
Red X Game profile


Dec 5th 2024, 22:25:19

I am very serious. I learned something in discord today and I want to inquire about it, but I also don’t want to get a long ban.
Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin

Drow Game profile


Dec 5th 2024, 23:09:45

probably depends on the question at a guess.
Paradigm President of failed speeling

"EE's DILF" - Coalie

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 5th 2024, 23:26:19

The best approach is abstinence with these unpaid volunteers.
- Premium Patron Member

SuperFly Game profile


Dec 6th 2024, 1:08:53

Depends on who is involved. There was a discord guy who was telling secrets and he got banned.

It’s best if you pretend amnesia n forget what you found out

Red X Game profile


Dec 6th 2024, 2:45:21

Originally posted by Requiem:
The best approach is abstinence with these unpaid volunteers.

I reckon you are right. It’s just wild that people get banned for so long for something so little these days.
Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin

Turtle Crawler Game profile


Dec 6th 2024, 3:25:59

If you have to ask you already know the answer.

SuperFly Game profile


Dec 6th 2024, 6:18:28

Originally posted by Red X:
Originally posted by Requiem:
The best approach is abstinence with these unpaid volunteers.

I reckon you are right. It’s just wild that people get banned for so long for something so little these days.

Their game and their rules. RIP Black Hole until 2026. You will miss the 2025 celebrations next month :(

Steeps Game profile


Dec 6th 2024, 10:20:59

Best to put what the question would be in a post, but don't ask it, then we can see if it's something which would earn a ban if it's asked.

Drow Game profile


Dec 6th 2024, 11:04:03

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by Red X:
Originally posted by Requiem:
The best approach is abstinence with these unpaid volunteers.

I reckon you are right. It’s just wild that people get banned for so long for something so little these days.

Their game and their rules. RIP Black Hole until 2026. You will miss the 2025 celebrations next month :(

Actually, RIP to BH permanently.
Paradigm President of failed speeling

"EE's DILF" - Coalie

Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 6th 2024, 13:36:38

What happened now
Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander



Dec 6th 2024, 14:18:12

damn kids with your fancy Discord.
but what do i know?
I only play this game for fun!

SuperFly Game profile


Dec 6th 2024, 15:14:57

He got perma banned from the game for what he said on discord or for something he posted here?

If it’s for what he said on discord, how is that a game offense? If it’s for posting something on the boards I get the ban.
Guess I better go read the terms of service to see if discord trash talk is listed as a game ban offense.

But see this is why I posted earlier about leaving most discords and chats cuz things are out of control here. Everything is an offense and bans are just tossed out like flyers…

In the spirit of still playing the game always best to keep your mouth shut, keep stuff to your self and don’t repeat what others say cuz it’s his game and he does whatever he feels is right…

Govern yourself accordingly and follow the terms of service and you will be ok. If you don’t like the rules and its terms than get banned or just go away on your own.

This is the way

TAN Game profile


Dec 6th 2024, 15:16:24

Originally posted by Coalie:
What happened now

BH got permanently banned from the entire game with no explanation. Presumably it was for his last AT post but I don't even see how it breaks any forum rules aside from a minor case of being a pest, but it's just some light hearted trolling.

We're going a lot harder in the "Plants" thread.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Dec 6th 2024, 16:29:06

I'm not surprised that someone finally went too far when you guys celebrate, whitewash, and encourage unhinged behavior. You would never attempt the same sort of behaviors in a physical business or even in other online spaces. Take a few minutes to think about how this stuff would look to someone outside of the community. Imagine how it would feel if it was done to you.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 6th 2024, 16:41:51

Since when has AT ever been taken seriously? Some of us still think it's 1999 :D

If that is how you feel I will relegate myself to making bonus posts only.
- Premium Patron Member

TAN Game profile


Dec 6th 2024, 16:42:29

I mean it was clearly a joke post? Everyone took it as light hearted trolling. No one thought it was unhinged. And I'm not sure it broke any forum or game rules ...

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Dec 6th 2024, 16:58:32

Guys, perhaps consider there are other underlying things going on that you haven't seen or can't see that are contributing to the current response.

TAN Game profile


Dec 6th 2024, 17:02:32

Like what? I am pretty tuned in to everything happening with BH and chevs.

But if you're transparent and there's something we don't know then let us in on it.

Because he didn't break ANY rule that merits a permanent game ban. It's clearly personal.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Dec 6th 2024, 17:28:00

I really don't have much to say to people who think that multi runners are more credible than game admins. Just think about how insane that is. Do you think the old you would approve of the position that you're taking now?

TAN Game profile


Dec 6th 2024, 17:30:44

So you are saying BH is running multis and that's the reason for his ban?

You said earlier it was because of his unhinged AT post.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Dec 6th 2024, 17:40:13

People who ran multies this year should generally not be considered to be credible. Evaluating the credibility of an accuser would interfere with the delight you guys take in spreading whatever false and malicious rumors you hear about the game admins so I understand why you don't do it.

I'm sure that Blackhole is telling you the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Enjoy wallowing in filth together.

TAN Game profile


Dec 6th 2024, 17:47:10

Slag if you just tell us your side instead of constantly talking down and being condescending maybe we would sympathize with you.

But you just accused me of wallowing in filth and that I would side with a person who runs multis (this is the first time hearing it).

All we were asking for is an explanation, you don't have to come out swinging all the time and talking down.

I even tried apologizing to you but you ignored me.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Dec 6th 2024, 18:11:01

You already passed judgment and directly accused me of misconduct. Your mind is made up and my words will not reach you. Again, my perspective is really simple to understand. By default, you side with disgraced cheaters over the game admins. How can I possibly have a productive conversation with you when that's the starting point?

As an alliance FA, you already understand that other people in this game are going to attempt to manipulate you to their own ends. Yet when blackhole came into your circlejerk discord chat and started complaining about how unfairly he was treated, I'm sure that you instantly believed everything that he said and felt outraged. Or am I wrong?

TAN Game profile


Dec 6th 2024, 18:23:18

I saw a screenshot from the Discord that makes your decision to ban him make more sense. That's all you had to say instead of being condescending again. Learn how to be civil and grow up.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Dec 6th 2024, 19:45:35

I need to be civil? Superfly is in this thread DEFENDING those screenshots that you saw from discord. You guys are so far gone that you're completely unreachable.

major Game profile


Dec 6th 2024, 19:46:53


TAN Game profile


Dec 6th 2024, 20:07:34

"Completely unreachable"


I apologized to you, and literally in my last post, I said that I saw a screenshot helping your point. But it' that's unreachable? I'm being civil here, you're the one insulting me by saying I'm rolling around in filth.

Just look at my first post, which didn't even mention you:

BH got permanently banned from the entire game with no explanation. Presumably it was for his last AT post but I don't even see how it breaks any forum rules aside from a minor case of being a pest, but it's just some light hearted trolling.

We're going a lot harder in the "Plants" thread.

Now look at your completely inappropriate overreaction to that comment:

I'm not surprised that someone finally went too far when you guys celebrate, whitewash, and encourage unhinged behavior. You would never attempt the same sort of behaviors in a physical business or even in other online spaces. Take a few minutes to think about how this stuff would look to someone outside of the community. Imagine how it would feel if it was done to you.

Like what the heck did I say that would merit such condescenion? That BH was banned with no explanation and didn't break any forum rules? Well, that was all correct information at the time. You could have easily set the record straight (once again, I saw the screenshot, and I see your point) but you came out fists swinging instead.

So yes, you need to start being civil and holding yourself in a professional capacity. I haven't thrown a single insult towards you in this thread.

SuperFly Game profile


Dec 6th 2024, 23:09:21

Originally posted by Slagpit:
I need to be civil? Superfly is in this thread DEFENDING those screenshots that you saw from discord. You guys are so far gone that you're completely unreachable.

I am defending your decisions. I have not taken any ones side. All i have said is that everyone, myself included does whatever you want them to or we get the boot.

Its your game homie and I am here to play the game not get into peoples personal lives and business

SuperFly Game profile


Dec 6th 2024, 23:21:10

But hey if you are trying to paint me in a bad light despite me sticking up for you on these boards and on the discord Slagpit than I will bite....

Originally posted by Slagpit:
You would never attempt the same sort of behaviors in a physical business or even in other online spaces. Take a few minutes to think about how this stuff would look to someone outside of the community. Imagine how it would feel if it was done to you.

I personally have been attacked many times over the years on these forums. I personally explained my point of view, brought up facts and made a defense to quite the negativity towards me. I did not run around permanently banning people because "they attacked me". But hey when you are the "Supreme" game admin you can be like Pablo Escobar and just eliminate your enemies with the stroke of the ban button.

For me its easy, follow the rules that the game admin demands as it is HIS game or Go away and play another game. Black Hole and Chevs couldn't / wouldn't STFU and they could not follow your rules and now they are gone.

This is why I follow YOUR rules and why I ignore all the crap that I see on discord and why like i posted a few days ago left all of the clan discords that I was in as I wanted no part of peoples personal business or trash talking.

So for the record I want it to be stated for this entire community of 4 dozen people:

I SuperFly, member of Mercs, Darkness, day 1 Express player and 25+ year player of this game and its two predecessor iterations hereby CONFIRM irrevocably that I will follow whatever rule the Supreme Game admin throws my way as I am here to play the game and not be caught up in peoples drama cuz idgaf about anything other than running my turns...

Edited By: SuperFly on Dec 6th 2024, 23:37:20

SuperFly Game profile


Dec 6th 2024, 23:24:30

Originally posted by Slagpit:
I need to be civil? Superfly is in this thread DEFENDING those screenshots that you saw from discord. You guys are so far gone that you're completely unreachable.

PS how dare you even say that I am defending black hole. I have made it pretty damn clear that he will always be disliked by me. I was literally asking for BH and for Empy to get banned by mod multiple times this week.

You should apologize to me for even insinuating that I am friends with Black Hole and that I am sticking up for him......

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Dec 6th 2024, 23:36:19

TAN, when I said "wallowing in filth together" I'm referring to the discord chat in which you and others have made literally thousands of negative comments about me. I think that I'm treating you all with a perfectly reasonable level of civility. If anything, I'm being way too nice. It's always the same pattern every time:

1) A player cheats or does something egregiously stupid that's against the game rules
2) The player gets punished, often in a small, inconsequential way
3) The player whines that he is being treated unfairly
4) A group of players believe the whiner without considering evidence or credibility, grab their pitchforks, and over-escalate the issue
5) (OPTIONAL) The group of players eventually admit that they were wrong but then start to complain that the admins didn't address the issue with delicate, flowery prose that would make even a PR professional blush

You do understand the default position held by many players is "I should be able to call the admins a fluff but they must be civil and professional in response at all times"? Do you know how insane that is? I don't give a fluff about professionalism.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Dec 6th 2024, 23:39:27

Superfly, I honestly mostly had respect for you over the years because you obviously love playing the game and mostly focus on doing that, even though you sometimes rub people the wrong way and misbehave a bit in Express and on other servers.

My interpretation of your comments in this thread are that the things posted in discord are true (they are not), that they qualify as "trash talk" (they clearly don't), and that the offender should not have been banned (this is a matter of opinion). I don't see how that's defending me?

If I misunderstood what you were saying go ahead and correct me.

EDIT: I now see your recent posts in this thread. I don't know what that's supposed to be, but it's clearly not a defense of me. But in general yeah, I think it's better for players to focus on playing the game on offer instead of committing crimes.

Edited By: Slagpit on Dec 6th 2024, 23:41:32
See Original Post

SuperFly Game profile


Dec 6th 2024, 23:43:05

dude, I am not defending black hole. Have I not made it clear that if people want to play the game they need to abide by whatever rules you make up even if the players don't like them?

We are literally living in your world man and I accept it. The one time that I don't accept whatever rules you come up with I can either leave the game on my own or be removed by you.

Please understand, I respect your game and your rules. If you wanna ban all these guys for talking smack then giv'er. Not my game not my rules.

Symbolic Game profile


Dec 6th 2024, 23:52:20

Originally posted by Slagpit:
I really don't have much to say to people who think that multi runners are more credible than game admins. Just think about how insane that is. Do you think the old you would approve of the position that you're taking now?

No, i just think people dislike you more then they dislike multi runners.

TAN Game profile


Dec 6th 2024, 23:57:05

Slag, I stopped talking smack about you in that cesspool (which I've left, btw) the day we made that deal. Apparently, you haven't noticed, because you think I continue to disparage you and talk trash. You continue to think I act uncivil towards you.

Can you actually find an example - on AT, or on Discord - of me being uncivil to you in the past month? This thread included? I've tried to leave you alone, I've encouraged others to drop it, I've told chevs that there's nothing more that can be done, I've done what I can to defuse any more discontent.

Where is this TAN that rolls around in the filth that you're talking about? That TAN is gone, and you - like with everything here - have trouble letting go and admitting that maybe you're wrong.

You're the one being uncivil here, not me. You're the one banning people for no other reason than that they displeased you (you STILL haven't explained why BH was banned for 1 year due to his troll post, which was nothing compared to what we say to each other on a daily basis in other threads).

Like dude, have some self awareness. I've been trying to turn a new page with you, and you keep trying to pull yourself back into the past and hold onto your grievances without moving on. Let's move on ffs and stop staying so fixated on the past - wasn't that literally the entire point of the amnesty?

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Dec 7th 2024, 0:00:42

Sick burn bro, did you smirk while typing that? Maybe stick to running fluffty war countries instead of "thinking".

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Dec 7th 2024, 0:01:22

Originally posted by TAN:
Slag, I stopped talking smack about you in that cesspool (which I've left, btw) the day we made that deal. Apparently, you haven't noticed, because you think I continue to disparage you and talk trash. You continue to think I act uncivil towards you.

I honestly did not know that you left and I apologize for getting that wrong.

Symbolic Game profile


Dec 7th 2024, 0:05:23

Originally posted by Slagpit:
Sick burn bro, did you smirk while typing that? Maybe stick to running fluffty war countries instead of "thinking".

Truth hurts.

Bablo Game profile


Dec 7th 2024, 0:28:43

Where's Macdaddy?
My dog eats ants

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 7th 2024, 0:31:58

Originally posted by TAN:
BH got permanently banned from the entire game with no explanation.

Lmfao classic

Leto Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 7th 2024, 6:27:38

I think of ole Aesop's fable; the owls, the bats and the sun. Gossips (or talking crap) are best answered by silence.

Amnesty should be given to everyone banned.

Free them all.
M4D Founder

Suicidal Game profile


Dec 7th 2024, 15:25:46

Unban everyone just so I can watch you ban them again......wait til they get comfortable and waste time building their country first

VicRattlehead Game profile


Dec 7th 2024, 15:28:13

Originally posted by Suicidal:
Unban everyone just so I can watch you ban them again......wait til they get comfortable and waste time building their country first

Bahahhahaha that's hilarious :)

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Dec 7th 2024, 20:33:30

FWIW, I think most of the developers/admins would rather spend time building stuff than dealing with drama or dealing with abuse. It's the primary reason I lost interest originally and whenever I get a bit of a mindset to come and do something, I inevitably start getting messages about that drama and roll my eyes and lose interest again.

People take bans personally like they are targeted or someone has it out for them. But almost all of the time it's just a "I don't want to deal with this fluff anymore" type situation. Either because it's bad for the game or bad for their/my ability to do things for the game. It's not worth the effort and energy to engage with it but also not something that gets to go unfettered -- like the "terror" thread that precipitated the ban being discussed here. Even this post I'm writing right now comes at the expense of me finishing up the docker image to make development possible locally. Which is a precursor for being able to do the 2025 stuff. So there's an example for you that's literally happening right now!

At this point, the people playing here have probably been adults for 2 decades or more. Can everyone just chill and try to enjoy this for what it is?

Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

TAN Game profile


Dec 7th 2024, 20:40:29

Pang I agree with you 100%, but the game is tiny. Banning people because the admin doesn't want to deal with it punishes the game.

You know what the game admin can do? Just not ban people at all and ignore these posts. That's what the mods are for.

Permanent game bans don't help the game, they reduce the population - why do you think we need NPCs to farm?

It's just not healthy. When I suggested some sort of mod reform, I got banned for even suggesting it. Like what the heck man.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Dec 7th 2024, 22:06:25

TAN, I did not make a single forum post for two months. Despite that, a thread threatening terrorism to destroy the game still popped up. Your solution is for the game admins to ignore threats of terrorism? Why can't the solution ever involve the players?

You've got dipfluffs like symbolic (I think he's an alliance leader) sucking off multi runners in this thread and nobody even bats an eye. That's viewed as perfectly normal behavior in this community now and it's a really big problem. It's a way bigger problem than ~3 players getting banned over the past 5 years.

Edited By: Slagpit on Dec 7th 2024, 23:00:15
See Original Post

Suicidal Game profile


Dec 7th 2024, 22:07:04

Ban Tan

TAN Game profile


Dec 7th 2024, 22:24:27

Slag everyone and their mothers could tell BH was joking. It is VERY obviously trolling and a joke. If you missed it as a joke, well I mean sometimes sarcasm is hard to translate through text, so it's possible you just didn't realize it was a joke. It happens, sometimes things get lost in translation. But everyone else took it as a joke.

So if you think this was legit terrorism, I take it you've reported the thread to the FBI?

Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 7th 2024, 23:06:18

Y’all are a bunch of broke weakbodies.

When BH used to troll us (mercs, sol and sof). We killed and wiped him. We did the same in teams when he threatened us with terrorism. We did the same to Cathankins and Josey when they messed with netters.

The stuff he mentioned is old news, everyone already knows about it, nobody really cares about it anymore.

All this talk about him posting terrorism and why he was banned, he’s been doing it for years and we kill him. Let’s not forget Milkman who also ran multis (confirmed by screenshots from bhole) also doxxed him. Doxxing doesn’t get someone banned but I guess making a post about ingame terrorism does.

*I am someone that financially contributes to the game and is also a forum patron, therefore I have skin in the game.*

Edited By: Coalie on Dec 7th 2024, 23:19:31
Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Dec 7th 2024, 23:13:45

Originally posted by TAN:
Slag everyone and their mothers could tell BH was joking. It is VERY obviously trolling and a joke. If you missed it as a joke, well I mean sometimes sarcasm is hard to translate through text, so it's possible you just didn't realize it was a joke. It happens, sometimes things get lost in translation. But everyone else took it as a joke.

So if you think this was legit terrorism, I take it you've reported the thread to the FBI?

You can act as an unpaid defense lawyer for a multi-runner all you like, but that final question makes it extremely clear to me that you're not engaging in good faith.