
braden Game profile


Jul 20th 2011, 9:57:58

i have always maintained that aging will kill me before smoking. i get scoffed at, and yet everyday non smokers die and smokers live another day.

i'd tell you to capitalize it and then correct me, but it isn't worth it, the genocidal pricks can go fluff themselves and spell it right on their own.

i've said it for years, growing old is the largest cause of death. that is why i refuse to grow up. who wants to get soda's at the local soda shop?

trumper Game profile


Jul 20th 2011, 13:39:42

Cigarette taxes remind me of some state's gas taxes-- the more people become healthy or ride transportation the smaller the pool of people paying to keep them healthy or subsidize their public transportation. It's amusing how some government funding really is a ponzi scheme.

qzjul Game profile

Game Development

Jul 20th 2011, 16:33:09

Originally posted by trumper:
the more people become healthy or ride transportation the smaller the pool of people paying to keep them healthy or subsidize their public transportation. It's amusing how some government funding really is a ponzi scheme.

That's the whole point, though I wouldn't call it a ponzi scheme; the point is to influence people to make the healthy choices, thereby reducing the load on the health-care system; it saves *tons* in the long run; obviously you can't rely on that funding forever, but those revenues rarely seem to go down - at least when lumping it in with alcohol & gambling.
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Jul 20th 2011, 16:43:45

Best thing I ever did was quit smoking
Ragnaroks EEVIL Lady



Jul 20th 2011, 16:53:36

I suspect if you adopted Canada's policies, you'd end up with similar numbers. (I believe this is more than just federal btw)

That is more than federal if we are at 26.9%. If you take a look at the table I posted it will show that right before the Bush tax cuts the government collected 20.6% of the GDP and it dropped all the way to 16.1% and yet somehow even with the major recession the attacks on 9/11 threatened to put us into we did not fall into a recession. The GDP continued to grow, why? Then without any tax changes(and even some more decreases) the rate went back up to 18.5%, how did this happen? We had such "major" tax cuts yet it only affected it by 2% of the GDP. This also goes back to reasoning why government shouldn't be trying to take all it can from the people and ultimately ends up with whether they should be regulating our lives. A small government can easily get what needs to be done without even 10% of the GDP.

This is a logical fallacy; what if you lowered it to zero? would GDP be infinite? What if you raised it to 100%? would you still only take in the same percentage? It makes no sense, and is mathematically impossible.

Who is talking about zero? How is it not logical that if a businessman can keep a higher percentage of his reward that he is more likely to take the risk? Why would the equation go to infinite, would it not be linear for some magical reason? See, you have to take your arguments to the extremes to try and prove a point when simple logic says otherwise. If you were looking to invest, would you invest in a market that would only take 30% of your profit or would you invest in one that would take 70%? What about if there was another market that only took 10%, where would you invest? It's simple logic... You can try and say that each market is different, but would you then argue that there is no place as profitable to invest other than the United States? It seems to me that Hong Kong for example would be a much better place.

On investment, here is where higher tax rates lower investment. Say there is a stock/bond/company you are looking to invest in. Market predictions along with your predictions, you put the chances of the stock making X% this year at Y%. Now if you are investing with a 0% tax rate so long as (X+1)Y>1 you would figure to make money on the average investment. However with a 30% tax it turns the equation to (X-.3+1)Y>1. Now I know that isn't strictly how investment is done, but it is an example of the thought process that occurs naturally in every human. Risk vs reward and with a higher tax rate it either increases the risk(via businesses being invested in will have a tougher time surviving with more regulations and higher taxes) or decreases the reward.

Is there not too much freedom? What about no government, ie Anarchy; would that lead to more wealth creation, and everybody's boats rise?

Again with the extreme. Did I say no government? No...let see exactly what I said.

In the end my logic is as follows: Keep the government small and create an atmosphere that will foster economic growth.

Yes, small government creating an atmosphere for prosperity. What is so radical about that? It is exactly how this country became the powerhouse it is. Just like the Roman empire we are coasting on fumes of the old Republic or capitalist days in this case.

Just like in China; do you envy the Chinese labourer who throws themselves out of their dorm windows? Do Americans want to live like that?

Why do they throw themselves out of windows? Do they have the freedom we do in China Qz? First compare their freedom with our freedom, then we can talk about China.

Hard to say exactly, when you have millions of people transferring from government employment with 0 expenditures (in the army) to private sector, + burning their cash. After world wars is never a "fair" comparison, because the market forces at work are *completely* different than normal.

It seems that they did come back and things weren't recovering until taxes were decreased by half.

or, like Canada, maintaining a Health Care system that operates at 1/10th the per-capita expenditure of the US, yet with better overall results. Sure,

Better results? How about you list some stats that are actually better with Canadian healthcare. Check out cancer survival rates. Check out wait times for major surgeries. Check out the availability of pharmecutical drugs.

replace them strictly with a flat tax on assets & land holdings

Boy if that isn't a way to get people to take their money out of country I don't know what is. Tax land and suddenly nobody will be able to afford it causing the price of it to drop considerably(along with the wealth of most of the nation). Tax assets and everyone with mobile assets will take them out of the country. Businesses will incorporate out of country to make sure they can't get taxed on assets. You could probably desribe this moment as the mass exodus of wealth from the United States.

Most changes in the US tax system in the last 30 years have been about marginalizing the middle class; the "middle class" such as we know it has been shrinking, with more people being pushed below, and some people being pushed above; I suspect it's healthier to have a STRONG middle class, rather than larger lower class and small but strong upper class; And I would tend to use government and taxes and regulations to favour strengthening that middle -- there's a lot of tin-pot dictatorships in africa that can very clearly demonstrate why having a 100% discrepancy between your rich and your poor is a bad idea.

For some reason you equate freedom with destroying the middle class. Tell me, how was the middle class created in America? Would you say we were the first country in awhile to have a flourishing middle class? What regulations forced the middle class to appear rather than how the rest of the world had been behaving where they didn't have near the middle class we did? The trend in this country has been to increase regulations since the moment of our inception. Would you agree that the middle class has been dwindling during that same time period? Why? Or you could take a look at the wealth of the world prior to the United States being independent. Since the exact date of 1789 the wealth of the world has been a near straight line upwards whereas it was pretty flat for almost all of history. What would be the cause of that?

Simple questions that lead to the answer that regulations destroy the middle class. Did you check out US Steel and their lobbyists? Or how about your own banking example? You seem to want a middle class, but every single idea you come up with will destroy it. Why do major companies push for regulations? Why do small businesses not want regulations?

forcing changes in society through regulation

That about sums up your argument. You believe that you have a better way of living than I so you will FORCE your way of living down my throat. You want me to eat healthier? Well here is a tax if you don't. You want me to run 5 miles a week? Well here is a fine on your health insurance costs if you don't. You want businesses to turn no profit? Well here we will take those pesky profits from you and expect you to work for nothing. It goes back to using the government as the central pillar to build your economy around.

What ever happened to freedom in this world? Colonists came to America for freedom and now there is no place on this earth to go. It really saddens me to see that this is the last place on earth that really is free(politically and economically) and we are turning into the rest of the world. If I went exploring and found an oil well, I couldn't even do anything with it in this day and age. Heck even if I found a gold mine I would have a heck of a time getting through the regulations to actually set up a business to mine it. If I created a new kind of steel, how long would it take before it got through regulations to production? And if I actually get any of those things done I end up giving half my money away just to be in business? Now why would I want to start a business if I have to make double the profits of a business in China just to stay even with them? I'll just go to Hong Kong and hope for the best.



Jul 20th 2011, 16:54:17

Originally posted by qzjul:
Originally posted by trumper:
the more people become healthy or ride transportation the smaller the pool of people paying to keep them healthy or subsidize their public transportation. It's amusing how some government funding really is a ponzi scheme.

That's the whole point, though I wouldn't call it a ponzi scheme; the point is to influence people to make the healthy choices, thereby reducing the load on the health-care system; it saves *tons* in the long run; obviously you can't rely on that funding forever, but those revenues rarely seem to go down - at least when lumping it in with alcohol & gambling.

I think you ought to check out what many of the cigarette tax increases have done to revenue...

trumper Game profile


Jul 20th 2011, 17:22:51

Originally posted by qzjul:
Originally posted by trumper:
the more people become healthy or ride transportation the smaller the pool of people paying to keep them healthy or subsidize their public transportation. It's amusing how some government funding really is a ponzi scheme.

That's the whole point, though I wouldn't call it a ponzi scheme; the point is to influence people to make the healthy choices, thereby reducing the load on the health-care system; it saves *tons* in the long run; obviously you can't rely on that funding forever, but those revenues rarely seem to go down - at least when lumping it in with alcohol & gambling.

Beyond my opposition to the government trying to dictate social norms through taxation policy, it still begs the question of what do you use to backfill the revenue when you're successful? Clearly they're not budgeting for that moment in time or even close. I watched time and time against as revenue experts were baffled by reductions in gas tax, cigarette tax, etc revenues. This wasn't rocket science--people either bought the goods out of state, quit, or used another means of transportation. In the public transportation case you're talking about a huge gap in funding. I guess your solution is just to tax more.



Jul 20th 2011, 18:56:46

I'm sort of losing interest in debating this specific issue(I figure pretty much all the main points have been hit), so I will just say one last thing...

It comes down to whether you believe humans can self govern. The founders of the United States believed we could and our country flourished because of it. Throughout all of history few countries have believed in the individual and many flourished for the periods they did. Freedom generally costs less in terms of government than authoritative governing. We are now coming to a time in history where almost the entire planet does not believe in the individual, but rather they depend on the governing authority and we may pay for it. Europe is falling into bankruptcy like dominoes and I suspect China will be in for a revolution before they get too powerful(people will want freedom and information is tough to stop once it has started spreading). America isn't in any better shape than Europe only people believe we are and it is holding our credit high enough for now. Canada, well you reversed your spending habits enough in the 90's to stay stable at least, but if the US actually falls into economic armageddon, I can only say good luck.

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Jul 20th 2011, 21:53:59

Originally posted by qzjul:
Originally posted by trumper:
the more people become healthy or ride transportation the smaller the pool of people paying to keep them healthy or subsidize their public transportation. It's amusing how some government funding really is a ponzi scheme.

That's the whole point, though I wouldn't call it a ponzi scheme; the point is to influence people to make the healthy choices, thereby reducing the load on the health-care system; it saves *tons* in the long run; obviously you can't rely on that funding forever, but those revenues rarely seem to go down - at least when lumping it in with alcohol & gambling.

LOL. they don't stay healthy dude. they get old and require all kinds of healthcare just to keep them alive. Help! I've Fallen And Can't Get UP!


Edited By: Dibs Ludicrous on Jul 20th 2011, 22:53:43
See Original Post
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trumper Game profile


Jul 21st 2011, 13:17:37

Originally posted by Dibs Ludicrous:
Originally posted by qzjul:
Originally posted by trumper:
the more people become healthy or ride transportation the smaller the pool of people paying to keep them healthy or subsidize their public transportation. It's amusing how some government funding really is a ponzi scheme.

That's the whole point, though I wouldn't call it a ponzi scheme; the point is to influence people to make the healthy choices, thereby reducing the load on the health-care system; it saves *tons* in the long run; obviously you can't rely on that funding forever, but those revenues rarely seem to go down - at least when lumping it in with alcohol & gambling.

LOL. they don't stay healthy dude. they get old and require all kinds of healthcare just to keep them alive. Help! I've Fallen And Can't Get UP!


Wow, I had no idea Canada had an age where businesses could force compulsory retirement...crazy and amusing

martian Game profile

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Jul 21st 2011, 17:17:13

The bulk of history weighs against the ability of humans with any kind of developed civilization to self-govern (ie anarchism) for any prolonged period of time.

Nothing forced humans to set up one form of government over another when societies were built but historically more participatory societies always tended to devolve into more autocratic ones usually not with good results over the long run. It seems like it's some kind of human sociological development thing. Highly participatory ->Autocratic ->self-destruction/revolution -> rinse and repeat
All Advanced human societies have a tendency to find ways to self implode/destruct given enough time. I can't think of a single exception.

Some examples
1) Ancient rome (Republic->empire)
2) venice (Republic -> autocracy)
3) pre 20th century france (Multiple lords -> Absolute monarchy)/(revolution->dictatorship->monarchy)
4) China (multiple historic instances)

you are all special in the eyes of fluff
( ._.) -----)-->
(_(' )(' )


Pang Game profile

Game Development

Jul 22nd 2011, 19:19:59

you just described the collective works of Arnold J Toynbee in a single post!

Civilizations rise, flower, then decline.

However, I have always argued that the real model is more like this:
Rise -> flower -> challenge -> decline/flower :p
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

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Pang Game profile

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Jul 22nd 2011, 19:24:06

form wikipedia (meh, i don't like wikipedia, but it's already written and easy to find :p):
Toynbee's ideas and approach to history may be said to fall into the discipline of Comparative history. While they may be compared to those used by Oswald Spengler in The Decline of the West, he rejected Spengler's deterministic view that civilizations rise and fall according to a natural and inevitable cycle. For Toynbee, a civilization might or might not continue to thrive, depending on the challenges it faced and its responses to them.
Toynbee presented history as the rise and fall of civilizations, rather than the history of nation-states or of ethnic groups. He identified his civilizations according to cultural or religious rather than national criteria. Thus, the "Western Civilization", comprising all the nations that have existed in Western Europe since the collapse of the Roman Empire, was treated as a whole, and distinguished from both the "Orthodox" civilization of Russia and the Balkans, and from the Greco-Roman civilization that preceded it.
With the civilizations as units identified, he presented the history of each in terms of challenge-and-response. Civilizations arose in response to some set of challenges of extreme difficulty, when "creative minorities" devised solutions that reoriented their entire society. Challenges and responses were physical, as when the Sumerians exploited the intractable swamps of southern Iraq by organizing the Neolithic inhabitants into a society capable of carrying out large-scale irrigation projects; or social, as when the Catholic Church resolved the chaos of post-Roman Europe by enrolling the new Germanic kingdoms in a single religious community. When a civilization responds to challenges, it grows. Civilizations declined when their leaders stopped responding creatively, and the civilizations then sank owing to nationalism, militarism, and the tyranny of a despotic minority. Toynbee argued that "Civilizations die from suicide, not by murder." For Toynbee, civilizations were not intangible or unalterable machines but a network of social relationships within the border and therefore subject to both wise and unwise decisions they made.

based on that blurb I posted, where do you think America is right now and where is it heading? :p
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pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

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Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Jul 22nd 2011, 19:40:31

thought we were just a bunch of rednecks, didn't know we were a civilization.
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Pang Game profile

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Jul 22nd 2011, 20:11:01

that doesn't answer my question.
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xaos Game profile

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Jul 22nd 2011, 20:19:48

Originally posted by Pang:
where do you think America is right now and where is it heading? :p

Sid Meier's Civilization VI?

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Jul 22nd 2011, 20:22:45

Originally posted by Pang:
that doesn't answer my question.

fine. i think we're dead broke and about to realize that socialism doesn't work.
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qzjul Game profile

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Jul 22nd 2011, 20:26:15

wait what? socialism? There's never been anything close to socialism in the US!

Also, Canada's doing just fine and most people would say we're to the left of you guys.

I would say people are about to realize that political gridlock can lead to disastrous results.
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Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Jul 22nd 2011, 20:30:12

Originally posted by qzjul:
wait what? socialism? There's never been anything close to socialism in the US!

Also, Canada's doing just fine and most people would say we're to the left of you guys.

I would say people are about to realize that political gridlock can lead to disastrous results.

how you figure? auto and health insurance is socialism. yanking money out of my hand to pay for somebody else is socialism. even got this thing called Social Security. and then there are the labor unions. bunch of bloody dang socialism.
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Pang Game profile

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Jul 22nd 2011, 21:02:51

so when a drunk driver without insurance or any significant assets crashes into your car and dies, you're cool not being able to recoup any money to pay the medical bills you and your family may have?

let alone the car repairs!

either you don't understand what socialism actually is or you represent everything that is wrong in america today.
take your pick :p
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

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qzjul Game profile

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Jul 22nd 2011, 21:17:56

Yea and all those police, i mean WTF is that, I don't want to pay for police, and if I want to shoot somebody they shouldn't be allowed to do anything about it! Goddamned socialists!

Seriously, if the opposite of socialism is anarchy, and i had to choose between the extremes, I'd take socialism every day...
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Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Jul 22nd 2011, 21:36:44

Originally posted by Pang:
so when a drunk driver without insurance or any significant assets crashes into your car and dies, you're cool not being able to recoup any money to pay the medical bills you and your family may have?

let alone the car repairs!

either you don't understand what socialism actually is or you represent everything that is wrong in america today.
take your pick :p

LOL, there's like a 1% chance per year that a drunk driver will do that to me. you feel that i should take that threat seriously? quit trying to invoke fear as a rationalization.
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Pang Game profile

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Jul 22nd 2011, 21:51:46

1% chance a drunk driver will do it
1% chance a steel girder will fall from a construction site and break your foot
1% chance you will eat some bad food

all those 1%'s add up.

you're trying to change the discussion -- nothing is about fear, it's about economics. when risk is distributed it makes it easier (and cheaper) for everyone to be well protected.

I absolutely abhor things like welfare (I believe more in "workfare", becuase it contributes to the economy and doesn't promote a culture of entitlement just for existing) but to run around calling everything under the sun socialism is just frankly laughable...

I'd wager dollars to donuts that you probably take/gain more from "socialist policies" than you "pay into it". You likely just don't realize it and are blinded by ignorance to the actualities of the world around you. You do not exist in a vacuum. There are 300 million other Americans as well. You can't forsake 250 million of them.

Anyway, as soon as someone starts dropping S-bombs, you know their arguments aren't even worth considering anymore regardless, which is why I didn't really address them :p
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

qzjul Game profile

Game Development

Jul 22nd 2011, 21:56:17


would you therefore consider the TSA socialism? there's about a 4/(every flight that's been ever made) chance of having been on the sept 11 flights, and that seems to be what they're doing all their searches in the name of...
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Pang Game profile

Game Development

Jul 22nd 2011, 22:09:11

Originally posted by qzjul:

would you therefore consider the TSA socialism? there's about a 4/(every flight that's been ever made) chance of having been on the sept 11 flights, and that seems to be what they're doing all their searches in the name of...

lol :p
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

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Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Jul 22nd 2011, 22:12:04

Originally posted by Pang:
1% chance a drunk driver will do it
1% chance a steel girder will fall from a construction site and break your foot
1% chance you will eat some bad food

all those 1%'s add up.

you're trying to change the discussion -- nothing is about fear, it's about economics. when risk is distributed it makes it easier (and cheaper) for everyone to be well protected.

I absolutely abhor things like welfare (I believe more in "workfare", becuase it contributes to the economy and doesn't promote a culture of entitlement just for existing) but to run around calling everything under the sun socialism is just frankly laughable...

I'd wager dollars to donuts that you probably take/gain more from "socialist policies" than you "pay into it". You likely just don't realize it and are blinded by ignorance to the actualities of the world around you. You do not exist in a vacuum. There are 300 million other Americans as well. You can't forsake 250 million of them.

Anyway, as soon as someone starts dropping S-bombs, you know their arguments aren't even worth considering anymore regardless, which is why I didn't really address them :p

:P or perhaps you can't address them. you have a bunch of people paying in so that a few can get the really expensive procedures. what happens when too many people need the expensive procedures? they paid in, they should be guaranteed to get them.
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Pang Game profile

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Jul 22nd 2011, 22:23:08

the entire premise of your argument is wrong.
"you have a bunch of people paying in so that a few can get the really expensive procedures." is just not the nature of any kind of system like that. distributed risk works well, what you're talking about there is a predatory system which was not designed properly in the first place if it's not able to maintain adequate service for its user base.

and as far as I know, the only system that "doesn't let you get expensive procedures" after paying in are private medical plans in America that were created in the free market.
oops! :p

strike 2.
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

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Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Jul 22nd 2011, 22:38:13

LOL, no you missed the point. i stated "too many people". ie, more is being paid out than is being put in. who's going to take the loss? are you going to pay the doctors less to do the same thing?

you're pretty much forcing everybody to quit smoking because the system can't handle the cost. not because it's a healthy choice, simply because the system can't handle the cost.
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qzjul Game profile

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Jul 22nd 2011, 22:56:37

Originally posted by Dibs Ludicrous:
you're pretty much forcing everybody to quit smoking because the system can't handle the cost. not because it's a healthy choice, simply because the system can't handle the cost.

I thought that was *HOW* the free market + light government regulation was supposed to work; you provide a cost for a certain behaviour, and then the market will cause that behaviour to be minimized.
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Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Jul 22nd 2011, 23:29:35

Originally posted by qzjul:
Originally posted by Dibs Ludicrous:
you're pretty much forcing everybody to quit smoking because the system can't handle the cost. not because it's a healthy choice, simply because the system can't handle the cost.

I thought that was *HOW* the free market + light government regulation was supposed to work; you provide a cost for a certain behaviour, and then the market will cause that behaviour to be minimized.

how you figure that light government regulation is involved with tobacco? oh, you've been listening to the World Health Organization, haven't you? the great tobacco pandemic!
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Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Jul 22nd 2011, 23:55:59

for auto insurance, $500 * 30 years = $15,000 think i started out paying $500 a year for insurance. during that 30 years, i received $2200 for a bent rod that i caused, and i received around $1200 because some chicky-poo smashed into my truck while it was parked. i'll leave it at $500 because there are years where i didn't own a car, but i've paid as high as $2400 a year for full coverage. one of these days, i'll break it out as to what i paid in and have received, i do have all the paperwork to reconstruct it. but even a rough guesstimate proves that i've paid a heck of a lot more than i got back. i don't see anyway that me, myself and i can be an exception to the majority of people out there. and that's with me even driving under the influence, not that i do it on purpose, even gave up going out to drink. how you explain how an alcoholic can do 30 years of driving with a result of only minor paint rubbing? i tink your stats are borked, or i'm just one hell of a driver.

meh, 28 years. my math or memory needs work.

Edited By: Dibs Ludicrous on Jul 23rd 2011, 0:01:51
See Original Post
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Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Jul 23rd 2011, 0:57:08

you're biggest mistake is in assuming that i'm afraid of death. well, i might be, but i can't seem to see a way where people can avoid it. do i want to die? no. is there a way for me to avoid it? no. outside of my control, time to use the Serenity Prayer. yada, yada, yada.
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qzjul Game profile

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Jul 23rd 2011, 1:00:59

Right; insurance is also about you accidentally running into somebody and i dunno making them a paraplegic... and having to pay out $1.5M or something like that...

The question is what are the odds that you do that? who knows, they're pretty low, but that said, the potential pay out is pretty damned high too...

hence, insurance
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Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Jul 23rd 2011, 1:07:02

Originally posted by qzjul:
Right; insurance is also about you accidentally running into somebody and i dunno making them a paraplegic... and having to pay out $1.5M or something like that...

The question is what are the odds that you do that? who knows, they're pretty low, but that said, the potential pay out is pretty damned high too...

hence, insurance

are you deef? can you not read the english that i am typing out with my fingers? i done 28 years without turning anybody into a paraplegic. i think it's pretty normal for other people to do the same type of thing.

i tell you to quit using fear as a rationalization, but you keep trying to pull it out of your back pocket. the potentiality barely exists that it'll happen to me, especially now that i don't have a car, wasn't even much of a threat when i did have a car. show me the guarantee that people are exempt from having to suffer during life. show me the justification where they are allowed to be awarded millions simply because someone made a mistake.

Edited By: Dibs Ludicrous on Jul 23rd 2011, 1:34:06
See Original Post
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Pang Game profile

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Jul 23rd 2011, 4:18:29

lol if you don't have a car why fluff about insurance? :p

"show me the justification where they are allowed to be awarded millions simply because someone made a mistake."
if your mistake makes me unable to make my living, you better be compensating for that to the utmost. That adds up fast when you make even 50k a year.

that's the reason courts decide to award compensation in that manner... or maybe it is just the socialist legal system?
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

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qzjul Game profile

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Jul 23rd 2011, 4:31:49

+ medical bills
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Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Jul 23rd 2011, 9:26:53

LOL, i sold the car last monday, it hasn't even been a week. i'm not allowed to own the car and leave it parked here without it being registered and insured because some idiot might trip over it and hurt themselves.
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CC Game profile


Jul 23rd 2011, 9:40:41

American Republicans are what a bunch of jokes. You want all the benefits, but none of the taxes. Strange. Only by virtue of the super economic growth in the past 200 yrs that you can sustain such a thing. Reduce deficit but don't increase the reveues? LoL.
Canterbury Crusader (CC)

Meep Game profile

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Jul 23rd 2011, 16:02:09

Much of their rhetoric is about cutting the benefits actually.

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Jul 23rd 2011, 16:36:15

it's not so much about raising taxes, it's about reforming the tax system...

don't forget that things like the bush tax cuts were never meant to be permanent, and they didn't even work in the first place.

the way they were designed, they were never going to work, according to a leading economist I know :p
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Oceana Game profile


Jul 24th 2011, 0:26:59

Actually the Bush Tax cuts were always ment to be permanent. making them "temp" Long enough so now to let them expire is a large tax hike that will piss everyone off and so they goy extended atleast until after the next election.

And both parties are acting as a joke right now. But then we have an amateur for a leader, who barely even learn how to vote never mind lead

Oceana Game profile


Jul 24th 2011, 5:18:34

Now I bet a 1 day default will be more expensive then a 5 % tax cut. as the value of or dollar will always be slight less and the interest on our debt will always be slightly higher forever after.



Jul 24th 2011, 23:05:56

And since we are doing a 10 year budget, are you willing to go 30 trillion into debt? I'll bet that will keep the dollar worth something...

trumper Game profile


Jul 25th 2011, 20:16:52

Originally posted by CC:
American Republicans are what a bunch of jokes. You want all the benefits, but none of the taxes. Strange. Only by virtue of the super economic growth in the past 200 yrs that you can sustain such a thing. Reduce deficit but don't increase the reveues? LoL.

Sigh... where do you think the debate in DC is stuck? Entitlement reform. And a big clue is it's not the Republicans advocating maintaining the status quo.

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Jul 25th 2011, 20:21:19

American Republicans are like Van Heltzing battling the Demoncrats, errr, i mean vampire sucking leeches from hell that cannot be killed by normal means.
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