I'm actually just KeltBot version 2.0. Ravi, Assassin, Theseus, and occasionally Japri still pull all the strings. Osloos reprogrammed me, but then he went awol; now Trumper handles most of the maintenance issues. POL submits user complaints.
Confirmed. What Maki said. everyone should cower before this great Canadian Supreme Ghall (Yes now that I'm in LCN I'm now "Supreme Ghall!")
Also, What Purp said. Ravi Assassin Theseus and Japri all lead LCN. So does Alana because she's Canadian.
I am Alliance Talk Supreme Ghall. Therefore, you are all my puppets. No one will be around to confirm as Supreme Ghall > fluff > Martian > Makinso > Marshal > Galleri > Everyone else.
I have absolutely no sway in LCN in the least bit. Sometimes Trife will ask my advice about popping viagra and purchasing a hooker or three. But that is as far as my influence goes.
I am pretty sure that Assassin runs everything. Ravi is his multi, so that is two for one.
LJ is our sex slave. But I get yelled at when I want to cuddle :(