
BLUEEE Game profile


Apr 29th 2014, 18:08:03

53% Think Neither Political Party Represents the American People

Ben Swann talks about who runs the debates.

The Commission on Presidential Debates is a Conspiracy!
Submitted by Zak Carter on Sun, 04/21/2013 - 17:40

Daily Paul Liberty Forum
DP Original

Did you watch the “3rd Party” Presidential debate last year that was hosted by Free and Equal Elections Foundation? The one in Chicago that was moderated by Larry King and watched by an estimated 20 million people? Did you know that debate and the one that followed it were put together on the fly by Christina Tobin and a very small team of people with the simplest of plans?

Our plan was - to A. Get as many cameras there as possible, and B. Line up as many alternative media outlets and organizations as sponsors to help us get the word out there. And it worked! Enough people watched them that it was one of the top trends on twitter the night of the first debate and the next day, and Jimmy Kimmel made fun of us while Lawrence O’Donnell on MSNBC stated that 3rd party candidates deserved a spot in the national conversation after he watched them, and we were inundated with foreign media reporters wanting to talk to Christina Tobin who previously had no idea there were anything but Democrats and Republicans in America.

Ever so minutely we nudged the national conversation and in a big way we demonstrated that there is a demand for 3rd party candidates and the answers they offer to our nations biggest problems that we weren’t hearing from Obama, Romney and company…

I had the idea that those debates had the potential to be game changers while listening to an attorney talk about how he was going to open the presidential debates via a lawsuit, and I listened to Judge Jim Gray talk about the very same thing recently – I respect you greatly Judge, but I’ve heard of 3rd party lawsuit attempts for as long as I’ve been voting when I turned 18. I’m 40 now, and it’s time to try something different.

We put those 3rd party 2012 debates together in a few months – and now we have a few years to create something truly game changing in 2016.

1. Free and Equal - - is hosting events that will keep the Free and Equal name out there in the public via earned media (local and national) and will both build awareness and serve as a platform to help build interest in our 2016 debates. As we make our case in as many states as possible between now and 2016, not only will be making more people aware of Free and Equal Elections Foundation, the CPD and our flawed electoral system and helping them craft local solutions, we’ll be building our organization of F&E state caucus leaders. We plan on asking these state leaders to go to their local MSM TV and radio networks in 2016 to ask that they also broadcast our debates.

2. In the summer of 2012 a handful of Gary Johnson supporters were able to get through to 2 companies and 1 organization (Phillips, BBH New York and the YWCA) that had been sponsors of the CPD’s debates and educate them about their debates being closed. We were late on the ball in trying to bring them on as sponsors of our debates in 2012, but we plan on really promoting this approach to our supporters in 2016 in starving the CPD of their sponsorship dollars, and doing all we can to welcome these companies and organizations on as sponsors of our debates. If we can get just one of these companies to sponsor us, it will create an opportunity for a huge national news story.

3. A Liberty TV Network - - This is a real game changer and of paramount importance if we are going to challenge the status quo and stand our ground when the pushback comes from the MSM - and it will come -!the-network/c1mi2

4. Hosting our debates in LA and NYC. We got lucky with helping us bring Larry King in to moderate our Chicago debate, we weren’t so lucky in DC. While Thom Hartmann is well known, he’s not nearly as big as the names who were interested in moderating our 2nd debate had we been in LA or NYC. Larry King generated incredible amounts of press for us, and we plan on bringing in more names the entire country knows and cameras can’t help but follow to moderate our debates in 2016.

5. Two tiers of sponsors. Our second tier sponsors will expand on the 57 media and organization sponsors we had for our 2012 debates. These sponsors paid nothing, but reported on the debates, a number of them interviewed Christina Tobin and they really helped us spread word of them. Our first tier sponsors are going to be a real game changer - we’re looking to raise at least 20 million dollars, enabling us to then take that money to the major networks to run promotional ads and getting at least one of them to air our debates on top of the networks that carried them in 2012. (Al Jazeera, RT America, CSPAN, Link TV, Free Speech TV and all carried our 2012 debates in addition to a large number of alternative media outlets)

6. At least 8 to 10 debates. We’ll start our 2016 debates late spring/early summer, and space them out so that the last one takes place right before the CPD’s debates start. Last year viewers could vote online for their favorites and we plan on expanding that to voting via text message, and one candidate going home after every debate until 2 are left at the last debate. The plan is to create demand for the candidates to be included in the CPD’s debates. If they don’t allow them to debate, the American people will become very aware of the fraud, and we’ll continue hosting debates with our two remaining candidates on the same nights the CPD’s debates are held and at the same time as well as a debate between their VP’s. We’ll ignore them just as they’ve ignored us. We also plan for a reality TV show that will showcase each of the candidates before the first debate airs.

Viva la r3volution! I hope to see you in Little Rock, Arkansas this coming June 22nd with Jesse Ventura, Ben Swann, Josh Tolley, Larry Pratt, Elizabeth Imus-Zero, Amber Lyon and more at the Verizon Arena!

qzjul Game profile

Game Development

Apr 29th 2014, 19:10:45

What you really need is some form of non-first-past-the-post voting system. Otherwise you just end up with vote splitting.
Finally did the signature thing.

BILL_DANGER Game profile


Apr 30th 2014, 1:13:02



KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 30th 2014, 2:39:55


This is the best system on the planet, even dead people are representing!!!!

Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up

S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

BLUEEE Game profile


Apr 30th 2014, 11:54:56

if Gary Johnson ran again i would vote for him again. i voted for him last cycle too. MOTHER fluffER CLIMBED MOUNT EVEREST.