
tellarion Game profile


May 3rd 2014, 15:36:52

Originally posted by Boltar:
Originally posted by tellarion:
According to Boltar, a suicider attacks one or multiple tags not expecting to live through the outcome. I guess all of DANGER are suiciders then. Or maybe TPA/Rival are both suiciders as well, since the deck was stacked against them from the start and they were unlikely to win/survive. If LCN declares war on Laf, then I guess LCN are suiciders as well?

I've heard some people say 'suiciders play just to ruin other people's resets'. By THAT definition, most warring tags are suiciders as well. If this is the definition, what is the difference between 3 warring tags gangbanging a netting tag, and suiciding? How about just ONE 5-man tag warring a netting tag with no provocation? If I am netting and I get killed by any tag, regardless of the reason, my set has just been ruined.

So maybe it's just if it's one country hitting one or more other tags? Then why do people fluff so much when a 2-man team attacks a 5-man team out of the blue? And did you all fail to notice that this one country was in a 5-man tag?

So please, give me a solid definition on what suiciding is?

no i said suiciding is when u attack someone without recourse and dont expect to live..

Originally posted by Boltar:
a 5 man tag has no intention of all 5 of them or any of them dying, usually suiciding constitutes the offender knows he/she will die

Again, this definition doesn't really distinguish between a small tag/alliance attacking a larger one(where the outcome is all but assured), and a single country doing the same thing.

Originally posted by Corsair:
Boltar that's the problem we were on and ready to hit. However would that count as a deletable offense. At the moment we still aren't sure.

The problem is the server rules aren't quite clear under these "new situations" since the rule change. I lost almost 8k buildings and 1.3k land. My set is ruined as I know I have no chance to win. In fact I have PMed you in game asking for clarification regarding the server rules as I am unsure how much we can help.

It's pretty clear that if he hit you, you absolutely can hit him back and kill him. There's nothing stopping you from doing that. What you cannot do, however, is run a joint killrun with other teams. The issue of #64 is not that he helped kill the offending country(despite the fact that his tag mate already took retals, but that's really beside the point), the issue is that it appeared that he did so alongside misfits in a chat. After talking with scode, he assures me that #64 didn't coordinate, and simply joined in when he saw it, and that's fine. Hence, he has not been deleted.

Originally posted by Viceroy:
Taking away preemptive actions for a moment...

Is anyone claiming that the country that was killed in the 'allegedly' coordinated kill run did NOT suicide?

I don't think I ever said he wasn't a suicider. The problem is that people are using this word left and right, and calling for moderators to ban all suiciders, without having a common definition of what exactly a suicider is. If you want us to use our own judgement, that's fine. But as I have seen first hand, you don't want that. You want 100% clear, well-defined rules to cover any and every situation with zero gray-area. That's a pretty tall order....

The new rules that I posted were created after a lot of discussion between the moderators, and after receiving boatloads of feedback from you, the players(and yes, I read more or less every damn thread and talked to several prominent people for hours). We have tried to cover every base we could think of, and I'm sure you all recognize that we can never provide a 100% detailed list of rules for every situation. Even if we could, people wouldn't read them(ie what happened with #9 and #34) as they would be far too long..

Originally posted by iScode:
Originally posted by tellarion:
According to Boltar, a suicider attacks one or multiple tags not expecting to live through the outcome. I guess all of DANGER are suiciders then.

Danger only hits people that hit them,

IMO a suicider is one country be it untag or in a tag, attacks one or multiple alliance on there own, with out being provoked, in a manor to cause as much damage as possible (sometimes this part is not successful lol) knowing that the result will be their country killed.

Personally, I more or less agree with this definition. But again, what is the difference between 1 country doing that, and 2? If a 2-man team takes on a 5-man team full of experienced warriors, is that really different? Is the difference only the number of countries involved? If 1 country does it, it's suiciding, if multiple countries do it, it's war? Why can't I play a country and try to do as much damage as I can and go out in a blaze of glory? What if I had a bone to pick based on previous sets and tried to do the same, should I then be deleted for it? If I play this way on primary or express, it's fine. But if I do the exact same thing on team server, it's now suiciding.

If you want us to enforce something like this, there has to be some solid definition to start from. Isn't that what you all want?

Edited By: tellarion on May 3rd 2014, 16:21:55. Reason: Don't use [] to signify emphasis :/
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