
BlackHole Game profile


May 8th 2023, 16:49:57

Originally posted by GeneralCojones:
I rarely post or say anything, most of the time just read and laugh, you had your place in this game you declare your self as the antagonist, tried to pull strings here and there.

But honestly I feel you are just gaining time to built up and infiltrate alliance's so you can do another move of your's.

If not sorry to hear you are leaving, it's fun to have you around.

I promise you that's not the case. Part of this decision was based upon us having members leave our team too. Symba was right, people don't stick around when they lose over and over. Our core was down to 3 maybe 4 active players. And I don't have the personal time to continue to motivate individuals to come back, only to lose 3 days into a set.

BlackHole Game profile


May 7th 2023, 19:46:42

Before I start, I'll apologize for the long post. But this will be my last long thread.

I am ending The Resistance and I am leaving the game.

I know I know, ya'll probably don't care. That's cool. And I know I'm not special enough to be deserving of a post on these forums. My existence here was a small blip in the history of EE. I simply like closure, and this is that closure.

First I want to say congrats to Darkness/Mercs for defeating us. You guys have a strong team, dedicated and skilled, obviously. We never really stood a chance, although I am happy my team got to taste a small bit of victory in alliance last set. That set we had in team with Coalie under cover with us was quite fun. Even though we died a ton, we started to have success with legitimate kill runs, and that is when my understanding of the game really exploded I think. Coalie, thank you for that initial help and support. Likewise, Gerdler, you were fundamental in teaching me many things in this game. Thank you for allowing me to tag along in LaF and learn from all of you. You got a great crew of people that were a lot of fun to play alongside.

DD - Even though you did tell me to never talk to you again, I'm going to break that promise. You were a standup guy helping me initially get a warbot setup and teaching me how to use those GHQ websites. Thank you for taking the time to do that. Please know I did try to keep our personal feelings about each other separate than our political stances toward each other. Probably failed at that, but it wasn't my intention.

Second, I want to apologize for the rhetoric getting out of hand. Truth be told, that's part of the reason for me leaving. It's not fun. My initial intention was to be bombastic and create 'drama', but fake, drama that gives people something to do. I didn't mind being the villain. I knew my claims were ridiculous. That was the point. I think, to an extent, it was successful. Ya'll really hated me, at the end, I think truthfully. The part where I messed up is I let myself perceive comments toward me as something they maybe weren't intended to be. I don't know where the shift happened from trolling and fluff talking to we legitimately hate each other and want to ruin each others experience, but I regret my part I played in that. It isn't fun, and it ruined the enjoyment of the game for me, and I would imagine ruins it for others as well. So for that I apologize.

I could go through person by person and talk about each of you. What I did wrong in our conversations, how I wish I would have reacted differently. I could thank many of you for the friendships we've created. But if I did that, Requiem would quite literally murder me. I also run the risk of no one reading this (probably well past that point already, though). On the topic of long posts, I am sorry those were such a problem for many. I genuinely tried to bring high effort content that gave people something to talk about, something to engage with. Not sure how I missed the mark so bad on that content, but it was clear I wasn't bringing anything of value to the community with those posts.

Lastly I should thank The Resistance players. They really were a tough group of guys. Ted, Milk, President, Bobby, Not Today, Albans, Taco, Smokey. At our peak we probably had about 10 guys. I really appreciate you all throwing your countries at a lost cause over and over. And I appreciate you all helping me try to recruit on reddit and in real life. We definitely gave a good effort I think, but ultimately, I think Symba said it many months ago 'losing over and over gets old'. I guess our clan is following a predictable path of having a lot of energy, but ultimately just getting smashed and leaving. You all did say it would happen. I was hoping I could avoid it, but I wasn't a good enough leader.

Ultimately though, I just wanted to apologize as well as say thanks. It was fun for a period of time. But it's become not fun for me, and it's just a game. If something isn't fun, it seems silly to continue to play.

I wish you all the best of luck.

BlackHole Game profile


May 5th 2023, 21:19:07

What alliance do you want me to boot him from?

Do you see an alliance in team?

Do you see an alliance in alliance?

Please tell me how I can boot someone from an alliance that doesn't exist?

Also - You're the idiot that can't read. Look at the first post. It doesn't say someone else's name. It says my name. Ya'll want to keep throwing fluff against the wall. Keep harassing me. If you can't hit me in game, you post about me on the forums, even when I'm not engaging with you.

You are OBSESSED with me.

Ya'll are freaking psychopaths with how obsessed you are with me. Ya'll have been obsessed with me since December. I'm not even a very good player, and you guys are sooooooooo concerned with my every move. You've made me into the public persona I am, simply due to your obsessions.

I'm a guy whose barely done anything of value in these games. I've run an alliance of like 7 members max. Road the coattails of another alliance in a victory against you, and suicided a bunch of you in various servers after being attacked.

Yet you give me as much, if not more, attention than people like Gerdler. People who have played this game for 20 years. Who have claims as one of the best players ever. Who have run giant alliances, and have massive accomplishments.

Tell me. What is it about me that has garnered so much of ya'lls attention? Why is it that you just cannot seem to get me out of your little brains? Even my trash talk isn't THAT good. Did I sleep with your moms or something? Date your sisters? Do I have the same name as a bully you had in High School?

Why why why can you not get over your obsession?

BlackHole Game profile


May 5th 2023, 19:29:41

Superfly - How many times you gonna post the same crap? I think most people, even people on your side, are sick of you guys regurgitating the same old talking points.

This thread, in the very first post, SPECIFICALLY, insinuates that I have multis.

F you mdevol, and f you too Superfly. I have no multis. Stop accusing me of it.

If you want to accuse someone else of having multi's, go do that. But keep my motherfluffing name out your motherfluffing mouth.

BlackHole Game profile


May 5th 2023, 16:00:58

This is honestly really sad. And Superfly, why don't you quit with your accusations already. We've already gone through this garbage.

Here, I'll make it REALLY easy, since you guys want to keep accusing me.

Prime - Can you tell me if I've ever been deleted for having multiple accounts? If you can look at that and confirm you've deleted me for multi's, I'll quit this game forever and you'll never see my name again.

If not, can you freaking losers knock it off with this garbage already.

BlackHole Game profile


May 5th 2023, 14:29:23

Originally posted by mdevol:
Good Job, BlackHole.

Why are you guys so damn obsessed with me?

I have no idea who those people are. My country is # 489 - Coalie has a gun (because, of course he does).

You guys REALLY need to chill the hell out with your obsessions. Its not healthy.

BlackHole Game profile


May 5th 2023, 14:27:30

Originally posted by myerr21:
Dont listen to blackhole. His only goal is to ruin everyones set because in the past hes been super try hard and just got dumpstered.

Stop being a prick on these boards.

Edited By: galleri on May 8th 2023, 17:56:03. Reason: Removed a part of quote.

BlackHole Game profile


May 5th 2023, 11:40:14

Hi Llaar, unfortunately since December Darkness has vowed to kill all untagged players, regardless of who they are. They are responsible for the formation of The Resistance. Since then, they've had to enlist the help of many other clans to deal with the resistance, and have essentially formed a super force on team, in which they kill anyone who isn't in their clan.

I would suggest joining a clan if you don't want to be killed by Darkness and their friends. They show no mercy and will kill you over and over, even if you haven't aggressed toward them.

BlackHole Game profile


May 4th 2023, 0:14:01

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Not my thread, it is Primary thread, keep the rest of the drama out, there are plenty bickering drama threads involving your soap opera with SF

Yes sir. I'm sorry sir. I will not disappoint you again sir.

BlackHole Game profile


May 3rd 2023, 20:55:12

Didn't see the post. Relax, jesus. I'll delete my post.

I do love how this is YOUR thread though, LOL. I'll keep that in mind for future posts. Didn't know we could claim threads and the content within them!

BlackHole Game profile


May 3rd 2023, 19:15:44

*edit* Kohearts freaked out on me

Edited By: BlackHole on May 3rd 2023, 20:55:35
See Original Post

BlackHole Game profile


May 3rd 2023, 19:09:55

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Me? I'm.... not in the top 10?

Yeah i was hoping you wasn't bragging over that if it was you lol, i would take the top 10 but not brag about that low NW haha, carry on sir.

Nah, I didn't get top 10 man. SuperFly (kinder) AB'd me day two of the set, and then continued for a good portion of the rest of the set.

BlackHole Game profile


May 3rd 2023, 10:29:49

Me? I'm.... not in the top 10?

BlackHole Game profile


May 2nd 2023, 16:17:53

Not Today! Nice job with the top 10 finish!

BlackHole Game profile


Apr 30th 2023, 20:35:39

Originally posted by A-Rod:
Originally posted by Gerdler:
Alright I may have misread your intentions. The way I see it nothing that Blackhole is doing is new, and since then nothing has happened. I'm just pointing out the fallacy in removing just the last player who did this when a bunch of others have been allowed to do so again and again.

IF Blackhole gets deleted for doing what has been allowed to be done by others countless times, then I must assume it will be applied to all who did this recently, not just Blackhole. Theres gonna be a lot tears flowing on these boards.

I understand what you are saying, and would agree if THIS player didn't admit to doing this. I feel like THAT is what makes him different from the others. Otherwise, yes it wouldn't be fair to do to one and not the others. It is what it is. It's frustrating that 1 turd can ruin all the things and people that are fun and good in this game.

So because I admit to what we know other players are doing and have been doing... they are allowed to do it and I'm not?

You're mad at me because I'm being honest, while others lie?

That doesn't make sense to me.

BlackHole Game profile


Apr 30th 2023, 10:42:48

Andrew - Just FYI. It's a request. Not a rule. Swiggity Swooty, I'm still coming for that booty.

BlackHole Game profile


Apr 30th 2023, 10:42:06

Oh wow, Superfly. Even Coalie is calling you a liar now. Interesting.

BlackHole Game profile


Apr 30th 2023, 2:23:54

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
Who was the one deleted are they still on your team? Everyone is saying that it was milk. He is your right hand man.

If you think you have a right to that information, go talk to Prime. You think I like you enough to share any info with you? I don't.

Moving on. Would you like to provide any evidence that we hit Evo in alliance last set? Because AGAIN, that was the basis for you canceling our pact. So it seems like a pretty important claim you're making that I know for a fact is a lie.

Selective memory much?

We already know that your cheater friend is still tagged up with you….

Oh nice! That was a good kill.

Ok, cool. So you canceled the peace we negotiated in team because I hit a totally different alliance on a totally different server after that alliance gave FA to my enemy.

Got it, checks out. Thanks for helping with my memory.

BlackHole Game profile


Apr 30th 2023, 1:29:53

Originally posted by myerr21:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Ya'll wanted a prearranged war without interference? Shouldn't have canceled our peace pact.

Blame baby simba the little biatch, I hear he was responsible for that.

Captain Control - you were there when I negotiated peace. Were you there when Darkness decided they didn't want that peace after all?

I told you they would never allow peace. But then you act indignant when ya'll get attacked. You don't get to have nice things but also act like @ssholes.

You get nothing nice. Ever. Suck it.

You are only mad cuz no one wants to do an arranged war with you….

I'm actually not mad at all.

I have garnered the attention of... somewhere in the neighborhood of 30 players, I believe. Snake has 1 country left. And we forced him to waste turns attacking us. Eevees has a 690k NW. We ruined the fairness of this pre-arranged war. And we've forced all of you to waste 100's upon 100s of turns killing countries whose sole focus is to cause chaos.

I'm not mad at all. I'm actually EXTREMELY pleased with how this round went. I don't think I could have envisioned it going better. Maybe more crying from you... I'll work on that.

lol, you gave people something to do man. Nobody is butthurt here.

Awesome, we are all happy with the chaos. Perfect.

BlackHole Game profile


Apr 30th 2023, 1:28:53

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Who was the one deleted are they still on your team? Everyone is saying that it was milk. He is your right hand man.

If you think you have a right to that information, go talk to Prime. You think I like you enough to share any info with you? I don't.

Moving on. Would you like to provide any evidence that we hit Evo in alliance last set? Because AGAIN, that was the basis for you canceling our pact. So it seems like a pretty important claim you're making that I know for a fact is a lie.

BlackHole Game profile


Apr 30th 2023, 1:16:53

Superfly, I wasn't deleted for multis. Someone else was, in what appeared to be multi or account sharing. You want answers on that, go ask the person involved. I do not know the details, and such cannot tell you what actually happened. Ask the people deleted or ask Prime.

You've avoided my first point though. Please show me where we attacked Evo. As that was the basis for you canceling the peace pact you've just claimed.

The reality is we didn't. So what you said is a lie. Which isn't a surprise. You do that a lot.

BlackHole Game profile


Apr 30th 2023, 1:00:11

One of my multis does, myerr. He can get in no problem. I have multis in every major alliance.

BlackHole Game profile


Apr 30th 2023, 0:36:10

Link - I plan on getting in on some kill runs here. I'm watching teamnews and have setup alerts so I know when you guys are going. Locked and loaded, ready to help.

BlackHole Game profile


Apr 30th 2023, 0:31:25

Superfly -

Please post ANY evidence that I or any members of The Resistance (JL in alliance) hit Evo.

If you can't do that, feel free to delete your post.

All you do is throw crap at the wall to see what sticks. Similar to the accusation that I have multis. You keep repeating it over and over, and I think even you start to believe your own lies after awhile.

We never once hit Evo in alliance last set.

So since that never happened, would you like to make up a new excuse for why you canceled the peace deal?

BlackHole Game profile


Apr 30th 2023, 0:14:45

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Ya'll wanted a prearranged war without interference? Shouldn't have canceled our peace pact.

Blame baby simba the little biatch, I hear he was responsible for that.

Captain Control - you were there when I negotiated peace. Were you there when Darkness decided they didn't want that peace after all?

I told you they would never allow peace. But then you act indignant when ya'll get attacked. You don't get to have nice things but also act like @ssholes.

You get nothing nice. Ever. Suck it.

You are only mad cuz no one wants to do an arranged war with you….

I'm actually not mad at all.

I have garnered the attention of... somewhere in the neighborhood of 30 players, I believe. Snake has 1 country left. And we forced him to waste turns attacking us. Eevees has a 690k NW. We ruined the fairness of this pre-arranged war. And we've forced all of you to waste 100's upon 100s of turns killing countries whose sole focus is to cause chaos.

I'm not mad at all. I'm actually EXTREMELY pleased with how this round went. I don't think I could have envisioned it going better. Maybe more crying from you... I'll work on that.

BlackHole Game profile


Apr 30th 2023, 0:11:53

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Hi Milk,

I think you and your buddy would benefit from giving this a quick read:

Ways to not get deleted or your country names edited. Very informative stuff

Hey Superfly. I read the rules. Thank you for that information. Please feel free to report me as often as you would like. We will see what happens. Cheers!

BlackHole Game profile


Apr 30th 2023, 0:09:17

Superfly - refresh my memory.

About a month ago Captain asked me to talk to you guys about cooling things down. I told him I didn't think ya'll would ever agree to not attack me. Even so, I humored him.

I went into your IRC, negotiated with you, Coalie and Symba.

After about an hour, we agreed on terms to peace on the team server.

We had no other discussions after that. And then 1 day before team started you sent me the following message.

"Hello not sure if you are playing next set in teams but it looks like ABM, Symba, Coalie, Tmac, Getafix don’t want to participate in the DNH anymore. So I guess to do you thing and I am out of all things related to making arrangements
Let everyone do whatever they want cuz I won’t participate in any leadership type agreements going forward so whatever.

Best of luck to you"

So how exactly am I supposed to get peace, again?

Ya'll have stated, multiple times, publicly, you will never let LaF net again. How are they supposed to get peace?

You see, you've backed me into a corner. I have a team of about 6 or 7 people. We can't fight you on team and win. It's 7 vs 25. That has happened every single time we've played on team.

And then when we try to play on solo servers, you have, admittedly, attack us there too.

What do you expect us to do?

I am making my problem the communities problem. Yes, community. If you do not want us to not attack everyone, everywhere, then you need to figure out how to get Mercs to stop doing what they have been doing to us.

If they are going to grief us, cross server attack us, and never let us have peace. Then nobody gets peace.

It's really very simple. I tried negotiating. I tried ignoring you all. I went on a 30+ day absence from the forums. I stopped responding to anyone, anywhere. Hoping that me stepping away would cool things off.

It hasn't.

So now I'm moving onto the next step. Negotiation doesn't work. Ignoring doesn't work. So this is where we are. I will make is as painful as possible, for everyone. If it ever gets painful enough, maybe they will address it with your team and ask you guys how we can end all this. Until then, happy hunting.

BlackHole Game profile


Apr 29th 2023, 23:36:54

Originally posted by galleri:
I didn't state anything about rules. I am making a simple suggestion/ask.
But if you all want to continue your middle age nerd life crisis. So be it. But you all are annoying.
"ALL" meaning an entire group of you. The people that are all doing it know who they are. I didn't single out anyone. I didn't say anyone was getting kicked or banned. It is simple ask directed to a lot of people.

Requiem: then Rasp stole it from you. Lol

Good to know, thank you.

And I agree, it's incredibly annoying. Childish. Ruins the game, honestly.

This community is in a rough state, but I have nothing to compare it to. All I see is a lot of people being really mean to each other.

And this is precisely why I'm doing what I'm doing.

I wish it would stop. But it has to stop across the board. Not just on one side.

When Mercs abandons their 'LaF will never net' and when Darkness honors agreements for truces and doesn't tell me 1 day before a set starts that they've "canceled the NAP because they hate you and want to attack you over and over". Then maybe we can talk about a resolution.

When Superfly abandons his 'if you are warring us in team, I will kill you in every other server', we can talk.

Basically, all sides need to be part of the solution. Until then, I'm committed to making it the biggest problem I can.

BlackHole Game profile


Apr 29th 2023, 21:30:06

We really going to rehash 3 month old fluff that I've already explained? Ya'll are fvcking pathetic. Keep trying though. Honestly, who gives a fluff at this point. This has nothing to do with gerdler or laf. I'm telling you what I, and the resistance are going to do.

Don't like it? Do something about it.

Oh that's right. When you start with full 100% attack on us, there isn't really any way to ramp up from there when we decide to retaliate.

Sucks for you guys.

BlackHole Game profile


Apr 29th 2023, 21:28:05

A-Rod - did you not read my message? I know a lot of you can't handle reading, but please try.

This has been done to me for months. I brought it to mods attentions MONTHS ago.

I did not do this to anyone until 2 days ago.

NOW it's an issue.

Who have I griefed prior to 2 days ago?

No one. That's the answer. I've been attacked over and over and over. And defended myself, in every server, as best I could.

You want to take out the trash? Why don't you start with the message I posted up above from superfly a week ago. Who ADMITS that he's not only doing this, but going to continue doing it.

You want to call me trash, but you say nothing about Superfly who admitted to doing this prior to me ever doing it.

BlackHole Game profile


Apr 29th 2023, 20:55:17

Galleri - I want to seek clarification on this.

This is a message I received some Superfly a few weeks ago in tournament.

Message from Kinder Bueno (#17) sent on Apr 22, 13:49
Report this message
I can’t help but attack you in solo servers as you have chosen to attack me and my teammates in allaince and in teams


"I have posted this all over the boards many a times. If you choose to attack me in 1 server and make an enemy of me in 1 server then I choose to respond by attacking you in another server."

I did not report this, because months back, I did report how I had been harassed in all servers, solo and team servers, and that I thought it was against the rules to target/harass people like that.

I was informed it was not against the rules.

As such, I stopped reporting.

I have been victim of this since my days here. Go look at the logs for which country has been attacked the most. I'm willing to be a large sum of money that I've been attacked more than any other player on a per game basis over the past 5 months (since i started playing).

I'm not complaining. What I'm saying is that this cross server griefing has been happening to me since I started playing this game, I've sought to address it, and I've been told its part of the game.

So - given all of that. I want to seek clarification.

Are you asking for this not to occur. Or are you telling me that it is considered a violation of rules? If it is a violation of rules, what will be done to those offending countries, and when will those penalties started being enforced?

Edited By: BlackHole on Apr 29th 2023, 20:58:33
See Original Post

BlackHole Game profile


Apr 29th 2023, 20:48:41

Originally posted by Coalie:
Originally posted by Link:
Good.. Bad... I'm the guy with the gun.

Same. lets share gun pics

Is that code for your penis, or do you really go around showing off your guns to strangers on the internet?

BlackHole Game profile


Apr 29th 2023, 14:22:49

Sure did! Can't let a lie live like that.

Shame on the mods for changing 'symba is my b!tch'.

BlackHole Game profile


Apr 29th 2023, 13:45:58

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Superfly, I'll answer you directly. I have 5 multis. Suck it.

Cool, mods do your thing!

Take my deal or stfu

BlackHole Game profile


Apr 29th 2023, 13:45:33

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Take my deal or stfu Supercry.

What’s the deal multi runner man? Please post here so that my peers can judge if it’s good or not.

take my deal or stfu

BlackHole Game profile


Apr 29th 2023, 13:44:56


BlackHole Game profile


Apr 29th 2023, 13:44:39

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
WAIT A MINUTE. I hadn’t logged in, in 4 days and you guys still haven’t killed me? And have been doing a kill run? Lmfao. Oh man that’s funny

Did you quit yet? When are you going to quit for good and go do something in your real life that you keep telling us about?

You're just a story teller. You're never going to quit. Bet I see you keep making countries in every server.

Sounds exactly like you! Tells everyone he is done with the game and creates countries in every server and starts cheating again!

Are you linking to old threads you just bumped?

LOL - you're getting desperate. Take my deal or stfu.

That’s thread is form last round when you went radio silent after the deletions on two servers noob…

Take my deal or stfu

BlackHole Game profile


Apr 29th 2023, 13:44:09

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Yep, gonna run quite a few.

Cool then I’ll see your Multies in game b next set.


BlackHole Game profile


Apr 29th 2023, 13:23:04

Take my deal or stfu Supercry.

BlackHole Game profile


Apr 29th 2023, 13:22:31

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
WAIT A MINUTE. I hadn’t logged in, in 4 days and you guys still haven’t killed me? And have been doing a kill run? Lmfao. Oh man that’s funny

Did you quit yet? When are you going to quit for good and go do something in your real life that you keep telling us about?

You're just a story teller. You're never going to quit. Bet I see you keep making countries in every server.

Sounds exactly like you! Tells everyone he is done with the game and creates countries in every server and starts cheating again!

Are you linking to old threads you just bumped?

LOL - you're getting desperate. Take my deal or stfu.

BlackHole Game profile


Apr 29th 2023, 13:21:05

Superfly - I'll make you a deal.

One of us quits this game forever.

I'm sure you want this to happen, right?

Here's what we will do. We will ask Prime to tell us whether or not I have ever been deleted for having multiple accounts.

If I have, I'll quit this game forever. If I haven't, you quit forever?


I know you won't take this deal. You know how I know? Cause you run your mouth like a big fvcking idiot, but you can't back up anything you say.

So deal, or no deal?

BlackHole Game profile


Apr 29th 2023, 13:19:07

Yep, gonna run quite a few.

BlackHole Game profile


Apr 29th 2023, 13:18:30

Superfly, I'll answer you directly. I have 5 multis. Suck it.

BlackHole Game profile


Apr 29th 2023, 11:00:01


You want to come ruin my set in A? Fvcking go for it. Superfly attacked me day 2. You think I care if you come tango too? fluff, you probably should, cause if not, I might just ruin yours. Now that I know you're in tourney A I guess I gotta do some research and figure out who you are.

BlackHole Game profile


Apr 29th 2023, 10:57:53

That's cause you're stupid.

BlackHole Game profile


Apr 29th 2023, 10:57:21

Originally posted by Cathankins:
WAIT A MINUTE. I hadn’t logged in, in 4 days and you guys still haven’t killed me? And have been doing a kill run? Lmfao. Oh man that’s funny

Did you quit yet? When are you going to quit for good and go do something in your real life that you keep telling us about?

You're just a story teller. You're never going to quit. Bet I see you keep making countries in every server.

BlackHole Game profile


Apr 29th 2023, 10:55:10