
Drunken Dibs


Jul 17th 2013, 21:50:02

is this where y'all will be discussing The Rolling Stone and it's controversial cover?
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Drunken Dibs


Jul 17th 2013, 17:30:46

probably. i dunno. might just be par for the course in the 25 mile circle that i live in.
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Drunken Dibs


Jul 17th 2013, 17:10:36

interesting. there's a Wikipedia page for "Shooting of Trayvon Martin", but there isn't one for Autumn Pasquale. wonder why that is. maybe child protection laws?
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Drunken Dibs


Jul 17th 2013, 16:04:28

after reviewing this thread, i see that i missed the obvious. don't call and ask a woman for her advice when crazy crackas are following you.
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Drunken Dibs


Jul 17th 2013, 14:04:40

no wonder i think that taxes are extortion to pay for organized crime.
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Drunken Dibs


Jul 17th 2013, 8:43:06

do they give free meals to their employees? Dominos gave me 1/2 a pizza whenever i worked an 8 hour shift. meh. that was Texas. housing costs were 1/2 of what they are here.
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Drunken Dibs


Jul 17th 2013, 7:42:05

Originally posted by Boltar:
Originally posted by Patience:
^ What he said. Personally I think there were multiple instigation points, all courtesy of Zimmerman:

1. Following a pedestrian in your car
2. Rolling up the window and refusing to answer when said pedestrian confronts you about why you're following him
3. Leaving the vehicle, after the police tell you REPEATEDLY not to leave the vehicle
4. Having a gun in your hand when you leave the vehicle

since when does instigating give someone the right to attack someone?

might be a Canadian thing. if they don't walk around quietly like all the other sheep, then it might be a wolf, and they're allowed to beat up wolves. though, you'd think wolves would be a lot quieter than sheep when they're stalking them.
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Drunken Dibs


Jul 16th 2013, 19:46:28

Patience if you really feel that we should give up our guns, just petition the Canadian government to invade the US. then y'all will be able to create a new constitution for US and everybody will live happily ever after.
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Drunken Dibs


Jul 16th 2013, 18:50:19

think the reason for using violence in self-defense is when they actually start swinging at you, or give reasonable demonstration of intent to. I'm not allowed to beat people up simply because they're yelling at me.
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Drunken Dibs


Jul 16th 2013, 18:43:05

Yuengling Light Lager intrigues me. for some reason i don't guzzle it like i do everything else, and i can't figure out why.
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Drunken Dibs


Jul 16th 2013, 17:04:02

Originally posted by Atryn:
Originally posted by ColoOutlaw:
Also atryn, I like the passion in your post. You care so much about this that you actually got on the internet and cursed at some random guy that wasn't even talking to you all because you whiffed a slight possibility I might disagree with you. You still don't even know what my stance is since all I was really saying was that showing no remorse doesn't mean something fishy is going on. Can I ask you this though?? What about this particular situation has your emotions running with fire?? I mean innocent people die all the time and justice isn't always served, but if you got mad at random people every time, I would think you are one angry dude or dudette. Was it really just because you randomly heard about this particular case on the media??

See, you replied in 4s that time.

I'm not mad, colorful language doesn't always imply anger.

And no, I've been staunchly opposed to Hold Your Ground laws and the mentality behind them for years. This case is just one example of how someone carrying a gun feels empowered to do stupid fluff and someone ends up dead who shouldn't have.

check the FBI's crime stats. plenty more examples to look at.
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Drunken Dibs


Jul 16th 2013, 16:50:42

maybe he's getting fat because he's holding his remorse in. what kinda time schedule are his displays of emotions on? plus, he could just be to busy defending himself against a bunch of yahoos that he just doesn't have time for emotions. do soldiers show remorse? and please keep y'all's riots off of my lawn if you want to continue to enjoy them. I'd probably get confused and think it was a turkey shoot, and my only regret would be that some of the turkeys got away.
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Drunken Dibs


Jul 16th 2013, 12:51:21

special interest groups trying to convince the majority of people who don't give a damn about race into thinking they should.
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Drunken Dibs


Jul 16th 2013, 9:29:42

they are not a race. we are simply de-evolving back to being single celled organisms.

oh, i blame it on the socialists and division of labor.

Edited By: Drunken Dibs on Jul 16th 2013, 9:32:50
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Drunken Dibs


Jul 15th 2013, 19:47:05

Originally posted by Patience:
Dibs... FFS... not everything is about YOU. I was referring to this guy (which, to most normal people, would probably explain my posting right after HIM, and not mentioning YOU at all - yeesh):

Originally posted by Crop Duster:
Never bring your fist to a gun fight.Martin got exactly what he deserved.

that tiny little thing? not sure that even qualifies as a troll. maybe a brain-fart, or a gigiddy-whack-spurt? probably time for me to read Harry Potter again.
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Drunken Dibs


Jul 15th 2013, 18:57:45

Originally posted by Patience:
Please do not feed the troll.

Help Me! I'm being stalked by a forum moderator! Somebody Dial 911!

well, somebody pretend to dial 911, she's not close enough to physically harm me yet.
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Drunken Dibs


Jul 15th 2013, 16:15:47

Originally posted by Atryn:
Originally posted by Drunken Dibs:
i wouldn't approach anybody following me unless i was forced to. actually I've driven out of my way a couple times simply because i thought somebody might be following me.

Martin was on foot and couldn't just drive away. He was being followed down the street by a big guy in a car. The equivalent of "driving out of his way" in that situation is to get away from the street and cut across yards.

no, turn around and walk back they way you came. stay in public view and call the police if the car makes a U-turn.
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Drunken Dibs


Jul 15th 2013, 16:08:15

Originally posted by Patience:
The kid approached Zimmerman's car. Zimmerman, rather than simply clarify the whole situation, rolled up the windows. While not an outright aggressive move, it sure as hell didn't help - and had I been that kid, it would have put me on edge too. This guy has been following me, and when I attempt to find out why, he rolls up his windows and talks into his cell phone. He was WRONG and he needs to pay some kind of price for his actions. He is not blameless, and he should not get away scot-free with what is, arguably, murder. That death did not need to happen. Zimmerman had at least two opportunities to avoid it... the first by minding his own business and not following a 17-year-old boy around like some kind of stalker, and the second by simply saying 'Hey, I'm with neighborhood watch and I didn't recognize you, so I just wanted to introduce myself' when Trayvon first approached the car.

he didn't have to approach the car at all. he had a cellphone and could've called the cops. i wouldn't approach anybody following me unless i was forced to. actually I've driven out of my way a couple times simply because i thought somebody might be following me.

that might be the problem right there. black people don't trust the police, so black people won't call the police and end up getting shot by the police during any event that involves the police.

Edited By: Drunken Dibs on Jul 15th 2013, 16:12:47
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Drunken Dibs


Jul 15th 2013, 15:33:32

Originally posted by TheORKINMan:
He was of mostly white mixed race. Hispanic/Latino is not a race.

Source: I'm half Hispanic.

no. you are 100% Hispanic because it's not a race and doesn't have a consistent set of genes that can identify you as being part Hispanic.
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Drunken Dibs


Jul 15th 2013, 14:44:20

Originally posted by Boltar:
Originally posted by Syko_Killa:
Originally posted by Heston:
No justice, no peace?

\me puts on tin foil hat and braces for the race riots.

Cant blame it all on the white ppl, Zimmerman is part latino!

thats what i love about this.. they choose to pick out the part of him that is white. i guess if he would have stabbed the kid to death instead of shot him. they would have said the stereotypical latin side killed him

maybe if he would've been wearing his white hoodie instead of his black hoodie, the entire situation could've been avoided entirely. does he look too suspicious with a black hoodie? looks like a pure innocent bass turd with the white hoodie on.
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Drunken Dibs


Jul 15th 2013, 14:01:08

Originally posted by TheORKINMan:
Ocean-: Martin approached Zimmerman while he was in his car stalking him. Zimmerman's response by his own account was to roll up the window. Mr Bigshot self appointed neighborhood watch that wasn't even endorsed by the HOA might have said something then instead of continuing his fluff behavior.

pfft. why didn't he just tell his parents that he was being stalked? they could've gotten a restraining order issued to prevent it.
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Drunken Dibs


Jul 15th 2013, 13:46:20

Originally posted by BigRick:






God Bless You. oh, hmm, that might not have been a sneeze.
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Drunken Dibs


Jul 15th 2013, 13:36:34

Originally posted by ericownsyou5:
lmao how is fluff not turned into fluff? rofl

previously mentioned Nordic conspiracy to reestablish slavery so they can put on their Viking helms and start pillaging again.
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Drunken Dibs


Jul 15th 2013, 13:16:32

what reason did he state? near as i can figure 1/3rd of the community is black, so i don't understand how that alone can cause suspicion. if he didn't do anything suspicious, then what did he do that would make him the perfect victim of a hate crime?
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Drunken Dibs


Jul 15th 2013, 13:10:59

lol. you don't even want to know how many people violate my civil rights simply because i ride a unicycle down the street then. they sit their gawking, hooting and hollaring, letting their kids follow me around asking stupid questions...
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Drunken Dibs


Jul 15th 2013, 12:37:57

Originally posted by TheORKINMan:
Martin was guilty of being black in GZ's neighborhood.

looks like 33% of that city is guilty of being black. why didn't he kill all of them? did he run out of bullets or something? suppose i should go lookup what race Martin's fiance was. guessing that no black people live in that gated community, or it wouldn't be suspicious to see one walking around in there.

Edited By: Drunken Dibs on Jul 15th 2013, 12:42:36
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Drunken Dibs


Jul 15th 2013, 11:47:24

Originally posted by Crowgora:
Don't you think a head being slammed into concrete would offer more wounds than what zimmerman had, and isn't it suspicious that he never went to the hospital? There is no evidence he had a broken nose either, he just told his physician that. But, the kid had every right to be agressive in that situation. I would be concerned if i am being followed around at night by a random stranger.

dunno. do know that i did fall off my unicycle once, banged my head on the pavement, saw stars, and might've lost consciousness. i got up, walked home and saw a tiny bump and small cut on my head when i checked the mirror. no medical personnel were involved. kinda wonder if i actually did break my skull during that fall. suppose i should leave a note for the coroner to check it out.
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Drunken Dibs


Jul 15th 2013, 11:28:44

i don't get this: Zimmerman gets called a liar because he makes contradictory statements. people assume that he's lying without providing any evidence that actually proves that he is lying. so, the Bible makes contradictory statements, but roughly 3 billion people don't automatically assume that God is a liar. and if God exists, then it's not actually possible for justice not to be served. unless of course, he's a liar.
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Drunken Dibs


Jul 15th 2013, 10:43:42

yes. it was waste of time and tax payers money because a bunch of internet idiots signed a petition. wonder if that town even has enough housing for 2m idiots to live there.
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Drunken Dibs


Jul 15th 2013, 9:52:24

Originally posted by Crowgora:
Out of curiosity, since i see lots of people thinking zimmerman did the right it ok for an average joe to play sheriff? Also, where is the evidence that supports his self defense claim? There is zero evidence to support either claim of who attacked who first. The trial was a no go from the start based on reasonable doubt, but, he should not have started stalking a kid that he felt was up to no good. Zimmerman does have a history of violence, like assaulting a cop at the age of 20 or so, but thats not entirely my point. He had no reason to actually leave his car, and he actually said in a recent interview that he wouldn't change a single thing about that night. So personally, I am at a loss for why he has no remorse.

have you ever heard the phrase "Citizens Arrest"? not that I'm really paying attention to this event, but it sounded like he saw a stranger in the neighborhood that he was supposedly watching to prevent criminals from committing crimes there. he has no remorse because it hasn't been proven that his decisions and actions during the event weren't justified.
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Drunken Dibs


Jul 15th 2013, 9:01:39

well, that might give other people incentive to visit a hospital. but i really don't want to spend my last moments on earth with a bunch of clowns jumping up and down on my chest. give me a cigar and some booze if you think i might be dying.
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Drunken Dibs


Jul 15th 2013, 8:29:32

Originally posted by TheORKINMan:
I see a couple of myths from Zimmerman defenders repeated all over the place.

1.) Zimmerman did not have "every right" to follow Martin because he followed him across private property.

2.) Zimmerman clearly lied about the extent of the fight. His injuries were pathetically minor. There's zero chance repeated concrete strikes would cause only a 2 cm and 0.5 cm cut. There was also no DNA on the concrete at all. Moreover there's no chance Martin landed over a dozen bare-knuckle blows as there would be more damage to his knuckles and Zimmerman's head.

3.) A medical doctor never diagnosed Zimmerman with a broken nose. He declined to go to the hospital that night and when he saw his physician he simply told them he had a broken nose. When that doctor gave him a referral to a specialist he declined.

healthcare is expensive. why go to a doctor if it'll heal by itself? I'm afraid to walk because i think the doctors will start charging simply because they looked at me.

oh, and put Martin on trial. he wasn't an adult and his parents are accountable and responsible for his actions.

Edited By: Drunken Dibs on Jul 15th 2013, 8:38:30
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Drunken Dibs


Jul 14th 2013, 23:18:19

do you have sex with everybody that asks, or are you a discriminating sexist? was always about race period.
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Drunken Dibs


Jul 14th 2013, 21:10:06

blame it on the white people. it's obviously a Nordic conspiracy to bring slavery back into existence so they can put on their Viking helms and start pillaging again.
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Drunken Dibs


Jul 14th 2013, 19:41:09

Yuengling Light Lager. though i can't ride 1.3 miles on the unicycle while carrying a 12 pack yet.
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Drunken Dibs


Jul 14th 2013, 15:50:27

Originally posted by bstrong86:
i suppose you should let someone beat you to death before fighting back then, lemme know how that works out for you.

that would be the Christian thing to do. personally, I'd rather beat them to death since it would allow me to get rid of the stress of having to deal with them to begin with.

there have been recent changes to gun laws in Florida. i don't remember the scope of them though. not sure that people need a carry permit there, and there's the "Stand Your Ground" law?
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Drunken Dibs


Jul 14th 2013, 12:50:39

i don't see any being reported. so there aren't any or the liberal media is conspiring to cover them up. i didn't see any when i went grocery shopping this morning.
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Drunken Dibs


Jul 14th 2013, 8:39:28

looks like the police were correct for not arresting him in the first place and the internet idiots who signed the petition should pay all the legal expenses related to the trial. though i doubt that it's a jury of your peers if it's composed of 100% women. is he going through some kinda sex change operation, or is he just a fluff?

Edited By: Drunken Dibs on Jul 14th 2013, 8:45:47
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Drunken Dibs


Jul 13th 2013, 20:21:30

why are you wishing runs on the md prez?
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Drunken Dibs


Jul 12th 2013, 16:13:53

weird. i thought that writers were paid royalties. they don't get a percentage of the sale?
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Drunken Dibs


Jul 12th 2013, 10:24:44

Originally posted by SunfireZero:
You guys are idiots. Laugh at another guy leaving your already dying game. Soon, you will have nobody but yourselves to laugh at.

i don't actually have a problem with laughing at myself. just realized that i have an aversion to putting my solar powered radio in the sunlight because I'm worried about it getting damaged from sunlight exposure.
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Drunken Dibs


Jul 12th 2013, 8:27:01

ban organized sports and organized religion. meh. doesn't matter. it's not like I'll be wandering around in either of those crowds.
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Drunken Dibs


Jul 12th 2013, 8:21:51

Originally posted by Xinhuan:
Originally posted by Drunken Dibs:
i'm having problems enjoying playing anything. can't seem to stay interested. guess i'm getting senile. or just plain depressed.

Steam Summer Sale. Go Now!

lol. I'm still trying to figure out how to download the 2 free games that xbox gave me. well, suppose I'm trying to figure out if i actually want them first. then I'll have to run home to mommy and borrow some bandwidth.
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Drunken Dibs


Jul 12th 2013, 8:12:28

they want you to fail the course so they can be justified in calling you an idiot. then you have to pay them again to teach you the same exact thing that they failed to teach you the first time.
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Drunken Dibs


Jul 11th 2013, 20:14:22

i'm having problems enjoying playing anything. can't seem to stay interested. guess i'm getting senile. or just plain depressed.
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