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yeah probably the poorest effort i've ever seen
15 original countries they killed. :(
~target selection sucks
~******activity sucks*******
~0sdi countries suck
~0 troop countries suck
~BR is not the way to go at late set because that takes away from your defense.
~speed hitting sucks
~Usage of turns is very poor (use your missiles for readiness)
~Missile selection is worse than an untagged nub first playing
(why nm em cm the same target LOL) Em takes Sdi away, NM brings it back up! haha)
~usage of stock is the WORST( you had countries with 5b cash and 5m troops WTF!)
~WALLING IS TERRIBLE( I was chatting with someone 315* series and killing him @ the same time, 0 walling effort (besides Subby) less than 6 days and im having humanitarian problems)
what i took from IMPs standpoint
just some helpful tips
-IMP wasn't planning to war until we got word that you guys were hitting us so we decided to hit with what we had to hit with as much countries as we could(knowing we had a lot of small/inactive countries)
-0 sdi (Probably New Players who didn't heed our words;Prime is always nagging us about it)
-0 troops (Again, new players because we had MMR's)
-BR (Debateable and Our choice :D )
-speed hitting (you should have seen our warchat; Hilarious LOL)
- Usage of turns aka missiles for readiness (people had so many they were anxious to just do that so in the spirit of FUN we used them; Again, our choice of what made us smile not YOU/cc)
-Missile Selection (that was my fault just that countries had numbers so close I was confusing them)
-Stock(IMP wasn't planning to War hence the big stock; PM was outbought and at the time i remember there being 0 troops on public) I think I had the biggest stock in the clan and you guys killed me when i was sleeping and at work. Times that i will not jeopardize for this game LOL(Your priorities are just different than mine)
-Again, me personally, you killed me when I was offline(which is the idea but then you shouldn't complain about our walling LOL)
About looking bigger than we are, that is not the reason why we keep those in the tag. Some players need to get reminded to play because they were brought in from rl. They didn't get recruited from in the game so we have hope that they remember or when they are reminded to play they do so. Again, we have different views on the game than you guys and I am not going to change it because it plays no part in my decisions. We will fight with whoever wants to pick a fight with us no matter how big or strong they are. IMP, where real friendships are forged.