
ld Game profile


Jul 28th 2010, 17:22:59

you die now

trumper Game profile


Sep 28th 2010, 16:38:18

Message from Nice Empire (#78) sent on 09/28/2010 15:48:48
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Also, saying it was reps instead of saying it was a retal is because English isn't his first language, bright boy.


This is by far my favorite NE moment. Call someone else stupid for not knowing what language their players speak.



Sep 28th 2010, 20:59:01


Vic Rattlehead Game profile


Sep 29th 2010, 1:17:21

Yes, we have never seen non-English speakers in this game before, and they never have confused a similar abbreviation like that. It was a real stretch to figure that out.

Either way, FBI has just permanently made our fluff list, which is not cool considering our history with Zen. This is not our first incident with you guys. Rest assured it won't be the last.
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Detmer Game profile


Sep 29th 2010, 1:21:19

What does FBI have to do with this?

archaic Game profile


Sep 29th 2010, 2:41:40

the tendrils of FBI are ever-reaching, FBI has to do with all . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Vic Rattlehead Game profile


Sep 29th 2010, 3:17:22

They are hitting us? Not a big role I guess, just a random tag joining in to attack us, again, like last set, and the set before.
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Charles Game profile


Sep 29th 2010, 5:58:40

LMFAO, last set you were attacked by multiple tags?

Last i remember it was just one country suiciding your ass for a couple of weeks? In the end i believe you needed help from another alliance to kill it...

Not that i know anything about it, other than it was very ammusing :P

Vic Rattlehead Game profile


Sep 29th 2010, 6:11:32

No, dummy, last set we were attacked by FBI. We had a member killed early in the set, before the MKR dustup, before the lone suicider. We were down to three members.

FBI helped kill that country as a show of "goodwill" for participating in a KR on us earlier, and hitting with Wrath as well.
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trumper Game profile


Sep 29th 2010, 14:46:15

Originally posted by Vic Rattlehead:
Yes, we have never seen non-English speakers in this game before, and they never have confused a similar abbreviation like that. It was a real stretch to figure that out.

Either way, FBI has just permanently made our fluff list, which is not cool considering our history with Zen. This is not our first incident with you guys. Rest assured it won't be the last.

Rattlehead, I didn't post your message to me because I thought it was funny that there were non-English (more English as a second or third language speaker than "non" since non implies he speaks no English) speakers in the game. I posted your message because I thought it was funny that you expected me to know that the player didn't speak English as a first language. Maybe an analogy will work better for you: I saw the movie Inception, but when I left the theater I knew it was fiction. Can you say the same?

The grand irony to the whole situation is that I never hit you guys to begin with and your non-native speaking friend hit me for "reparations" which you claim to mean retal. I'm fine with retals, but when there was a hit to begin with to justify them. I haven't landgrabbed all set and have spent most of my time killing other countries.

trumper Game profile


Sep 29th 2010, 14:47:56

Originally posted by Vic Rattlehead:
No, dummy, last set we were attacked by FBI. We had a member killed early in the set, before the MKR dustup, before the lone suicider. We were down to three members.

FBI helped kill that country as a show of "goodwill" for participating in a KR on us earlier, and hitting with Wrath as well.

I'm noticing a trend here too, Rattelhead. Anyone you disagree with you call stupid/dummy/kid. But to be honest, I can't tell if that's some sort of self-confidence problem of yours or just a big ego. Either way, I will admit it provides great entertainment and so I should thank you for it.

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 29th 2010, 15:18:12

We like each other well enough. But I suppose I gotta stick by my guys on this one, Vic.

Do I deny that 3 retals are excessive? Nope.

Do we accept retals on other countries? Nope.

Would I rather kill Detmer this round than participate in this war? Yep.

But we don't all get what we want. At least we will make it interesting. I think we are going to attempt to get killed as fast as possible. Well FBIers at least. CIA/NSA guys actually know how to play.



ViLSE Game profile


Sep 29th 2010, 15:20:58

LOL you all have fun now! :)

Vic Rattlehead Game profile


Sep 29th 2010, 23:12:43

Originally posted by trumper:
Originally posted by Vic Rattlehead:
No, dummy, last set we were attacked by FBI. We had a member killed early in the set, before the MKR dustup, before the lone suicider. We were down to three members.

FBI helped kill that country as a show of "goodwill" for participating in a KR on us earlier, and hitting with Wrath as well.

I'm noticing a trend here too, Rattelhead. Anyone you disagree with you call stupid/dummy/kid. But to be honest, I can't tell if that's some sort of self-confidence problem of yours or just a big ego. Either way, I will admit it provides great entertainment and so I should thank you for it.

I was called a kid, not vice versa. I called one person a dummy. Nice trend you've picked up on.

Regardless, you've killed me, I've restarted, and will continue to do what I can to eff you up.
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available 24/7

trumper Game profile


Sep 30th 2010, 12:23:00

We killed you and Llaar and Paolo's having fun now too. And yes, like I said, a trend:

Message from Nice Empire (#78) sent on 09/28/2010 03:55:09
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You hit my clanmate paolo 3 times, idiot. We play as The Nameless Elite every set. Bring it. Reply


Message from Nice Empire (#78) sent on 09/28/2010 15:44:50
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So you RoRd on that hit? Awesome, I'm glad that we chose you. Idiot. Reply


essage from Nice Empire (#78) sent on 09/28/2010 15:48:48
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Also, saying it was reps instead of saying it was a retal is because English isn't his first language, bright boy.
