
Drunken Dibs


Jul 15th 2013, 16:08:15

Originally posted by Patience:
The kid approached Zimmerman's car. Zimmerman, rather than simply clarify the whole situation, rolled up the windows. While not an outright aggressive move, it sure as hell didn't help - and had I been that kid, it would have put me on edge too. This guy has been following me, and when I attempt to find out why, he rolls up his windows and talks into his cell phone. He was WRONG and he needs to pay some kind of price for his actions. He is not blameless, and he should not get away scot-free with what is, arguably, murder. That death did not need to happen. Zimmerman had at least two opportunities to avoid it... the first by minding his own business and not following a 17-year-old boy around like some kind of stalker, and the second by simply saying 'Hey, I'm with neighborhood watch and I didn't recognize you, so I just wanted to introduce myself' when Trayvon first approached the car.

he didn't have to approach the car at all. he had a cellphone and could've called the cops. i wouldn't approach anybody following me unless i was forced to. actually I've driven out of my way a couple times simply because i thought somebody might be following me.

Edited By: Drunken Dibs on Jul 15th 2013, 16:12:47
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