
Servant Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 6th 2013, 15:28:24

I'm going to address some bias issues here.

Its been pointed out that these rankings were biased, and designed to Troll SOF.

Well, if that was the purpose, mission accomplished. Sov has posted more on here than he posts in a reset on any thread:), and maybe at all. You'd think Sov was Leading Evo the way he's acting.

(Now, that's trolling.)

But that's not the purpose of this thread. I can troll a hell a lot better than this ranking thread if that was my goal.

I write these, as I try to do my best to be as honest and fair as in them as I can. I am occasionally wrong, I'll rank one alliance ahead of another, and the following set there's a war between the 2 alliances, and I'll hear about how I was wrong. Then, I'll admit I was wrong:) (I particularly remember Rival leadership giving me a hard time once after proving me wrong, then again she can give me a hard time anytime!)

Sometimes I go out on a ledge. When Son Goku took over LAF< and as LAF was getting beat down I made LAF number 1 on these rankings.

I got beat up mercilessly, by SOL/EVO posters over doing that. In the end, I was right.

Many people request these rankings, as they are percieved as being unbiased and fairly accurate. I don't know that anyone can claim to be purely unbiased, but I do my best to look at things and keep my bias' in check. I also refuse to post a lot of what I do know, or suspect on here, in my reasons for the rankings. Out of respect for friends, and people I enjoy chatting with. I do my best not to share any of those reasons, or even hint at them.

I have many many various reasons for the rankings as I put them. And After a day of reflection, I think I'm right.

RD should be higher, but RD needs more numbers, SOL wasn't at 75 during the previous wars with RD. if RD was at 75 I'd have them at #2.

I am absolutely convinced I'm right about MD @2.

The issue is SOL vs SOF at 3 and 4.

As everyone knows I'm not a Makinso Fan. I think SOL should perform better than it has under his leadership. And none of his "plans" seem to work:). Though they do make the game more interesting. And I am going to chalk this reset up as a marginal victory as far as Maki planning goes, as if SOL had waited for SOF to hit them, this reset wouldn't be nearly as close as it has been so far. IN the end SOL will most likely lose.

But the only reason SOL is losing, is LAF.
The only reason SOF keeps winning is LAF.

A number 2 alliance on the server should be able to stand on its own. And right now SOF without LAF, is dead.

So yes, these rankings do represent a fall of SOF. It is not an endorsement of Makinso's SOL. It is quite possible, in a set or two SOF reclaims the 2nd place in the game behind LAF it has occupied for 2+ yrs. It wouldn't shock me.

But even as SOV has admitted, internally, SOF Leadership has gone awol. The SOF war performance this set is lackluster. It was lackluster without logistical support against MD. This isn't the SOF of a year ago.

And if I were wrong, Sov would've taken his initial advice and not responded to all this.
but he knows I'm right:) So he's defending to cover it up. Attacking my character and my repuation of trying to do my best to produce fair and honest rankings. Ad Hominem attacks only prove one thing Sov:)

Helmet is an old old friend of mine, I love SOF historically. Its out of this friendship, and desire to produce fair rankings that I'm willing to say SOF is number 4, against the logic and readily apparent easy to see facts of the game.

So Sov, please quit acting like Evo leadership on the boards, that's not SOF style leadership. And, its unbecoming of you. (ooops, I think that's a troll.)

Edited By: Servant on Sep 6th 2013, 15:34:17
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