
SublimeNightmare Game profile


Mar 29th 2012, 15:02:58

Originally posted by mdevol:
Originally posted by SublimeNightmare:
Originally posted by mdevol:
One thing...

Quit crying about that string joining in. Imp killed his original countries under the suspicion it was an ely member, they were wrong. Regardless off that he was legitimately killing imp no matter what tag he was in. Atlantis saw he was in a solo tag and understood that it would make more sense to tag him up and hit together. That's wrong?

Wrong that he is able to run garbage countries with FA funding.

Agreed. That being said, His string was hit by your ally before he was sent any fa. What did he do wrong before that? Retaliate to your slaughtering of him?

His country name is IMP sucks. In a set where ELY has hit from untags all set and was hiding in small tags then tagging ELY to attack. Of course he hit that.

Originally posted by LittleItaly:
the thing is... 138 countries should be able to lemming the crap out of 48... :P

@ ~105ish countries, with all gaining 72 turns a day, you should have the turns to kill 11 countries a day, meaning tag kill in 5 days. Thats even counting a 100 turns for lemming =P

It is about context. You try lemming a country with 2.5 bil cash that has 100 turns and is online. Good luck with that. Turn your 11 kills into 0 kills. Plus as I said from the beginning. They were attacking a war torn tag with two strings inactive and the tops with barely any stock.;badside%5B%5D=Elysium

Why discount the fact that we have battled untags/ELY and now Atlantis. If IMP had not spent a single turn this set fighting, our 138 would have no problem wiping the floor with the 48 Atlantis has tagged. I have 33 kills this set. That taxes my countries.

20 of them before Atlantis DOW. That is 20 x 250 = 5000 hits = 10,000 turns. Give me 10,000 turns back + blown stock and I would sing a different tune.

Edited By: SublimeNightmare on Mar 29th 2012, 15:11:14
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