
LUCHO Game profile


Dec 22nd 2016, 22:59:08

How Zack gets in our Warroom is beyond me but he's been banned several times and many names over. So now it seems Elders and Imag have an ally in Zack as we have made him our "enemy"? Because we don't allow him to idle in our war channel and we ban him when he does show up. I dunno but just thought you'd all like to see it. Nobody asked him to hit, he isn't tagged, him and his multis or whoever he plays with are not part of Stones nor are they welcome but they keep coming anyway.


<LUCHO|CWG>: who is asshole?
<Asshole>: lol
<Asshole>: who do you think
<LUCHO|CWG>: zack
<LUCHO|CWG>: wtf
<LUCHO|CWG>: too bad no ops
<DeadRat>: Still reading the mail.
<Asshole>: 2 bad im hidden
<Asshole>: and im damn good at what i do
<LUCHO|CWG>: nobody cares
<Asshole>: and stones just made me an enemy
<LUCHO|CWG>: as usual
<Asshole>: rats dones
<Asshole>: in on the phone with him
<Asshole>: im proving truth
<LUCHO|CWG>: nobody wants you here
<LUCHO|CWG>: just leave man
<LUCHO|CWG>: why be where you aren't welcome
<Asshole>: well i dont care
<DeadRat>: I take it that includes me ?
<Asshole>: i would be welcome if the people were worth a fluff
<LUCHO|CWG>: I d'not know who the fluff you are
<LUCHO|CWG>: so yeah
<LUCHO|CWG>: gtfo
<LUCHO|CWG>: why be here?
<LUCHO|CWG>: you aren't tagged
<LUCHO|CWG>: nobody likes you
<LUCHO|CWG>: nobody is nice to you
<LUCHO|CWG>: and yet you continue to make a ass of yourself for years and years and years
<LUCHO|CWG>: I've been outta this stupid game for 4 years
<Asshole>: lol nope
<LUCHO|CWG>: and here you are still doing the same stupid fluff
<Asshole>: you all have been assess for years and years i predicted
<Asshole>: lol
<LUCHO|CWG>: takes one to know one
<LUCHO|CWG>: anyway
<LUCHO|CWG>: later fluff bag
<Asshole>: i actually didnt play for years and years
<Asshole>: cause you suck nuts
<Asshole>: i beat fluffs like you years ago
<Asshole>: ill do it again

LUCHO Game profile


Dec 22nd 2016, 23:03:34

and he came back ... he just keeps going ... :/


<Asshole>: sorry i never slept with a child at 40
<Asshole>: sorry i never did what some say
<Asshole>: i can kiss stones ass
<Asshole>: sorry im not the bad others make me out to be
<Asshole>: but i will and can play this game my way without idiots like you
<Asshole>: i never once did what said of me in those cases
<Asshole>: if you want to push the issue i will take Gods side with me
<Asshole>: fluff you
<Asshole>: i am sure God will give me the ability to make you learn from your mistakes
<Asshole>: that when you lie about others it comes back to you 100 fold
<Asshole>: i have lived meth heads and more
<Asshole>: think i cant out live idiots like you and mr ford
<Asshole>: one thing ive learned over the years
<Asshole>: tell an idiot something its spread
<Asshole>: truth or not
<Asshole>: idiots here believe the lies
<Asshole>: trash i call all of you
<Asshole>: no way in hell id do what you say about me
<Asshole>: but i have proof you do it
<Asshole>: what you say about me and others
<Asshole>: its why i have my team coming
<Asshole>: and they will bow to me
<Asshole>: i call and know all of you as trash becuse you base me by a lie
<Asshole>: like nyaa elysium years ago my korean fiance
<Asshole>: you are no better than them years ago
<Asshole>: no smarts and no clue
<Asshole>: if god gave out brains to goats you guys would be ....
<Asshole>: plain out lies and whatever against me for years
<Asshole>: if you agree with them you are blinder than a goat brained fluff
<Asshole>: fact

LUCHO Game profile


Dec 22nd 2016, 23:07:21

I'm not OP'd so I can't boot him xD


<LUCHO|CWG>: this is all on AT xD
<Asshole>: i did none of it what they say
<Asshole>: lies and bs
<Asshole>: oh yeah all the logs against me are posted
<Asshole>: included what i have 15 years ago against them
<Asshole>: but of course you have no reason to think im a good person
<Asshole>: so fluff you
<Asshole>: its just a game really
<Asshole>: and seems full of dumb fluffs like yourself

LUCHO Game profile


Dec 22nd 2016, 23:18:37

he keeps going and going and going


<Asshole>: i actually like rats compared to you
<Asshole>: least he will listen to reason
<Asshole>: he wanted to stay stones
<Asshole>: did you guys right
<Asshole>: you never told him he was no longer welcome
<Asshole>: i had to do that
<Asshole>: good guy all there for stones no wrong done
<Asshole>: wrong done was stones to him and thanks for letting me prove it
<Asshole>: im not the issue nor is rats
<Asshole>: fact is games players suck
<Asshole>: assholes
<Asshole>: i proved it
<Asshole>: you dont wanna hear it
<Asshole>: fine
<Asshole>: i proved all of you are prick tards
<Asshole>: all of my old killer crew refuses to play because all of you suck
<Asshole>: i say hey come back help me a bit they say no
<Asshole>: i say why
<Asshole>: cause you know as we do the games community blows goats
<Asshole>: my bff 7 years older than me refuses to play
<Asshole>: he did not play since the year 2k
<Asshole>: he said im not plying in a game of jerks
<Asshole>: my best friend
<Asshole>: and i tend to agree with him
<Asshole>: only reason i play is i like those like rats and others with heart
<Asshole>: YOU DONT HAVE
<Asshole>: i have more heart than all of you combined
<Asshole>: you say i suck im bad
<Asshole>: my own sister on meth said the same when i didnt give her money for her drugs
<Asshole>: my own mother said the same when i didnt give her half my tax return for her bf she was letting stay free
<Asshole>: you guys are idiots
<Asshole>: if you like to say me the bad fine....... but i can prove otherwise
<Asshole>: hey the more im about the more ill get my side
<Asshole>: cuase im smarter than all of you
<Asshole>: well lets think about this

Collzaboration Game profile


Dec 22nd 2016, 23:31:01

mrford Game profile


Dec 22nd 2016, 23:43:44

Meth heads.....
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

LUCHO Game profile


Dec 23rd 2016, 0:07:09



<Zachariah>: my pleasure in this game is making them realize i can do what i say
<Zachariah>: you want to be a part of that
<Zachariah>: be my guest and test me
<Zachariah>: shall i post my ex wives response just know if i need her to play
<Zachariah>: and more
<Zachariah>: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
<Zachariah>: you think ifag did good against you
<Zachariah>: see my team if i set it up
<Zachariah>: you want to piss me off
<Zachariah>: GO FOR IT
<Darkwing>: hey! I know!
<Darkwing>: go fluff yourself
<Darkwing>: xD

Akula Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 23rd 2016, 0:14:09

oh boy ...

the crack soufflé was a bit too strong Lucho
"Astra inclinant, sed non obligant"


Scott Game profile


Dec 23rd 2016, 0:17:38

Lol... Jesus hates liars Mr. Gambling! Quit your fibbing!


New Member
EE Patron

Dec 23rd 2016, 0:42:18

Asshole is the lesser asshole - more ass than hole

Jesus eats a kitten for each lie told

DruncK Game profile


Dec 23rd 2016, 1:10:30

CWG needs to leave stones and run far, far away. I can't believe you guys let those morons "lead" you.

GeneralofRome Game profile


Dec 23rd 2016, 1:25:34

/me waves hi to DruncK

WeeZy get you to come back?



Dec 23rd 2016, 1:48:46

Not sure anyone in this game cares about stone or imag

archaic Game profile


Dec 23rd 2016, 2:10:06

Originally posted by SPARTACUS:
Not sure anyone in this game cares about stone or imag


(FWIW, I doubt any actual CWG are involved in this debacle.)
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

archaic Game profile


Dec 23rd 2016, 2:28:52

So, whoever the fluff Zack is, he is now raging on the EE FB page. Lol, the salt - its nearly diamond dog quality. Kudos sir, kudos. I had forgotten to unfollow that fluff during my last social media purge, so glad I did not miss your agnst ridden butt-hurt festival.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

mrford Game profile


Dec 23rd 2016, 2:30:44

Remember Darkling?

Same guy.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

archaic Game profile


Dec 23rd 2016, 2:30:52

Oh yeah, darkling.

winner, surprised they let him have FB in jail

Edited By: archaic on Dec 23rd 2016, 2:47:25
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Collzaboration Game profile


Dec 23rd 2016, 2:59:51

lol you folks really need to lay off the drugs

Ratski Game profile


Dec 23rd 2016, 3:55:03

They don't call them selves stones for nothing ! I though they liked me? I am done for this set I qui.I pulled out of the set , see what's up next round.

Soviet Game profile


Dec 23rd 2016, 4:09:11

[15:27] <LUCHO|CWG> in how many hours is the meet here?
[15:27] <Zack> what are you yammering about
[15:30] <&undertaker> 31/2
[15:33] <sardinehedbru> so u guys hit imga? I gotta go look
[15:33] <sardinehedbru> ahhhh abs lol
[15:34] <sardinehedbru> those do hurt man
[15:34] <Zack> we were just tinkering
[15:34] <sardinehedbru> ahhh ok
[15:37] <Hammer> should I save turns? Im almost full
[15:37] <Crash2> are you going to be available in about 3 hours

Just sayin'...
Imaginary Numbers

Soviet Game profile


Dec 23rd 2016, 4:10:30

[16:18] <Zack> Your country was destroyed because it self deleted. lol
[16:18] <uj> why would you do that?
[16:18] <Crash2> hes crazy obviously

Tombstone (#232)
Rank: 293
Networth: 101,000
Land: 501
Successful Defense Percentage: 16.67%
Imaginary Numbers

Shweezy Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 23rd 2016, 4:19:39

Post the logs where they told Ratski to ab Elders next..
And then ab another clan every 2 days..

You know what am talkin bout?(Crash)
Catch me on ir c


New Member

Dec 23rd 2016, 4:20:10

[15:27] <Soviet> I try and hate him, but I'll be darned if that Chevelle on the forums isn't the smartest guy I know
[15:27] <Soviet> sexy too, I hope he picks up that I like him from the way I treat him
[15:30] <Sovietsfriendwhoidontknow> bro just tell him how you feel. People respond to honesty.
[15:33] <Soviet> but I'm scared to put myself out there, what if he rejects me? :(
[15:33] <Sovietsfriendwhoidontknow> that's the risk we take, to be happy and make a change you gotta be willing to do some things you've never done before
[15:34] <Soviet> but I'm still scared...
[15:34] <Sovietsfriendwhoidontknow> look if he has any standards he'll see what a great person you are and he'll be all over that
[15:34] <Soviet> I suppose you might be right, I'll talk to him tomorrow!
[15:37] <Sovietsfriendwhoidontknow> that's the spirit! Let me know how it goes, and remember just be honest
[15:37] <Soviet> you're the be friend a filthy communist could ask for :D

Not impressed.. I can do it too

Oh btw hit me up in PM and we can discuss where our date is gonna be.. I hear you like me ;)

Soviet Game profile


Dec 23rd 2016, 4:23:37

Sooo... you haven't been in this entire thread until now, and not even mentioned once, but all of the sudden I have a hard on for you?
Imaginary Numbers

Shweezy Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 23rd 2016, 4:26:16

Lmao.. Well got the screen shots too if you'd like those?
Own up to it you got outted for the fluff tactics you used and getting stomped for it.
Catch me on ir c


New Member

Dec 23rd 2016, 4:30:52

Originally posted by Soviet:
Sooo... you haven't been in this entire thread until now, and not even mentioned once, but all of the sudden I have a hard on for you?

Oh that's where you're wrong babe, I'm always with you in your heart.

LUCHO Game profile


Dec 23rd 2016, 4:40:01

[quote poster=Soviet; 42405; 798463][15:27] <LUCHO|CWG> in how many hours is the meet here?
[15:27] <Zack> what are you yammering about
[15:30] <&undertaker> 31/2
[15:33] <sardinehedbru> so u guys hit imga? I gotta go look
[15:33] <sardinehedbru> ahhhh abs lol
[15:34] <sardinehedbru> those do hurt man
[15:34] <Zack> we were just tinkering
[15:34] <sardinehedbru> ahhh ok
[15:37] <Hammer> should I save turns? Im almost full
[15:37] <Crash2> are you going to be available in about 3 hours

Just sayin'... [/quote]

that's not real ... Just sayin'


galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Dec 23rd 2016, 4:44:00

Originally posted by Shweezy:
Lmao.. Well got the screen shots too if you'd like those?
[quote poster=LUCHO; 42405; 798473][quote poster=Soviet; 42405; 798463][15:27] <LUCHO|CWG> in how many hours is the meet here?
[15:27] <Zack> what are you yammering about
[15:30] <&undertaker> 31/2
[15:33] <sardinehedbru> so u guys hit imga? I gotta go look
[15:33] <sardinehedbru> ahhhh abs lol
[15:34] <sardinehedbru> those do hurt man
[15:34] <Zack> we were just tinkering
[15:34] <sardinehedbru> ahhh ok
[15:37] <Hammer> should I save turns? Im almost full
[15:37] <Crash2> are you going to be available in about 3 hours

Just sayin'... [/quote]

that's not real ... Just sayin'

-LUCHO CWG [/quote]

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Shweezy Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 23rd 2016, 4:45:15

Take the CWG name out yo sig when you lie
Catch me on ir c

Crash Game profile


Dec 23rd 2016, 4:48:18

Do you honestly think we have any control over him. Ya i suggested he hit elders next cuase hes dumb enough to do it and really elders still top of my personal fluff list.

Crash Game profile


Dec 23rd 2016, 4:52:57

Oh and just for the sake of saying it I told him not to hit imag.

breeze Game profile


Dec 23rd 2016, 5:00:16

really LUCHO WTF is this

BR ground and pound (#172) [] --> Ride the Lightning (#249) [iMagNum] -- DEF HELD
23:52 Overlord BR ground and pound (#172) [] --> Ride the Lightning (#249) [iMagNum] -- 65C/19B
23:52 Overlord BR ground and pound (#172) [] --> Ride the Lightning (#249) [iMagNum] -- 62C/19B
23:52 Overlord BR ground and pound (#172) [] --> Ride the Lightning (#249) [iMagNum] -- 60C/19B
23:52 Overlord BR ground and pound (#172) [] --> Ride the Lightning (#249) [iMagNum] -- 58C/18B
23:52 Overlord BR ground and pound (#172) [] --> Ride the Lightning (#249) [iMagNum] -- 56C/18B
23:52 Overlord BR ground and pound (#172) [] --> Ride the Lightning (#249) [iMagNum] -- 54C/17B
23:52 Overlord BR ground and pound (#172) [] --> Ride the Lightning (#249) [iMagNum] -- 52C/15B
23:52 Overlord BR ground and pound (#172) [] --> Ride the Lightning (#249) [iMagNum] -- 50C/15B
23:52 Overlord BR ground and pound (#172) [] --> Ride the Lightning (#249) [iMagNum] -- 48C/15B
23:52 Overlord BR ground and pound (#172) [] --> Ride the Lightning (#249) [iMagNum] -- 47C/14B
23:52 Overlord BR ground and pound (#172) [] --> Ride the Lightning (#249) [iMagNum] -- 45C/14B
23:52 Overlord BR ground and pound (#172) [] --> Ride the Lightning (#249) [iMagNum] -- 43C/13B
23:52 Overlord BR ground and pound (#172) [] --> Ride the Lightning (#249) [iMagNum] -- 42C/13B
23:52 Overlord BR ground and pound (#172) [] --> Ride the Lightning (#249) [iMagNum] -- 40C/13B
23:52 Overlord BR ground and pound (#172) [] --> Ride the Lightning (#249) [iMagNum] -- 39C/12B
23:52 Overlord BR ground and pound (#172) [] --> Ride the Lightning (#249) [iMagNum] -- 37C/12B
23:52 Overlord BR ground and pound (#172) [] --> Ride the Lightning (#249) [iMagNum] -- 36C/12B
23:53 Overlord BR ground and pound (#172) [] --> Ride the Lightning (#249) [iMagNum] -- 35C/13B
23:53 Overlord BR ground and pound (#172) [] --> Ride the Lightning (#249) [iMagNum] -- 34C/12B
23:53 Overlord BR ground and pound (#172) [] --> Ride the Lightning (#249) [iMagNum] -- 32C/12B
23:53 Overlord BR ground and pound (#172) [] --> Ride the Lightning (#249) [iMagNum] -- 31C/12B
23:53 Overlord BR ground and pound (#172) [] --> Ride the Lightning (#249) [iMagNum] -- 30C/12B
23:53 Overlord BR ground and pound (#172) [] --> Ride the Lightning (#249) [iMagNum] -- 29C/12B
23:53 Overlord BR ground and pound (#172) [] --> Ride the Lightning (#249) [iMagNum] -- 28C/12B
23:53 Overlord BR ground and pound (#172) [] --> Ride the Lightning (#249) [iMagNum] -- 27C/12B
23:53 Overlord BR ground and pound (#172) [] --> Ride the Lightning (#249) [iMagNum] -- 26C/12B
23:53 Overlord BR ground and pound (#172) [] --> Ride the Lightning (#249) [iMagNum] -- 25C/12B
23:53 Overlord BR ground and pound (#172) [] --> Ride the Lightning (#249) [iMagNum] -- 24C/12B
23:53 Overlord BR ground and pound (#172) [] --> Ride the Lightning (#249) [iMagNum] -- 23C/12B
23:53 Overlord BR ground and pound (#172) [] --> Ride the Lightning (#249) [iMagNum] -- 23C/12B
23:53 Overlord BR ground and pound (#172) [] --> Ride the Lightning (#249) [iMagNum] -- 22C/11B
23:53 Overlord BR ground and pound (#172) [] --> Ride the Lightning (#249) [iMagNum] -- 21C/11B
23:53 Overlord BR ground and pound (#172) [] --> Ride the Lightning (#249) [iMagNum] --

breeze Game profile


Dec 23rd 2016, 5:01:31

Imagine that dumb ass LUCHO

Soviet Game profile


Dec 23rd 2016, 5:05:37

RaTs needed to use turns obviously....
Imaginary Numbers

Crash Game profile


Dec 23rd 2016, 5:09:47

rats was risky business not sure who ground and pound is

LUCHO Game profile


Dec 23rd 2016, 5:13:46

I have no fluffing clue who that is.


@SCHWEEZY, BREEZE, AND SOVIET you should cry more

breeze Game profile


Dec 23rd 2016, 5:16:06

Originally posted by LUCHO:
I have no fluffing clue who that is.


@SCHWEEZY, BREEZE, AND SOVIET you should cry more

I call BullSh*t on that

Crash Game profile


Dec 23rd 2016, 5:17:58

Zack was tombstone rats risky business no idea who they recruited and is named ground and pound legit

Soviet Game profile


Dec 23rd 2016, 5:30:56

Originally posted by Shweezy:
Post the logs where they told Ratski to ab Elders next..
And then ab another clan every 2 days..

You know what am talkin bout?(Crash)

No comment Crash?
Imaginary Numbers

LUCHO Game profile


Dec 23rd 2016, 5:32:39

You can call all the bullsh!t you want man doesn't change the fact that I fluffing don't know who that is. A mean asshole sure guilty but a cheating, multi condoning of untags in a tag that I am currently with? Never, and if I knew that anyone in Stones knows who ground and pound is and put him up to it, I would detag and just go back into retirement. In CWG we never put up with multis and anyone found guilty of it was quickly untagged, killed and given a lifetime ban from the bigtop. Call me old school or whatever but I am not a cheater. There are those somewhere out there who remember when CWG was respected and will remember how we dealt with multis and cheaters.


mrford Game profile


Dec 23rd 2016, 5:34:48

This is the high school level bullfluff that made this game fun back in the day.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

LUCHO Game profile


Dec 23rd 2016, 5:37:16

Originally posted by mrford:
This is the high school level bullfluff that made this game fun back in the day.



Crash Game profile


Dec 23rd 2016, 5:42:29

Originally posted by Crash:
Do you honestly think we have any control over him. Ya i suggested he hit elders next cuase hes dumb enough to do it and really elders still top of my personal fluff list.

since you missed it soviet

Shweezy Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 23rd 2016, 5:45:25

Im bored now gonna troll some1 else bye Felicias
Catch me on ir c

breeze Game profile


Dec 23rd 2016, 5:58:52

Originally posted by LUCHO:
You can call all the bullsh!t you want man doesn't change the fact that I fluffing don't know who that is. A mean asshole sure guilty but a cheating, multi condoning of untags in a tag that I am currently with? Never, and if I knew that anyone in Stones knows who ground and pound is and put him up to it, I would detag and just go back into retirement. In CWG we never put up with multis and anyone found guilty of it was quickly untagged, killed and given a lifetime ban from the bigtop. Call me old school or whatever but I am not a cheater. There are those somewhere out there who remember when CWG was respected and will remember how we dealt with multis and cheaters.


Bullfluff bullfluff bullfluff bullfluff whatever and I still say bullfluff


New Member

Dec 23rd 2016, 6:26:01

Bru Uj Groot y'all coo .. Farmer is okish..
The rest of you are garbage. Specially your "leader"

Dissident Game profile


Dec 23rd 2016, 9:19:28

lucho... thats darkling

IgnitionCWG Game profile


Dec 23rd 2016, 13:44:43

I want to go back and time just so I can tell myself not to click on this thread.


New Member

Dec 23rd 2016, 16:15:05

Originally posted by IgnitionCWG:
I want to go back and time just so I can tell myself not to click on this thread.

And miss out on all of this good old fashioned earth drama? Whaaaaaaat?

Collzaboration Game profile


Jan 19th 2017, 6:19:10