
spauk Game profile

New Member

Nov 24th 2015, 11:02:18

Doesn't matter when 10 of the biggest countries can attack in a row with perfect accuracy (send the perfect amount without spying)

Serpentor Game profile


Nov 24th 2015, 19:05:14

How do you know they didn't spy? Most players spy, ally spy, and spy both D allies.
The EEVIL Empire

DruncK Game profile


Nov 24th 2015, 23:59:03

You don't always know if you were spied upon unless they fail. I'm guessing with you being a new member your spal ain't fluff

Hordo Game profile


Dec 9th 2015, 23:25:28

Wow you guys are like the experts of spying, Question whens a good time to start killing their spies with spy ops. Be for or after I triple tap you.?

Serpentor Game profile


Dec 9th 2015, 23:36:35

The EEVIL Empire

g0nz0 Game profile


Dec 13th 2015, 13:52:16

Originally posted by spauk:
Doesn't matter when 10 of the biggest countries can attack in a row with perfect accuracy (send the perfect amount without spying)

Welcome to Earth spauk,
You're feeling the sting of the wave of power netters I see. They troll eestats, news feeds, chat with other Netters, recognize your country name, many upload spy ops to share with their girlfriends.You are paying for a useless service, and will be farmed by larger players the rest of the game based on the number of attacks you claim here.

GDI is designed to protect the Netters, not the average or new player who actually needs the additional support. In fact most new players fall for the notion that GDI is an added layer of armor, or will discourage attacks. Humanitarian limitations are the only boundary between you and the lions. They count on that as much as you do.

At this point, you might want to display some aggressive counters. Spiteful comments, slamming the keyboard, and yelling at your mother have failed to do the trick. My select approach to dealing with a country tagged with a bullseye: go pick a fight. You spend a few days exchanging gunfire, mire in DR, then accept a truce. Now people who see your history will know you are willing to sacrifice your set for a retal, and this makes you far less attractive as a target.

BobbyATA Game profile


Dec 13th 2015, 15:08:10


Cable Game profile


Dec 13th 2015, 16:40:56

Lol GDI stops someone from suiciding you and thatsee really about it, it's a tool that stops early game disruption. Make some big retals and some players will think twice, others will just wait till you out grow your potential then farm you anyways. It's either keep up or get beaten up...

MountainYeti Game profile


Dec 13th 2015, 17:24:37

The issue is humanitarian range not gdi. 4 times is too low and encourages players to multi tap and jump out of range. Every other server is at 8 or higher I don't know the logic why primary was set so low