
Raging Budda Game profile


Sep 23rd 2014, 2:12:50

They don't respect borders, neither should US and "partners".
Your base is mine!

Heston Game profile


Sep 23rd 2014, 5:09:14

Air strikes are a cop out. Lipstick on a pig. We should be producing mass quantities of glass over there if we are only dropping bombs.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Alin Game profile


Sep 23rd 2014, 6:25:11

"war on terror" never gets old.

BLUEEE Game profile


Sep 23rd 2014, 6:27:39

Alin Game profile


Sep 23rd 2014, 7:40:32

Originally posted by Raging Budda:

They don't respect borders, neither should US and "partners".

This is getting old. Whomever wants to see beyond this, will do. I am kinda tired of this type of wars, with media "marketing".

There was Iraq with the WMDS and dictators ( a.k.a Oil ). Than the submissive Egipt, followed by some soft "revolutions" in all the north Africa, ending brutal in Libya. And now the main target is the oil fields of Iran.
If you can`t see this, and judge it only by what they give you to chew on the TV/media, the discussion is worthless.

However, if you are not in the above category we can talk.

I can understand those wars. Those are happening since people found resources, trade and coins. Is in human nature: to conquer, rule and enjoy wealth. Egipt, Romans, the Brits, the French, the Germans (and that ended nasty for everybody, twice), Russia. From Romans legions to the late 19 century colonial empires, everybody tried with diplomacy, brute force or both.

USA is in that position at this moment. But my prediction is: this will end nasty somehow. Because USA is already aiming at the feeding plate of others strong nations. Maybe not as strong ( military ) as the US, but close. And economically - sometimes stronger.

Romans conquered the entire Europe because of their absolute superiority on the battlefield. Highly Organized "triarii", supported by light troops, bows, cavalry and excellent generals. Most of the times, they encountered peasants. Sometimes, unorganized fighters. Rarely, they fought battles on the edge, and due to superior tactics and organization, every battle was a flawless victory, until a point. The blow came mainly from inside than outside.

The colonial empires ( Spanish, Brits, French, Dutch, Portughese). Those basically went with musket or other "gun powder" weapons, over local civilizations that were farming and hunting with bows. The outcome was predictable, submit or else ...

The Germans - using superior tactics,machines and having best trained soldiers (up until a point) and following an ill ideology they almost ended this game. The wanted outcome, a supreme race as rulers, and others as slaves ( if you had the chance to be nominated as a slave and not a plague that must be exterminated). It basically took "only" 80% of the World to ally against them.

And now USA.

Nothing new here really. If you look over history - this is not the first time nor the last.
The problem that i see here is that altought USA is the "lion" there is also a "bear", a "tiger" and a dozen of wolfs out there. And this could end fluffy once again. Because the "lion" is already reaching at the feeding plate of the bear and tiger, while the wolfs are near waiting for an opportunity.

The forces are in balance now, more than in any other scenario in the past. That is my main concern seen with the eyes of a ( i hope ) neutral.

Now i don`t understand if some people in this world are just plain stupid, believe that Russia is in into the middle of Ukraine or USA in the middle of the Arabs with any other purpose than resources, influence and finally, world wide influence/dominance. Both Russia and USA media are just marketing tools for those conflicts. It is true that USA are better at making their sources "credible" - but the media is a fluffing tool. You can`t see that? You better wake up out of your sweet dream and better look at cartoons instead of CNN/Voice of Russia.

Or if people just accept that situation because it suits their goal. Or if they are just hypocrites or any other scenario.

But i refuse to believe that people are still buying this war on terror fluff ( or whatever they aim at it with the media) once again.

P.S: i didn`t open TV/any other media "sources" for 5 years now. Only on Discovery alike channels, Sports, or music. I dislike everything else in the local or international news channels. I take my information from "neutral" media/internet/books/history/documentaries.

Edited By: Alin on Sep 23rd 2014, 13:56:53

Heston Game profile


Sep 23rd 2014, 8:33:08

Originally posted by Alin:
Originally posted by Raging Budda:

They don't respect borders, neither should US and "partners".

This is getting old. Whomever wants to see beyond this, will do. I am kinda tired of this type of wars, with media "marketing" before, during and after it.

There was Iraq with the WMDS and dictators ( a.k.a Oil ). Than the submissive Egipt, followed by some soft "revolutions" in all the north Africa,ending brutal in Libya. And now the main target are the oil fields of Iran.
If you can`t see this as it is, and judge it only by what they give you to chew on the TV/media, the discussion is worthless.

However, if you are not in the above category we can talk.

I can understand this wars. Those are happening since people found resources, trade and coins. Is in human nature, to conquer rule and enjoy wealth. Egipt, Romans, te Brits, the French, the Germans (and that ended nasty for everybody, twice), Russia among others. From Romans legions to the late 19 century colonial empires, everybody tried it with diplomacy, brute force or both.

USA is in that position at this moment. But my prediction is this will end nasty somehow. Because USA is already aiming at the plate of others strong nations. Maybe not as strong ( military ) as the US, but close. And economically - sometimes stronger.

Romans conquered because their absolute superiority in the battlefield. Organized Triarii supported by light troops, bows, cavalery and excellent generals. Most of the times they encountered peasants, sometimes unorganized fighters. Rarely they fought battles on the edge, and due to superior tactics and organization every one of them were flawless victories until a point. The blow came mainly from inside the empire.

The colonial empires ( Spanish, Brits, French, Dutch, Portughese). Those basically went with musket or other gun powder power, organized and with a precise goal, over local civilizations that were farming and hunting with bows. The outcome was predictable, submit or else ...

The Germans - using superior tactics,machines and having best trained soldiers (up until a point) and following an ill ideology they almost send the "Game" into the dark ages, with them as a supreme rulers and others as slaves ( if you had the chance to be nominated as a slave and not a plague that must be exterminated). It basically took "only" 80% of the World to ally against them.

And now USA.

Nothing new here really. If you look over history - this is not the first time nor the last.
The problem that i see here is that altought USA is the "lion" there is also a "bear", a "tiger" and a dozen of wolfs out there. And this could end nasty once again. Because the "lion" is already reaching at the plate of the bear and tiger, while the wolfs are near waiting for an oportunity.

The forces are in balance now, more than in any other scenario in the past. That is my main concern seen with the eyes of a ( i hope ) neutral.

Now i don`t understand if some people in this world are just plain stupid, believe that Russia is in into the middle of Ukraine or USA in the middle of the Arabs with any other purpose than resources, influence and finally world dominance. Both Russia and USA media are just marketing tools for this conflicts. It is true that USA are better at making their sources "credible" - but the media is a fluffing tool. You can`t see that? You better wake up out of your sweet dream and better look at cartoons instead of CNN/Voice of Russia.

Or if people just accept that situation because it suits their goal. Or if they are just hypocrites or any other scenario.

But i refuse to believe that people are still buying this war on terror fluff ( or whatever they aim at it with the media) once again.

P.S: i didn`t open TV/any other media "sources" for 5 years now. Only on Discovery alike channels, Sports, or music. I dislike everything else in the local or international news channels. I take my information from "neutral" media/internet/books/history/documentaries.

The whistle on your train of thought is barely fluffin audible.
Your neutral sources of information serve the same purpose as all the latter wars and conficts you outlined. This would be money. If money corrupts like you say, then you can conclude that your very own opinion is unreliable, corrupt and likely incorrect? I really cant think of a media outlet of any kind that isnt motivated by money.
I also call bullfluff on the purity of your viewpoint because you are disconnected from current event media sources. I also think your ate a liar when saying u have skipped the news for five years. If so maybe you would prosper well in north korea.
Lastly given this is about isis, is your argument that isis should be left alone to do as the have been? That is what i got from your history rant, i may reread tomorrow when im not tired drunk to follow up. I doubt it though, cause its fluffing tarded fluff.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Alin Game profile


Sep 23rd 2014, 8:39:10

Sorry my post is not for retards. So i will refrain to comment the above.

(10 minutes latter)
On a second tought i am going to give it a try with arguments.

First of all. Why did i called you a retard? Because you are one.
In the last month or so, all you did on this forum was to follow some hot topics and post idiotic comments. All culminating with a post in a movie thread, about quotes, where you posted a semi-retard marketing you-tube clip about a silver Chevy.

than the above :

The whistle on your train of thought is barely fluffin audible.
Your neutral sources of information serve the same purpose as all the latter wars and conficts you outlined. This would be money. If money corrupts like you say, then you can conclude that your very own opinion is unreliable, corrupt and likely incorrect? I really cant think of a media outlet of any kind that isnt motivated by money.
I also call bullfluff on the purity of your viewpoint because you are disconnected from current event media sources. I also think your ate a liar when saying u have skipped the news for five years. If so maybe you would prosper well in north korea.
Lastly given this is about isis, is your argument that isis should be left alone to do as the have been? That is what i got from your history rant, i may reread tomorrow when im not tired drunk to follow up. I doubt it though, cause its fluffing tarded fluff.

First of all - like i already said twice or "trice" this might not be audible for close mind. There is neutral information all over the place. You just have to select it well.

Sven Hassel funny description of an isolated "battle" that happen in the Ardennes is suggestive. about what "truth" really is. At one point, in one of the forests of the Ardennes, 2 scouts teams ( up to 10 soldiers) meet. There was some fire exchange in the dark, followed by a running escape. Soldiers of both sides imagined they saw "something"(they tought they reached the enemy tranches). Running back each to their tranches, the germans reported that they meet a entire army digged in the forest while the americans reported sight of Panzers, ready to come in a counter-offensive. The Artillery that followed from both sides was described in the book as epic.

I am sure the story is not 100% accurate, but it`s the perfect example of what "truth" means in this world. It depends who the teller of the truth is.

That being said - you have to select the truth out of an ocean of information. My method of media/internet/books/history/documentaries is what i believe to be accurate. And i am 100% sure that is 5 times more accurate than CNN/Voice of Russia or any other popular news channel, out there.

I am disconnected from TV media yes. But i strongly sustain that i have more accurate sources. If you like/want to be manipulated into believing, what someone wants you to believe, than sure -> open TV on the channel news. You think you are smart, they are smarter. They will put up a picture of a dying children, an oppressed animal if it suits the goal. You know where the most dying children occur ? In central Africa, 10 times more than any place in this world. Do you see Russia, USA or any other international police protecting those ? Rarely to not ...

I am going to prosper in "North Korea"? Once again you are a ignorant ass. I came from a country that was under the most severe communism regim in Europe. In my youth ( up to 9 years old ) my country was a communism. You talk about North Korea as the supreme example of communism of nowadays - yet you know fluff about what communism means. I can talk about -how bad- communism is/was for days, but not with you lol.

ISIS - i suppose that is a terror group similar to Al Queda. Or even worse ... According to whom?

Edited By: Alin on Sep 23rd 2014, 14:00:08

Heston Game profile


Sep 23rd 2014, 9:51:49

Originally posted by Alin:
Sorry my post is not for retards ... So i will refrain to comment the above.

On a second tought i am going to give it a try with argumented post.

First of all. Why did i called you a retard? Because you are one.
In the last month or so all you did on this forum was to follow some hot topics and post idiotic comments. All culminating with a post in a movie thread, about quotes, where you posted a semi-retard marketing you-tube clip about a silver Chevy.

than the above :

The whistle on your train of thought is barely fluffin audible.
Your neutral sources of information serve the same purpose as all the latter wars and conficts you outlined. This would be money. If money corrupts like you say, then you can conclude that your very own opinion is unreliable, corrupt and likely incorrect? I really cant think of a media outlet of any kind that isnt motivated by money.
I also call bullfluff on the purity of your viewpoint because you are disconnected from current event media sources. I also think your ate a liar when saying u have skipped the news for five years. If so maybe you would prosper well in north korea.
Lastly given this is about isis, is your argument that isis should be left alone to do as the have been? That is what i got from your history rant, i may reread tomorrow when im not tired drunk to follow up. I doubt it though, cause its fluffing tarded fluff.

First of all - like i already said twice or "trice" this might not be audible for close minded persons. There is neutral information all over the place. You just have to select it well.

Sven Hassel funny description of a single isolated "battle" that happen in the ardennes is suggestive about what "truth" is. At one point, in one of the forests of the Ardennes, 2, low numbers, scouts teams meet. There was some fire exchange in the dark, followed by a running escape with soldiers of both sides imaging they saw "something"( both teams tought that they reached the enemy tranches). Back in the tranches the germans reported that they meet a entire army digged in the forest while the americans reported sight of Panzers, ready to come in a counter-offensive. The Artillery that followed from both sides was described in the book as epic.

I am sure the story is not 100% truth, but it`s the perfect example of what "truth" means in this world. It depends who the teller of the truth is.

That being said - you had to select the truth out of an ocean of information. My method of media/internet/books/history/documentaries is what i believe to be accurate. And i am 100% sure that is 5 times more accurate than CNN/Voice of Russia or any other popular news channel, out there.

I am disconnected from TV media yes. I am not disconnected totally but i take my information from other places. If you like to be manipulated into strongly believing what someone wants you to believe that sure - open TV on the channel news. You think you are smart, they are smarter. They will put up a picture of a dying children, an oppressed animal if it suits the goal. You know where the most dying children occur ? In central Africa, 10 times more than any place in this world. Do you see Russia, USA or any other international police protecting those ? Rarely to none ...

Am i going to prosper in North Korea? Once again you are a ignorant ass. I came from a country that was under the most severe communism regim in Europe. In my youth ( up to 9 years old ) my country was a communism. You talk about North Korea as the supreme example of communism of nowadays - yet you know fluff what communism means. I can talk about -how bad- communism is/was for days, but not with you lol.

ISIS - i suppose that is a terror group similar to Al Queda. Or even worse ... According to whom?

I post stupid fluff because all the topics are twisted and stupid. I am an asshole, i wont deny that. Maybe when you post in a thread you shpuld refrain from twisting it into something you can ramble on about in broken english. People read that garbage and cant turn back time or wash out their eyes. I could not give two fluffs about your point of view, even if it was actually on topic. Thanks for literally stating here for me that your head is kept up your ass for a thought out reason. At least you know why its there!
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Furious999 Game profile


Sep 23rd 2014, 10:03:49

I would sleep a good deal easier in my bed if the USA started to respect borders.

Alin Game profile


Sep 23rd 2014, 10:08:08


When people run out of arguments with me it all resumes to "my english". Sure is not perfect - specially written from a stupid tablet, but i suppose is readable enough. Don`t use that as an excuse - others have tried and failed miserably often. English is actually my 3rd.

Furthermore, what is your purpose in this thread than ? When i told you are a retard, i based my statement on some facts. All you are doing here is to give more strength to my point of view.

braden Game profile


Sep 23rd 2014, 12:02:02

you suppose wrong, alin.

Makolyte Game profile


Sep 23rd 2014, 13:30:58

There's no other way to deal with these fluffheads. Even Arab countries are teaming up with us to take them out. That should tell you something.

Say hello to our little friends
Alliance: VP of Death Knights
FFA: XI warrior

tellarion Game profile


Sep 23rd 2014, 13:31:31

Sometimes Alin's posts are a bit hard to follow, but it's not because of his English. Maybe it's because I spend all day, every day surrounded by broken English, but I rarely have difficulties understanding alin's points, even if I may disagree with them.

Attacking his English abilities is a weak way to sidestep his arguments and ignore his points. If his points are so damn stupid, why not refute them? Or try to be more open-minded and enter the age of globalization, because guess what? English as a mother tongue is quickly being replaced by English as a second language...

MauricXe Game profile


Sep 23rd 2014, 14:02:51

heh good to see Alin is consistent in all phases of his life.

Trife Game profile


Sep 23rd 2014, 14:36:49

I find it interesting the Saudi Arabia is "taking part" in these air strikes against ISIS.

Furious999 Game profile


Sep 23rd 2014, 14:56:18

It's a reasonable guess that Iran will annex the Shi'a rump of what used to be Iraq; the Sunni tribes will establish their Caliphate/kingdom/whatever; and the Kurds will finally have their own sovereign state, with or without the Kurdish parts of Turkey.

How long it will take for this, a hundred years or a thousand, no one could say. That everyone will squabble vigorously over the oilfields meanwhile is obvious.

The Saudi royal family will pursue their own complex interests and interfere in one way or another as will US presidents.

A part of the world to stay away from I think.

Whether Saadam Hussein was a strong enough man to have kept the lid on some or all of it (as Tito did for so long in the Balkans) we will never know.

Trife Game profile


Sep 23rd 2014, 15:56:50

Originally posted by Furious999:
(as Tito did for so long in the Balkans)

what does michael jacksons brother have to do with anything?

GodHead Dibs Game profile

New Member

Sep 23rd 2014, 16:09:49

Originally posted by Raging Budda:

They don't respect borders, neither should US and "partners".

pfft. they simply don't realize that we grew up watching bloody horror movies which have made us a bit callous when it comes to watching somebody's head being improperly decapitated.
Dibs Ludicrous was here.

mrford Game profile


Sep 23rd 2014, 16:17:54

So, the US taking part in a coalition against a militant group that has executed multiple western nationals in a public way, is a power grab for resources? Lol. The illuminati is strong in this thread.

Maybe you could argue that the US wants to try to stabalized the region, and oil is a part of that, but to state it is the primary reason for this military action is not a neutral point if view, no matter how much you want to claim it is.

ISIS is creating a humanitarian crisis, and is trying to create a terrorist state with which they can wage their jihad. They are killing everyone that doesnt rally to their cause and are commiting human rights violations at an alarming rate. Do you think the US went into Bosnia or Albania because of resources? I very much doubt that.

The world loves to hate the US, and they also love to call on the US and their military might when fluff gets serious. Either decide which one is more important, or move on. If the US wanted the oil we would still be in Iraq with a sizable force. We have more fissile fuel reserves than people seem to think, and are closer to being energy independent than we have in decades. You people keep preaching the same imperialism bullfluff sounding like a broken record.

Do you really want the US to adopt an isolationist stance and start ramping down the size of our military? You claim to be a champion of history, tell me what happened the last 2 times the US populace as a whole adopted an isolationist stance. The US is trying to rally international support to destroy an evil in the world. They don't always execute their intentions well, but in this case the intentions are good. Tens of thousands of lives have already been saved. But no, it is about the oil!

As for striking in syria, and respecting borders. It is much like the VC and NVA hiding in Cambodia and Laos. It is very hard to destroy an enemy with 1 or 2 hands tied behind your back. Respecting boarders when your enemy doesn't isn't a winnable scenario. If you seriously think this is about Iran ' s oil you are just as jaded as you accuse everyone else of being.

Edited By: mrford on Sep 23rd 2014, 16:28:15
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

GodHead Dibs Game profile

New Member

Sep 23rd 2014, 16:28:42

Originally posted by Furious999:
It's a reasonable guess that Iran will annex the Shi'a rump of what used to be Iraq; the Sunni tribes will establish their Caliphate/kingdom/whatever; and the Kurds will finally have their own sovereign state, with or without the Kurdish parts of Turkey.

How long it will take for this, a hundred years or a thousand, no one could say. That everyone will squabble vigorously over the oilfields meanwhile is obvious.

The Saudi royal family will pursue their own complex interests and interfere in one way or another as will US presidents.

A part of the world to stay away from I think.

Whether Saadam Hussein was a strong enough man to have kept the lid on some or all of it (as Tito did for so long in the Balkans) we will never know.

they can't do it properly until that bozo actually decides to climb back out of the well. kinda like how the Christians can't go running around lopping off heads until Jesus Christ comes back swinging his sword. please actually spend some time studying whatever the heck it is that you want to paraphrase... you are too dang far away for me to be able to smack you upside the head with some of God's wisdom.
Dibs Ludicrous was here.

Alin Game profile


Sep 23rd 2014, 16:45:30

This is about all the middle east Oil yea - that was is and always be about it.

Evil happens in this world every second we live through. In the Sub-Saharan Africa things a lot more "evil" happen. They are not in the media, you can hardly find them anywhere. You don`t see them on the channel news. This is the status que for 20 or maybe 30 years - but the great powers interest in that zone is just to sell Ak-47 and old used Colts and reboots. Those are used by 12 years children - in extermination wars. But there is no one there to stop that evil because dust does not worth a thing.

You will never accept my beliefs altought i strongly respect yours ( even if you don`t believe me). Leaders in this world just try to do what`s best for them and their limited group. The more of resources and advantages they gain - they throw a bigger bone to us. But overall and in the end you must accept somehow that the game that is played is the dirtiest ever and is not played in the news channel.

Alin Game profile


Sep 23rd 2014, 16:47:36

^ is for ford and not for the one that i have the impression is to often on drugs.

mrford Game profile


Sep 23rd 2014, 16:53:44

there isnt the same effort to stop that evil because it doesnt directly impact western powers, but there is intervention. european and american troops have been trying to keep the peace in africa for decades. dont act like the french, british, and americans have never tried to help in africa. i could provide you dozens, if not hundreds of pictures UN peacekeeping troops in africa.

ISIS on the other hand has all but declared war on the west and is rallying local support. they are actively trying to capture and behead western citizens. they are actively committing genocide against all rces and religions that are not their own. that is a situation that needs direct and rapid force. period. oil or no oil. the fact that a half dozen arab nations have joined western powers in this should tell you something.

reducing this to "we need the oil" and ignoring the humanitarian aspect has a conspiracy theory air to it. the american government isnt as hyper-capable and all knowing as many seem to think it is.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

braden Game profile


Sep 23rd 2014, 16:55:42

i wonder if alin knows the difference between tv ratings and a governments foreign policy

Trife Game profile


Sep 23rd 2014, 16:58:18

If you think this is about oil, then you're being silly.

It's about defeating a mutli-national terrorist organization that seemingly has declared jihad on just about EVERYONE. People got tired of their fluff, and decided to set ISIS up the bomb. For most parties involved, disrupting or weakening a russian ally (Assad's Syria)/Ba'athist government is an added bonus as well.

mrford Game profile


Sep 23rd 2014, 17:09:29


Edited By: mrford on Sep 23rd 2014, 17:22:52
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Alin Game profile


Sep 23rd 2014, 17:13:07

I know from the start that i can not shake ideas and beliefs. But as soon as at least 1 person ask his self just one question regarding the wall of text i have posted - i consider my 2 hours times waste today a victory :P.

Good day everyone.

FailDiegoFail Game profile


Sep 23rd 2014, 17:33:18

method 1 of curing violence in the middle ease: nuke everything
method 2: no such thing

Trife Game profile


Sep 23rd 2014, 17:33:31

Originally posted by Alin:
I know from the start that i can not shake ideas and beliefs. But as soon as at least 1 person ask his self just one question regarding the wall of text i have posted - i consider my 2 hours times waste today a victory :P.

Good day everyone.

after reading your wall of text, my question was:

jesus christ, people still watch foxnews?

mrford Game profile


Sep 23rd 2014, 17:38:13

there is news that isnt FoxNews?
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Alin Game profile


Sep 23rd 2014, 17:38:56

it`s a good start. Read again ... hehe


mrford Game profile


Sep 23rd 2014, 17:42:13

so you are unable to watch news on the TV and form your own opinion? excluding a source of news because you perceive them having a bias is silly. just because that news source is biased, doesnt mean you cant still get information from it. you still get to form your own opinion, and hopefully you use more than one source so you can have a wide range of information to form that opinion.

you seem to be countering your point of not getting biased news by avoiding some news sources you dont agree with.

that said i get all my large scale news from the AP, CNN, Reuters, and BBC apps on my phone. i watch local news on the TV.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Sep 23rd 2014, 17:49:35

I agree with mrford -- you should always read sources you don't agree with. Probably more so than reading things on services that align with your opinions. That's actually one of the sadder things about the wide availability of media/opinions now -- you can basically reinforce your opinion by only reading things written by people who always agree with you. Then it makes people feel like they are the most important and their opinions are the only ones that matter.
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 23rd 2014, 17:56:55

This thread is entertainment at it's finest, how can anyone have an opinion on something they by admission don't watch and then except people to buy into his rant?

Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up

S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Alin Game profile


Sep 23rd 2014, 18:36:57

Some of you simply don`t understand nothing. And can`t accept others way of gathering news and being. I don`t need to see the Kim Kardashian right part of the "culo" is now bigger, and that a well known NFL player beat a woman or that Victoria Beckham got a new outfit all mixed with the info i want to see.

Part of my source is following blogs of people. Some known some less known but about whom i believe they are neutral. Than follow the debates, interfere with them. I also read a lot of debating from normal people when i have time. I never read one side opinion about what other side does ( altought i do read and talk with people from all the sides).

Than there is always wikipedia, documentaries, books. I don`t freaking need anyone from a box telling me what is happening in this world when i have internet | - * |. I don`t need his gestures, his face expression, his tears and joy ( than i am not always sure are for real or fake) or a picture they chose out of 100 + all the other "small" details that might disrupt me in seeing and forming a well documented opinion.

I don`t need all the above mentioned. And the fact that i don`t watch CNN or voice of Russia does not make me less documented than you are. Some of you must accept that other peoples in different zones of this world have other methods of forming an opinion about anything.


EE Patron

Sep 23rd 2014, 18:41:27

hmm maybe there wouldnt be isis in iraq if we didnt overthrow the iraqi govt and disband their army, and maybe there wouldnt be isis in syria if we hadnt armed funded and trained rebels to destabilize the govt in syria for the last couple years.

it doesnt matter if it's bush or obama in power, america is imperialist fluffers who decide they dont like a govt and destablize/overthrow it and then consistently end up facing something worse. i dont know if US policymakers are complete idiots or if the resulting chaos is also perfectly acceptable to their agenda.

as we know the US wanted assad out, have been trying to get assad out, a lot of the weapons we funneled in to "moderate rebels" went to people who are now isis. good job. well at least now because of isis we're bombing in syrian territory like we wanted. but still not cooperating with assad of course. will anyone honestly be surprised if this anti-isis campaign in syria gradually drags on, with the mission of supporting the handful of US-backed rebels that we're sure to call the "true representatives" of syrias people?

as yall hopefully remember the US similarly wanted qaddafi outm, we literally entered a civil war on the side of al qaeda and various militias, under the guise of "humanitarian intervention," and bombed government positions for months until qaddafi was gone and shocker libya continues to be in chaos now, weapons and fighters are streaming out of it causing civil war in mali and contributing to the mess in syria, etc.

obama was complicit in that too KoH if it makes you feel any better. oh, as was canada, before the canadiasn start acting like their country is any different.

THE CANADIAN PRESS -- OTTAWA - Parliament has formally extended Canada's military mission in Libya to the end of September as Ottawa endorsed the country's rebels as the true representatives of its people.

By an overwhelming 294-1 margin, MPs approved the extension Tuesday evening after an exhaustive day-long debate on Canada's involvement in the NATO-led, United Nations-sanctioned mission to protect civilians from dictator Moammar Gadhafi.

lol. i dont know how anyone can miss whats happening here, but it's clear to me at least that the "west" is destabilizing and overturning regimes that arent sufficiently cooperative with western interests without any concern for the repercussions. bush isnt a special snowflake, obama isnt a special snowflake, canada isnt a special snowflake, france, etc.

Edited By: blid on Sep 23rd 2014, 18:43:44
See Original Post
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

Alin Game profile


Sep 23rd 2014, 18:44:35

And just to clear on thing up ( because i saw that my reputation in this game sometimes make people mock me with useless remarks). I always took, take, and will gladly accept what USA/west exports in therms life style than what the east or other parts of the world gives you. That`s why i am mixed in this game with a major percent of people living in the west and i am not attacking a Mars2050 Sof.

But since i am adept of that - than please do allow me to criticize when i feel the need to do so. Is my right isn`t it ?

Edited By: Alin on Sep 23rd 2014, 18:47:11

mrford Game profile


Sep 23rd 2014, 18:46:37

Originally posted by Alin:
Some of you simply don`t understand nothing. And can`t accept others way of gathering news and being. I don`t need to see the Kim Kardashian right part of the "culo" is now bigger, and that a well known NFL player beat a woman or that Victoria Beckham got a new outfit all mixed with the info i want to see.

Part of my source is following blogs of people. Some known some less known but about whom i believe they are neutral. Than follow the debates, interfere with them. I also read a lot of debating from normal people when i have time. I never read one side opinion about what other side does ( altought i do read and talk with people from all the sides).

Than there is always wikipedia, documentaries, books. I don`t freaking need anyone from a box telling me what is happening in this world when i have internet | - * |. I don`t need his gestures, his face expression, his tears and joy ( than i am not always sure are for real or fake) or a picture they chose out of 100 + all the other "small" details that might disrupt me in seeing and forming a well documented opinion.

I don`t need all the above mentioned. And the fact that i don`t watch CNN or voice of Russia does not make me less documented than you are. Some of you must accept that other peoples in different zones of this world have other methods of forming an opinion about anything.

you preach others acceptance of your methods, and yet you are the most closed minded person in that regard i have ever seen. you clearly look down on anyone who has different morals, or lifestyle as you.

you cant have it both ways. you cant preach objectiveness and then act biased. You throw your words and ideals around, but your actions speak louder. surely you can see this lol. maybe the language barrier is playing a role here, because you can not be this idealistic and hypocritical at the same time.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford


EE Patron

Sep 23rd 2014, 18:46:58

i assume the end-goal is to place western-friendly govts in these states, you know like our good friends the genocidal israelis and the corrupt and backwards saudis, and we'll just keep arming rebels and bombing people until we succeed, in order to grab strategic geographic influence and to maintain western hegemony against china/russia etc
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

mrford Game profile


Sep 23rd 2014, 18:49:55

Originally posted by blid:
i assume the end-goal is to place western-friendly govts in these states, you know like our good friends the genocidal israelis and the corrupt and backwards saudis, and we'll just keep arming rebels and bombing people until we succeed, in order to grab strategic geographic influence and to maintain western hegemony against china/russia etc

i can already see you are completely objective in your methods. carry on communist!
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Alin Game profile


Sep 23rd 2014, 18:51:31

Originally posted by mrford:
Originally posted by Alin:
Some of you simply don`t understand nothing. And can`t accept others way of gathering news and being. I don`t need to see the Kim Kardashian right part of the "culo" is now bigger, and that a well known NFL player beat a woman or that Victoria Beckham got a new outfit all mixed with the info i want to see.

Part of my source is following blogs of people. Some known some less known but about whom i believe they are neutral. Than follow the debates, interfere with them. I also read a lot of debating from normal people when i have time. I never read one side opinion about what other side does ( altought i do read and talk with people from all the sides).

Than there is always wikipedia, documentaries, books. I don`t freaking need anyone from a box telling me what is happening in this world when i have internet | - * |. I don`t need his gestures, his face expression, his tears and joy ( than i am not always sure are for real or fake) or a picture they chose out of 100 + all the other "small" details that might disrupt me in seeing and forming a well documented opinion.

I don`t need all the above mentioned. And the fact that i don`t watch CNN or voice of Russia does not make me less documented than you are. Some of you must accept that other peoples in different zones of this world have other methods of forming an opinion about anything.

you preach others acceptance of your methods, and yet you are the most closed minded person in that regard i have ever seen. you clearly look down on anyone who has different morals, or lifestyle as you.

you cant have it both ways. you cant preach objectiveness and then act biased. You throw your words and ideals around, but your actions speak louder. surely you can see this lol. maybe the language barrier is playing a role here, because you can not be this idealistic and hypocritical at the same time.

I act biased ? How do you act than ? You will never accept other people opinion. You have a lot of opinion about weapons, wars, terrorism, CIA, KGB, Bush, Putin, Russia, SUA, China ...

You will never accept a person that think like me, telling you that you are wrong - because you believe you are the supreme owner of the universal truth. At one point you go racial, and make remarks about the zone persons live. Don`t dare to call me or anyone else biased ford - not you lol.

Edited By: Alin on Sep 23rd 2014, 18:53:42


EE Patron

Sep 23rd 2014, 18:51:59

Originally posted by mrford:
Originally posted by blid:
i assume the end-goal is to place western-friendly govts in these states, you know like our good friends the genocidal israelis and the corrupt and backwards saudis, and we'll just keep arming rebels and bombing people until we succeed, in order to grab strategic geographic influence and to maintain western hegemony against china/russia etc

i can already see you are completely objective in your methods. carry on communist!
say what you want about my ideology, you have to agree that that's a perfectly realistic motivation for these military campaigns
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

maverickmd Game profile


Sep 23rd 2014, 18:56:12

Its called Murder and its the only foreign policy the american government has ever had. make up a story or enable a false flag event to gain public support to invade.

mrford Game profile


Sep 23rd 2014, 18:58:58

ah, so since you think i act biased, then you are justified? your logic here is troubling, however incorrect.

you saying i am racist is rich though. you regress to derogatory remarks against me quicker than anyone, and use a squabble/misunderstanding from 2 years ago as justification. you are a hypocrite. justify it how you want. i havnt even commented on romania in months, if not longer. your justification does not exist. simply go back and look at our arguments over the last couple months. you resort to slander and biggotry almost immediately. you are a hateful little fluff even in serious debates, unlike my trolling.

i recognize anyone's viewpoint, regardless of how much i dissagree with them. i do not accept your hateful and spiteful viewpoint though. Maybe my bias does exist, but to compare it to your warped view of the world isnt even plausible.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

mrford Game profile


Sep 23rd 2014, 19:01:23

Originally posted by blid:
Originally posted by mrford:
Originally posted by blid:
i assume the end-goal is to place western-friendly govts in these states, you know like our good friends the genocidal israelis and the corrupt and backwards saudis, and we'll just keep arming rebels and bombing people until we succeed, in order to grab strategic geographic influence and to maintain western hegemony against china/russia etc

i can already see you are completely objective in your methods. carry on communist!
say what you want about my ideology, you have to agree that that's a perfectly realistic motivation for these military campaigns

plausible? maybe. likely? hardly. although ill admit i would be more inclined to agree with you if you didnt use descriptive words like genocidal and backwards. those are hyperbolic phrases that kill rational credibility.

you, as many others, have a hyper capable viewpoint of the government. they make mistakes, they act irrationally, just like any other organisation from your local police force to a fortune 500 company.

maybe you are right, and the illuminati are all around us!
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

mrford Game profile


Sep 23rd 2014, 19:03:55

Originally posted by maverickmd:
Its called Murder and its the only foreign policy the american government has ever had. make up a story or enable a false flag event to gain public support to invade.

you think ISIS is made up?
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Alin Game profile


Sep 23rd 2014, 19:11:21

Originally posted by mrford:
ah, so since you think i act biased, then you are justified? your logic here is troubling, however incorrect.

you saying i am racist is rich though. you regress to derogatory remarks against me quicker than anyone, and use a squabble/misunderstanding from 2 years ago as justification. you are a hypocrite. justify it how you want. i havnt even commented on romania in months, if not longer. your justification does not exist. simply go back and look at our arguments over the last couple months. you resort to slander and biggotry almost immediately. you are a hateful little fluff even in serious debates, unlike my trolling.

i recognize anyone's viewpoint, regardless of how much i dissagree with them. i do not accept your hateful and spiteful viewpoint though. Maybe my bias does exist, but to compare it to your warped view of the world isnt even plausible.

Sep 22nd 2014, 10:42:34
Your bigotry is almost as baffeling as your ignorance.

Don't worry. Maybe your country will be as free as us one day and you can stop acting like a jealous ex-girlfriend lol.

You are an hypocrite idiot ford. You are nevertheless my favorite person i dislike :).
You are the type of "always superior, owner of the absoulte truth and in possession of the final argument". Yet you are the one that call others biased when they don`t agree with your redneck unchangeable opinion. You are brainwashed like fluff and no one will ever change you because you will always hide behind the wall you have build around yourself.

Edited By: Alin on Sep 23rd 2014, 19:15:00

mrford Game profile


Sep 23rd 2014, 19:14:53

lol, coming from the guy that rejects news sources he doesnt agree with, and had to state a half dozen times that he doesnt watch news he deems as not credible. a wall around myself with an unchangeable opinion...

this wont go anywhere, have fun with your bigotry and hatred, something you displayed in your last post with terms like "redneck" thanks for proving my point. this thread is about ISIS's problems, not yours. maybe one day you will learn to attack an argument instead of a person.

Edited By: mrford on Sep 23rd 2014, 19:19:56
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Alin Game profile


Sep 23rd 2014, 19:16:58

you`ll never stop to amuse me with your stupidity really. I might have a language barrier but i do not have a brain barrier like you do ...

and use a squabble/misunderstanding from 2 years ago as justification. you are a hypocrite. justify it how you want. i havnt even commented on romania in months, if not longer

Sep 22nd 2014, 10:42:34
Your bigotry is almost as baffeling as your ignorance.

Don't worry. Maybe your country will be as free as us one day and you can stop acting like a jealous ex-girlfriend lol.

Focus on the above until your opinion castell made of glass and poker cards will crumble.

Edited By: Alin on Sep 23rd 2014, 19:21:01


EE Patron

Sep 23rd 2014, 19:27:53

Originally posted by mrford:
Originally posted by blid:
Originally posted by mrford:
Originally posted by blid:
i assume the end-goal is to place western-friendly govts in these states, you know like our good friends the genocidal israelis and the corrupt and backwards saudis, and we'll just keep arming rebels and bombing people until we succeed, in order to grab strategic geographic influence and to maintain western hegemony against china/russia etc

i can already see you are completely objective in your methods. carry on communist!
say what you want about my ideology, you have to agree that that's a perfectly realistic motivation for these military campaigns

plausible? maybe. likely? hardly. although ill admit i would be more inclined to agree with you if you didnt use descriptive words like genocidal and backwards. those are hyperbolic phrases that kill rational credibility.

you, as many others, have a hyper capable viewpoint of the government. they make mistakes, they act irrationally, just like any other organisation from your local police force to a fortune 500 company.

maybe you are right, and the illuminati are all around us!
bwah? how, when i say they are targeting regimes they dont like and most of the time they fluff up and end up destabilizing the region for the worse but that they either are incompetent or just dontcare, am i attrubting "hyper capable" powers to the govt?
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.