
KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 13th 2015, 20:04:21

Originally posted by Shive:
Yeah, reported ingame messages from someone telling me to go after someone. They even sent me spy reports. They are still playing.

Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Frybert Game profile


Apr 13th 2015, 20:07:01

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Shive:
Yeah, reported ingame messages from someone telling me to go after someone. They even sent me spy reports. They are still playing.


Do we even have mods anymore?

tomyumsoup13 Game profile

New Member

Apr 29th 2015, 2:30:22


Vic Game profile


May 29th 2015, 13:07:17

#28 reported for DR abuse. he should be deleted promptly

cloudselayang Game profile

New Member

Jun 3rd 2015, 4:35:49

Lets start the game

Nerrus Game profile


Jun 13th 2015, 8:24:45

Not sure is this is a DR abuse/cheating?

amameoj (#65) is dead with 0 land, drop land and self delete? :

after multi-attacking You know who it is (#98) :

Edited By: Nerrus on Jun 13th 2015, 8:56:09
^..^ Surren ^..^

The only secrets you know are the secrets I deliberately let you know.



Jun 13th 2015, 13:10:10

Vic be top cheat around these parts.

Mido19872006 Game profile


Nov 9th 2015, 12:12:37


BaiL Game profile


Nov 11th 2015, 6:10:34


Helmut Game profile


Jan 10th 2016, 23:36:23

Enemy operatives stole $1,248,594 and destroyed $0 worth of cash!

18.7 mins ago

Enemy operatives stole $1,253,609 and destroyed $0 worth of cash!

18.7 mins ago

The Best (#5) attempted to bomb your banks! You killed 4084 enemy spies.

18.7 mins ago

Enemy operatives stole $1,258,643 and destroyed $0 worth of cash!

19.2 mins ago

The Best (#5) attempted to bomb your banks! You killed 4075 enemy spies.

23.7 mins ago

The Best (#5) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 4044 enemy spies.

23.8 mins ago

The Best (#5) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 4080 enemy spies.

3.3 hours ago

The Best (#4) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 1613 enemy spies.

3.3 hours ago

The Best (#4) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 1646 enemy spies.

3.3 hours ago

The Best (#4) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 1679 enemy spies.

3.3 hours ago

The Best (#4) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 1713 enemy spies.

There's also a The Best #31 at #1 slot

Helmut Game profile


Jan 10th 2016, 23:52:12

hey he is tag teaming....

The Best (#5) attempted to bomb your banks! You killed 3378 enemy spies.

1.4 hours ago

The Best (#5) attempted to bomb your banks! You killed 3076 enemy spies.

1.8 hours ago

The Best (#5) attempted to bomb your banks! You killed 4037 enemy spies.

1.8 hours ago

The Best (#5) attempted to bomb your banks! You killed 4073 enemy spies.

1.8 hours ago

The Best (#5) attempted to bomb your banks! You killed 4110 enemy spies.

1.8 hours ago

The Best (#5) attempted to bomb your banks! You killed 4147 enemy spies.

1.8 hours ago

Enemy operatives stole $1,243,600 and destroyed $0 worth of cash!

1.8 hours ago

The Best (#5) attempted to bomb your banks! You killed 4139 enemy spies.

1.8 hours ago

Enemy operatives stole $1,248,594 and destroyed $0 worth of cash!

1.8 hours ago

Enemy operatives stole $1,253,609 and destroyed $0 worth of cash!

1.8 hours ago

The Best (#5) attempted to bomb your banks! You killed 4084 enemy spies.

1.8 hours ago

Enemy operatives stole $1,258,643 and destroyed $0 worth of cash!

1.8 hours ago

The Best (#5) attempted to bomb your banks! You killed 4075 enemy spies.

1.8 hours ago

The Best (#5) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 4044 enemy spies.

1.8 hours ago

The Best (#5) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 4080 enemy spies.

4.8 hours ago

The Best (#4) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 1613 enemy spies.

4.8 hours ago

The Best (#4) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 1646 enemy spies.

4.8 hours ago

Hammer Game profile


Mar 27th 2016, 7:24:18

Let's close this thing down guys. By the time one gets a response, it is a new set or more later. I don't give a sh1t if they are volunteers...they volunteered. Therefore, one works the job they said they would not for the pay but because they said they would. Instead, they seem to be a substance blown away by the wind and as unpredictable as the wind. Somehow, this will be my fault as it was for others: didn't post in the right thread, didn't PM someone, didn't hold my d1ck the right way, etc.

1: one who arbitrates : mediator
2: one who presides over an assembly, meeting, or discussion: as a : the presiding officer of a Presbyterian governing body b : the nonpartisan presiding officer of a town meeting c : the chairman of a discussion group
3: a substance (as graphite) used for slowing neutrons in a nuclear reactor

drkprinc Game profile


Mar 27th 2016, 7:26:28

I think our moderators fall into number 3
(<(<>(<>.(<>..<>).<>)<>)>) - 0.o - LaF - IMP

Marshal Game profile


Mar 27th 2016, 11:26:03

móstly 3.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....



Mar 29th 2016, 18:02:49

if you guys want me to I could volunteer so you might get faster responses. only server I actually play these days is alliance, but would even drop that if there was a pressing need.
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

Nerrus Game profile


Mar 30th 2016, 19:30:48

May he or she who is impartial, be our moderator... amen :)
^..^ Surren ^..^

The only secrets you know are the secrets I deliberately let you know.

Hammer Game profile


Apr 1st 2016, 15:35:46

Originally posted by elvesrus:
if you guys want me to I could volunteer so you might get faster responses. only server I actually play these days is alliance, but would even drop that if there was a pressing need.

Thanks, bro. I just appreciate your offer, buddy. I know the game is short some help, but if the volunteers don't have 5 minutes a day to scroll their PMs and a forum, then they aren't serious volunteers and need to let someone know. We can't wait a few days for a response on what is essentially a four day game.



Jan 8th 2017, 0:41:38

now there are 3.....

CKSIN Game profile

New Member

Mar 17th 2017, 18:59:52


Ratski Game profile


Apr 2nd 2017, 3:02:06

# 5 has some kind of cheat going he goes from one missile's to over 30 in less than 6 hours. 2017-04-02 00:41:22 EM The Outsiders (#5) Ratski2 (#2) 14227MU
2017-04-02 00:41:13 CM The Outsiders (#5) Ratski2 (#2) 170B 3588 C
2017-04-02 00:41:12 CM The Outsiders (#5) Ratski2 (#2) 177B 4124 C
2017-04-02 00:41:10 CM The Outsiders (#5) Ratski2 (#2) 184B 4740 C
2017-04-02 00:41:10 CM The Outsiders (#5) Ratski2 (#2) 192B 5449 C
2017-04-02 00:41:08 CM The Outsiders (#5) Ratski2 (#2) 201B 6263 C
2017-04-02 00:41:07 CM The Outsiders (#5) Ratski2 (#2) 208B 7198 C
2017-04-02 00:40:58 CM The Outsiders (#5) Ratski2 (#2) DH
2017-04-02 00:40:57 CM The Outsiders (#5) Ratski2 (#2) 218B 8274 C
2017-04-02 00:40:56 CM The Outsiders (#5) Ratski2 (#2) 226B 9510 C
2017-04-02 00:40:55 CM The Outsiders (#5) Ratski2 (#2) 235B 10932 C
2017-04-02 00:40:54 CM The Outsiders (#5) Ratski2 (#2) 246B 12565 C
2017-04-02 00:40:53 CM The Outsiders (#5) Ratski2 (#2) 255B 14443 C
2017-04-02 00:40:53 CM The Outsiders (#5) Ratski2 (#2) 265B 16601 C
2017-04-02 00:40:52 CM The Outsiders (#5) Ratski2 (#2) 276B 19081 C
2017-04-02 00:40:51 CM The Outsiders (#5) Ratski2 (#2) 288B 21933 C
2017-04-02 00:40:50 CM The Outsiders (#5) Ratski2 (#2) 300B 25210 C
2017-04-02 00:40:34 PS The Outsiders (#5) Ratski2 (#2) 783A (1055A)
2017-04-01 21:40:17 NM The Outsiders (#5) Ratski2 (#2) 454A
2017-04-01 21:39:10 NM The Outsiders (#5) Ratski2 (#2) 478A
2017-04-01 21:39:08 NM The Outsiders (#5) Ratski2 (#2) 503A
2017-04-01 21:38:30 PS The Outsiders (#5) Ratski2 (#2) 1235A (1608A)
2017-04-01 21:09:51 SS Ratski2 (#2) The Outsiders (#5) 788A (958A)
2017-04-01 21:04:19 NM The Outsiders (#5) Ratski2 (#2) 544A
2017-04-01 21:04:18 NM The Outsiders (#5) Ratski2 (#2) 573A
2017-04-01 21:04:17 NM The Outsiders (#5) Ratski2 (#2) 603A
2017-04-01 21:04:16 NM The Outsiders (#5) Ratski2 (#2) 634A
2017-04-01 21:04:15 NM The Outsiders (#5) Ratski2 (#2)
He has to be cheating. We can't buy them can we But the guy is some kind a special, comes up with thirty missiles like this in express ?

Ratski Game profile


May 14th 2017, 5:56:17

Well you all know that country's can not self delete , in express after a beat down. So I get called out for doing the fallowing So if I spy on all my targets, where them am I cheating ? If I need a target, I read the news, and hunt down prime targets giving up 200 to 800 acres of land. And go pound it., and if I see it has lots of cash ! I will try and steal it ! After all I need cash to buy Jets, tanks, or rebuild, after a beat down. Nothing like cash for fast rebuilding. So where the hell am I breaking the Rules ? I didn't send out messages this set, I So where is the Proof I cheated WTF?

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

May 14th 2017, 13:21:35

Are you the the theo rainbows?

Spare us the BS plz. You are consistently grabbing and warring the same countries with both 20 and 8. It practically screams of coordination/multi and especially as the builds are both equally crappy.

Fail player, fail build, fail grabbing and fail to abide by the rules.

We were talking about you in irc today about how bad you are at this game and a veteran player uttered:
"i feel like ratski should get a free pass to cheat"

Now I don't feel that way but it would make the odds more even and I bet that is what you are going for. My advice to you is that you learn the game instead.

Marshal Game profile


May 14th 2017, 15:06:04

max warf and some points in luck = ............
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

Celeste Game profile

New Member

Aug 27th 2018, 3:50:49

how do i see final rankings?

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 27th 2018, 4:25:02
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

derptron Game profile


Jan 4th 2019, 18:43:27

Is this a normal way to get bumped off?

I was in a 1:1 war with another country (guess I should have pancaked him the whole way.)

Suddenly after he couldn't finish the job, a player I grabbed jumped in to finish me off before I logged back in.

UgolinoII Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 4th 2019, 21:03:25

Username checks out. If you weren’t already dead I would have done it as soon as I had turns.

You multi tapped FOUR humans.

Multi tapping one will get you killed 9/10 times. You literally made your death 99.99% certain.

derptron Game profile


Jan 5th 2019, 0:10:12

I am new after all :-D

How do you know if something is hooman?

derptron Game profile


Jan 5th 2019, 0:57:36

As a side note, do these attacks by #14 make sense?

It appears to me that #15 was hit then #14 retaliated for her.

Awfully interesting that she (#15) is one off in registration order (or is that not how these numbers work?)

sfbob Game profile


Jan 5th 2019, 1:21:25

Originally posted by derptron:
I am new after all :-D

How do you know if something is hooman?

Bots have 240 CS (usually) always play all their turns and have distinctive bot type names that you'll soon learn to recognise

Hunterdude28 Game profile

New Member

Oct 9th 2019, 5:05:00

Maybe a simple counter that limits the number of hits a country can take each day, from one country or multiple countries?