
Cathankins Game profile


Apr 11th 2022, 0:32:23

1 Skol (#6) Game profile 80,042 $53,363,443 HG

2 Gruden WHO (#17) Game profile 16,358 $41,910,858 HG

3 Pink Panther (#100) Game profile 32,007 $40,453,222 RG

4 Hugs And Wet Kisses (#111) Game profile 21,764 $40,085,139 DG

5 Apollyon is Rising (#5) Game profile 12,625 $36,577,116 HG

6 Aturan (#12) Game profile 11,636 $31,722,678 DG

7 Doug the Slug (#90) Game profile 21,880 $29,315,212 DG

8 Casen (#85) Game profile 55,641 $28,045,947 CG

9 Notabotalopolis (#101) Game profile 14,991 $24,397,191 DG

10 armedanddangerous (#10) Game profile 26,048 $24,051,073 TG

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 11th 2022, 0:37:15

Turns: 190 Money: $39,344,589 Food: 571,084 Bushels Networth: $36,465,682

The Status of the Theocracy of Apollyon is Rising (#5)

FOOD CONCERN: Assuming no change, our people can survive for 9 more turns.

MONEY CONCERN: Assuming no change, we will run out of money in 4 turns.

The Basics

Turns Left 190

Turns Taken 1804

Turns Stored 0

Rank 4

Networth $36,465,682

Land 12,625

Money $39,344,589

Population 193,274

At War No

GDI Member Yes

Land Distribution

Enterprise Zones 0

Residences 0

Industrial Complexes 11

Military Bases 0

Research Labs 12,434

Farms 0

Oil Rigs 0

Construction Sites 156

Unused Lands 24


Military 228,133 89.7%

Medical 0 100.0%

Business 40,288 119.5%

Residential 39,200 119.0%

Agricultural 24,295 120.8%

Warfare 0 0.200%

Military Strategy 0 100.0%

Weapons 0 100.0%

Industrial 24,710 109.7%

Spy 0 100.0%

SDI 0 1.00%

Total 356,626

Current Status

Tax Revenues $1,370,506

Tax Rate 35%

Per Capita Income $20.26

Expenses $10,224,479

Net Income $-8,853,973

Cashing $-8,579,872

Food 571,084

Production 12

Consumption 63,385

Net Change -63,373

Oil 36

Production 0

Building Rate 61

Explore Rate 9

Tech Rate 4199

Military Forces

Spies 188,743

Troops 9,351,468

Jets 15,938,578

Turrets 22,352,546

Tanks 2,830,934

Nuclear Missiles 1

Chemical Missiles 2

Cruise Missiles 0

Expense Breakdown

Expenses $10,224,479

Military $9,927,477

Spies $200,060

Troops $1,090,340

Jets $2,661,985

Turrets $4,264,706

Tanks $1,710,386

Alliance/GDI $170,752

Land $126,250

Corruption $0

thoma51987 Game profile


Apr 11th 2022, 2:30:35


paradise Game profile


Apr 11th 2022, 10:13:37

Oh congrats! Well played and welcome back! I am also a returning player from many years ago.

No need to post your scores as there is a link to it online under the top players section.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 12th 2022, 15:32:11

Originally posted by paradise:
Oh congrats! Well played and welcome back! I am also a returning player from many years ago.

No need to post your scores as there is a link to it online under the top players section.

I was posting the build so that new players could see how many bpt and stuff I was running. When I started playing I couldn’t find as many examples as I would have liked.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 12th 2022, 15:33:07

Originally posted by paradise:
Oh congrats! Well played and welcome back! I am also a returning player from many years ago.

No need to post your scores as there is a link to it online under the top players section.

I wasn’t aware it showed my build in the scores that’s cool

paradise Game profile


Apr 13th 2022, 7:39:17

Oh cool thanks. I wish there was a wiki for new players or even casual players like me.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 13th 2022, 8:58:34

Originally posted by paradise:
Oh cool thanks. I wish there was a wiki for new players or even casual players like me.

Yea because it can get a little confusing after the start up walk throughs, and most of the walk through a don’t touch on how to run the different strategies and how to use turns. Like how do you spend turns as a casher, attack—-> build—-> explore or do you attack—->build——>build CS it whats the strongest way