
BladeEWG Game profile


Dec 6th 2015, 16:02:51

I did only 47 % ,amazing how common sense doesn't pertain to the laws interpretation sometimes.



Dec 6th 2015, 16:16:04

67% tells me I pay a lot more attention to the first amendment
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

ebert00 Game profile


Dec 6th 2015, 16:48:49

Interesting stuff. Amazing how Obama and Clinton want us to not have guns.

mdevol Game profile


Dec 6th 2015, 18:47:04

i got 80% and i argue that one of them that I got wrong, is a blurry non-answer. for a supposed quiz the people asking the question should have a concrete answer and not an opinion.

10. Does the Second Amendment guarantee a personal right to own fully automatic military-issued combat rifles, heavy machine guns, and perhaps even shoulder-fired missiles?



probabaly not

not sure at this time

the "correct" answer is probabaly not. with them citing that the ruling may be changed at some point in the future, but at this point it isnt really clear.
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

Marshal Game profile


Dec 6th 2015, 20:56:38

53% and i know amendments only via tv and movies.

probably not and not sure at this time mean near same.

over 250 million guns and yankeeland has ~312 million population so in theory everyone has gun but in reality some ppls have several guns.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

SAM_DANGER Game profile


Dec 6th 2015, 23:32:37

80% here too, but I got one I probably wouldn't have if I had not read this thread first (the question ford disliked)

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 7th 2015, 1:31:45

I also got an 80%, and I have to agree with mdevol completely.

The right to keep and bear arms makes no distinction about whether or not it's a military style weapon, when the amendment was written, they ALL were military style weapons.
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

Frybert Game profile


Dec 7th 2015, 1:54:18

93% the one I missed was that one.

Garry Owen Game profile


Dec 7th 2015, 4:41:38


You answered 11 of 15 questions correctly for a total score of 73%.


And yes, there are some problems with grey area questions. And did you notice the verbage for the last question says how many 'registered PASSENGER VEHICLES' when asking about firearms?

Atryn Game profile


Dec 7th 2015, 14:03:43

It is amusing how so many people hold the constitution as something sacred from our fore-fathers that MUST be upheld and stayed true to and yet often find their understanding doesn't line up with what it says.

Not too dissimilar from people who swear everything in the Bible is true and absolute and then cherry pick what fits their way of thinking.

Oceana Game profile


Dec 7th 2015, 14:04:12

13 Correct
2 Wrong

? they must have fixed he last question then?
15. According to the National Rifle Association, how many privately-owned guns are currently in the United States?

damondusk Game profile


Dec 7th 2015, 15:10:24

87% also. The title is misleading, however. The title implies that the quiz tests your understanding of the 2nd amendment but very few of the questions actually regarded the amendment. At least one of the questions was more an opinion poll than a check on do you get an opinion right or wrong?

Pain Game profile


Dec 7th 2015, 18:16:11

Originally posted by Atryn:

It is amusing how so many people hold the constitution as something sacred from our fore-fathers that MUST be upheld and stayed true to and yet often find their understanding doesn't line up with what it says.

Not too dissimilar from people who swear everything in the Bible is true and absolute and then cherry pick what fits their way of thinking.

shall not be infringed. i can quote the definition of each word if youd like but i believe most people understand what it says. things start getting blurry when the courts opinion is involved.

Your mother is a nice woman

Trife Game profile


Dec 7th 2015, 18:21:49

Originally posted by Pain:
Originally posted by Atryn:

It is amusing how so many people hold the constitution as something sacred from our fore-fathers that MUST be upheld and stayed true to and yet often find their understanding doesn't line up with what it says.

Not too dissimilar from people who swear everything in the Bible is true and absolute and then cherry pick what fits their way of thinking.

shall not be infringed. i can quote the definition of each word if youd like but i believe most people understand what it says. things start getting blurry when the courts opinion is involved.


*grabs popcorn*

llaar Game profile


Dec 7th 2015, 18:28:52

2 wrong just didn't select "all of the above" on 2 of them

Pain Game profile


Dec 7th 2015, 18:48:46

Originally posted by Trife:
Originally posted by Pain:
Originally posted by Atryn:

It is amusing how so many people hold the constitution as something sacred from our fore-fathers that MUST be upheld and stayed true to and yet often find their understanding doesn't line up with what it says.

Not too dissimilar from people who swear everything in the Bible is true and absolute and then cherry pick what fits their way of thinking.

shall not be infringed. i can quote the definition of each word if youd like but i believe most people understand what it says. things start getting blurry when the courts opinion is involved.


*grabs popcorn*

miltia - all able-bodied males considered by law eligible for military service.

so the constitution may be sexist, but im still in the militia!!!!!!!!!!

Your mother is a nice woman

Trife Game profile


Dec 7th 2015, 20:21:47

Originally posted by Pain:
Originally posted by Trife:
Originally posted by Pain:
Originally posted by Atryn:

It is amusing how so many people hold the constitution as something sacred from our fore-fathers that MUST be upheld and stayed true to and yet often find their understanding doesn't line up with what it says.

Not too dissimilar from people who swear everything in the Bible is true and absolute and then cherry pick what fits their way of thinking.

shall not be infringed. i can quote the definition of each word if youd like but i believe most people understand what it says. things start getting blurry when the courts opinion is involved.


*grabs popcorn*

miltia - all able-bodied males considered by law eligible for military service.

so the constitution may be sexist, but im still in the militia!!!!!!!!!!


but youre not well regulated!

tellarion Game profile


Dec 8th 2015, 13:09:01

Switzerland has a well regulated militia.

SAM_DANGER Game profile


Dec 8th 2015, 14:44:38

Originally posted by tellarion:
Switzerland has a well regulated militia.

Very true.. Switzerland also has the world's third highest private gun ownership rate per capita.

And one of the lowest homicide rates per capita in the world.


tellarion Game profile


Dec 8th 2015, 15:00:26

Originally posted by SAM_DANGER:
Originally posted by tellarion:
Switzerland has a well regulated militia.

Very true.. Switzerland also has the world's third highest private gun ownership rate per capita.

And one of the lowest homicide rates per capita in the world.


Yeah, it's almost like we should look at what they are doing differently and try to emulate it....

Trife Game profile


Dec 8th 2015, 15:23:06

Originally posted by tellarion:
Originally posted by SAM_DANGER:
Originally posted by tellarion:
Switzerland has a well regulated militia.

Very true.. Switzerland also has the world's third highest private gun ownership rate per capita.

And one of the lowest homicide rates per capita in the world.


Yeah, it's almost like we should look at what they are doing differently and try to emulate it....


Atryn Game profile


Dec 8th 2015, 18:31:18

Originally posted by tellarion:
Originally posted by SAM_DANGER:
Originally posted by tellarion:
Switzerland has a well regulated militia.

Very true.. Switzerland also has the world's third highest private gun ownership rate per capita.

And one of the lowest homicide rates per capita in the world.


Yeah, it's almost like we should look at what they are doing differently and try to emulate it....

They can own guns, with permits, but ammunition is kept in a central repository.

"I'm always amazed how the National Rifle Association in America points to Switzerland - they make it sound as if it was part of southern Texas!" he says.

"We have guns at home, but they are kept for peaceful purposes. There is no point taking the gun out of your home in Switzerland because it is illegal to carry a gun in the street."

mdevol Game profile


Dec 8th 2015, 19:29:12

Chris Byrne posted this last week...

something to chew on

Neil Degrasse Tyson tweeted that there were 3,500 people "killed by houshold firearms" in five weeks in the U.S.

That's not right.

There were 11,000 someodd homicides by firearm in the u.s. in 2013. There were 22,000 someodd suicides by firearm in 2013. That's the last year with data available.

Also, that's CDC data, DOJ/FBI data says that there were appx 8,600 homicides by firearm in 2013. The difference is that CDC data includes non-criminal homicides, and DOJ/FBI only includes criminal homicides.

Ok... So presuming we use the CDC data, altogether that's a bit under 34,000 and 5 weeks is about 10% of the year, so that's probably where he got that.

But that's just lying with statistics.

Of the homicides, over 60% were one criminal killing another in the course of other criminal activity (FBI and DOJ estimates... and I'm deliberately being conservative here and undershooting the number).

Most of the rest... about 25%... were domestic violence of some kind (and please understand I am not dismissing how horrible that is). The remaining 15% or so were "all other categories", which includes stranger and acquaintance murders, workplace violence, mass shootings (that's another issue entirely), justifiable homicides (both self defense and law enforcement), and accidental deaths ruled homicide (generally meaning that someone other than the victim was responsible for the death, whether truly accidental, negligent, or otherwise criminally responsible).

So, if you count all suicides and domestic violence as "deaths by household guns", that's almost 25,000 annually, and 5 weeks would be more like 2500.

But really, no, you can't count suicide. That's someone doing something to themselves, that they have every right to do, even if we hate it. You may make the argument that having access to a firearm makes it easier to commit suicide, but ultimately it is the decision, the action, and the responsibility of the person who commits suicide.

Oh and there were about 40,000 or so suicides that year, and about half were committed with guns... just to put it in perspective.

So that's more like 250 in five weeks, 50 a week, 7 or so a day... Which, yes, is awful... BUT... That number is meaningless without context.

2500 homicides by "household guns"...

Out of 330 million population.

Out of 3 million deaths per year.

It's not just less than 1%... it's less than 0.1%... It's actually 0.08%

If we go for the CDC murder numbers (which are 30% higher than the FBI numbers) it's .3%

And even if you take all 33,000... absolute worst case, including all suicides and all non criminal homicides, and use the almost 30% higher CDC numbers...

... It's still about 1% of all deaths.

It's almost negligible.

By the way, homicide is only the 18th most common cause of death in the country... barely even makes the top 20... And only 65% of homicides are with all types of guns combined. Homicide by firearm is something like the 60th leading cause of death, and again that includes justifiable and accidental homicide.

So yeah... total deaths by firearm, including accident, suicide, and homicide, are approximately ONE percent of all deaths.

Less than one 1 in 10,000 people will die from gunshot wounds... 2/3 of them suicides,

Less than 1 in 30,000 will die by homicide, 2/3 of them being one criminal killing another.

So... your chances of being shot to death by someone else this year (accidentally or criminally), if you aren't an active criminal, are less than 1 in 90,000.

We don't have a gun problem in this country... we have a "people who can't do math" problem.

* All stats from FBI, DOJ, and CDC published reports. Look them up yourself. No I will not do the work for you. I've already done the research, now you need to... you won't trust me anyway.
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

Badde Game profile


Dec 9th 2015, 0:20:19

To rain on your parade, "killed by house hold guns" is not equal to homicide.

One is an absolute number describing the fashion of death, for example suicide by firearm, while the other is a legal term.

Otherwise, a decent post, but I can't be arsed to prove you wrong, too much effort for no gain whatsoever.