
BlackHole Game profile


Feb 13th 2023, 19:05:17

Tertius - I disagree with you.

What Coalie did is far worse than what I did by running afoul the interference rules.

You're 1. Not calling Superfly out for calling me a cheater.

and 2. Undermining the actions that Coalie took.

He did not tell me who he was. He said he had played with Mercs before on other servers. I did not realize he was an active member of Darkness/Mercs currently.

Also, I don't know Coom. I know ya'll keep saying that, but you need to understand that not everyone here is privvy to the 20 year history. And its frankly ridiculous to think we could be. His usage of the Coom name should in no way have been something that I would have realistically been expected to know that it was Coalie.

The fact that you condone 'espionage' as you put it, is your own problem, not mine. And it's not one that I'm going to apologize for calling people out over.

Again, read my countless examples from other GAMES and why that would be considered cheating in any other game. Further, notice that EE already has a game mechanic for espionage. It's literally called spying. So what was done circumvented the game mechanic that already exists.

I won't apologize for calling Coalie a cheater for that, as I think it's obvious what his intention was.

If he REALLY wanted me to know he was Coalie, I think he could have made that very very easy for me to know. By saying "hey man, just FYI, I'm Coalie".

There is a reason he didn't do that. Why do you think that is Tertius?

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 13th 2023, 18:45:52

@Everyone - I think having two threads is confusing. I wanted to make sure alliance knew of this information, as some of the events carry over here. But, I think it's probably less beneficial to have two open threads on the same topic now.

I'm going to stop responding here and hope anyone who wants to continue will move over to the team thread.

Cathakins, in particular, I hope you look over there. Please see my last reply to SFBob, as I think it is pertinent to what you just said and kind of addresses the same points.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 13th 2023, 18:44:11

Respectfully, Superfly, I don't think what we did was cheating. I think we crossed boundaries that we did not know existed. We both, repeatedly, asked for clarification on those boundaries so that we did not cross them. And we were met with resistance (ha!).

It's like a dog testing the invisible fence. He's trying to figure out where the boundary is. Just cause he got zapped a few times doesn't mean he's an asshole cheater. It means he's learning the boundaries. It'd be nice if someone could just show him the boundaries though, in clear/concise language.

FWIW - I believe I have a good understanding of those boundaries now.

Also - another server - but #51 and #18 should be getting deleted on primary. They just did exactly what I did to you on express, Superfly. I've reported them, still awaiting a result. I'm extremely curious to see if the rules are enforced consistently.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 13th 2023, 18:41:21

Originally posted by sfbob:
So black hole as you keep professing yourself to be some sort of master manipulator, playing us all like puppets with your magnificent forum posts by your own logic that's cheating too because it happened 'outside of the game'. You come on here and talk all this crap about what you are going to do, destroy darkness, force all netting teams to never be able to net again etc and then you expect people to go easy on you and be nice to you because you're new?
It's not going to happen and - newsflash - a lot of players here just aren't nice people.
If you want people to be nice to you then I suggest you start over and come back with a different attitude and stop trying to wind people up with your forum posts and in game actions then maybe you'll get a different response.

Sfbob - do you think it's possible that there is more than one party to blame here?

I'll readily admit that I am bombastic and definitely came on these forums to stir the pot. To be fair, I did it because I thought it would be enjoyable to all.

I gave Darkness a reason to war. I gave the outsiders a reason to care. I gave new players a reason to stick around the game. I created a situation that was interesting, or so I thought.

That was my true intention. Along the way, things went awry, obviously.

We can go through example by example, but that might take all night. In the end, I'll happily take the blame for some of it. I'm fine with admitting my mistakes, I'm not perfect.

But while we are at it, don't you think others should admit to their wrong doings? Superfly likes to throw around the word cheater toward me a lot, which I take issue with. I've never knowingly cheated. I've unknowingly run afoul of the rules a few times. I've griped about it, sought clarification, failed to get clarification, and griped some more.

I think not knowing where the gray ends and doesn't end is very different then purposefully lying to an entire group of people, concealing an identity, going as far as to use an alternative discord name to keep your secret, and then likely giving away information to the enemy (I have no direct proof of this, but it's the only conclusion I can come to).

Don't you think that is also wrong? Why do you want to hold my feet to the fire, but no one elses?

I'm here, admitting to my mistakes. Hell, Gerdler and I had a good fluffing screaming match at each other a few nights ago about the whole netting issue. It got pretty heated. Props to the dude for putting up with me. You know how it ended?

I conceded the argument. I'll provide the chat logs if you don't believe me. Or you can ask him.

So I'll happily get on here and agree that it's probably not the coolest thing to do to hit netters. I do have some opinions about how the meta of the game is in a state such that a particular style of play is even possible, but that's not really important. That meta exists and it's the state of the game currently, so I need to exist within that state.

I'll also admit that some of my rhetoric on the boards has probably crossed a line or two in terms of how personal and heated it got. Definitely one of my flaws, a bit too much passion. Gotta reign it in sometimes.

Now that I've done that, who else wants to step up and admit to their wrong doings?

SFBob - Is there more you'd like me to take blame for? Or does that cover it for you?

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 13th 2023, 10:43:08

Coalie - You claim you were on our side, and everything you did was on the up and up. No foul play. All you did was hide your identity, for some unknown reason.

If that's the case then why are these the only three attacks you engaged in the entire set?

2023-01-28 15:06:19 GS 1969 CoomMobile (#47) RESIST Taker (#9) Freedom 1434C 618 F
2023-01-28 15:06:17 GS 1969 CoomMobile (#47) RESIST Taker (#9) Freedom 1462C 618 F
2023-01-28 15:06:06 GS 1969 CoomMobile (#47) RESIST Taker (#9) Freedom DH

That's it. In a war that saw us kill 8 or 9 people, and carried out thousands of attacks, you only made three attacks. And it wasn't even against Darkness.

If you were really playing WITH US, and not engaging in the cheating we all know you were, then you would have actually played with us. You would have participated in the war.

Otherwise, you weren't really playing with us, were you? You were simply in our discord, trying to act like you were with us, while you sabotaged our team, gave players bad advice, and fed information back to Darkness leadership.

The facts are damning, Coalie.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 13th 2023, 10:22:30

Super - you know the worst thing about you? You're a dishonest interlocutor.

Cuda — 02/11/2023 8:44 PM
I know you agree with me on this.
I get why they enforced the rule against me, like they have against you.
But it's a bad rule.
SuperGuy — 02/11/2023 8:44 PM
I have been deleted more times than you
Look at my profile
Cuda — 02/11/2023 8:44 PM
Oh I know. I'm not surprised I was deleted.
I'm just saying that they aren't understanding the rule.
SuperGuy — 02/11/2023 8:45 PM
Tons of purples in express for hitting people already at war

Cuda — 02/11/2023 8:45 PM
What's the difference then, cause I'm an idiot apparently
SuperGuy — 02/11/2023 8:46 PM
Primary everyone does 1 LG
2 LGs considered interference
Cuda — 02/11/2023 8:46 PM
So if I had hit you 1 time with a LG in express it wasn't interference?
SuperGuy — 02/11/2023 8:46 PM
Go read the threads
They have it all there
I already proposed all of your scenarios
Your boy Gerdler shut it down

You keep calling me a cheater, muddying the waters between what I did to get myself deleted and what Coalie did here. So let's address that head on.

I did what you've admitted to doing more times than me. You've admitted you've been deleted more times than me. You've admitted that you VERY RECENTLY had the same exact concerns and questions that I had.

You also know, because you were present for this conversation, that I've pleaded with the mods multiple times to get a thorough explanation of what exactly the rule is, so that I don't run afoul of it again.

You also know that the mods, publicly, have not given an extremely clear definition of what is considered interfering with a war and what is not.

SuperGuy — 02/11/2023 8:56 PM
Exactly I was gonna put to the test
And what did Gerdler say?
Cuda — 02/11/2023 8:56 PM
Well he said something like 'oh so you're gonna test the limits of the game
SuperGuy — 02/11/2023 8:56 PM
He will keep it in mind to delete me lol

You said you were going to put it to the test. Exactly what I got deleted for, because you also wanted to know the limits of the rule, and were the boundaries were.

All of this is irrelevant to the conversation at hand, except that it goes to prove that you are being dishonest in these conversations, and nothing that you say should be considered.

We are having a discussion about Coalie and Darkness cheating. As a way of defending them, you are calling me a cheater, when we both know, as is evident by our conversation history, that we both agree that what I did was not necessarily cheating, and you've accidentally run afoul of the rules even more than I have.

You're purposely being misleading to try to win the argument and claim that Coalie and Darkness weren't actually cheating, by making it seem like I'm a worse cheater, which you know isn't even true.

That's pretty low.

You want to argue with me, do it honestly. Take cues from Derrick. He at least has the history argument to fall back on to justify this cheating. You're just being straight up dishonest, and I'll continue to tear you apart for it as long as you continue to do it.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 13th 2023, 10:05:20

Derrick - SFBob -

I know ya'll would try to claim it's part of the game. I was told not to bring this to the forums for that very reason.

Just because others have done it before doesn't make it not cheating at a very basic level.

I'm glad we can all agree on what's happened, I thought that was going to be the hard part. Getting Coalie to admit to what he did. Since he's admitted it, I only need to show why it is cheating now. So let me try again.

We are playing a game. Games have rules. Chess, Hide N' Seek, Football, Connect 4, Trivia Games at the bar. They all have rules.

And you play within the confines of those rules. You play with the mechanics of the game, the way they were built.

Pick any game you want. And let's lay out this exact same scenario.

If we were playing a game of risk. And teams developed in the game. And the players split into two sides, you might have people making arguments for why you should join one side or the other, you might have people switching sides within the game. That's all fine. You might have people backstab others. That's fine.

What you wouldn't have is someone creating a fake phone #, pretending to be someone he's not, and then using the information he gained that way to his advantage.

Pick another game. You're playing basketball. You don't have one person assuming a fake identity, joining the coaching staff of another team, and then using that info to benefit the first team.

Pick a third game. Let's say you're playing chess at a high level and preparing for your match in a championship. You wouldn't hide a video camera in the other teams facility and record them practicing their openings. That fluff would get you banned from the sport.

fluff, let's pick a fourth game from my example. You're playing trivia at a bar. And you decide to impersonate a bar employee to get access to the questions ahead of the game. Cheating.

Or maybe you are playing a virtual game of trivia. And you create a fake virtual profile, join an opposing team from all your friends, and then purposefully give fake answers and sway the team in the wrong direction. Also cheating.

It's PLAINLY OBVIOUS that this is cheating. Any reasonable person would see it as such.

Why are all these things considered cheating in all of these examples? Because it violates the spirit of the game. There is no part of this game that involves me running discord profiles past IT departments to check the veracity and history of said profile.

This 'it's espionage' is completely ridiculous. You want espionage? The mechanics for it exist right there in the game. There are 30 fluffing espionage acts you can take. Including LITERALLY spying.

Spying outside the game and circumventing the rules and mechanics of the game itself IS cheating. Ya'll may be able to sit here and tell me the history of the game, or why certain strategies work better than others. But this.... this isn't something you can lecture me on. This is basic common sense.

It IS cheating, plain and simple. Just because you all accept that you're going to cheat doesn't make it not cheating, it just makes the community toxic AF.

Beyond all that - EVEN IF you wanted to claim it wasn't cheating (which it is)....

Why in the world do you guys feel the need to pull this crap against an alliance of NEW PLAYERS. You knew from the get go you were going to win the war. We didn't even know HOW to war at the start. But you still thought this was necessary?

Ya'll lectured me up and down this board about making the game fun for others. I got lectured about not ABing people out of protection, as it makes the war a slog and it makes people not want to play. I've been lectured about not hitting netters, cause it'll just drive them out of the game. I've been lectured about not suiciding, cause it's just ruining the game for other people. And rightly so. All those points have validity to them, to an extent.

But you're going to claim that creating fake discord profiles, lying about your identity, misleading other players outside the game, all of this... That's not ruining the game for other people? You're going to try to sell me on THIS being ok, while all the previous things I mentioned, things that are literal mechanics of the game is not ok?

Derrick - You're going to have to do a whole hell of a lot more explaining if you expect me to buy that. Please square that circle for me, cause I can't see how there is any logical consistency to any of that.

Edited By: BlackHole on Feb 13th 2023, 10:07:51
See Original Post

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 13th 2023, 4:08:19

If you had nothing to hide. If you were completely being honest and upfront about everything. You had no ulterior motives. Why did you join with a discord profile that wasn't the one that identified who you were in game?

Why hide your identity?

The answer is because you had something to hide.

fluff bro. It's pretty obvious. No one is going to believe a thing you're saying right now when your actions show that you were acting untoward.

You cheated. You know it. I know it. We all know it.

It's a shame, we could have had so much fun with our wars. I was looking forward to getting my boys up to speed to give you all some real competition.

I never knew we were playing this type of game though. Next thing I know people are going to tell me that hacking others is part of the game. Or doxxing people IRL, which I've heard has happened before.

A bunch of fluffing degenerate cheaters this game has, apparently.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 13th 2023, 3:50:51

And I think it's fluffing fresh you're trying to call me a liar.


The only thing I'm guilty of is getting confused about who is trying to sway me to do what.

You fluffing created a fake discord profile to infiltrate our alliance. But I'm the liar?!?!?!?

How in the hell does that make any sense.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 13th 2023, 3:49:19

We gonna do this in two threads? That's fine.

Here's the logs from me and Gerd, where i thought he was trying to manipulate me into hitting Tmac. You'll notice he never actually asks me too. I misinterpreted it cause I thought he was manipulative initially, which is what you told me, Coalie.

Cuda — 02/03/2023 9:52 PM
They actually brought me onto their team a few weeks ago to teach me. But then kicked me after a day cause I was talking fluff to Darkness in team on the forums.
So that made me mad, cause i'm a cool guy and was gonna be loyal to them on 1A
Gerdler — 02/03/2023 9:54 PM
there are ways
Im just saying that hitting omega and not hitting evo is like giving the win to evo and tmac lol
he doesnt have defense either
you really cant play with defense when netting to be fair. because if you do it means you have too much NW to hit a bot
once you got 300k+ acres and decent tech and like 15m jets you are past the humanitarians range of most bots usually. the difference this round is everyone including laf especially is at war so no one is hitting the bots and theyve grown to epic proportions
Cuda — 02/03/2023 10:01 PM
Ahh, I see what you're saying.
I'm not sure who I'm going to hit next, if anyone. I just wanted some more land too. I only had 11k land but like 28mil nw. I needed more land

Now that that's settled, you gonna take responsibility for your cheating? Or do you expect us all to just gloss over that? Trying to shift the conversation to whether or not Gerdler wanted me to hit someone. Like that's even at all relevant.


That's the problem here.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 13th 2023, 3:46:45

Love discord - found the logs. Check the date, you'll see it's prior to the conversations you've screenshotted. All you've proved is that I did a fluffty fluffing job of interpreting what Gerdler was saying to me, likely influenced by the fact that everyone told me not to trust Gerdler and that he was manipulative.

You know who told me that a lot? Coalie. And I believed him. Cause he was a vet in our alliance helping us out, allegedly, all set. I had no idea it was him, being a cheater, and trying to mislead me.

Cuda — 02/03/2023 9:52 PM
They actually brought me onto their team a few weeks ago to teach me. But then kicked me after a day cause I was talking fluff to Darkness in team on the forums.
So that made me mad, cause i'm a cool guy and was gonna be loyal to them on 1A
Gerdler — 02/03/2023 9:54 PM
there are ways
Im just saying that hitting omega and not hitting evo is like giving the win to evo and tmac lol
he doesnt have defense either
you really cant play with defense when netting to be fair. because if you do it means you have too much NW to hit a bot
once you got 300k+ acres and decent tech and like 15m jets you are past the humanitarians range of most bots usually. the difference this round is everyone including laf especially is at war so no one is hitting the bots and theyve grown to epic proportions
Cuda — 02/03/2023 10:01 PM
Ahh, I see what you're saying.
I'm not sure who I'm going to hit next, if anyone. I just wanted some more land too. I only had 11k land but like 28mil nw. I needed more land

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 13th 2023, 3:43:49

I'm glad the truth is coming out. And I'll happily address that.

1. Everyone was claiming I was a puppet. Everyone told me Gerdler was manipulative, as you can see I referenced in my messages. It's possible that I was misinterpreting what Gerdler said to me, and thought he was trying to talk me into hitting Tmac.

I think in reality what happened was that I misinterpreted his telling me about Tmac breaking the NW record, and explaining why it was going to happen, as him trying to coax me into 'doing him a favor' without him actually asking me.

In hindsight, my interpretation of those conversations was probably incorrect.

I don't recall him ever explicitly asking me to attack Tmac.

But you know what, now i'm curious. And if he did, I'm going to post those logs. I have nothing to hide. This isn't about me or my wrong doing.

If you're trying to 'gotcha' me by saying someone else also tried to do what you guys did... fluffing have fun with that. Maybe Gerdler is just as manipulative as you guys.

But you know what. None of that excuses the fake discord profiles. The cheating.

Ya'll want to focus on if Gerdler wanted someone to hit Tmac. Who gives a crap about that. That's not relevant at all. What's relevant is how much ya'll are cheaters and hypocrites.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 13th 2023, 3:38:55

Originally posted by SuperFly:
You said you wanted to war in allaince. I suggested PDM as they have a few countries and I know for a fact that they ain’t a big war power house so you had a chance for a decent fight

Yes I said omega would rage quit and not retal cuz they aren’t a war team.

I told you not to hit Evo but you listened to Gerdler.


you didn’t listen to me you you went with what Gerdler told you to do cuz you ARE GERDLERS PUPPET. And you died

Gerdler actually never asked me to hit Evo or Tmac. Not once.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 13th 2023, 3:38:27

Originally posted by Suicidal:
If he had told you to jump off a bridge, would you have done it?

You a Darkness/Mercs guy? If so, this response makes perfect sense.

Ignore the blatant cheating and focus on the fact that I was swayed by people giving me potentially bad advice, on occasion.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 13th 2023, 3:33:08

Your story isn't even consistent here. You are tripping over your own lies.

You DID goad me into hitting Tmac. You knew I was friends with gerd, and by your own admission, you said that if you were friends with Gerd that you would hit Tmac. Ipsofacto, telling me that since I am friends with Gerd, I should hit Tmac.

Tmac - you're lucky I'm a man of my word.

As for the laughing and thinking it's hilarious... Go talk to the leaders of PDM. Go ask him if I'm the asshole you're making me out to be.

Doug, Leto, either of you want to chime in? Someone making some land grabs doesn't make them a bad person, and I'm sick of you trying to make it seem like I'm a bad person because I did some land grabs.

You know what makes you a bad person? Cheating. Creating fake discords. Misleading new players and giving them bad advice. Attempting to sabotage the game for other players.

I didn't do any of that. You did.

The only thing I'm guilty of is attempting to learn the mechanics of land grabs against larger countries, UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF A MERCS MEMBER.

For me, it was useful to see how much land/money I gained from land grabs against bigger countries. I'm not going to apologize for that. That's how you learn the game.

You know what happened when I did it though? Some people came and talked to me like adults. Others didn't. Why do you think I kept hitting Swamp Guardian and Evo, but didn't hit PDM anymore? Cause PDM treated me like a person, asked why I did it, and we had a great conversation.

Mercs on the other hand, not only didn't talk to me. Superfly assured me I wasn't going to get hit by Mercs. I gave him my word I wouldn't hit anyone else there.

And then after I did that, Evo/Mercs killed me.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 13th 2023, 3:04:24

Think about what you're trying to get people to believe, Coalie.

You've admitted to a fake discord profile.

Admitted Darkness knew about it.

Admitted you didn't tell us who you were.

Admitted you trash talked us on the forums.

But somehow expect us to believe you were doing this all just to help us become better players.

Those actions don't add up to basic logical scrutiny.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 13th 2023, 3:02:49

This is an interesting defense you've chosen to attempt to weave.

So you're admitting that the whole of Darkness knew of your cheating. And no one said anything.

Someone who is playing out of the goodness of their hearts to help others, doesn't feel the need to hide their identity.

You're going to expect the community to believe this story, when you've just admitted to a degree of deception that I thought no one in this community would stoop to? You created a fake discord profile, Coalie. You only do that if you have nefarious motives.

And I can't believe you just admitted to goading me into hitting Tmac too. I'm really stunned that you're just confessing to all these things and saving me the work of having to prove them.

You've relayed that conversation accurately. You said you wouldn't hit him. But you knew I was friends with Gerdler. And you said if you were friends with Gerd, that you would hit him. You tried to lead me there, without a shadow of a doubt.

It's amazing to me you've admitted to these things.

Yet somehow I'm the bad guy for doing some land grabs on a few people, when we have rampant cheating, deception, and more going on behind the scenes. I'm a boy scout by comparison to you guys.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 13th 2023, 2:49:38

And now I can't help but wonder how many other teams you've cheated against. Is that why most of the other 'challengers' as you put it, aren't here anymore? Have you guys cheated and harassed your way to the top by stepping on the heads of every new player who wanted to play this game?

There is nothing wrong with winning a war. It's how you do it that is problematic.

I wanted ot respect Darkness. I wanted to build my team to be like yours. Successful, dedicated, warmongers.

Now I want us to be nothing like you. Ya'll make it seem like I'm the bad guy here. Straight up hypocrisy and gaslighting. And it's all been exposed. You can't even fluffing deny it.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 13th 2023, 2:47:49

Originally posted by Symbolic:
You never gave us a challenge, you died like the rest. Good night to the resistance.

You cheated. Against newbies.

You have no right to brag about anything here. If anything, you should be apologizing to the entire community for running new players out of the game BY CHEATING.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 13th 2023, 2:16:19

Just for the record, our team decided not to play the game anymore. Or at least until the cheating is dealt with. There is no point playing with cheaters.

If ya'll want to address the cheating, maybe I can convince a lot of them to come back. Or ya'll can just keep cheating your playerbase to death.

It's fluffing sad. We were hoping to give you guys a real challenge in the coming months with a team that was showing they were active, dedicated and interested in learning. But nope. Ya'll had to pull this crap and ruin the game for everyone.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 13th 2023, 2:14:35

Originally posted by Coalie:
Symba, u aren’t allowed to talk. I specifically told you if you kept killing these guys over and over again, they weren’t gonna come back. And you just kept crushing and crushing until some of new guys stopped making countries.

Then when you found out Gerd joined them, you became extra bloodthirsty.

All you needed to do was give these guys some room to breathe. But nah, symba gonna be a symba.

Coalie don't even start with this crap. We would have been happy to keep fighting if we weren't fighting cheaters. You KNOW this to be true.

We were counting down the # of members we had ready for next set, you were privvy to those conversations. I genuinely enjoyed the fight. I just don't enjoy playing against cheaters.

For all I know you're staging a fake fight with Symba here to act like you weren't all in cahoots in this cheating.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 13th 2023, 2:12:38

See this thread:

Why this is relevant. Darkness, Coalie, Dark Demon, Symba and Mercs (as they are the leaders) have cheated in the team server against The Resistance and a bunch of new players.

Further, Mercs members purposefully helped/coached me in hitting Omega and PDM. And further incited me to hit Monsters, Stones and many other alliances.

The ONLY reason I hit EVO in alliance last game was to be fair, spread my attacks around. I wanted to practice land grabs against countries much larger than mine, as I didn't know exactly how they worked. After I hit Omega and PDM, I thought it wasn't fair that I hit one alliance but let another alliance skirt free, which is why I hit Swamp Guardians.

Coalie also tried to convince me to hit Tmac. I'm not sure what his motive was there, other than to further disparage my name and reputation. I had given Tmac my word I wouldn't hit him though, and I held that word, even after Mercs kill run'd me and I had every reason to hit him.

Ya'll need to read the other thread. Coalie admitted to created a fake discord profile, joining our discord and alliance. He admitted that Symba and Dark Demon knew. Requiem admitted to me that Darkness leadership told him not to hit Coalie.

Is this how we want the game to be played? Are we ok with people creating fake discord profiles, giving new players bad advice, cheating to win a war against new players, and everything else that goes along with this?

If they did this to us in team, it's likely they have done this to other alliances here.

Further, I now question all the tools they set people up with. I do not know enough about the technology behind the tools, but if they were willing to create fake discord profiles, why wouldn't they be willing to create tools that holes in them that allow them to spy information they shouldn't be privvy to? Where is the line, and how do we know if they are crossing it or not?

Is this really what the community wants for this game?

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 13th 2023, 2:05:39


Wow. I thought you'd try to spin a web of lies.

Absolute fluffing fool. You should have denied it and tried to spin a web of lies.

If you had nothing to hide, you would have obviously told me who you were. IF you had nothing to hide and everything was on the up and up, you wouldn't have made a fake discord profile.

If you were really being benevolent, as you claim, you wouldn't have acted like you were trying to help in discord, while trashing me on the forums.

I didn't know I was inviting a snake into our alliance. I thought I was taking the help of a veteran player. It's nice that you think of yourself as a snake though, I'd have to say I agree.

And for the record, what I did in alliance was done under the supervision and tutelage of Superfly. One of your boys.

Here is Superfly telling me to hit PDM:

SuperGuy — 02/05/2023 9:10 AM
326 is too good to be doug but I’ll try for an op. If I fail it I am screwed cuz they will know I helped u lol

He also spied and gave me the reports to hit on.

SuperGuy — 02/05/2023 12:05 AM
Omega won’t hit u. They will rather delete as a rage quit lol
You should nail dough next lol

SuperGuy — 02/02/2023 10:06 PM
Omega pdm those guys are so weak they won’t fight back
Evo as I mentioned days ago is the mercs netting tag
so mercs will kill you
Cuda — 02/02/2023 10:06 PM
I assume if I hit them I'll get crushed? Yea
Dude... I got something weird going on in Alliance...
SuperGuy — 02/02/2023 10:06 PM
Evo is the only tag with protection
Laf will fight their own wars
Cuda — 02/02/2023 10:07 PM
I took the money you gave me, and started a reseller. But not by any of the strategies. We talked about it the other day... but I don't do it like that.
I'm literally stock marketing the game right now.
I buy fluff at 80-90 on public and sell it at 120-130. Every day. All day.
SuperGuy — 02/02/2023 10:07 PM
But pdm omega monsters they are a joke
Cuda — 02/02/2023 10:07 PM
I've gone from 2mil to 25mil NW with 1.5bil in cash.
SuperGuy — 02/02/2023 10:08 PM
Massive land and 0 defense and they couldn’t organize a kill run to save their mothers

SuperGuy — 02/02/2023 10:11 PM
But yea man if u wanna do a quick experiment get your 4 guys in alliance
Save turns tomorrow
Make sure that you alll have 120 turns each
And either do a kill run monsters
Or farm the piss out of them with your jets

SuperGuy — 02/02/2023 10:16 PM
Ill help u
Watch this
Actually don’t hit monsters
Just spied them. They will wreck u

SuperGuy — 02/02/2023 10:17 PM
Can u spy on omega
Cuda — 02/02/2023 10:18 PM
He only has 15mil in cash too

SuperGuy — 02/02/2023 10:19 PM
Spy on 353
If you have 4.9% warefare tech u can make that in 10-15 days
Send me his spy
I have no turns left

SuperGuy — 02/02/2023 10:33 PM
You are going to want to send a planned strike
Also before you do this I gotta give you a warning
Cuda — 02/02/2023 10:33 PM
SuperGuy — 02/02/2023 10:34 PM
Omega will try to retal so have turrets to defend

I could go on and on. The point is that I hit Omega, I was coached on hitting PDM, Monsters, Stones, and everyone else. That would have been completely fine. Superfly has the respect of the community. He plays with Darkness/Mercs a lot, and is one of your boys.

So all of this was fine. But if I do exactly what Superfly was coaching me to do to Evo, all of a sudden I'm a nasty suicider?

You're only saying that cause I hit one of your precious babies. If I had hit anyone else, none of would have said anything.

Ya'll are hypocrites, plain and simple.

The mistake I've made is ever listening or trusting anyone in this game. Between the misinformation, the cheating, the fake discords, the bad advice, and the hypocritical actions of all of you, there is no winning here.

Coalie, you really should have tried to just deny/lie your way out of this. Admitting it made my job a whole lot easier. Now I can't wait to see how Symba/DD try to spin this and act like what they did was alright. You just implicated them and they KNEW that you joined my team without telling me who you were. We have evidence they told their team not to hit you. Why would they do that if you were really with us? Really trying to help?

This is all so despicable.

And if ya'll want to talk about honor, and being a man of your word. Go talk to Doug. See if he thinks I'm not a man of my word. Hell, go talk to Tmac. I had EVERY reason in the world to suicide on Tmac and ruin his set. Every single one. Ya'll had already called me a suicider. Ya'll had already kill run'd me in response to a few land grabs. Tmacs biggest rival was helping me (although never did ask me to hit Tmac).

In fact, COALIE - you fluffing told me that you thought I should suicide on Tmac. You were goading me to do it, citing that if you were me you'd help out Gerdler.

But i didn't. Why didn't I do it? Because I gave my word to Tmac earlier in the game, long before everything went down, that I wouldn't attack Tmac.

I'm the ONLY person who is a man of his word here. The rest of you are liars and cheats.

I'd like to hear any of you try to explain away this.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 13th 2023, 1:08:09

Originally posted by Coalie:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
If any of the resistance guys want to stay and netgain you are welcome to join me in my tag as I am taking a break from darkness and pwning noobs.

Message me if you want to join Supers Angels.

We only have one rule. Do not hit anyone in a tag that has more than 2 countries. Untaggeds are fair game and they can be farmed and wrecked!

Let me know

Prepare to wall.

Coalie, you don't have a right to post anywhere, ever.

You're the biggest cheater this game has ever seen. What you did last set was despicable and detestable.

For anyone who is interested, Coalie created a fake discord profile. He joined our alliance under the pretense of being a veteran player that wants to help the newer players learn.

He then proceeded to feed Darkness and others information about our alliance, tip people off to attacks incoming, and worst of all, he gave new players misinformation and bad advice on how to play the game. Purposefully misled people to stunt their growth.

This is what you guys want for this community? People creating fake discords and sabotaging other teams?

This is cheating, plain and simple.

To draw an analogy, since it's Super Bowl Sunday.

This would be like if someone dressed up as a player from an opposing team, snuck into their team meetings, and listened in on their game plans. Yea, the team that let them in is kinda dumb for not catching them, but the NFL would still fine/suspend the fluff out of the cheating parties.

Dark Demon, the new mod here. Biggest hypocrite I've ever heard of. Symba, all that fluff you talked about beating us, you had to do it while cheating, against new players.

Coalie, you should be ashamed of what you did. You guys are plenty good enough to not pull that fluff.

And before anyone even tries to act like this isn't true. I have all the proof. If anyone doubts me, reach out to me on discord and I'll provide the proof. I have screenshots of his discord. You can look at the leaderboards and see that his profile was indeed in the resist tag (coom mobile country name). You can look at attack logs and see that Darkness didn't attack Coom Mobile until waaay later in the game, once it was obvious the outcome of the war.

Further, I have confirmation from Requiem that Darkness leadership specifically told him not to attack Coom Mobile, which shows that Darkness leadership was in on this cheating.

RyansWorld — Yesterday at 4:08 PM
the leaders said not to
but i was missiling him
look at my news
they got pissed at me lol

This proves that Darkness leaders knew what was occurring and were in on it.

Resistance players have decided we are not going to play a game where such blatant cheating is allowed. And where treatment of newer is aimed at sabotaging their growth.

Dark Demon had previously set us up with IRC tools and helped us get on GHQ websites. Others have reached out to try to over us advice, or help us in various ways.

It's clear that I cannot trust anyone or anything.

This act has made it impossible for The Resistance to recruit any current players of the game, ever. There is no way to know if who we recruit is someone with a fake discord playing under a fake name, but really playing for another team.

There is no way for me to know if the IRC tools I've been setup with can be used to spy on us.

There is no way to know if the website I'm on is safe.

I know some of ya'll will tell me it is. But how could I ever trust it now? Dark Demon, the supposedly nicest and most noble player in the game just condoned and likely participated in blatant cheating against new players.

The breach of trust that occurred here is tremendous. Darkness, enjoy playing your game with no war partners. We were excited for round 2. But this game is not fun if one side does not adhere to the rules of the game. Nobody wants to play a game against cheaters.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 11th 2023, 20:59:43

Originally posted by SuperFly:
You have been reported by me for attacking me while I am already at war with another of your friends/teammates/recruits whatever you want to call them.

Clear rule violation that has got me and you deleted in the past…….

Maybe the moderators just haven’t had time to see the report and investigate as it it a non paid volunteer position after all….

I said it on the discord, and I'll say it here.

Get off my nuts. Stop being so obsessed with me. This is just sad.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 11th 2023, 19:13:49

Superfly, I don't appear to be deleted. Are you on drugs or something?

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 11th 2023, 14:31:48

Edited By: BlackHole on Feb 11th 2023, 14:36:08

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 9th 2023, 20:26:29

This is so pathetically pathetic. The Resistance barely even plays on this server, and you've still got to spam the same message you did over on team. I wish I knew you IRL, Coalie. I'd help you make some friends. You need them.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 9th 2023, 20:25:03

Originally posted by Coalie:
Congrats to DD the head of the resistance crushing team!

“Let’s take the trash out” hoorah!

Rent free in your brain. A post about mods and you've gotta make it about me.

Congrats Coalie, you've proven my point. Like I said, revert to copy/pasting from Reddit. I think we all like you better that way.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 9th 2023, 15:09:22

Coalie, go back to pulling your garbage from reddit. It's more entertaining.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 9th 2023, 11:40:23

Superfly - you're inability to tell how many members we have will benefit us greatly next round. It perplexes me, but it brings me joy nonetheless.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 9th 2023, 3:06:26

Oh and Celphi, you're MORE than welcome to join The Resistance. I guarantee fun, or your money back.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 9th 2023, 3:05:56

Dec 3 - Jan 10 - 167 posts.
Nov 11 - Dec 3 - 18 posts
Oct 5th - Nov 19th - 34 posts

Since my arrival on the scene - Jan 10th - Feb 8th - 672 posts.

The game has 100 players left. The game is stale. The game has nothing new. Nothing to do except play farmville. Nothing to talk, as evident by Coalie's entire communication method of pulling posts off reddit and putting them here.

I bring the noise, I bring the funk, I bring the fun and the excitement.

I may be hated, but you'd hate if I was gone. I give Simba a reason to breathe. Without me he would just wallow in his sadness everyday.

Whoever this Zack guy is... I know he didn't bring what I bring. I am a once in a generation event happening here. And no amount of hate will deter the course we are all on now.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 9th 2023, 2:57:43

I don't know who Zack is. Why does everyone keep asking me that?!?

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 9th 2023, 2:52:41

Oh, Celphi. One other thing worth mentioning.

I'm the best thing that's happened to this game in a long time. No one will admit it out loud, but everyone knows it's true.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 9th 2023, 2:46:41

Originally posted by Celphi:
omg koh!

you saved me..

if thats his short version wtf is the long version?! actually., nvm.

My long versions are amazing. Absolutely fantastical.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 9th 2023, 2:45:28

Simba- I don't know if you've noticed, but I don't give a fluff what you say, what you want, or what you expect. I'm not here to dance for you, you're here to dance for me.

The norms you have, the expectations you hold... throw them all out the window. I'm not playing your game. I haven't from the start, and I never will.

You can hope for a good war. Well I hope for a fluff war. You you think got your team and I got mine... We will see if that's even accurate.

No more talk? Now I'm going to talk more, just to piss you off.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 9th 2023, 2:42:13

Ya know, KoHearts summation is also largely accurate, albeit lacking details.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 9th 2023, 2:39:24

God damnit, I did the best I could.

KoHearts - Im planning on posting a manifesto soon. Don't even bother clicking on the thread. It'll give you an aneurysm.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 9th 2023, 2:35:55

Celphi, I can fill you in. But simba, derrick, coalie and the rest of the crew probably will have a different version of events and a different story.

Long story short though.

Few new players are in the game (myself and ted included).

We use game mechanics available to us, and attack people. Apparently you aren't supposed to do that. And we get murdered by a lot of people.

Next round we decide to band together to fight our murders (Darkness) We had 4 people (which turned into 3 after thestupid quit), and we thought we were fighting 4 on 5. Turns out it was 4 (then 3) on 11. We get steamrolled.

I learn the new rules, there are no rules. So I start The Resistance. And I engage in a crap ton of propaganda. Why? Because Darkness is the baddest team around, and has been for a decade. Nobody knows me, so why would anybody join me?

I have two choices. Back down, or use every tool I have at my disposal to formulate a plan and execute it.

I chose the latter. I initially used my words and propaganda as my only tool. Tertius and others that are mostly unbiased will have grievances with my inconsistency in my messaging. But what they don't seem to get is all of the forum posts had one aim and one aim only. Create a name for myself, and drum up support.

Coalie, Derrick, the whole lot of them REALLY hated this. They dislike me, a lot. And they also think I've done an awful job.

But objectively, I haven't. I've done such a good job that I've actually lured multiple vets onto our team, as well as recruited a bunch of new players.

Our numbers have grown so much that Darkness is actively recruiting themselves, as they are nervous about our numbers next round.

This has all transpired in a short period of time. During this time myself and my team have learned a lot about the game mechanics, but still have a lot more to learn. We've enlisted the help of Gerdler and a few others. Darkness will claim that Gerdler is leading us now, despite him stating he isn't, myself stating he isn't, and there not actually being any evidence that he is. They will probably repeat it again in here though.

Oh I guess one other important thing. We did war this round. We got worked over initially. 11-0 on kills. We've fought back, but are at a huge disadvantage. Overall we've definitely lost, but I'd say we've got some momentum and have gained a lot of experience fighting wars, which will help us tremendously in teh future.

That's as good a summation as I can provide, hopefully it wasn't too long.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 8th 2023, 22:21:15

Derrick, you don't get to participate in the fun. If you want to play, you gotta make a country. Make sure you name it Derrick so I know who to blow up first though.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 8th 2023, 13:44:32

Goal posts it is!

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 8th 2023, 12:16:10

As the team server round comes to an end, I feel it's appropriate to reflect on what the expectations were, and what the end result was.

If you go back and read through previous threads, I believe by this point in time all of my teammates in The Resistance should have quit. We should probably have 1 or 2 people left. And we obviously didn't have any success. No kills, just constant death. Completely oblitereated to the point that Darkness didn't even care we existed anymore.

Now let's look at what really happened.

Prior to January 27th, Darkness had 11 kills on us, and we had 0. We didn't actually know HOW to kill someone prior to that date! Since then, Darkness has had about 15-16 kills. Meanwhile The Resistance has had about 10 kills (a little tough to tell cause some people were untagged in the fights initially).

Well done Darkness. Once your opponent full of mostly newbies learned how to kill someone, you beat them 15-10. After they were already at a huge disadvantage in the game due to being killed initially. You guys are SOOOOO AMAZING!!!! GOD LIKE! Hahahahahahahahhaaha

Some other interesting things to point out. Darkness felt the need to recruit more people as the round went on. Not sure why they would do that against a non-threat.

Darkness has also been begging other alliances to come help them next round against us. That's freaking hilarious. This big bad wolf needs to bring in more help.

In the meantime, The Resistance has grown. Just as I have foretold. They've grown in numbers. They've grown in skill. Vets are coming to join The Resistance now. The future is bright for The Resistance.

The best, absolutely most amazing outcome of all of this is the following.

The Resistance lives rent free in the minds of The Darkness. We have literally consumed them. They cannot even stand the sight of my name without going into a full rage. This post alone will spawn a multi page rebuttal of fools attempting to crawl over one another for a shot at insulting me. At the drop of a coin, I just pull on some strings, and I make these puppets dance.

You watch. Even with me calling it out specifically, they absolutely cannot resist. Coalie just learned how to use photoshop, so he's probably going to post another picture. I bet his mom hangs his pictures on the fridge now. Symba made an alternate account just to insult me twice. Sfbob is trying soooo very hard. We still don't know who he is though.

So many characters for me to control. So many caricatures of personalities we all get to laugh at. It's a treasure trove of entertainment.

Alright - Darkness. The balls in your court. Tell me why I suck today. Or maybe move some goalposts around. Or if you want you can beat your chests about how amazing you guys are... although I'd be careful with that with all the deaths you've all had lately. You might look stupid.

What's it gonna be? Insults, Goalposts, or Bragging?

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 8th 2023, 11:59:51

Originally posted by Josey Wales:
Let’s dance.

Who are you and why are you obsessed with me? Did you post from your alternate account or something, cause I've never heard of you and I've never spoken to you. But for some reason you thought I called you out, and you attacked me in game. Which is totally fine... but again... Who are you?

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 6th 2023, 23:50:33

Ya know, there is trash talking and fun, kinda like what Super did. And then there is just being a prick. Well done Coalie and Skol, you've both shown us what being a prick looks like.

You can think whatever you want about me, but I think any unbiased person would agree that I am A. Trying to bring some fun to the game. And B. Trying to improve the player base. I've literally been recrutiing people off reddit to come play. My team is responsible for probably bringing 10-15 new people to the game in the last month.

I have an active discord chat that includes one of the best players in the game in it. I have lots of very active players that are passionate about the game, and want to get other new players involved. Just last night we included two new players in an operation and kill on a darkness member in team server.

But sure, go ahead and be pricks about us trying to invite a new player to come play with us and have fun.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 6th 2023, 23:43:32

Coalie, no one was going to let you run a tag, so that wasn't going to happen.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 6th 2023, 2:52:49

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Your face is plain ole sad.

To be expected after seeing yours.....

Well played sir.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 6th 2023, 2:52:29

Coalie 1v1 next round. EZ Clap right? Let's do it homie.