
Iovan Game profile


Jul 2nd 2011, 12:44:15

Ideas for a server (maybe new)

A realistic upgrade for GDI would be for GDI to intervene in the affairs of its member states on occasion. Seeing as any large collective in real life (such as the UN, Nato, etc.) tends to have political motivations from its member states there should be favoritism and knee-jerk reactions from it in regards to hostilities.

GDI should react negatively to the use of nukes and chems by member states or on member states. Even in full fledged war. It should force disarmament on those involved in such exchanges unless they were attacked with the weapons first.

GDI should sanction countries that are Tyrannies, Dictatorships, or Fascisms.

GDI should require a percentage of forces from all member states to remain 'on standby' (though never used) to represent military units that would go to aid GDI's threat power.

Countries should be given a choice in accepting all these stipulations as well. So that some can shirk their responsibilities and leave it to others to uphold the stability of the GDI. The GDI should be able to collapse and it should be a possible strategy of anti-GDI countries to help with that collapse for their own benefit.


Iovan Game profile


Jul 2nd 2011, 22:05:39

Nobody has taken a bite at my totally awesome idea <.<