
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 16th 2017, 3:47:09

Originally posted by Gerdler:
I personally would have loved a lategame war, but you guys are not even remotely trustworthy.

I actually assumed that would be the instant response which is why i, in my offer, said to contact SOL. Theyd obviously be sympathetic to that sentiment. Have them police the thing. If we come in early you can smash us together again. In theory, then youd have a guaranteed win if we did break that trust.

akadeo0o0 Game profile


Oct 16th 2017, 4:15:52

Funny how elders, a clan has mentioned "we do wha we want" and "LaF will never net again" and a clan that has done to LaF what Gerd said (corrected for just 1 suicider instead of suiciders) wanted LaF to discuss for an arranged war.

My only reply is GFY. You wasted many of our members' time by breaking the pact while we were all netting.

Derrick, don't even bother acting as Mr. Nice Guy who wants arranged war, etc. Clearly your and your clan's actions to "drive LaF away from the game" by contunuisly trying to ruin LaF's sets didn't work. We just keep comming back with the same number or even stronger.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 16th 2017, 4:20:56

Umm. Didn't you have 44 last set? Lol. I agree with the GFY sentiment as well. And I'm down to drive Laf off. It did just seem like there was interest in, as you put it, doing this thing fair.

But yes. My offer for a uGFY pact still stands lol

JIM_DANGER Game profile


Oct 16th 2017, 5:17:58


akadeo0o0 Game profile


Oct 16th 2017, 5:20:48

There you go. While others would like to maintain the game and the community, Elders intention is clear, as stated by Derrick, this set being offered as an uGFY pact, whatever that is. Either way, history told us that it's just gonna be broken anyway by Elders

amin Game profile


Oct 16th 2017, 5:43:23


Makinso Game profile


Oct 16th 2017, 6:25:48

Derrick we talked about this before but elders feels like a borderline personality disorder on steroids or a multie personality disorder or whatever.

One second your guys scream we are fair we try to arrange mea culpa etc. The Other moment Its blood rage run tags off the server threats and everything......... I think that's what got you in this mess in the First place.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Oct 16th 2017, 6:27:44

Even uGFY cant be trusted comming from Elders. Breaking agreements is in their nature. So I guess we should sign right away.

archaic Game profile


Oct 16th 2017, 10:59:11

Essentially we have a guy that was a longtime mid tier leader in a joke clan that has assembled a bunch of hacks and suiciders into an 'alliance' thats sole purpose is griefing better players. There may be some decent players in elders that don't post on the forums, but none of the vocal ones understand the game well enough to accomplish a top 100 finish on a 90 player server. They even war like suiciders. If you want to know why ICN spent two decades getting their fluff pushed in set after set, I present to you - DerrickICN.

Elders = The next generation Pinoy
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Rasp Game profile


Oct 16th 2017, 13:40:55

good war guys. See you on the battlefield. :)
[16:18:00] znc-rasp: We can kill bushido, but not bushifo, zack, moriarty, ghost rider, or darkling
[16:18:07] Req: Is that all the same person?
[16:18:12] symba: yea
[16:18:25] mob: my kids are like dad why are you laughing so much

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 16th 2017, 13:56:57

Lolz. You guys are cute. I don't really care when I kill Mr clear. I'm just happy that cheater dies.

I had been keeping quiet. But see. That rhetoric about us not liking a fair war just had to stop. Meh. I even find this enjoyable. But the truth is that Laf was approached for a fair war and chickened out. That's all I'm saying.

Bawwwwwk bawk bawk bawk


Also, when this game was at its height. LaF cheated and ruined this game for a lot of folks. Myself included. I stopped playing for years because of the way LaF and RD cheated to win. Even tho Mr Clear is its leader I've tried to look at it in a different light because I do like a number of players there. But the politics are still handled the same way. So my desire to kill LaF gets heightened with every set.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Oct 16th 2017, 14:24:01
See Original Post

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 16th 2017, 14:03:45

Originally posted by Makinso:
Derrick we talked about this before but elders feels like a borderline personality disorder on steroids or a multie personality disorder or whatever.

One second your guys scream we are fair we try to arrange mea culpa etc. The Other moment Its blood rage run tags off the server threats and everything......... I think that's what got you in this mess in the First place.

Sol is at least as bipolar. They switch leaders and apparently we are all supposed to just ignore the last few years because MakinSOL is apparently a completely different clan with no history. Sometimes we war bro. Neither of us ever got butthurt. You made that difference.



Oct 16th 2017, 15:30:05

Originally posted by archaic:
There may be some decent players in elders that don't post on the forums, but none of the vocal ones understand the game well enough to accomplish a top 100 finish on a 90 player server.y

Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.


EE Patron

Oct 16th 2017, 15:55:38

Well Laf is going a great job to their start of War Net Gaining this set. Average land per members is less than 2600. You have no netting techs and spending lot of important early turns attacking Elders. It kinda looks like Elders already destroyed your netting set when you hit them. You guys should have a triple crown easily in this server every set. If at set end you do not I would say Elders won. Its not spin however it is not netting either.

Buch Game profile


Oct 16th 2017, 16:33:36

Laf you cheating this set?

Mr Gainsboro Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 16th 2017, 17:07:39

Derrick I know you like to troll and all but to say you presented a way for laf to have a fair war with elders is silly. You sent me that msg after we had already made our plans for the set and 150+ turns of the set had passed.

Perhaps message us a week before the set ends if you want to plan something. We would most likely not respond but you can always try...we have no reason to play by your rules when you feel like it. You tend to break any pact, agreement we make.
Don of LaF

sinistril Game profile


Oct 16th 2017, 19:34:06

Originally posted by archaic:
Essentially we have a guy that was a longtime mid tier leader in a joke clan that has assembled a bunch of hacks and suiciders into an 'alliance' thats sole purpose is griefing better players. There may be some decent players in elders that don't post on the forums, but none of the vocal ones understand the game well enough to accomplish a top 100 finish on a 90 player server. They even war like suiciders. If you want to know why ICN spent two decades getting their fluff pushed in set after set, I present to you - DerrickICN.

Elders = The next generation Pinoy

I'm actually curious to see your personal netting history since you sound like a legendary netter that finishes top 5 every set and I can barely count without using my fingers (it's a Millennial thing). Maybe you can show me???
If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

Symbolic Game profile


Oct 16th 2017, 21:01:52




Oct 16th 2017, 22:58:22

Elders = Terrorists
There can be no chosen one; only we can save ourselves.

Vamps Game profile


Oct 16th 2017, 23:13:12

Originally posted by archaic:
There may be some decent players in elders that don't post on the forums, but none of the vocal ones understand the game well enough to accomplish a top 100 finish on a 90 player server. They even war like suiciders.

I'm fairly vocal and I play in Elders often enough. I have two top 10s and would have a third, if you hadn't suicided me out (especially ironic since I was tagged LaF at the time). You have always been a funny little hypocrite.

Netting has been a joke on this server for years now. At least war is fun. Now we'll see which side has more spirit.

archaic Game profile


Oct 17th 2017, 2:50:43

Originally posted by Vamps:
Now we'll see which side has more spirit.

Have you maybe missed the last 20 or so years? The list of assholes that have tried and failed to break Lafs spirit is a long one. Good luck with that.

I honestly had no idea you were in elders Vamps. So they have one non-fluff player, I stand corrected. I wasn't just talking about netting though, the war effort is amateur at best. Do you guys use a dart board to pick targets? I'm not even playing and just watching the news I could do better.

I'm disappointed that you would side with a bunch of known griefers that do nothing but blindside netters on every server but meh - I have not played this fluffstain server in years. What I did to Laf back in the day was a direct result of Marshall, Eug, and Candyman driving PDM off of the server because of trading. It was unfortunate, but I don't regret it - they are gone now and En4 rebuilt Laf and I've moved on. Sort of, now I just troll here when two tags I hate are at each others throats.

Oh, and Derrick, FFS dude mr clear was like 13 years ago, get over it. ICN did not die because of RD, they died because of a life of mediocrity. At least when Tella and KJ were whiney fluffs while getting rekt by Laf they were kind of amusing, you are just bland.


Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Vic Game profile


Oct 17th 2017, 3:21:20

a few quick things

- there is nothing to get over about me having been Mr Clear as it to this day remains very well documented that I NEVER ran multiple countries and never broke any rules. it was an honor for alliance heads to be given colors, and myself, sol, md, red, icn, ucn, arrow, tie, sof, and pretty much every other major alliance ever had heads that were also given that honor.

-sorry you didn't matter then?

-vamps, azn, and several others that have been in elders for sets now were indeed in the recent RD and even got deleted the final set (and that set i did not get deleted ...) (and vamps' very grudging against laf has to do with vamps being in rd and laf hating on rd that set...)

but ya, typical laughable whiney behavior from derrick per usual around here. getting kind of boring so please try to remember that:

...basic trash talking strategy dictates that you just don't spew fluff if you're the one sitting on the toilet...

SuperFly Game profile


Oct 17th 2017, 3:47:17

bonus point post

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 17th 2017, 4:09:41

This game needs JJ23!
I financially support this game; what do you do?

Vamps Game profile


Oct 17th 2017, 4:23:08

Originally posted by Vic:
-vamps, azn, and several others that have been in elders for sets now were indeed in the recent RD and even got deleted the final set (and that set i did not get deleted ...) (and vamps' very grudging against laf has to do with vamps being in rd and laf hating on rd that set...)

Wtf are you talking about? I was never in RD, and I've never been deleted. I left LaF because Ingle is a shady douchebag. Since you want to make accusations about me in public though, let's explore my history with LaF:

I left LaF because of Ingle. Ingle abused his admin rights in LaF (as IA at the time) to delete my posts on the team board after multies associated with his team string were deleted, and I attempted to question him about it on the LaF team boards to see who was involved. Earlier that set he had also been deleted in express, so I felt I had some justified concerns. Shortly after I questioned him, I was "coincidentally" suicided out of top 10 on by one of his team alliances' members (see my post above for my thoughts on Archaic).

Archaic claimed that he suicided on me because I had a good country and that he had a problem with how PDM was treated by LaF. But he suicided on two countries specifically, and Candyman and Eug both confirmed that no one from PDM had attempted to contact them with concerns. It was a bullfluff excuse.

I left LaF quietly because I couldn't trust Ingle, but I didn't feel like making a public display, since I still had lots of friends there. Since you wanted to make this public though, let me be perfectly clear...

I hit you last set because you pissed off a player who I have a great deal of respect for, and I felt obligated to help. Your FA practices last set resembled that of a spam tag. You attempted to force your policies on others and followed it up by posting policies on AT.

You want to make this personal? Fine. But don't blame anyone but yourself and Ingle. LaF leadership is the sole reason why I've grown to enjoy hitting the tag.

Peace out, I'll be seeing you soon.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Oct 17th 2017, 4:24:53

Originally posted by Requiem:
This game needs JJ23!

True that! JJ23 could bench press an F-150 while driving it!

Ivan Game profile


Oct 17th 2017, 4:30:03

Vic just to make a few things clear, There was absolutely no honor in getting a color name from a cheating tag and to the best of my knowledge and ive done research on it never found a SOF head that had a color?

Vic Game profile


Oct 17th 2017, 5:21:26

Originally posted by Vamps:
Originally posted by Vic:
-vamps, azn, and several others that have been in elders for sets now were indeed in the recent RD and even got deleted the final set (and that set i did not get deleted ...) (and vamps' very grudging against laf has to do with vamps being in rd and laf hating on rd that set...)

Wtf are you talking about? I was never in RD, and I've never been deleted. I left LaF because Ingle is a shady douchebag. Since you want to make accusations about me in public though, let's explore my history with LaF:

I left LaF because of Ingle. Ingle abused his admin rights in LaF (as IA at the time) to delete my posts on the team board after multies associated with his team string were deleted, and I attempted to question him about it on the LaF team boards to see who was involved. Earlier that set he had also been deleted in express, so I felt I had some justified concerns. Shortly after I questioned him, I was "coincidentally" suicided out of top 10 on by one of his team alliances' members (see my post above for my thoughts on Archaic).

Archaic claimed that he suicided on me because I had a good country and that he had a problem with how PDM was treated by LaF. But he suicided on two countries specifically, and Candyman and Eug both confirmed that no one from PDM had attempted to contact them with concerns. It was a bullfluff excuse.

I left LaF quietly because I couldn't trust Ingle, but I didn't feel like making a public display, since I still had lots of friends there. Since you wanted to make this public though, let me be perfectly clear...

I hit you last set because you pissed off a player who I have a great deal of respect for, and I felt obligated to help. Your FA practices last set resembled that of a spam tag. You attempted to force your policies on others and followed it up by posting policies on AT.

You want to make this personal? Fine. But don't blame anyone but yourself and Ingle. LaF leadership is the sole reason why I've grown to enjoy hitting the tag.

Peace out, I'll be seeing you soon.

you are very emo

Dissident Game profile


Oct 17th 2017, 6:11:03

you got proven wrong... thats the best you got?

Makinso Game profile


Oct 17th 2017, 7:43:59

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Originally posted by Gerdler:
I personally would have loved a lategame war, but you guys are not even remotely trustworthy.

I actually assumed that would be the instant response which is why i, in my offer, said to contact SOL. Theyd obviously be sympathetic to that sentiment. Have them police the thing. If we come in early you can smash us together again. In theory, then youd have a guaranteed win if we did break that trust.

Well honestly derrick I can understand them not going for this offer after what you did to our arranged last set. Even with us policing it's something that could go sideways if you guys get steamed up enough by something else.
Originally posted by Ivan:
Vic just to make a few things clear, There was absolutely no honor in getting a color name from a cheating tag and to the best of my knowledge and ive done research on it never found a SOF head that had a color?

I gaurantee you Helmet was a pun intended.
If I can be arsed to find the USB I have all my old IRC logs on I have that logged somewhere.

akadeo0o0 Game profile


Oct 17th 2017, 8:08:17

So, if I get this correctly, at some point a member of each major clan was in RD as a colour.

Ivan Game profile


Oct 17th 2017, 8:08:41

find me the logs and then we will talk Makinso :P

Ivan Game profile


Oct 17th 2017, 8:09:19

pretty much all tags had members with RD connection more or less akadeooo yes

Vic Game profile


Oct 17th 2017, 11:56:47

dissident, you are such a basic white fluff.

And vamps - the first part of that third point starting "vamps," is addressed to you stating that "azn and several others in elders were in RD and got deleted" and then further down the line I mistakenly noted in parenthesis that you were grudging on laf because of laf hating rd when I meant to say azn. My bad. We all know you hate laf because of ingle as you've extensively documented on AT for years. You are still super emo though

Elders has a lot of RDers so that storyline from derrick is just another 'hey mom look at me!' Fail

Edited By: Vic on Oct 17th 2017, 12:09:28

Scorpio Game profile


Oct 17th 2017, 12:03:00

This thread is missing one thing! ..JERRY,JERRY,JERRY,JERRY!

archaic Game profile


Oct 17th 2017, 15:28:50

Originally posted by Vamps:

Archaic claimed that he suicided on me because I had a good country and that he had a problem with how PDM was treated by LaF. But he suicided on two countries specifically, and Candyman and Eug both confirmed that no one from PDM had attempted to contact them with concerns. It was a bullfluff excuse.

I did not 'claim' fluff vamps, I TOLD you what I did. You are bad at history apparently. I was HFA for PDM, and we had been at war with Laf for months. Laf to this day has a thread titled 'PDM Oppression Thread' that was up while you were there. I hit your country because it was an easy mark and an obvious Top 10, I had no idea who I was hitting nor did I give a fluff. You guys drove PDM out of the game, so - like TAN, my PDM mentor in being HFA - I suicided Laf on my way out. Vic did a retirement video when he retired, PDM heads do an AB run on Laf when we retire.

Sorry to fluff all over your conspiracy theory, I don't even think Ingle was in weedy back then. Certainly I wasn't taking orders from him, he still fluffs up his destock half the time.

PDMABFSFTW!! I cannot begin to express my joy that long after PDM has faded away, the AB FS is now the preferred method of conducting a war.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

sinistril Game profile


Oct 17th 2017, 16:17:19

Were those multis that were purpled or?
If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Oct 17th 2017, 17:01:48

Vic we still waiting....

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Rasp Game profile


Oct 17th 2017, 17:22:44

Originally posted by Vic:
a few quick things
-vamps, azn, and several others that have been in elders for sets now were indeed in the recent RD and even got deleted the final set (and that set i did not get deleted ...) (and vamps' very grudging against laf has to do with vamps being in rd and laf hating on rd that set...)

...basic trash talking strategy dictates that you just don't spew fluff if you're the one sitting on the toilet...

If you're going to try to set things straight, make sure you don't spin more lies. Vamps already refuted in his response, but I think it's ironic for you to try to clear up this mess by adding more trash. Oh, that last line was quoted for truth.
[16:18:00] znc-rasp: We can kill bushido, but not bushifo, zack, moriarty, ghost rider, or darkling
[16:18:07] Req: Is that all the same person?
[16:18:12] symba: yea
[16:18:25] mob: my kids are like dad why are you laughing so much

Mr Gainsboro Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 17th 2017, 18:01:10

Originally posted by Vamps:
Originally posted by Vic:
-vamps, azn, and several others that have been in elders for sets now were indeed in the recent RD and even got deleted the final set (and that set i did not get deleted ...) (and vamps' very grudging against laf has to do with vamps being in rd and laf hating on rd that set...)

Wtf are you talking about? I was never in RD, and I've never been deleted. I left LaF because Ingle is a shady douchebag. Since you want to make accusations about me in public though, let's explore my history with LaF:

I left LaF because of Ingle. Ingle abused his admin rights in LaF (as IA at the time) to delete my posts on the team board after multies associated with his team string were deleted, and I attempted to question him about it on the LaF team boards to see who was involved. Earlier that set he had also been deleted in express, so I felt I had some justified concerns. Shortly after I questioned him, I was "coincidentally" suicided out of top 10 on by one of his team alliances' members (see my post above for my thoughts on Archaic).

Archaic claimed that he suicided on me because I had a good country and that he had a problem with how PDM was treated by LaF. But he suicided on two countries specifically, and Candyman and Eug both confirmed that no one from PDM had attempted to contact them with concerns. It was a bullfluff excuse.

I left LaF quietly because I couldn't trust Ingle, but I didn't feel like making a public display, since I still had lots of friends there. Since you wanted to make this public though, let me be perfectly clear...

I hit you last set because you pissed off a player who I have a great deal of respect for, and I felt obligated to help. Your FA practices last set resembled that of a spam tag. You attempted to force your policies on others and followed it up by posting policies on AT.

You want to make this personal? Fine. But don't blame anyone but yourself and Ingle. LaF leadership is the sole reason why I've grown to enjoy hitting the tag.

Peace out, I'll be seeing you soon.

I can vouch for that, Vamps was not in RD. azn was.
Don of LaF

Shweezy Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 17th 2017, 18:25:15

Teach me how to run multis like you offered RED
Catch me on ir c

Ivan Game profile


Oct 17th 2017, 20:28:26

so were a lot of loosers gains :D

Symbolic Game profile


Oct 17th 2017, 21:35:47

The uploader has not made this video available in your country.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 17th 2017, 22:06:34

Oh jeez maki. Just because some people prefer a fun war over a dumb gangbang does not mean you have to get bent. The war last set was much more fun with stones there on our side than it would have been without. It's like you prefer a good politics set over a fun set to play. I will never understand that.

Gains - sounds good. You can look forward to hearing from me. Just don't wanna hear anymore babies crying about fairness :) I'm sure you're about to that point too haha.

Vic you fool. Ugh. Do you really think I wasn't offered a place in RD? Ofc I was. There just were/are some of us that think not only was it not a great honor, but it was a horrible act to cheat, manipulate and run tags off the server. And off ICN was infiltrated. You guys cheated as much as possible. And yes I forgave many of the players. Most of which don't think there was any honor in that association. They did it to have fun and they do what they do now to have fun. And they understand that being wicked to other members was not an honor in this game. Its funny. It comes full circle to someone manipulating you and screwing you over every set.

But I do see your point. It is a damn honor to be an Elder.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 17th 2017, 22:23:12

Forgot to ask. Why was Din Vic (#15) deleted? Sure looks like it was #315's multi.

Did that happen ten minutes after you said you were clean or was it 15?

Shweezy Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 17th 2017, 23:27:01

Originally posted by Shweezy:
Teach me how to run multis like you offered RED

Never mind. ROFL
Catch me on ir c

Vic Game profile


Oct 17th 2017, 23:48:17

<--- country still alive and tagged laf

cool story line though!



Oct 17th 2017, 23:52:25

you still have purple multies

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 18th 2017, 0:16:12

So someone has the country name Don Vic that was running a multi?

And you tried to protect your image by deleting it from your tag?

And you haven't named the cheater because you're protecting his reputation?

Classic Vic. If you don't accept the actions of this cheater then name him and shame him. But you can't. See. Because its obviously you. Or else this wouldn't be a conversation about how it wasn't you or a respected member of Laf.

Once was and always will be a cheater. And a protector of cheaters at best.

Vic Game profile


Oct 18th 2017, 0:19:23

^are you that stupid that you make conviction calls like that when our member redneck was tagged "don vic" and his wife and he are pending safelist right now?

once more, i've never cheated, i've never been deleted, my country is still tagged, and the dramatic storyline you keep trying to tell only reveals how inaccurate and well ... desperate ... you are.

the owner of this game plays in laf. laf doesn't cheat. you are a joke to suggest such.

gl tagging up ICN in a few sets