
General Earl Game profile


Jun 25th 2011, 19:14:26

[14:26:58] <ketch> you cant grab a 10k acre country with a 1k acre matter what. he leeched tech of fof allies, sold it, and bought up to grab
[14:27:01] <ketch> which IMHO is cheap
[14:28:20] <GeneralEarl> but not illegal ;)
[14:28:42] <ketch> i know
[14:28:49] <ketch> TKO has morals. unforutnatly:p
[14:29:14] <GeneralEarl> you guys self farm though, right?
[14:29:49] <GeneralEarl> I guess its ok to pick and choose which morals > others
[14:31:51] <ketch> If anyone has morals they are picking and choosing what morals.
[14:32:00] <ketch> Our morals are based on how we interact with others.
[14:32:24] <ketch> With not harming others excesivly in ways which they cannot either 1) Protect themselves from or 2) retal and get decent returns back
[14:32:26] <-- Aliyah_SaaadPaaandaaa has left this server (Ping timeout).
[14:33:00] --> Yank has joined this channel ().
[14:34:11] <GeneralEarl> I still believe self farming is light-cheating and you guys need to get your ass reamed for it.. just my opinion though
[14:34:28] <ketch> HOw is it cheating?
[14:34:54] <ketch> Its using our 16 countries to produce the best outcome for the tag we can.
[14:34:58] <GeneralEarl> work for your land.. doing yourself isnt any challenge
[14:35:03] <ketch> We arent taking any means noone else can do.
[14:35:49] <ketch> Land trading is work. How to do it the most effeciently. How to deter war tags from grabbing you from 3k acres. WHat point to do it till. When to stop. The CSes are a major issue when doing it.
[14:36:17] <ketch> It takes more talent, more time, more effort then all-x countries. ANd its more enjoyable as it alters the game play from the traditional all-x that we've run for so long.
[14:36:47] <ketch> Honestly i didnt self farm (other then my retallers) at all last netting set. I dont know if ill do it next set. But it does take effort and talent ot pull it off properly.
[14:37:25] <ketch> I got yelled at mroe for landgrabbing then self farming. Ive gotten more suiciders because of it. So apparently grabbing doesnt make people happy either.
[14:37:40] <GeneralEarl> Not really.. I guess you can keep telling yourself that and believe it though.
[14:39:28] <ketch> you run 16 land trading countries. Well have one of our talented members (im not talented) run. Lets see if the ending NW are close, or there is a major difference.
[14:40:27] <GeneralEarl> you're missing the point.. you use questionable tactics in order to gain that TNW/ANW
[14:41:01] <GeneralEarl> go grab other tags if you want land and lets see if you can pull off those 'amazing' NWs
[14:41:40] <GeneralEarl> use some real skill
[14:41:47] <ketch> It isnt questionable.
[14:41:56] <ketch> Im saying that there is real skill/talent involved.
[14:42:09] <ketch> ANd if we have 2 netters going head to head, it will still show you the difference.
[14:42:17] <ketch> I didnt self farm last set, and was above TKO ave net.
[14:42:35] <GeneralEarl> good for you, that shows you actually have real skill.
[14:42:41] <ketch> I farmed the fluff out of untags, probably madea few quit. But its worth it to appease the people like you who hate when i dont do it.
[14:44:12] <GeneralEarl> Well, if you can pull it off.. I think thats great. You still associate yourself with people who DO farm themselves. If you were really guided by any morals you would leave that piece of fluff tag and join people who worked just as hard as you do
General Earl
Every time I read AT:
︻╦╤─✮ ┄ ┄ RatttaTaatataatat!

m0bzta Game profile


Jun 25th 2011, 19:20:55

lol nice GE
Yeah i am a Big Deal Around EarthEmpires
-Still doing what i do since 2000-mob bot

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jun 25th 2011, 19:31:29

ketchup owned you, not sure why you're posting this as evidence of some kind of victory

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jun 25th 2011, 19:34:14

How is that slag?

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Azz Kikr Game profile

Wiki Mod

Jun 25th 2011, 19:36:09

don't think either person owned either, tbh. just 2 guys expressing their opinions.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jun 25th 2011, 19:46:35

fortunately all opinions are not created equal

Ozzite Game profile


Jun 25th 2011, 19:47:18

Originally posted by Slagpit:
fortunately all opinions are not created equal

It seems like you forgot to stay away from FFAT :-P You love it so much every time you come back
Ah, mercury. Sweetest of the transition metals.

KeTcHuP Game profile


Jun 25th 2011, 20:04:04

Great FFAT thread. Really warrented.

FFAT was really deprived of Self farming vs. no self farming threads! Good call. We`ve really missed them.
Ketchup the Thoughtful Suicidier

KeTcHuP Game profile


Jun 25th 2011, 20:06:11

GeneralEarl Slagpit: yes, FFA is gay

Why do you post on FFAT, and argue about stuff, if you dont like the server to start with?
Ketchup the Thoughtful Suicidier

Ozzite Game profile


Jun 25th 2011, 20:06:47

this thread is brought to you by the letter derp
Ah, mercury. Sweetest of the transition metals.

General Earl Game profile


Jun 25th 2011, 20:09:22

and the number Ozzite
General Earl
Every time I read AT:
︻╦╤─✮ ┄ ┄ RatttaTaatataatat!

KeTcHuP Game profile


Jun 25th 2011, 20:11:53

PS. the start of thsi converstion is me complaining about a TKO grab on NBK. Not a grab on TKO. Its me in NBK room trying to get ahold of them to offer them land, because i dont agree with how a TKO member did a cheap landgrab.
Ketchup the Thoughtful Suicidier

de1i Game profile


Jun 25th 2011, 21:28:27

What a retarded thread.


Popcom Game profile


Jun 25th 2011, 21:46:51

lets turn this into a self farming debate!

~If at first you don't succeed, you are clearly not Popcom~

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jun 25th 2011, 22:08:58

let's not again

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Bigwiggle Game profile


Jun 25th 2011, 22:58:42


Self farming is fun and keeps me physically fit

Pandora's Last Vikings | THE OMEGA

msn -

Drinks Game profile


Jun 26th 2011, 1:10:34

Wow, This post is even better when you look at the reason ketch was there.

P.S more self farming threads! I love them!
To anyone that has had a toss in the last week. If so then thats self farming. You should leave your bedroom and go pick up a girl every time u have the urge! (remember that tapping the 1 chick numerous times is multi tapping, and you may be suicided)
<Drinks> going to bed
<Drinks> pm me if I get hit
<-- Drinks is now known as DrinksInBed -->
<DrinksInBed> looks like I'm an alcoholic

Chadius Game profile


Jun 26th 2011, 1:25:57


Twain Game profile


Jun 26th 2011, 1:30:28

Eh, if you want self-farming threads, go back 2-3 pages and find all the ones we used to have.

Warster Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jun 26th 2011, 2:14:55

as usual,
we self farm we get yelled at
we farm untags we get yelled at
we grab a small tag they yell at us

we do both we get yelled at

yet we arent the only people doing it and we werent the first

and GE its not cheating, go talk to pang or martian
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332

Tin Man


Jun 26th 2011, 3:16:49

epic fail Earl. Ketchup PROVED TKO's wrong doings, attempted to make it right, and you run to FFAT with this BS accusing TKO of having no morals because they self farm?

I think it's a bigger void of morals to run to FFAT to bad mouth a clan that was trying to make amends imo.

General Earl Game profile


Jun 26th 2011, 4:13:22

He didn't say self-farming was wrong.. he supported it, though he doesn't necessarily do it himself. I actually give him credit to some degree if thats truly the case.

By the technical rules of the game, self farming isn't cheating.. ok, ya got me there... I still say to TKO if you TRULY want be number one, then prove it and farm other alliances/players.

Show us you have the ability to spy another country, calculate the break and grab/keep the land.. if you can go an entire set without doing yourself and still get number one.. you have my apologies and respect.
General Earl
Every time I read AT:
︻╦╤─✮ ┄ ┄ RatttaTaatataatat!

General Earl Game profile


Jun 26th 2011, 4:15:27

PS.. if you can do it all-x you get slag's respect too :P
General Earl
Every time I read AT:
︻╦╤─✮ ┄ ┄ RatttaTaatataatat!

de1i Game profile


Jun 26th 2011, 5:01:03

Originally posted by General Earl:
He didn't say self-farming was wrong.. he supported it, though he doesn't necessarily do it himself. I actually give him credit to some degree if thats truly the case.

By the technical rules of the game, self farming isn't cheating.. ok, ya got me there... I still say to TKO if you TRULY want be number one, then prove it and farm other alliances/players.

Show us you have the ability to spy another country, calculate the break and grab/keep the land.. if you can go an entire set without doing yourself and still get number one.. you have my apologies and respect.

No thanks.

Rockman Game profile


Jun 26th 2011, 5:47:07

Originally posted by General Earl:
He didn't say self-farming was wrong.. he supported it, though he doesn't necessarily do it himself. I actually give him credit to some degree if thats truly the case.

By the technical rules of the game, self farming isn't cheating.. ok, ya got me there... I still say to TKO if you TRULY want be number one, then prove it and farm other alliances/players.

Show us you have the ability to spy another country, calculate the break and grab/keep the land.. if you can go an entire set without doing yourself and still get number one.. you have my apologies and respect.

Who made you the person who determines whether or not someone is TRULY number one?

GE - they've shown over and over that they have the ability to spy another country and calculate the break, and to attack with tyranny retallers that have a lot of strategy tech. That part is clearly not difficult for them.

Their difficulty is in attacking a smaller country and gaining more land than the smaller country takes back in the retal. Its not lack of skill thats holding them back from doing that. Its the game mechanics themselves. They've shown the ability to grow bigger than NBK. Thus, with the way grabbing gains work, there is no reason for them to grab NBK.

When NBK shows that it can outgrow TKO when TKO is netting, only then can you demand proof that they can grab NBK and benefit from it. Until NBK can outgrow TKO, they have no reason to get in a landgrabbing exchange with you. If you want them to prove to you that they can grab you, all you have to do is grow faster than they do. If you can't grow faster than them, you have no provided them with a reason to grab you.

Warster Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jun 26th 2011, 7:01:05

ok so let me get this Straight, farming the crap out of players is the MORAL thing to do

ok i get it lets all farm the small alliances and force them from the game
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332

Bigwiggle Game profile


Jun 26th 2011, 8:36:04

Netters compete by seeing what they can do with their 16 countries. Self farming not only defines netting competitively, it also is the only thing that keeps me interested in netting

Pandora's Last Vikings | THE OMEGA

msn -

Akula Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 26th 2011, 11:12:19

morals are overrated
"Astra inclinant, sed non obligant"


Twain Game profile


Jun 26th 2011, 13:14:41

Originally posted by General Earl:
He didn't say self-farming was wrong.. he supported it, though he doesn't necessarily do it himself. I actually give him credit to some degree if thats truly the case.

By the technical rules of the game, self farming isn't cheating.. ok, ya got me there... I still say to TKO if you TRULY want be number one, then prove it and farm other alliances/players.

Show us you have the ability to spy another country, calculate the break and grab/keep the land.. if you can go an entire set without doing yourself and still get number one.. you have my apologies and respect.

You say yourself that it's not against the rules, so why should they change to suit your needs? During the Jordan Bulls era, did anyone say to Jordan: "Ok, but can you win without going to the rim?" Did anyone say to the Patriots while they were the most dominant team: "Ok, but can you do it running the football 30 times a game?"

Just because you don't like how TKO plays doesn't mean they have any obligation to play in a different way. That's not what shows who's number 1. BEING number 1 is what shows who's number 1, and for netgaining purposes, TKO has shown that for the last several sets.

Chaoswind Game profile


Jun 26th 2011, 13:20:30

Let the Self farmers farm themselves:

All X is the easiest way to gain land, and is the most boring, however you need skill to get SUPER big with an all X country.

Self Farmers require more time than all X and have to deal with the problem of others grabbing them, however the effort=networth exchange seems wrong as selffarming is easily the most rewarding land gain you can pull out.

Bottomfeeders require the most time, need to be carefully calculated as they can't out grow the small countries they hit, but can't let their targets hit them back, they can't go wild on a country/tag or they risk getting suicided, and worse of all ALSO have to deal with top feeders.

Topfeeders (LAND) is the lazys way of growing by taking what they don't deserve, I would be cool with it, if most topfeeders actually had the decency to build up the land they take so at least the retaling country gets 90% of the land back WITH the ghost acres; however that doesn't seem to be the case with most assholes -_-

I have done all of those, BUT selffarming and as topfeeder I do build up the land, seems like I am a tad too nice :)
Elysium Lord of fluff
PDM Lord of fluff
Flamey = Fatty
Crazymatt is Fatty 2

Mars UP Game profile


Jun 26th 2011, 21:16:35

Enough with the self-farming nonsense! Everybody should be required to touch themselves at least once.

Edited By: Mars UP on Jun 26th 2011, 21:52:48
See Original Post

cRaZyDaVe Game profile


Jun 26th 2011, 21:28:27

i tried self-farming once

it didnt work cuz i got pissed and nuked myself
Originally posted by Twain:
I love the idea of sending even 100 troops into an area so they can go assassinate citizens one at a time.

Mars UP Game profile


Jun 26th 2011, 21:54:00

Kept bouncing your hits like you always do crazydave?

Havoc Game profile


Jun 27th 2011, 1:58:57

this fluff again?
Unholy Monks | The Omega

KeTcHuP Game profile


Jun 27th 2011, 2:02:58

GE- I have self farmed 2-3 sets. THe last netting set i didnt (except my retaller). I self farmed 2-3 sets, went inactive 2-3 sets, didnt farm self (again retallers excluded) 2-3 sets, and warred 1 set.

So im as likely to go inactive as i am to self farm=P
Ketchup the Thoughtful Suicidier

smegma Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 28th 2011, 15:18:09

Hell, forget about self-farming, I just think it's tacky to repeat a private conversation. (Even if others are in the room, it's still a private conversation).

Popcom Game profile


Jun 28th 2011, 15:41:45

i think self farming adds a lot of land to the game, so go for it. but u shouldnt be able to DR yourself. that way u can share the love.

Edited By: Popcom on Jun 28th 2011, 15:52:42
See Original Post

~If at first you don't succeed, you are clearly not Popcom~

cRaZyDaVe Game profile


Jun 28th 2011, 17:25:03

how is it a private conversation in a public chat room?
Originally posted by Twain:
I love the idea of sending even 100 troops into an area so they can go assassinate citizens one at a time.

smegma Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 28th 2011, 22:31:36

Originally posted by cRaZyDaVe:
how is it a private conversation in a public chat room?

If we're standing on a crowded bus and I mentioned that my hemoroids are flairring up really bad. Does not mean that you should run home and post it on the internet.

KeTcHuP Game profile


Jun 29th 2011, 0:00:36

I think hes getting at that that convo was between me and him, and was not intended for FFAT. It may have been in a public room, but it was me and him talking, i thought on a personal level throwing our ideas against each other. I didn't plan for or expect it to be on FFAT.

It was in a public place so oh well. And im lucky this is the only IRC convo ofme thats been posted on FFAT casue normally im not so well spoken. It not hard to make me sound retarted, but i dont think this convo did that lol.
Ketchup the Thoughtful Suicidier

Bigwiggle Game profile


Jun 29th 2011, 0:40:02

"It not hard to make me sound retarted"

Got that right Ketch ;)

Pandora's Last Vikings | THE OMEGA

msn -

Popcom Game profile


Jun 29th 2011, 2:20:44

private chat or not, just expect that anything u say anywhere on the internet can, and probably will become public lol

Edited By: Popcom on Jun 29th 2011, 3:32:19
See Original Post

~If at first you don't succeed, you are clearly not Popcom~

cRaZyDaVe Game profile


Jun 29th 2011, 3:22:17

Originally posted by smegma:
Originally posted by cRaZyDaVe:
how is it a private conversation in a public chat room?

If we're standing on a crowded bus and I mentioned that my hemoroids are flairring up really bad. Does not mean that you should run home and post it on the internet.

i'd youtube that fluff ;)
Originally posted by Twain:
I love the idea of sending even 100 troops into an area so they can go assassinate citizens one at a time.