
Heretodie Game profile


Sep 22nd 2013, 20:15:24

Im not a FA but if you do anything stupid to RD because your upset about what a detagged country did to defend himself from MDs attack on him there will be consequences down the road.

Now no ones spoke up about this so I will publicly speak out about it. (disclaimer these are not the views of RD as a whole but my personal opinon)

1) MD as a clan has to suck it up and control their players. If you anyone in RD had hit a player like that in MD you'd all be screaming bloody murder and calling it a act of war.
2) Get better at kill runs because if you cant kill a single country and he comes after you maybe you should have left a "sorry mom I broke the glass note" to those players who weren't involved in something that stupid.
3) Players who play under the umbrella of the MD tag fluff in your bed and MD as a WHOLE clan has to deal with that. The actions of the few screwed over the rest of you, again suck it up.
4)Be happy he didn't come after more of you because he was asked to stop by our IAs and FAs. As far as anyones concerned a detagged country under attack for no reason has the right to retal in whatever way shape or form he or she wants.

5)There should be 0 threats from MD about relations with Rd over the issue, yes it sucks for those players who had their countries fluff on, too bad. Don't ruin it for everyone else in that clan by making statements like "were not gonna trade, were not gonna pact you," Its beneficial to have these things or you'll end up like PDM and fluff outta luck when players multi tap you and jump out retal range.

Again not the opinion of everyone in RD or RD as whole just my opinion.

Edited By: Heretodie on Sep 22nd 2013, 20:54:31
See Original Post



Sep 22nd 2013, 20:19:27

If your worried about them why not just kill them? They are detagged.

Atryn Game profile


Sep 22nd 2013, 20:23:46

What are you talking about?

I don't see these detaggers.... has this not hit the server newsfeed yet?

The last detagger I see was 3 days ago? the one before that 8 days ago?

Loc Game profile


Sep 22nd 2013, 20:30:18

No one in MD has dropped tag dumbass. And as for your bullfluff rant. Let me be clear. Your lame-ass member KingCobra decided to ruin countries of various players cos he felt that was a cool thing to do.

My country was among the heaviest hit. Now I haven't suicided on RD yet, but bullfluff posts like this make me think I should put my country to fluffing good use.

No matter what you say, I didn't attack lam0 kingcobra, but he decided to hit me. Fair enough. His reasoning was that if his country was fluffed, he would take down as many as he could. It was not 'defending', it was trying to cause as much damage as he could. Nothing more, nothing less. That's cool, I can respect that.

The other side of that coin however is that those countries now ruined are still powerful. I have a fluffload of cash, a fluffload of turns. And the lesson that KingCobra taught me was that the cool thing to do is to hurt those not involved.

I agree RD is not involved and not to blame. But my country wasn't either. So what to do, what to do.

Take a lesson out of Kingcobra's book or not.

Your lesson for today however is to shut the fluff up before you spew your load of bullcrap on this board.

Taveren Game profile


Sep 22nd 2013, 20:30:52

What fantastical bull fluff world do you even live in?
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Skype: som3thingclassy

Hopeless Game profile


Sep 22nd 2013, 20:37:06

LOL @ this noob heretodie. Stop making yourself look stupid

locket Game profile


Sep 22nd 2013, 20:42:47

HTD dont post fluff like this dude. It doesnt make us look good at all -_-

And Loc if you took a lesson out of KCs book then you'd wait for someone to hit you when you are untagged and hit them back. This fluff should just stay in FA talks though.

Not that it makes it any better but a vocal group arent overly happy with how things turned out on RDs side either.

Lets just keep this fluff off AT though.

Heretodie Game profile


Sep 22nd 2013, 20:46:07

Could be wrong, last I thought MD had 72 members

As for your cry baby ass Loc you should probably defend your land better if your alliance is gonna go after a country and not do the job properly. He was in full right to retal EVERYONE in MD because your all responsible for your members actions, don't like it fluff on the countries who failed to kill him.

Feel free to take a lesson out of KCs book drop tag and do something stupid, but you will be held accountable for your actions. KC dropped tag for RD reasons, and MD attacked him that's on MD and no one else. RD didn't tell him to drop tag and rape MDs netters. IF you drop tag and attack RD that wont be on just you that will be on MD and the members that started this whole thing attacking an innocent country.

Your clan fluff the bed in failing to kill him, that's on MD and you have to blame your own members for what happened you your country and no one else. RD stands side by side as MD should or do you not have control of what your members do?

locket Game profile


Sep 22nd 2013, 20:47:57

Jesus stop posting HTD

Loc Game profile


Sep 22nd 2013, 20:48:26


you are aware I am in my country right now and have 17.4bl cash on hand, 126 turns and like 92 stored.

And that I am pissed.

You are getting this picture right?

Mr Gainsboro Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 22nd 2013, 20:49:45

RD stay away from AT plx.
Don of LaF

Suncrusher Game profile


Sep 22nd 2013, 20:53:26

sounds like heretodie got really scared when he noticed there were fewer MD members without being smart enough to check the news on tag changes. are you afraid of your netting set getting ruined fluff?


Mr Azure


Sep 22nd 2013, 20:54:42

jesus christ HTD stfu.

Taveren Game profile


Sep 22nd 2013, 20:58:06

Could be wrong? You are wrong. Your entire post is based on presumptuous bull fluff. Since you're having trouble finding the information you referenced let me spell it out with a crayon for you.

-#289, #531, # 351 were dropped on September 9th.
-#326 was dropped on September 14th.
-#584 was dropped on September 19th.
-All of these countries were removed from the tag prior to the events surrounding #332.
-All of these countries are below $1m NW and have been inactive for a week.
-MD's members are in control of their actions, sans mistakes/key errors.

Take your faerie tales, go back to the kiddie table, make some macaroni art, and let the adults talk. Some additional advice? Lay off paste and paint chips diet.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Skype: som3thingclassy

Fuji Game profile


Sep 22nd 2013, 21:06:44

Good idea to bring this to AT instead of the open discussion we had going in private and that members from both alliances were taking part in. This place has always been a calming influence on politics...

Oh and the threat has been duly noted. Thanks for the heads up :]

Suncrusher Game profile


Sep 22nd 2013, 21:08:58

also i have to laugh at how stupid this guy is, did he really think his AT post would sway anyone's minds? if anything you've angered a group of players even more...

i noticed you edited your post bro, you should probably try and delete as much of it as possible so as to hide your stupidity from the rest of the ee community.

Taveren Game profile


Sep 22nd 2013, 21:09:25

Originally posted by Heretodie:

Now no ones spoke up about this so I will publicly speak out about it.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Skype: som3thingclassy

Home Turf Game profile


Sep 22nd 2013, 21:17:08

just yall get to fighting and less posturing. Of course from what Ive seen the only thig MD fights is sumthin without teeth, so this should be right down their alley. Oh yeah one lonely country already screwed em, let alone the whole tag. ROFLMAO!

"goes and puts oil back on market" kewl thought the market had crashed.... hehehehehehehe

Heston Game profile


Sep 22nd 2013, 21:26:07

Is "fluff the bed" the best analogy you could muster?

Ha ha you fluff your clans bed haha you suck. Now go lay in your poopy sheets!

❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Syko_Killa Game profile


Sep 22nd 2013, 22:34:00

shut it off HTD. your killing me smallz.
Do as I say, not as I do.

Darrian Game profile


Sep 23rd 2013, 0:03:35

King cobra? The same one from many many years ago?
~bad as i wanna be~

Syko_Killa Game profile


Sep 23rd 2013, 0:10:34

My country is awesome, I am #1
Do as I say, not as I do.



Sep 23rd 2013, 0:44:46

yes Darrian, same one

and as far as MD members detagging, as Internal Minister I did remove a few countries from our tag of members were no longer playing ... nothing more sinister than that unless you know something i dont

Ragnaroks EEVIL Lady



Sep 23rd 2013, 0:51:19

Don't believe Ruthie, she knows all about our plan. All of MD will be detagging soon..... RD you all better buy up some SDI (so i can get it sold)

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Sep 23rd 2013, 0:52:19

Originally posted by RLenga:
Don't believe Ruthie, she knows all about our plan. All of MD will be detagging soon..... RD you all better buy up some SDI (so i can get it sold)

Congrats on your first post!! YAY!

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

braden Game profile


Sep 23rd 2013, 1:06:32

Originally posted by Suncrusher:
i noticed you edited your post bro, you should probably try and delete as much of it as possible so as to hide your stupidity from the rest of the ee community.

i have a better idea; he delete the entire post and say simply "i have no opinion, and i apologize for presuming i did. please forgive.

that, or, i don't know, he can join kc outside of the rd tag.

_ _ _

loc, i wouldn't blame you one bit, if you did, heh

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Sep 23rd 2013, 1:56:22


After this thread, RD deserves all the suiciders it gets.

What kind of netting tag argues that a detagged member suiciding on others is not something their tag should take responsibility for, but if another tag reciprocates there should be harsh consequences? lol
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Syko_Killa Game profile


Sep 23rd 2013, 2:01:51

I already maxed out my SDI just incase;)
Do as I say, not as I do.

Pain Game profile


Sep 23rd 2013, 2:03:24

Pang since you dont know the whole story its best if you dont comment.
Your mother is a nice woman

locket Game profile


Sep 23rd 2013, 2:15:18

Yah.. You dont know the situation Pang so perhaps MD and RD should just talk in private like we have been :P Im sure we will figure things out and be friends for life

braden Game profile


Sep 23rd 2013, 2:20:03

seriously, every colour in this thread has scolded him. from gains to loc to me and [hopefully] soon to be locket.

so, um, outside of the one lowly member, who ever said anything close to that, pang?

oh, wait, did i said loc? i meant pain. i mean, yea, um, woops.. uh.. what?

bertz Game profile


Sep 23rd 2013, 2:29:02

So what's the story?

Pain Game profile


Sep 23rd 2013, 2:31:46

probably not your business?
Your mother is a nice woman

tellarion Game profile


Sep 23rd 2013, 2:35:57

On behalf of RD, I apologize.

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Sep 23rd 2013, 2:35:58

well, since you asked... it aligns with RD's typical stance re: netting without class or honor.... and that's why I commented. it's a window into how the typical RD member sees things. I assumed he was scolded for simply for providing a public window into that mindset :p

also, locket needs to get back to LaF rather than getting a colour. the RD tag is a stain on him :p

if you don't want people chiming on these issues, teach your members not to post stupid fluff on AT.
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

CandyMan Game profile


Sep 23rd 2013, 2:37:13


iScode Game profile


Sep 23rd 2013, 2:43:40

Originally posted by Loc:

you are aware I am in my country right now and have 17.4bl cash on hand, 126 turns and like 92 stored.

And that I am pissed.

You are getting this picture right?


God of War


archaic Game profile


Sep 23rd 2013, 3:09:27

About f'ing time. AT has been quiet as a crypt lately.

/me pops popcorn
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

braden Game profile


Sep 23rd 2013, 3:11:09

well, senseless rhetoric aside pang, you need to speak further with the non-laf contingent of rd, i guess.

or, a quick idea, an even quicker visit to bugs and suggestions re: solo servers?

(that wasn;t suppose to be rude, if it comes off as such, heh.. text is lame)

Edited By: braden on Sep 23rd 2013, 3:23:00. Reason: certain and grammar
See Original Post



Sep 23rd 2013, 3:18:07

its a bunch of threats in there directed towards MD. RD views towards harbouring suiciders and about suiciding itself is pretty much out there.

farmer Game profile


Sep 23rd 2013, 3:18:59

MD just don't like losing land and resources 2 hit in 48 hr got little ol untagged like killed.

locket Game profile


Sep 23rd 2013, 3:19:16

Originally posted by Pang:
well, since you asked... it aligns with RD's typical stance re: netting without class or honor.... and that's why I commented. it's a window into how the typical RD member sees things. I assumed he was scolded for simply for providing a public window into that mindset :p

also, locket needs to get back to LaF rather than getting a colour. the RD tag is a stain on him :p

if you don't want people chiming on these issues, teach your members not to post stupid fluff on AT.

You are talking about RD netting without honour? What has RD done in recent times to deserve that? I was gonna counter but I wont so it will show RD hasnt stained me :P

Trife Game profile


Sep 23rd 2013, 3:25:04


Trife/Mr Rainbow
RD Dean of Punishment

braden Game profile


Sep 23rd 2013, 3:27:15

i'm sorry, is that a faint odor of tinkle?



Sep 23rd 2013, 4:24:09

Just put his depends back on and he will be fine

mdevol Game profile


Sep 23rd 2013, 4:30:35

hahaha, so I thought my jab at Hanlong was top post of the week, this just topped it. Congrats to you.

Since we are all going to chime in about what we think is going on with this, here it goes....

Any post that contains "this is my opinion and should not reflect said clan" reflects upon said clan; probably more-so for stating that.
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

braden Game profile


Sep 23rd 2013, 4:43:29

heh, it's like mdevol read my post insite.

i mean, pain.. wait.. uggh.. pardon me?

Pride Game profile


Sep 23rd 2013, 5:10:56

You making posts like this is very upsetting. Definitely boiling blood.

Vic Game profile


Sep 23rd 2013, 6:22:14

Originally posted by Loc:
No one in MD has dropped tag dumbass. And as for your bullfluff rant. Let me be clear.

no loc you can't be Clear!

Loc Game profile


Sep 23rd 2013, 6:46:15

:P You so funny.

Vic and braden currently in RD?