
Makinso Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 22:30:03


While we have 7 1 vs 1 wars against SoF I think the SOL SoF Rivalry is next to Rage/IX and SOL/IX. One of the most long lasting and destructive rivalries earth has known. I'm not only taking 1 vs 1 wars here but also the wars where we plotted each others death through allies to make sure we could achieve other goals or weaken each other by neutralizing allies and other stuff.

Counting all coalition or allied warfare we've been in against each other I think we go over 12 warring sets which we've fought against each other. When I count both IX vs Rage and SOL vs IX both those rivalries have have less wars against each other then the SoF vs SOL conflict has.

Edited By: Makinso on Mar 2nd 2011, 22:45:11
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