
BlackHole Game profile


Sep 6th 2023, 17:25:25

Poor 55? Again, he's hit me unprovoked a few sets in a row now, if he's the same person I'm thinking he is. I don't know for sure, cause ya'll cowards change your names all the time.

But if it is, last time when I responded with less, he still killed me. If I'm going to get killed either way, I mine as well get my lick in too, right?

Ultimately though, we all know, 100%, if I had attacked someone multiple times, and no one else, you all would have killed me. 15v1, like usual.

But when I get attacked and respond in a 1v1, that's not ok?

Seems like rules for me but not for thee type of situation.

BlackHole Game profile


Sep 6th 2023, 17:16:53

So just so I understand correctly, because apparently I haven't been able to get this right for 9 months now.

I can't attack someone first. If I do that, Darkness taught me that they can kill me.

But I also can't retaliate to someone attacking me unprovoked (for the 3rd game in a row, I might add). This individual attacked me with 3 land grabs and no one else the whole game. It's not like primary were everyone is grabbing everyone.

So I retaliated against him, and him alone. Not even his tag. I got killed, predictable (did take down some 15k+ buildings first though!)

What I'm confused about is why does Elders and Snek get involved? Ya'll have nothing to do with this. Or is it just the same group of people that continue to do the same bullying that we've seen for the last 9 months here?

We all know, 100%, if I had landgrabbed Elders or Snek or fluffs or anyone else, you all would have killed me. But you all can land grab me, unprovoked, and I can't retaliate?

It seems like this, again, is a simple situation of "we have more people, so we will do whatever we want".


BlackHole Game profile


Sep 6th 2023, 12:53:51


BlackHole Game profile


Sep 6th 2023, 10:54:28

Originally posted by mrford:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by ChuckNorrisBeard:
In my defense, I have only wanted to hit the Swedish virgin brigade. If they apologize for IKEA, I will retire and leave this game forever.

Did you just admit to only playing this game to ruin it for other people?

I've been trying to prove my case for a few months now, and you just come along and admit it publicly?!?

You have the social skills of a 14 year old home schooled child.

That was a joke you fluffing walnut.

It was an attempt at a joke. I get that CNB is attempting to be funny and provocative, but I've seen him write some iteration on ikea meatball virgin swede about 100x on this board.

Is he really repeating the same joke over and over? Or is this his best version of an insult?

BlackHole Game profile


Sep 6th 2023, 1:05:14

What does that even mean? Swedish virgin ikea supporters?

Sometimes I feel like I'm listening to the ramblings of the crazy person on the train, repeating the same nonsense over and over.

I guess the difference here is there are other crazy people on the train, giving you the attention that reinforces your behavior.

BlackHole Game profile


Sep 5th 2023, 22:30:52

Originally posted by Chevs:
Originally posted by Tertius:

Oh man, I remember that time when Gerdler got to tourney game A and then he solo killed SuperFly OOP, and then used a secondary forum name to taunt him about his kill and did not come clean on who was behind it. That guy, such a funny friendly dude, who spent months and months to get to tourney so he could grief another player and then taunt him on the forums anonymously. lawls. And that wasn't some long ago example, this was just a few months before all of the recent wars. Then he spent the next several months war prepping under various names in tourney for SF to return and then attacking netters who started their jump because, hey, he sacrificed his networth to run high SPAL, so why not make use of it randomly. This is a war game, right?


TIL Gerdler was GIGA BASED….if only for a fleeting micro moment in history. Can you point me to the thread ?

Sadly the part that makes him a piece of subhuman filth however, is pretending he’s better than this type of behaviour and his general holier than though attitude. He’s cheated multiple times in 1a as well.

He always leaves that part out when he’s picking up girls at IKEA though, he’s just like “hey babe look at my scores page in the massive multiplayer online browser game called earth empires.”

still no success getting seks from female though , maybe he should pivot to griefing . All us greifers are getting laid constantly. Pressing the AB button makes my wife have to change her soaking wet panties.

Somehow I highly doubt Gerd has cheated, and I honestly think you're just full of ish.

Honestly, you are sooooooo obsessed with him, why would anyone believe you? You're clearly incredibly biased. And for all you guys want to make fun of Gerd, ya'll are the ones ranting and raving about someone in a stupid text based game on here, and he hasn't posted in here in months. Like seriously.... get over it? Holy crap. You poke so much fun at him personally, when ya'll are showing your personal flaws in being THIS OBSSESSED AND PATHETIC ABOUT A GAME.


BlackHole Game profile


Sep 5th 2023, 21:15:44

Tert - you say all these things. And maybe they happened. I don't know. Ya'll been telling me stories about how awful you all are to each other dating back 30 freaking years.

I'm just sharing my experience with Gerdler.

Given everything that's happened, can you blame me for only acting/reacting to situations based on my personal experience with people and not based on the war/horror stories/myths from decades or years ago?

BlackHole Game profile


Sep 5th 2023, 19:46:04

Oh, and I REALLY REALLY want to add....

It's HILARIOUS how you guys talk about Gerdler being manipulative all the time. When all you do is post screenshots of conversations with all of you, talking to me, being manipulative and attempting to turn me against Gerdler.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again x1000.

I was mistaken about Gerdler's intentions. Easy to do when you've got 50 people attempting to manipulate you, including people like you Coalie, who used anonymous discord names while helping us in our first full set as a team.

I love ya bro, but you gotta understand how that could be very confusing to someone brand new to the game, without knowledge of all these histories and relationships.

If Gerdler attempted to manipulate me, he did a really good job. Want to know his secret? He was a friend. That's it. He answered questions. He taught me things. He was friendly to me. What a freaking manipulator!!!!

I'm not going to rehash old fluff about you and Superfly etc. It's over with, done with. Trying to move on and build some bridges here. But I just want to go on record as saying, looking back on it all. I don't think Gerdler ever tried to manipulate me.

BlackHole Game profile


Sep 5th 2023, 19:41:46

Originally posted by Coalie:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by ChuckNorrisBeard:
In my defense, I have only wanted to hit the Swedish virgin brigade. If they apologize for IKEA, I will retire and leave this game forever.

Did you just admit to only playing this game to ruin it for other people?

I've been trying to prove my case for a few months now, and you just come along and admit it publicly?!?

Is the pot calling the kettle black?

"Is that what you want?"

Did you miss that part of the quote? I am honored, truly, that you save screenshots from me from 8 months ago. But if you're going to post those screenshots, post the whole context. Or don't, doesn't matter. Everyone see's what happened. I never attacked Tmac, did I?

I was obviously being hyperbolic to make a point. And the point, back then, as it is now, is the 'is that what you want?' part of the quote. Do you want a server where people play specifically to ruin other people's games? Cause we can have that. But that's obviously not ideal for the health of the game.

Tmac would think it pretty sure if every game I just found him and torpedoed him, with no care for anything other than ruining his experience.

How is what is done to LaF (or others) any different? Hint: It's not.

So I'll say it again.

"Is that what you want?"

BlackHole Game profile


Sep 5th 2023, 16:42:33

Originally posted by ChuckNorrisBeard:
In my defense, I have only wanted to hit the Swedish virgin brigade. If they apologize for IKEA, I will retire and leave this game forever.

Did you just admit to only playing this game to ruin it for other people?

I've been trying to prove my case for a few months now, and you just come along and admit it publicly?!?

BlackHole Game profile


Sep 5th 2023, 0:44:13

Derrick, your last sentence I think is the most intriguing thing to me.

I've only been around 8 months now. But what I've seen is 8 months is a singular focus on hating/bashing/attacking Gerdler by everyone in the axis of evil.

Is that normal? Cause it gets OLLLLLLLLDDDDDDDD after awhile.

BlackHole Game profile


Sep 4th 2023, 17:23:06

Wow, when did Derrick draw the ire of the mob?

I though it it to be a LaF and LaF adjacent individuals who would be targeted, but Derrick is hardly those things.

It appears no one is safe!

BlackHole Game profile


Sep 4th 2023, 1:53:20

Originally posted by Suicidal:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Unfortunately Mercs ran them off the server.

You are an idiot

And you are predictable and hilarious.

BlackHole Game profile


Sep 3rd 2023, 22:24:37

Unfortunately Mercs ran them off the server.

BlackHole Game profile


Sep 1st 2023, 12:29:47

Derrick - we've gotta see pictures of this car. I had a 350z and a 370z. Would have loved to have one of those older Z's though. Such beautiful cars.

BlackHole Game profile


Sep 1st 2023, 6:56:07

Originally posted by SuperFly:
BH I will personally extended an olive branch to you:

Join me in FFA we will tag up together. I am brand new to the server and got my ass whooped. You I assume are also new to that server and probably up for an ass whopping until we get our bearings straight.

I am alone and not with any of your “enemies” on that server. If you want to team up with me let me know and we can start the healing process between you and I.

Oh man... that server is something else.... Managing 16 countries is overwhelming... but, just so that I can team up with you, I'm in. We doing it this set, or do you want to start fresh next set?

BlackHole Game profile


Sep 1st 2023, 6:54:24

Originally posted by Coalie:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by Coalie:
Originally posted by BlackHole:

Where things started to go awry was Coalie playing with us, and then Gerdler playing with us, and at the end of that set realizing that one of our enemies was in our tag (Coalie). To this day I still don't know whose intentions were genuine and

when in doubt, just remember:
1. who taught u how to kill
2. who helped you out with clanhosting/irc
3. who messaged you several sets ago in teams asking if you needed help when you were attacked by your former group.

1. who used you and your team as cannonfodder against 3 warring clans

I told you to sit out of that war, I could tell you were considering it. But ultimately, you made your choices and here we are today. I haven't messed with you in teams in a long time, I am glad to see you back. Hope you have a great weekend.

I think my point is Coalie, regardless of choices i made, the community has to have an ability to forget past wars and not turn everything into a never-ending grudge match. I know YOU have moved past that. But many still haven't.

The worst part about the whole thing was you LOST TedRampon. I’ll never forgive you for this one.

We talked so much about him. I legit wonder if he died IRL. He literally just stopped showing up out of the blue one day. No warning, nothing. Just never logged into discord again. Made me really sad, he was one of our OG members.

BlackHole Game profile


Sep 1st 2023, 1:39:22

Originally posted by Coalie:
Originally posted by BlackHole:

Where things started to go awry was Coalie playing with us, and then Gerdler playing with us, and at the end of that set realizing that one of our enemies was in our tag (Coalie). To this day I still don't know whose intentions were genuine and

when in doubt, just remember:
1. who taught u how to kill
2. who helped you out with clanhosting/irc
3. who messaged you several sets ago in teams asking if you needed help when you were attacked by your former group.

1. who used you and your team as cannonfodder against 3 warring clans

I told you to sit out of that war, I could tell you were considering it. But ultimately, you made your choices and here we are today. I haven't messed with you in teams in a long time, I am glad to see you back. Hope you have a great weekend.

I think my point is Coalie, regardless of choices i made, the community has to have an ability to forget past wars and not turn everything into a never-ending grudge match. I know YOU have moved past that. But many still haven't.

BlackHole Game profile


Sep 1st 2023, 1:38:12

Originally posted by Symbolic:
B hole you post to much for me to read/care.

That's fine bro. You don't need to post to tell me as much. I know a lot of people don't care to read the longer posts I make. No worries, ignore it and move along.

BlackHole Game profile


Sep 1st 2023, 1:05:29

Actually - I'll take it a step further.

Personal vendettas have prevented me from even joining other teams. I reached out to one of the team netting clans. I get along well with them, and they were open to me joining. But only if I played under a different handle, because they feared my existence in their team would cause them problems.

The personal vendettas against me have literally prevented me from even branching out and developing new friendships outside of 'my team vs your team' dynamic that currently exists.

BlackHole Game profile


Sep 1st 2023, 0:57:23

Superfly - I'll reply to you first.

Yes, I suicided people my first set in. But let's be honest, I didn't know what suiciding was. What I really did was attacked people, because.... I didn't know better. Many new players are going to do this. They don't understand retal policies, politics, interpersonal dynamics, etc. It's fine to kill me. I have no problem with that.

Then I created a team and we warred, which was also fine. I obviously was very bombastic in my forum posts, but, go re-read one of my very first posts here. I made it very clear in that post that the things I was posting was done to be provocative and create a narrative, FOR FUN. I was trying to stir up things so I could find some support from somewhere to help in a fight I knew we were going to lose.

Where things started to go awry was Coalie playing with us, and then Gerdler playing with us, and at the end of that set realizing that one of our enemies was in our tag (Coalie). To this day I still don't know whose intentions were genuine and whose weren't, but to a bunch of new players, all we could take away from those shenanigans was that no one could be trusted. Tough spot for a bunch of new players to be in.

We did learn a lot though, and eventually became a decent team. My last effort to salvage my team and the new players was when we came to Darkness and requested a peace treaty. It WAS agreed to. And then the day the new set started, everyone back tracked on that peace because people didn't like me. Which... ok, I get. I've been pretty combative here, but I've been that way because all I've ever known is adversity in this game.

Then I went through a series of attempts to find peace.

Derrick - this is where I'll respond to you. Even now, I get attacked, unprovoked, in team. I haven't played on a team in... I don't know, 6 sets now? I haven't attacked anyone first. I haven't even built countries that have militaries, and yet, I STILL get attacked.

But whatever, this isn't about me. I'm probably one of the rare few that would hang around after our team got dismantled. That's where this all falls apart, right? How many people from my team got run from the game?

I guess you could say it was my fault, I should have been a better leader. But if we, as a community, our dependent upon brand new players to the game knowing all the intricacies of the politics and histories here, and reacting in the most optimal ways, otherwise being absolutely obliterated by 20 year vets - well that's where we fail.

That's what needs to change/needed to change.

The initial war is fine. Even a few sets of it. But people need to drop the personal vendettas and let others enjoy the game again. Hell, how awesome would it be if I joined up with Mercs or Fastcars or someone else for a few sets? I know, for an absolute fact, Superfly and I could/would be friends if things had gone differently. But because of personal vendettas, it seems we are destined for continuous and non-stop war for eternity.

Not a fun place for new players to find themselves when they inevitably mess up their first few months here.

BlackHole Game profile


Aug 31st 2023, 23:34:15

They won't get protection. They've get bullied... it's quite literally what my alliance was initially.

We banded together BECAUSE we were being bullied. And we all learned together. Tried to get help from some vets. Ultimately, we just found ourselves in endless war. War that EVEN NOW hasn't stopped. Even now, they attack all of us new players, even when they are in a solo tribe, not fighting back.

I brought in more new players to this game then probably anyone in years. I know you all laughed at my 'reddit recruiting' but I put a lot of work into it. Captain Control plays in Mercs now, and he is here because of posts I made on reddit and the initial work I did to recruit him. And a lot of other players. But sadly, many of them quit after the.. I don't know, 6 or 7th straight set in teams where we got completely steamrolled not just by a better squad, but importantly, a bigger squad. Every time. That was part of the demoralizing effect. We NEVER had an even fight. Not close, not even once.

People eventually feel like 'what's the point'. And it's hard to disagree.

BlackHole Game profile


Aug 30th 2023, 2:27:55

So what your saying is SDI is basically lube to you? Got it!

BlackHole Game profile


Aug 30th 2023, 2:02:01

Originally posted by Requiem:
I don’t accept retals.

Do you accept chems shoved up your arse?!?! :P

BlackHole Game profile


Aug 30th 2023, 0:59:13

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Also you need discipline if you want to successfully net here, you went after shooner right away, wrong play, you grow and once you have the resources, farm him and jump out of his range. You're welcome!

I was trying to make an example of out of him. I feel like I did, he will probably think twice about hitting me next set!

That's Superfly's strategy, no?

Adjustments need to be made, this server is not like any other, you did it wrong and now you won't even finish top 20, prove is in the pudding, look at how top 10 countries handle early shenanigans, learn from them not someone who has 1 top 10 under his belt, ball is on your court..... Are you smart enough to figure it out?

Truth... probably not. :)

Hope treatments are going well for you Ko. Maybe send me a DM next set so I know who you are early on and I know who to model my behavior after!

BlackHole Game profile


Aug 30th 2023, 0:18:54

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Also you need discipline if you want to successfully net here, you went after shooner right away, wrong play, you grow and once you have the resources, farm him and jump out of his range. You're welcome!

I was trying to make an example of out of him. I feel like I did, he will probably think twice about hitting me next set!

That's Superfly's strategy, no?

BlackHole Game profile


Aug 29th 2023, 21:43:17

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Rape them back on the retal and they will avoid you forever

I'm not as skilled as you, Superfly.

BlackHole Game profile


Aug 29th 2023, 21:17:23

Yea.... lazy my arse. I get gassed doing half that.

BlackHole Game profile


Aug 29th 2023, 21:02:19

Except I don't. I don't know who I am fighting!! And I don't like it!!!

BlackHole Game profile


Aug 29th 2023, 21:00:01

Originally posted by Requiem:
I’m exceptionally lazy :p Ask Derrick

You do EPIC rides on your MTB, but you're lazy? Those two things don't compute!

BlackHole Game profile


Aug 28th 2023, 16:25:03

Pm me

BlackHole Game profile


Aug 28th 2023, 16:24:45

Good luck with your surgery KSF! Hope to see you back soon.

BlackHole Game profile


Aug 24th 2023, 10:46:51

I used to. I don't anymore. Got a lot of hate for trying to recruit from reddit.

BlackHole Game profile


Aug 22nd 2023, 2:19:16

Originally posted by Symbolic:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
I'll agree with Req and others. This is definitely a war game and war should have a big place here. The problem is the player base is too small to support healthy war, politics, diplomacy and all those dynamics.

Build a larger player base somehow, and I think you can fix a lot of these issues.

For once I agree with you blackhole.

I think we'd probably get along if you ever got to know me :)

BlackHole Game profile


Aug 21st 2023, 23:52:32

I'll agree with Req and others. This is definitely a war game and war should have a big place here. The problem is the player base is too small to support healthy war, politics, diplomacy and all those dynamics.

Build a larger player base somehow, and I think you can fix a lot of these issues.

BlackHole Game profile


Aug 20th 2023, 17:58:06

Haha, my bad Ko.

And Real Man, don't lie. We all know you read every word of it.

BlackHole Game profile


Aug 20th 2023, 14:00:50

Originally posted by Real Man:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
That’s your problem. No matter what Q does the players and your hatred for each other is your issue.

Fix it or destroy the game. I bet the stress of it makes the owner contemplate is it worth it dealing with you crazy people.

New players come and walk out because half of you are jerks and then Q tries to use a fire extinguisher to control your arson of the community and everyone hates on him for it

Listen up hank, you make a lot of assumptions here. Primary is some Kumbaya lame crap like you suggested and it’s down to 60 players. So you’re wrong. Conflict is empirically good for the game.

Second of all. We don’t hate anybody. TC is one of my current favourites because he has the balls to duke it out in AT and talk sh1t. The rest of his tag are spineless cowards hiding under a pile of crusty socks, who only come out when it’s time to gloat about something meaningless.

Lastly, new players leave because they get rekt and we can all play the game blindfolded after 25 years, not trash talk.

Conflict is good for the game, being an absolute raging prick is not. Vowing to run people out of the game is not good for the game, nobody how you try to spin it. Claiming you will never leave someone alone is not good for the game, no matter how you try to spin it.

And this 'I like TC, cause he fights with me on the forums' reeks of you just making an argument that seems convenient for you right now. Ya'll have been calling him a virgin or whatever for weeks on this board. I don't know why, it's a weird insult, but you have been. Yet you're going to claim you like him cause he fights on AT?

Sh!t, Getafix just admitted the reason he DOESN'T like me is because I fight with you all on the boards. That's why he told me he was never going to let me play on Team.

So which is it. Do you like people who call you on your fluff, or do you hate people for it? I just think you're all a bunch of bulls in a china shop, smashing everything as you spin in circles. You're fine with destroying everything, including the game itself, and have no care for your actions or how they affect everything around you.

As for the whole 'why do new players leave'? You're kind of right, real man. It's because they get rekt.

But you're also kind of wrong. They don't get 'rekt' because your so insanely awesome. They get rekt because they are outnumbered, never have the chance to learn, and then don't have fun.

Look at my existence here. I came in the game and got wrecked my first round in team. I made mistakes in attacking people, not understanding the histories and norms that I should abide by. 2nd round I got a team, and lost again. Not realizing that the WRITTEN RULES in the team server weren't actually enforced, lol. So third round I got an even bigger team. We lose again because the team we were fighting recruited more of their friends. I didn't realize that Mercs, Fast Cars, and eveyrone else basically worked as one team if they needed.

I think it was our 4th set when Coalie joined us and we had kiiinda sorta close to even numbers - and we got a bunch of kills. At this point I had learned a lot, and had a decent size team. But you know what happened while we were learning? We lost... I don't know, 60% of our players? We lost a TON. We kept recruiting and recruiting, but so many people hated losing over and over and over to teams that were yes, better, but also MUCH BIGGER. That was the big difference, the fight was NEVER FAIR.

That has been my complaint since day fluffing 1 here. The fights haven't ever been even numbers.

So I moved our team over to alliance to join up with LaF and actually have an even fight. And guess what happened? We WON! And our team did a fluff ton of adamage. We were more productive in that war than every alliance except I think Mercs and LaF. And I personally had more hits that I did than 90% of the people in the war, while being kill'd 14 times, I think it was.

I'm going down a rabbit hole... but the point I'm trying to make is that people aren't quitting because they aren't good enough. People are quitting because, due to the stratification of the player base, they cannot even get a fair fight.

They either join up with Mercs et al., like our friend Captain Control did, or they join up with LaF.

Any new player who wants to war and tries to carve out an existence outside of those spaces is doomed to fail because Mercs et al., will use their superior numbers to make sure that entity never has any fluffing success.

There is a word I would use for this... it's called bullying. Sound familiar? I've been extremely consistent with this messaging. This community bullies others out of the game, both new and existing. And they hide behind the 'get gud noob' rhetoric.

BlackHole Game profile


Aug 20th 2023, 2:14:57

I did reach out to some people to join up. They are scared my presence will get them targeted though, lol.

BlackHole Game profile


Aug 20th 2023, 2:12:48

Originally posted by ZEN:
What a great turn of events. Congrats to non-aided people dives into personal success and bhole trolling.

Cracks me up that anyone thinks your personal success or life has anything to do with this game. Trust me, there are more successful people in this game. You might think you're doing well, but you aren't doing well enough to have any ego about it here.

Now for me? I'm just a 19 year old Asian girl, living with my parents, hoping to marry rich. Pretty ugly though. Not too bright. But I got small hands!

Bhole trolling?

You know who posted BS and started arguing/throwing insults before I even posted once in this thread?

TC, Superfly, Coalie, Derrick, Karnage, ChuckNorrisBeard, Tertius, Chevs and that smiley face guy.

All of them posted and started arguing before I mad A SINGLE POST.

I'm the troll though? Look, if you want to just say you don't like me, just come out and say it. That's fine. But to claim somehow I'm trolling this thread when you've got a list of 8 guys that were arguing with each other before I made a single post, and prior to this I had still only made a single post.... well it's asinine man.

BlackHole Game profile


Aug 20th 2023, 0:12:39

Originally posted by Coalie:
If it’s any consolation during the last couple of sets. I was asked several times to organize a killrun on this server against you. I turned it down every single time.

When you were fighting your solo war against milk’s crew, that was me that messaged you asking if you needed help. You kindly declined and I gave you your space.

Not everyone hates you. Hope you have a good and enjoyable weekend. Also welcome back to the game.

Yea, I didn't really want to get involved in the 'so and so is using you again', which is why I didn't want help against light. If I'm not aligned with anyone, I can't be accused of being used, being anyone's 'patsy', I think you've called it before, etc. I guess I need even more time as a solo player to show that I'm not under anyone else's direction, and believe it or not, never have been.

BlackHole Game profile


Aug 20th 2023, 0:10:17

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
It's not really anyone getting jacked about you....

Not taking anything away from the entertainment you provide, but I think you forget quickly how both easy and fun it is to fluff someone up or kill them in this game. That's why people on every side of every argument have killed you. Whether you say something that strikes a chord with someone or a bored wardog wants a target or a netter messes their set up and wants to take out their frustration, you're continuously here, advertising yourself as a punching bag.

I built my FFO at close to 70% oil last set, and when oil plummeted to $90 with almost half the set left, I'm not gonna lie, it crossed my mind. Why? Well, I've won this server 3 or so times. And knowing I'm just headed for a 3rd or 4th place finish because I didn't adapt well is hella frustrating. Messing with you as an alternative to finishing 3rd or 4th place is ehm...Definitely easier, definitely more entertaining and definitely funnier.

I've netted a long time so I'm very good at mitigating those urges, but it's not you. It's not an obsession. It's just....I mean why not? You're an awesome punching bag. You go nuts on the forums everytime and it's so fun to watch lol. I get why people used to mess with me when I was drunker. I used to go full frontal haha.

You just come on here and loudly say "MAD ABOUT YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES? HOW BOUT MAKING ME GO NUTS!?" and generally folks are happy to oblige. You're fun lol.

That said, I think you should stop derailing the 1a thread where qz is asking questions to us and everyone has chosen to respond to you about your drama instead of qz. I think that's actually hurtful to the current developments, and probably if I was qz I'd quit reading. The community chose to embarrass themselves instead of having an intelligent convo with a developer, and I think you're a big, almost full, part of that. I wish you'd stop that on that thread in particular because I believe it matters.

That's where you end up genuinely hurting the community where you have a chance not to. And then you piss of the part of the community that cares in addition to the part you beef with. And that's why everyone hates you.

Haha, the punching bag part makes sense. I suppose if that's the role I am to play, so be it.

As for the Qz thread, that's a fair point.

BlackHole Game profile


Aug 19th 2023, 21:50:04

Originally posted by Anarchist:
And yet instead of just messing with him you decided to ab me too i drew my attention luckily i had plenty of missiles to send you and you had little no sdi. Have fun next set.

Are you talking to me?

I responed to attacks on me against the teams that attacked me. If you were on the team of someone who attacked me, yea you probably got retaliated against. Don't like it? Keep your team in check.

Ya'll do seem confused about something though. While I've been trying to net for many many sets in a row now, I have no problem warring. In fact, I've NEVER actually gotten to net a full set. I have never tried a destock. Never got the opportunity. So you guys may think you're achieving something by 'stopping me from netting'. You're not. I'm trying to net, but 100% fully expect one of you to get all hot and bothered by my existence, and suicide on me again.

BlackHole Game profile


Aug 19th 2023, 21:42:25

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Suicidal:
Who cares ^^^ Wish he would have stopped reading all of the BS back in 2011

QZ asked for feedback and I left it. Hard storyline to keep up with I know. Lot of plot twists there to navigate.

This is the type of behavior I am talking about Qz. A large portion of your player base go out of their way to be abusing to new players or just people in general.

My advice is ban all of these abusing anti social people who are running off your new players and make no mistake they are.

Any business in this day and age cannot allow their customers to be abused by the low life’s that any business will attract that like to hang around.

If you have to ban the entire player base and replace them I would. If they don’t care enough about this game to cherish and protect it then they don’t belong here.

I think a lot of people are thinking it and don’t want to say it and ruffle feathers but you have a lot of abusive bullies here. BH is absolutely correct about that. He also is an idiot that provokes everyone and kicks the hornets nest. Pretty funny to watch actually.

I do provoke people. I am not an idiot though. People just haven't taken the time to get to know me.

BlackHole Game profile


Aug 19th 2023, 13:27:07

Originally posted by Chevs:
Or you can stop being a vagina and crying about griefing . It’s literally a made up term for people who suck at the game and can’t adapt

It's a made up term? News flash dumbass, all words are made up.

Holy fluff, you're the dumbest fvcking nutjob around.

You know why you guys don't like me? It's cause I make you look stupid. I've been doing it since I got here. And it cuts soooo deep.

yea yea I know your retort already 'who are you, you're a nobody, we don't even know you, you've done nothing'.

If that were the case why are all of you so damn concerned with running me out of the game?

I'm not crying, I'm pointing out facts. Ya'll want to say LaF deserves the hate due to them running people out of the game, while admitting you are doing that CURRENTLY to other players.

It's straight up hypocrisy. You literally have no defense other than to call me a vagina, which again... grade school language from someone who never grew up. I know your friends here are going to pat you on the back for that vagina burn. And it's going to feel good in your little circle jerk to talk about how badly you burned Blackhole on the forums.

But what's really funny is how fvcking lodge in all your heads I am. Hell, Getafix ruined his own set last set on team (and a few of his teammates) because he couldn't get over me. Ya'll are like a bunch of stalkers.

I broke up with you. We can't go on anymore dates. STOP FOLLOWING ME AROUND CREEPS. Go find someone else to be a weirdo with.

BlackHole Game profile


Aug 19th 2023, 9:42:10

Karnage - You hit the nail on the head.

It's not about past transgressions, punishing a particular action, or anything else like that.

It's ALL PERSONAL. All of this. They simply don't like some LaF players (that is a two way street though) and so they think the are righteous and justified to grief them out of the game.

They hide behind 'this transgression or that', but in reality, it's just a personal dislike for others. That's it. And that makes it so much worse.

It's literally the exact same reason they want to run me out of the game. Personal dislike for me. They obviously don't have a justification or a leg to stand on as to any other reason to run me out of the game. And they've all admitted as much. They don't like me because (I'm guessing here) I don't take their BS on the boards, and I will happily argue with them as much as they want. They don't like people that stand up to them. It's bully mentality, that's all it is.

And if you think I'm mistaken.... look at how they act. Using the word retard, and simp, and incel, and fluff, and throwing out literally childish insults left and right. They TALK like grade school bullies. They don't realize that those juvenile insults don't really work with adults. It just makes them look... I don't know? Pathetic?

And they don't like being called out on it. So they grief and bully, and publicly admit that they want to drive me from the game, while at the same exact time saying LaF is bad because... Because LaF tried to drive people from the game?

It's such pathetically awful logic and reasoning that I cannot believe someone like Derrick, someone who is clearly intelligent and can evaluate an argument, has taken defense of them.

I guess if Derricks perspective is 'it's fine to run people out of the game', and he also is of the opinion that LaF is being grief for a reason other than them trying to run others out of the game, then it's ok. But the public messaging against LaF has been that they are getting this griefing because they themselves tried to run others out of the game. So Derrick would have to square that circle first, before the logic and argument makes sense.

BlackHole Game profile


Aug 19th 2023, 9:31:45

Originally posted by SuperFly:
I think people just want to run you; Black Hole out of the game…..

But that is just my thoughts based on all of the dislike that you attract to yourself.

Ok... so it's fine to want to run some people out of the game... but not others?

We are ok with griefing if we are griefing someone that we don't like. But if someone is griefing us... that's not ok?

Do ya'll need to look up the word hypocrite in a dictionary?

BlackHole Game profile


Aug 19th 2023, 1:36:39

Originally posted by Chevs:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Coalie - how long do people get to grief others just because they don't see eye to eye?

3 months? 6 months? a year? 3 years?

At what point does it go from 'I'm attacking you cause of a disagreement and a war' to I want to ruin the game for you for no reason, for no benefit to myself, not in furtherance of an actual goal related to gameplay. But just to ruin it.

And when it becomes the latter, do any of you care? Or is it fine to just straight up ruin the game for others... just cause?

As long as they damn well please.

It’s on you to lengthen your telomeres and adapt. Or die. either way, nobody cares

Git Gud .

Literally the answer I expected.

You've got tertius running around talking trash about LaF wanting to 'run people off the server' thus that's the reason everyone dislikes them.

Meanwhile you, Getafix, and others, are openly admitting that running people off the server is LITERALLY WHAT YOU ARE ADVOCATING FOR.

Hypocrites, through and through.

BlackHole Game profile


Aug 19th 2023, 0:38:20

Coalie - how long do people get to grief others just because they don't see eye to eye?

3 months? 6 months? a year? 3 years?

At what point does it go from 'I'm attacking you cause of a disagreement and a war' to I want to ruin the game for you for no reason, for no benefit to myself, not in furtherance of an actual goal related to gameplay. But just to ruin it.

And when it becomes the latter, do any of you care? Or is it fine to just straight up ruin the game for others... just cause?

BlackHole Game profile


Aug 18th 2023, 23:39:56

Originally posted by Getafix:
Its been a great time playing Earth for many years. Giving people protection from war takes away the part of this game that adds all the excitement and interest, for me. Since you have now changed the game completely from what it always was, I'll be taking a break until you put the game back the way it should be. Thanks for the fun and good luck.

You aren't looking to war, you're looking to grief. Your a known and admitted griefer.

Aren't you the one that told me you'll keep attacking me in team server over and over as long as I'm in the game? Because, if I remember correctly, you 'just don't like me'.

That's funny. I seem to remember others from your side singing similar tunes.

Maybe if you guys weren't such griefers it wouldn't be necessary for the game to have anti-griefing measures. Crazy concept to think about, eh?

BlackHole Game profile


Aug 16th 2023, 10:45:12

Originally posted by myerr21:
you guys cant possibly think youre accomplishing anything by literally going into game files others dont have access to, then whining until they changed the rules lol.

You're one of those griefers I always hear about, right?