


Oct 13th 2017, 21:25:22


Dissident Game profile


Oct 13th 2017, 21:35:17

Wow... i guess you never want to net again. Thanks. Elders has their next 2 years planned

Hellrush Game profile


Oct 13th 2017, 21:40:39

no bots and LaF needs there farmland so Elders will do.


EE Patron

Oct 13th 2017, 21:42:32

Even if we loose and out numbered it is another set Laf is not netting. Either way Elders win. Not sure why that is hard for Laf to understand

Dark Demon Game profile

Game Moderator
EE Patron

Oct 13th 2017, 21:49:08

Haha welcom to hell
Natural Born Killers



Oct 13th 2017, 22:03:46

Another vaca woooohoooo

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Oct 13th 2017, 23:04:19

Originally posted by Dissident:
Wow... i guess you never want to net again. Thanks. Elders has their next 2 years planned

Congratulations! You are alliance number 21 that has told LaF they will never net again. That usually signifies LaF will win a double (or triple) crown within the following 3-4 rounds, as is tradition.

GL to everyone involved!
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

braden Game profile


Oct 13th 2017, 23:20:51

I will no longer be offering my services to my friend.

I will not be involved !

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Oct 14th 2017, 0:28:03

iMag will be netting. We shall be the new LaF. :P
Please place us on netting DNH.

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Suicidal Game profile


Oct 14th 2017, 0:29:29


Symbolic Game profile


Oct 14th 2017, 3:24:24

LAF gotta do somthing. Only to f..........lose

sinistril Game profile


Oct 14th 2017, 3:39:46

If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

Spaced Game profile


Oct 14th 2017, 3:39:47


Syko_Killa Game profile


Oct 14th 2017, 3:46:30

I see you guys returned the favor with your own ab fs.
Do as I say, not as I do.

Vic Game profile


Oct 14th 2017, 6:27:04


Oceana Game profile


Oct 14th 2017, 7:58:39


Makinso Game profile


Oct 14th 2017, 12:10:34

Push laf into you will never net again and they usually win..... gl guys

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 14th 2017, 12:57:06

Hey guys Lets be honest you weren't going to let them net regardless. LaF did you a favor by giving an excuse now.

GL everyone!
I financially support this game; what do you do?

Shweezy Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 14th 2017, 15:01:18

Originally posted by Makinso:
Push laf into you will never net again and they usually win..... gl guys

Your mouth is drippin
Catch me on ir c

Makinso Game profile


Oct 14th 2017, 20:20:59

LOL shweezy I luv you 2 bruh. Manlove all the way! No really takes on to know one right?

ebert00 Game profile


Oct 15th 2017, 4:10:51

smelders doesn't like not having a blindsided fs on netters. without that advantage they wither up and lose. they will probably try and fs omega or something.

Dissident Game profile


Oct 15th 2017, 4:53:33

you guys gotta get your heads out of your rectums. elders has fought many wars against non netting alliances. do you need a history lesson again?

ebert00 Game profile


Oct 15th 2017, 4:59:05

history lesson 1 for you dissident. last round you blindsided us and broke a pact and fsd us as we were netting you got tag killed. this round you will die too. now go back to mommy's basement like a good pet.

Dissident Game profile


Oct 15th 2017, 5:05:41

last set wasnt a blindside. Vic and don tob had like 12 hours notice that war was on... do i need to post that conversation?

Dissident Game profile


Oct 15th 2017, 5:08:45

Here you go... its not our fault vic didnt inform his members that this happened.

Syko_Killa Game profile


Oct 15th 2017, 6:05:32

Originally posted by Dissident:
last set wasnt a blindside. Vic and don tob had like 12 hours notice that war was on... do i need to post that conversation?
nice, you gave us 12 hours notice and you guys got to prepare for a month? Man you guys have so much heart...
Do as I say, not as I do.

DruncK Game profile


Oct 15th 2017, 6:08:45

It was your notice dumbass

Syko_Killa Game profile


Oct 15th 2017, 6:09:55

Originally posted by Dissident:
is that a picture of gandalf at the bottom of that image? Or is that dumbledore?
Do as I say, not as I do.

sinistril Game profile


Oct 15th 2017, 6:12:37

Aren't they the same person? I don't watch videotapes
If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

Dissident Game profile


Oct 15th 2017, 6:28:07

Oh is 12 hours too short a time to post on your message boards? Pretty flimsy excuse. Yall should have all known we were coming because vic cancelled the pact. Its all right there in the conversation.

Suicidal Game profile


Oct 15th 2017, 15:58:01

All of this is old news. Move along, nothing to see here. ~Bonus~

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 15th 2017, 21:15:22

Originally posted by ebert00:
smelders doesn't like not having a blindsided fs on netters. without that advantage they wither up and lose. they will probably try and fs omega or something.

Beyond the average trolling I do actually take issue with this. I approached multiple Laf leaders about arranging a time for a war. We would have happily given you a "fair war" since it has always been pretty one sided.

If you fs with numbers advantage its just as blindside worthy as us fsing netters. There really hasn't been an even tilt to our mutual destruction which is why I made every attempt this set to ensure there'd be some resolution to it considering anyone could see we were both building for war.

I guess its easy to say that we don't like war unless its a blindside, but I did fully enjoy when sol blindsided us a handful of sets ago. I also would have enjoyed, as you put it, a "fair war" this set, which is why I contacted Laf leadership for that.

Relaxlah and gains can confirm that I contacted them for a war without the blindside factor. But you see. Even less than Elders apparently enjoys it, Laf was completely unwilling. I offered to play ball on the terms that your membership seems keen on. So ebert. You're just wrong. I'm sorry to say that. I like you. But that isn't a correct statement. Laf totally chickened out of that, not the other way around.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 15th 2017, 21:19:05

Truth is, I probably would probably have chickened out too in your position. Knowing I would lose with numbers advantage and all. It would make you look terrible.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 15th 2017, 21:32:38

Also, I'd be willing to play ball on those terms next set as well. But you guys don't REALLY want that do you? Its just a convenient excuse for losing badly.



Oct 15th 2017, 22:45:02

DerrickICN... Master Chef or Master Spin? :|
There can be no chosen one; only we can save ourselves.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 15th 2017, 22:49:56

In both instances I'm a master. I'll take it. Haha.

...but that's no spin. That actually did happen.


At least we can show Laf what it means to show up with a severe disadvantage unlike they did last set.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Oct 15th 2017, 22:53:12
See Original Post

DruncK Game profile


Oct 15th 2017, 23:07:02

Lol I tried to warn ya D

JIM_DANGER Game profile


Oct 15th 2017, 23:24:38

Originally posted by Dissident:
Wow... i guess we never want to war on our own terms again. Thanks. Elders has their next 2 years planned





Syko_Killa Game profile


Oct 15th 2017, 23:36:12

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
In both instances I'm a master. I'll take it. Haha.

...but that's no spin. That actually did happen.


At least we can show Laf what it means to show up with a severe disadvantage unlike they did last set.
shut up you frickin wannabe hippie
Do as I say, not as I do.

sinistril Game profile


Oct 15th 2017, 23:47:33

You ever arrive at the bus stop, having forgotten to put on your shorts? Completely careless on a warm summer day, it isn't until a cool summer breeze blows up your boxers that you realise something is wrong, but you aren't sure what it is. Your classmates at the bus stop don't tell you anything, you wonder why they're snickering.

The bus lady, Doris Dorenperopov, glares at you with her usual menacing unibrow but you think nothing of it and sit down in the front row. The bus drops you off at school and all the girls stare at you, horrified. You think to yourself, you shouldn't have let your mother cut your hair. You still have nightmares yourself of her putting that bowl on your head and taking a pair of kitchen scissors to your dignity.

You arrive at class and sit down just before the teacher comes in the room, and get frustrated because there is a strange atmosphere in the room. Eyes dart everywhere, some at you, some with knowing glances and giggles at eachother. The kid behind you, Boris Fedorovich, who usually bullies you is noticably quiet today. You expected him to rip on your haircut and turn around to ask him if he's feeling alright. He tells you there is nothing he can do to you anymore.

You somehow feel invincible, maybe life is looking up. Maybe you've conquered the world. Defeated all your enemies. Won the war. Life is good.

Your entire day goes like that and the longer it goes on the better you feel. It isn't until you finally get home, victorious, that you walk in the bathroom and look in the mirror to see the new you, deciding this will be the day everything changes. That is the moment you finally notice you're wearing polka dotted boxers with a hole in them.

Edited By: sinistril on Oct 15th 2017, 23:50:43
If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

ebert00 Game profile


Oct 16th 2017, 1:11:44

Derrick, I hate warring period! I am a netter and will do what is needed to be able to net. if it requires many people ganging up on bullies ( elders), i see no problem in that. if u want to war all the time, go find as dance partner and war. hitting az unprepared netting alliance is just a %$%$ move. so no, I don't feel bad fsing elders turn 101 with as number advantage. you brought this on yourself, now take your beating. personally I hope someone fses elders every set turn 101.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 16th 2017, 1:23:16

^thats fine. Just don't claim some moral high ground about us not wanting a fair war and only liking to blindeside. Its just not accurate. And I'm certainly not shaming you or telling you to feel bad. I like to war. You like to net. We hate each other and refuse to work together to make everyone happy. And then elders gets what it wants. Been that way for a year now. Ball's been in your court three times now and all three times you spiked it. I can't help that.

Dissident Game profile


Oct 16th 2017, 1:42:51

isnt it funny how nobody is really addressing the fact that Derrick went to laf leadership to try and settle this once and for all... an arranged war that might just end it, but instead you do the oop ab fs trick and prolong your war set streak. gg

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 16th 2017, 2:42:57

Just like last set bro. I've been constantly trying to work with these boys and constantly failing. Idk what else to say.

Aside from...... Sorry about your country ebert. Tell Mr. Clear I said hi.

Relax lah Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 16th 2017, 3:10:52

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Originally posted by ebert00:
smelders doesn't like not having a blindsided fs on netters. without that advantage they wither up and lose. they will probably try and fs omega or something.

Beyond the average trolling I do actually take issue with this. I approached multiple Laf leaders about arranging a time for a war. We would have happily given you a "fair war" since it has always been pretty one sided.

If you fs with numbers advantage its just as blindside worthy as us fsing netters. There really hasn't been an even tilt to our mutual destruction which is why I made every attempt this set to ensure there'd be some resolution to it considering anyone could see we were both building for war.

I guess its easy to say that we don't like war unless its a blindside, but I did fully enjoy when sol blindsided us a handful of sets ago. I also would have enjoyed, as you put it, a "fair war" this set, which is why I contacted Laf leadership for that.

Relaxlah and gains can confirm that I contacted them for a war without the blindside factor. But you see. Even less than Elders apparently enjoys it, Laf was completely unwilling. I offered to play ball on the terms that your membership seems keen on. So ebert. You're just wrong. I'm sorry to say that. I like you. But that isn't a correct statement. Laf totally chickened out of that, not the other way around.

Derrick since u have quoted me, then I guess there’s a need to address this. Confirmed, u did contact me on the possibility of arranging a war - i remember we had that conversation AFTER the fs.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 16th 2017, 3:15:45

I did contact you before it tho. And gains outright told me request denied. I believe you said you didn't see it til after fs. I believe you. Good thing you aren't the only leader I contacted.

I am a bit curious what your vote would have been tho. Like had you known we reached out to conclude this rivalry before fs. Ofc Vic wouldn't have called off the fs. And I don't think you'd go against him. I'm not trying to create a rift from within (this time). I am just a bit curious tho. Think it would have been very becoming of both of us to do it in that way. Many of us are friends. Many of us are clan mates on other servers. Just musing I suppose.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Oct 16th 2017, 3:22:15
See Original Post

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Oct 16th 2017, 3:21:28

you guys are expecting us to just accept the fact that 3 of the last 4 sets you did:
1. FS us endgame just to ruin our netting.
2. FS us with SOL.
3. Send suiciders on us and break a pact that you constructed that was only about one thing: that neither side FSs the other. It's very clear that it was your plan from the start of the reset.

There is no ambiguity here. You even said it yourself in your war declaration, your goal is to run LaF off the server. And now you say you want to work with us. fo f-ing real? like you worked with us last set? Like you worked with SOL last set? Like you worked with everyone else on the server when you ignored MD and kept hitting LaF when all the server was looking for leadership in the war on MD?

You change your story for every mood you are in Derrick and your PMSs are getting worse and worse.

Edited By: Gerdler on Oct 16th 2017, 3:24:28

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Oct 16th 2017, 3:27:09

I personally would have loved a lategame war, but you guys are not even remotely trustworthy.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 16th 2017, 3:29:01

Ahem. Gerdy. Suicider. Not suiciders. We had one suicider. The others were all tagged SOL or Omega. They are all once again in SOL. Quit blaming us for SOL's members.

I Donno. I wish you wouldn't try to just spin things back the other way. Our plan last set was always to war SOL. Things got out of hand between us, communication broke down and the rest is history. But you really gotta quit lying to yourself about that.

And no. I don't expect you to just accept the above facts. But I did see the general sentiment was that we won't fight a fair fight with you all. So I did try to make that happen in an effort to improve the nonsense.

As far as my story changing? Yeah. Idk what you're saying there. Its a new set. So yes. New approaches. I did reach out. That's a fact. Just as I did last set. Starting to think I want you guys to net more than you want to. Lol.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 16th 2017, 3:34:12

Pretty convenient to just blame SOL's suiciders on us and act like that never happened while the same country names are in SOL again this set.

FDPs are so phony these days lol