
archaic Game profile


Aug 5th 2010, 2:39:58

lol @ pain (did I hit a nerve punkin? vitriolic much?), I don't to be in RDs league (their league is beneath me) - I just have to keep on being better than you are, punkin. I freely admit to holding a grudge. Maybe if they did a little penance for their crimes they might be easier to forgive.

Actually Thunder, that is not totally true - LORDS members were in the coalition warchat and were the ones that posted the ska kill targets. The Ska kills were a big part of the reason that the coalition ultimately fell apart. Once we (stupidly) did their dirty work, LORDS disavowed the coalition and ran crying to mars or where ever it was you guys landed. As far as we were concerned, based on their presence and particiption, we (the coalition leaders) very much believed that LORDS was with us.

Edited By: archaic on Aug 5th 2010, 2:41:58
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