
Hopeless Game profile


Mar 23rd 2016, 15:04:51


Hopeless Game profile


Mar 23rd 2016, 15:08:36

[quote poster=SolidSnake; 39153; 736910]
Originally posted by Syko_Killa:
I hear all these challengers talking about how they could out-do landtraders. Well, why don't you come back and prove it. Because in case you havn't noticed we have a server who have been attempting to do just that by hitting untags and land-bots and I gaurantee that they will get nowhere near a top ten. But could make a top 100.

Let me introduce myself, I'm SS, the greatest player (yes player, not just netgianer) to ever play ee (bar one or two but lets not talk about them!). I have already done all the above in a 1 set only comeback tour (see link)
Additional tour dates are available upon request and sufficient demand shown in the form of ticket sales via paypal, $1200 per reset (Absolute bargin price of $20/day).

Originally posted by Syko_Killa:
Vamps, you will have to speak with En4cer if you'd like to set something up. The machine is a little rusty, but all we need is some oil. Don't think that i'm not a seasoned warrior in this game myself. Not too mention that the entire clan is very good at building great countries and stocking plenty of resources. If you think your group are the only one's your wrong. I have hundreds of millions in stock right now and I could easily break down any country in your clan if I chose to war, but my sights are set on achieving something different right now. I would very much like to be a part next sets war against you and if LaF decides to net, I will join a clan for a set that will war you. We will have our fun after this reset is over. I promise.

Where to begin! I think I need to break down how what you write is perceived by the greater AT audience, as most people here been here for well over a decade.

Originally posted by Syko_Killa:
The machine is a little rusty, but all we need is some oil.

Translation: We (whoever the machine is?) are fluff.

Originally posted by Syko_Killa:
Don't think that i'm not a seasoned warrior in this game myself. Not too mention that the entire clan is very good at building great countries and stocking plenty of resources.

Translation: I'm a newb, a big'ol newb. Farm me! Farm me!

Originally posted by Syko_Killa:
If you think your group are the only one's your wrong. I have hundreds of millions in stock right now and I could easily break down any country in your clan if I chose to war, but my sights are set on achieving something different right now.

Translation: I have created a tag called spamtag123, the password is 123. Join us and you can be our head FR! Other positions available include, Head IA, Head of War and Division Leader! Don't delay, join today!

Originally posted by Syko_Killa:
I would very much like to be a part next sets war against you and if LaF decides to net, I will join a clan for a set that will war you. We will have our fun after this reset is over. I promise.

Translation: [internal monologue] I take this game far far too seriously considering no one good plays anymore, maybe I should pay that SS guy money via paypal to teach me and then I can dominate?!?! [/end internal monologue]


It's actually just occurred to me at the end of all this, that it sounds like you're from LaF. In which case, you should be ashamed of yourself, because you make LaF sound fluff, and without knowing much of its current state i'd still wager it's probably the only alliance left with at least one or two decent players. [/quote]


Now this is real talk. Always listen to your elders syko, you piece of fluff. lmao

Hopeless Game profile


Mar 23rd 2016, 15:13:13

This thread is gold. Sticky please!!!!

Syko_Killa Game profile


Mar 23rd 2016, 15:54:11

You ignorant, `Hopeless`(puns intended), wretched filth. Quit stinking up AT with your treacherous rhetoric.

Also, don't mistake age and wisdom as going hand in hand. I have met my share of old fools, I think there are quite a few on this thread. Clever with words but lacking in worth, that spells an old fool to me.
Do as I say, not as I do.

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Mar 23rd 2016, 16:07:41

Originally posted by Celphi:
Lord Tarnava?
More like Peasant Tarnava.

I'm asking not to insult, but to try to gather info to decide if I'm going to mock you or leave you be... Do you have aspergers? Or have you been diagnosed with something on the Autism Spectrum Disorder? There's no shame if you have, it just means your mind works in a much different way than most others, so this knowledge ill help others understand you.

To answer your question this game is a massive waste of time, but did teach certain skills that have translated to business as an adult. My point was that you are grasping at a perceived victory from an express server a year ago, where you claim to have won '2 wars', which in both cases were you just ABing people who had grabbed/retalled you aggressively. I never claimed to be above setting goals in this game, wasting my time, I used to regularly. I criticized your low level achievement that you posted as not even remotely brag worthy or even relevant to your claimed argument/outcome. Also, yes, aspire to more than this game. A day will soon come when this game n longer exists, and the fruits of your labour will be meaningless to your life, happiness and prosperity. Work towards real goals, both for your emotional and physical happiness.

mrford Game profile


Mar 23rd 2016, 16:39:47

The majority of express and team players know that celphi is somewhere on the spectrum. You should go read some of his greatest hits over there for a good time.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 23rd 2016, 16:50:29

My greatest hits are coming to an ALLIANCE store near you.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Buch Game profile


Mar 23rd 2016, 20:06:13


Kat Game profile


Mar 23rd 2016, 20:23:13

Originally posted by Celphi:
My greatest hits are coming to an ALLIANCE store near you.

*cue ominous music*

SAM_DANGER Game profile


Mar 23rd 2016, 20:39:54




Mar 23rd 2016, 20:43:28

Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

Marshal Game profile


Mar 23rd 2016, 20:47:33

Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

Syko_Killa Game profile


Mar 23rd 2016, 22:38:42

your a sick fluffer marshal
Do as I say, not as I do.

Marshal Game profile


Mar 23rd 2016, 23:06:00

Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

Syko_Killa Game profile


Mar 23rd 2016, 23:10:04

Originally posted by Marshal:
you heard...
Do as I say, not as I do.

Vic Game profile


Mar 24th 2016, 11:29:26

So much love on this thread

Marshal Game profile


Mar 24th 2016, 14:34:11

why am i sick fluffer (this time)?
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

Dissident Game profile


Mar 24th 2016, 15:14:03

Ya... and who said ee was getting stale...



Mar 24th 2016, 15:43:43


people have been complaining about LaF for one reason or another for years.

It is getting stale
~LaF's Retired Janitor~

Vic Game profile


Mar 24th 2016, 19:11:26

haha well put. forgotten is spot on there

SolidSnake Game profile


Mar 24th 2016, 19:28:35

Originally posted by Lord Tarnava:
I looked through the member list and I don't know who Syko_killa is, no one under that name

BTW to change topic, SS please tell me you aren't a Conor McGregor fan? Friends I otherwise consider to be intelligent, rational people- engineers usually capable fo decent thought- have become enamored with the man simply because he's Irish(they're all from Galway). Please tell me the sphere of influence from the little man's annoying diatribes hasn't spread across into the UK?

You're aware I'm irish right?
I'm a massive Conor fan, I'm not deluded into thinking he's p4p best or any crazyness like that, but he's engaging, and his stand up is very high level and more than anything it's exciting, the Aldo KO was insanity, I think it's probably KO i've watched the most in my lifetime. If you dont like his antics fair enough, but it's what makes his fights the most watched fights since Lesnar and you cant hate on him making money and growing the sport.

Truthfully I think he can beat anyone at 145. But I also think Aldo and Edger could beat him (though I don't think either of them could stand with him and avoid getting KO'd). At 155 I think he beats half the t10 loses to half of them (nermi would be a horror match up for him). And 170 is just stupid.

All that said, he is one of maybe 2-3? fighters that I want to see no matter who he fights which given how few fights he has in the ufc is pretty impressive.

Hector Game profile


Mar 24th 2016, 19:57:56

"And 170 is just stupid"..... As the Diaz fight proved, but I do admire his confidence and tenacity. And not to mention his style sense!

Dissident Game profile


Mar 24th 2016, 20:10:37

170 was a different ballgame for conor. At that weight he didn't know how to manage his energy... he was too tired to block!!! Also too confident.

That said, I LOVE watching him fight. I dun like Diaz... but I love me some Conor.

Marshal Game profile


Mar 24th 2016, 20:30:04

laf just sux.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Mar 24th 2016, 21:26:49

Originally posted by SolidSnake:
Originally posted by Lord Tarnava:
I looked through the member list and I don't know who Syko_killa is, no one under that name

BTW to change topic, SS please tell me you aren't a Conor McGregor fan? Friends I otherwise consider to be intelligent, rational people- engineers usually capable fo decent thought- have become enamored with the man simply because he's Irish(they're all from Galway). Please tell me the sphere of influence from the little man's annoying diatribes hasn't spread across into the UK?

You're aware I'm irish right?
I'm a massive Conor fan, I'm not deluded into thinking he's p4p best or any crazyness like that, but he's engaging, and his stand up is very high level and more than anything it's exciting, the Aldo KO was insanity, I think it's probably KO i've watched the most in my lifetime. If you dont like his antics fair enough, but it's what makes his fights the most watched fights since Lesnar and you cant hate on him making money and growing the sport.

Truthfully I think he can beat anyone at 145. But I also think Aldo and Edger could beat him (though I don't think either of them could stand with him and avoid getting KO'd). At 155 I think he beats half the t10 loses to half of them (nermi would be a horror match up for him). And 170 is just stupid.

All that said, he is one of maybe 2-3? fighters that I want to see no matter who he fights which given how few fights he has in the ufc is pretty impressive.

I thought you loved in London? I suppose that doesn't preclude you being Irish. As for nationalism, I'm Canadian and have never been a fan of GSP or Rory Mac.

I'm referring to his antics, as in otherwise intelligent friends of mine regurgitating his obnoxious canned lines verbatim as if they are word of God.

The man is an exciting fighter, win or lose. I felt the Diaz matchup was a toss up before hand and was dangerous for him. He then went in with a chip on his shoulder trying to fight at a high pace and knock out a Diaz... Very stupid.

I think both Aldo and Edgar can win that fight, although Edgar is a worse match up

155... I think RDA, Khabib, tony Ferguson and Diaz are all brutal match ups for him. Even Pettis if give it a coin flip, possibly advantage Pettis. Alvarez with his iron chin could grind Conor also

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Mar 24th 2016, 22:19:00

Also, to elucidate on why Conor had an awful strategy against Diaz

-Conor doesn't have blinding sledgehammer power. He hits hard but relies more on timing to hit his opponent when they don't see it coming, and volume to make his opponents give up. Shots you don't see coming hurt you and knock you out far easier than shots you've braced for. What made the Aldo KO so crushing was the combination of Jose moving in aggressively with his chin up, and not seeing the counter

-you aren't going to break a Diaz with volume.
- despite being hittable the diaz's both have fantastic boxing fundamentals. They see the shots coming and are aware when they are about to be hit

The only way Conor beats Nate(other than a well timed shot although he cannot plan to rely on that) is by out pointing him with movement similar to condit vs Nick.

I don't know f Conor will concede his ego to follow that approach

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Mar 24th 2016, 22:19:24

Also Nate is a 155'r. All this talk about Nate being a welterweight is hogwash

SolidSnake Game profile


Mar 24th 2016, 23:21:13

Originally posted by Lord Tarnava:
Also, to elucidate on why Conor had an awful strategy against Diaz

-Conor doesn't have blinding sledgehammer power. He hits hard but relies more on timing to hit his opponent when they don't see it coming, and volume to make his opponents give up. Shots you don't see coming hurt you and knock you out far easier than shots you've braced for. What made the Aldo KO so crushing was the combination of Jose moving in aggressively with his chin up, and not seeing the counter

-you aren't going to break a Diaz with volume.
- despite being hittable the diaz's both have fantastic boxing fundamentals. They see the shots coming and are aware when they are about to be hit

The only way Conor beats Nate(other than a well timed shot although he cannot plan to rely on that) is by out pointing him with movement similar to condit vs Nick.

I don't know f Conor will concede his ego to follow that approach

Nate is bigger than conor but neither should fight 170 unless everyone is fighting at natural weight, that said nate is a bigger 155 than Conor. If you look at nates face after the fight conor has big power, I think it was more that nate was parrying alot of his strikes before they landed because of his reach for conor to land he was winging overhand lefts and catching arm before his punch would land.

For Conor to beat Diaz he has to use his kicking game and only box when nate rushes him. Which is entirely possible for him to do, but he would have to give up trying to win every fight by KO.

I think I'd have Conor as favourite over Franky and Aldo tbh (maybe that's a big of wishful thinking on my part, but if I put money down it would be on Conor), just because franky's chin isnt great, he just recovers fast, but if he gets hit with one clean shot from Conor he's going down.

Honestly I think he'd KO ferguson and alvarez. Ferguson would try and trade with him or go for a roll into a double leg or leg lock and against someone with the reaction speed of conor he'd get ko'd, the guy is in a vulnerable position 50% of the time in his fights, it's just he's unpredictable so people aren't reacting like they should. Dont get me wrong he's exciting to watch, but I dont rate his skill set very highly, I think nermi will mangle him even after two years out. Alvarez is just mediocrity personified, I think pettis just didnt expect him to go all out grind like he did, but if they rematched I'd have pettis all day.

Even RDA, I reckon Conor could KO him, it's just he has to do it quickly because if he grapples at all he's going to the mat, and if it hits the mat he's getting subbed.

Also if Nermi stays healthy long enough to fight for the title, he's gonna smash RDA all over again.

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Mar 24th 2016, 23:38:37

Conor definitely has power, but not KO anyone unconscious power, and he doesn't throw enough boxing combo's to do that... His KO's over Aldo and Poirier were mostly timing and precision to 'quote the man himself', and he made Mendes and Brandao quit.. some fighters hit very hard, but don't seem to KO their opponents. Fedor was like this... Most who fought him were in awe of his punching power, yet he had very few clean KOs. I feel Conor hits like that..

The one beautiful KO he did have against Brimage in his debut, was on combination work, I'd like to see more of that from him.

I think it's beyond dispute at this time that Conor has a wrestling weakness. He's obviously competent enough to stop telegraphed shots, and he's no slouch once it hits the mat, but he isn't elite on the ground. Nate Diaz muscled him against the fence and took him down with a double leg... If Aldo was smart he would mix in TDs, and we know Edgar will. I see Edgar mixing it up and winning a decision more often than not. I can't even imagine the massacre that would have been Lawler vs Conor, or the talk of GSP vs Conor.

I also agree, I think Khabib has RDAs number.. I also believe that Ferguson is a tougher fight for Khabib than RDA, but that RDA handles Ferguson quite easily. I still think Khabib is able to stifle Ferguson, though.

I say Alvarez can beat Conor precisely because Nate muscled Conor against the fence. Alvarez is like you say, mediocre across the board, but he wouldn't be afraid of repeating that crap game plan on Conor, and I do believe Pettis is bigger, stronger, and better than Conor in the Clinch... far more dangerous in close quarters also.

I can't help but speculate how much USADA has hurt fighters like Pettis though.. he looked soft and weak, and I can attest from my time in pro camps that steroid use is absolutely rampant. Most amateurs training for their first fight are on something... most gyms, the coaches have a trusted source... It is what it is.

En4cer Game profile


Mar 24th 2016, 23:57:56

Loving the many different tangents on this thread.



Mar 25th 2016, 1:50:51

today I'm laughing at DC complaining about herb dean as the ref in his upcoming fight against bones
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

Vic Game profile


Mar 25th 2016, 21:43:00

Originally posted by En4cer:
Loving the many different tangents on this thread.

eat a fluff!