiman Game profile


Apr 22nd 2012, 22:16:36

O, and lastly. The reason I offered you guys a unap was because I knew you would be so paranoid. I even said that lack of trust without a fail safe was an issue.

I guess you guys think you can war and net in the same set every set. Muahahaha

I guess now we have to show what makes the difference between a netting alliance and a warring alliance

Jiman Game profile


Apr 22nd 2012, 22:11:58


Jiman Game profile


Apr 22nd 2012, 22:09:12

Hey laf, make your war declare so I can tell you that.

1) We were saving turns but didnt plan to FS anyone. Ya, we actually expected you to overract. O, dont believe me? Maybe if i send you ever log I had in the last month and anyone elses then maybe you would. Too bad you are paranoid. :O

2) We offered almost every netter a unap, even you. So... why are you doing this?

3) Guess we know who the bully is now, right?

Yay, thanks Laf for forcing me to change my opinion about you guys. I had a very nutural opinion about laf... until right now.

Congrats on proving... uh, nothing...


Jiman Game profile


Apr 22nd 2012, 20:31:56

Can you have my babies?

Thank you in advance,


Jiman Game profile


Apr 22nd 2012, 5:20:05

Originally posted by de1i:
Confirmed, LaF has no reason to care that their biggest ally eliminated an alliance that could of been a problem later on in the reset should the Evo/SOL/MD conflict escalate. They also would not ask other alliances to bury the hatchet w/ SoF for this exact same reason either.



Jiman Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 3:15:34

I thought the war was because PDM is a bunch of commies or something.

Jiman Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 1:07:26

Why did PDM FS defuse your missiles last set?

Jiman Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 0:18:49

Originally posted by Ivan:

oh noes sof blind sided a netgainging alliance over policies, im sure sol has never done that one before

*waits to be flammed*

*lights Ivan on fire*

*runs away*

Jiman Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 0:08:02

*pulls a bunny out of his hat*

Now for my next trick, no one will say SOF is destroying the server for blind siding a netting alliance because they are friends with Laf!

That title has to be reserved for SOL, right.... right...

*waits to be flammed*

*feeds trolls*

Edited By: Jiman on Apr 21st 2012, 0:10:35
See Original Post

Jiman Game profile


Apr 20th 2012, 5:35:09

Originally posted by swampy:
We like playing with food before they die.

Jiman Game profile


Apr 20th 2012, 5:27:27

*feeds troll*

Jiman Game profile


Apr 20th 2012, 3:59:21

Jiman Game profile


Apr 20th 2012, 3:42:06

Originally posted by Azz Kikr:
Originally posted by Jiman:
There are two prospectives

no shades of grey in between these prospective

there are flaws with these two prospectives.

as long as there are two prosespectives

As with both of these prospectives

Netting fits on prosective

and war fits on prosective

comes from the prospective


(end rant)

Lol My bad.

Jiman Game profile


Apr 20th 2012, 3:18:40


Jiman Game profile


Apr 20th 2012, 2:04:49

I dont see it at a sense of entitlement, just simply of how the game is. Players in alliances will always take the chance of hitting the off and on suicider, and that is the risk they take when they hit multiple tags. I dont feel badly for the Soler who gets hit suicided on (well not completely) because that is the risk then toke.

I will also not feel bad for those who do suicide on SOL, because they will end up dead.

Hey, go ahead and fight back, thats your right. Doesnt mean it will change the outcome of your country. What could of changed it was contacting me, but you would rather waste peoples time by suiciding then contacting an FA.


What ever floats your boat I guess.

Jiman Game profile


Apr 19th 2012, 23:19:42

In responce to three grabs? Ya... no.

You decided to talk to MD and RD, but decide not to contact me about the grabs? What a shame.

Edited By: Jiman on Apr 19th 2012, 23:30:16
See Original Post

Jiman Game profile


Apr 19th 2012, 7:37:15

Originally posted by anoniem:
----------------------- Original Message -----------------------
Alright. I have already been approached with a similar message from your head of war. But I want you to know that DC has no intention of sitting by and letting people farm us to death. When we get hit by countries that are too strong for us to retaliate against, we will do the next best thing and get our land back from weaker countries (preferably in the same clan). I realize this is not a generally accepted way of dealing with things but we feel that their is no other valid way to handle it without getting ground into dust.


----------------------- Original Message -----------------------
Ok good, let's make this quick then :P

Recently (I assumed) you have noticed the news between DC and EVO. Although it's our guy (#274) who started it, you should have approached us first about the matter so we can sort something out rather than firing back at us in a greater scale. Granted it's your first set in alliance server, I'm giving you this as a notice that EVO don't accept your member's hits as valid retals. We shall be retalling all the hits using the standard retal policy in this server.

If you have other issues/concerns let me know .

----------------------- Original Message -----------------------
Ya I guess I am. For now anyways

----------------------- Original Message -----------------------
I'm lenshark, one of EVO's FA

Are you the main contact for DC ?

It was hard to make a post on this thread because I didnt know whether alliance to alliance interaction occurred or not before the kill runs.

If no communication occured, I would sided with DC in terms that communication should of occurred first before action was taken.

The fact that communication did occur, and with the responce given by DCs FA's, its more understandable reaction.

Where does the line draw between forcing people to leave the game and just trying to play it? Didn't Evo have a right to defend there values when challange? Isnt that the whole concept of this game? Did I miss something?

Edited By: Jiman on Apr 19th 2012, 7:39:35
See Original Post

Jiman Game profile


Apr 19th 2012, 5:48:30

Yes Locket, yes it did.

Jiman Game profile


Apr 19th 2012, 4:40:40

Contact a mod if you have an issue. Maybe you just have bad members who like lying to you. Either way, I doubt your alliances future is very bright if your tag continues on this path. As I said, I have no pity for your alliance.


You mean three countries are purple.

Jiman Game profile


Apr 19th 2012, 4:34:03

This survery is flawed, and our petty attempts to blame one another for the games failure is also flawed.

There are two prospectives when addressing the actions that alliances take on one another and how it affects the game and its player base. That isnt to say of course there is no shades of grey in between these prospective, but both views must be considered when determinning what really matters to the survival of the game and its future.

1) This is a community first then a game second.
"We must consider how our actions will affect other players within the game. Simply acting without thinking how it affects others will further destroy the community and drive players away."

2) This is a game first and a community second.
"I have the right to defend myself the way I choose too. I have no wish to drive players away, but I will not hesitate to take action if I believe I have the right too."

Quickly looking over this, we can see that there are flaws with these two prospectives. First, as players our main focus and concern should not have to be on the wellfare of the game and its future, that responsibility is on the admins and devs shoulders of the game. It isnt wrong for the player base to care for the games future, but it shouldn't be a number one priority. Our piriouty should be to have fun, and really who is having fun right now? In the end, the people who control the game will decide whether the game will live or die.

Secondly, it doesnt matter what we think or do, the game is self destructive as long as there are two prosespectives on how to play this game. Netting and war. Netters hate warring, and when there was a large population a lot of netters didnt have to fear warring one another. With warriors, well, without the possibility of peace every alliance would simply fight each other all the dam time, basicly creating a game with no politics.
Without the possibility of warring with netters those, all you guys would be doing is playing with a calculator.

Back to my original point, right now as you can see there is no balance to the game WITHOUT the players themselves, this is the major flaw to the game. The game has no control on what will occur in the game. It is its inherent behavior is to destroy itself. It doesn't matter what we try or try not to do. A large population can create the re-balance needed, but the dependency will always be there.

To further make my point in terms of why this survey is flawed, this game has "TWO" gaming behaviors. Either War or Netting. As with both of these prospectives, there are shades of grey of what alliances wish to do.

Netting fits on prosective (1) the best and war fits on prosective (2) the best. Right now the game is very heavy on netters vs war alliances. More so, the survey itself comes from the prospective of (1) already, further flawing the survey from being unbiased.

(end rant)

Jiman Game profile


Apr 18th 2012, 23:27:51

no pity.

Jiman Game profile


Apr 17th 2012, 21:15:33

It may not be positive towards peoples play styles.

Jiman Game profile


Apr 17th 2012, 18:57:06

What alliances do in the game should not matter. At all, as long as those alliances dont purposefully grief other alliances for the heck of it.

SO yar I agree with Trifey.

Jiman Game profile


Apr 16th 2012, 4:58:37

Yes, because pacting someone then breaking it is honorable :P (insert sarcasm)

Jiman Game profile


Apr 16th 2012, 4:55:56

The game was much more fun when there was a lot more players playing.

Good old days.

Jiman Game profile


Apr 16th 2012, 3:59:26

Drow, do you have any idea what is happening in N.Korea? Do you have any idea that N.Korea would rather launch a rocket then accept food aid (when they desperately need it)?

Do you know that N.KOrea has done multiple nuke tests underground in the past, and they are technically still at war with S.Korea?

YOu should really think about your comments first thoroughly before you post them.

I dont see the US attempting to bully N.Korea, I just see the US attempting to calm volitile situations before they occur.

This isnt just the US reacting to what is occuring in N.Korea by the way.

Jiman Game profile


Apr 16th 2012, 3:54:26

Jax45, you Should take what people say on AT with a grain of salt and try not to react to stuff very easily. Otherwise people will troll you just to get you to react, which will end up making you look dumb.

Jiman Game profile


Apr 14th 2012, 6:28:41

Dont. Stop. Thinking about tomorrow.
Dont, Stop... something something.

Jiman Game profile


Apr 14th 2012, 6:27:05

This looks fun :O

Jiman Game profile


Apr 14th 2012, 6:23:09

*eats popcorn*

Jiman Game profile


Apr 14th 2012, 6:20:26

Happy Birthday Helmet :-)

Jiman Game profile


Apr 14th 2012, 6:20:04


Jiman Game profile


Apr 12th 2012, 17:42:34

The game has flaws and this is one of them. It can be pretty self destructive to its own growth, whether you like it or not.

You can either ignore this fact or play the game anyway you like.

Jiman Game profile


Apr 11th 2012, 7:09:41

Ya! It isnt like there are multiple countries who feel the same way or anything! Its all the US...


Jiman Game profile


Apr 10th 2012, 23:28:34
