
zigigy Game profile


Apr 28th 2010, 11:35:44

There was no lg? I said what if there had been :P
TIE Head
gamesurge server, #tiechat

ibujke Game profile


Apr 28th 2010, 12:18:21

War was always part of the game. Even for netting clans.

If your members leave after the first war you have then they arent really members, are they?

martian Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Apr 28th 2010, 12:46:31

I think imag just needed more fluff!
you are all special in the eyes of fluff
( ._.) -----)-->
(_(' )(' )


spawn Game profile


Apr 28th 2010, 13:45:22

having a real reason to war used to be part of the game. even for warring clans.

unlike you guys my members moved on with their RLs since they first started playing, so wasting time in an reasonless war is not that much fun for us
/slap iZarcon

All your deleted countries are belong to me!

Iron Priest

New Member

Apr 28th 2010, 19:42:28

archaic loves me!!!

jon316 Game profile


Apr 28th 2010, 20:32:52

spawn, please, don't start blaming iMag for the game dying. Half of our members had once left because the policies of a few years back decided that you should farm established clans into the ground just because they pissed you off.

One set, iMag will war one clan. The next set, iMag will war another set. If your members decide to quit the game because the game did something they do not agree with, I don't think it'd change regardless of who hits TheFist now or in the future. If you do not like someone warring you, change your policies. Don't start a shouting match on the forums, blaming the offending alliance of killing the game just because your members do not decide to do something to help themselves.

War clans do what they like and netting clans are pretty much dependent on not completely pissing off war clans. It's a cycle that is a part of the game.

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Apr 28th 2010, 22:26:13

Dear iTavi,
Since you member called me idiot first I think you should check yourself.
I think that is fitting for spawn to be able to call you member an idiot if one of yours calls me idiot.

In the meantime.....HI Jon!!!!

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

crazyserb Game profile


Apr 28th 2010, 22:39:15

galleri don't get offended if an imag member calls you an idiot
we are so upside down that to us that's a compliment:)

smikke Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 28th 2010, 22:52:44

Ok, Soviet - FSing a netting clan 77% of your size changes everything. I take back everything I said about iMag wanting an easy war so they have an excuse to lose the next one.

Phew, glad we cleared that one up!

Soviet Game profile


Apr 28th 2010, 22:58:06

We didn't want an easy war. We wanted to kill you for FAing TIE.

If it just so happens you roll over and die, that's not my problem.
Imaginary Numbers

Snarf Game profile


Apr 28th 2010, 23:09:23

Originally I was more than pissed about this, but then I remembered I really don't care about this game much any more. It actually was refreshing for that brief moment to give a fluff again.

As for one of us FA'ing TIE if you had said something about it I would have probably helped you kill the country. I may not care about the game much but old grudges die hard and TIE will never be on my list of favorite alliances.

I just wish ONE time I would not get killed in the FS :(

smikke Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 28th 2010, 23:24:48

Soviet, I thought you already gave up on that excuse?

I mean when you think about it, it's quite pathetic. One country FAed TIE, as Snarf and Spawn have said if we'd been told we probably would have done something about it.

Looking forward to laughing at you after you lose the next one, unless you decide that another small netting clan has somehow "wronged" you in the past

smikke Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 28th 2010, 23:33:11

And I know you guys take pride in being mediocre, but when that real war does come along, I would probably tell your countries to buy enough defense so that a 3 day old restart isn't able to BR 100 jets offchat.

Not that we're really having warchats anyway.

Soviet Game profile


Apr 29th 2010, 1:21:01

New Member
Posts: 8 Apr 28th 2010, 23:24:48
"Soviet, I thought you already gave up on that excuse?"

Nope, we decided last set to war you because of it. It's the truth, we aren't IX and aren't going to smokescreen you with some BS reason. If we didn't have one, we would tell you. I remember numerous times in the past we dec'd for no reason and told them so (re: Dec-Jan war with LaF).

"I mean when you think about it, it's quite pathetic. One country FAed TIE, as Snarf and Spawn have said if we'd been told we probably would have done something about it."

I mean it's quite pathetic you would come here and cry about your impotence to wage war in a *gasp* war game. You don't want to war? Fine, I don't care, roll over and die like you are doing (quite well actually). We hit you for the stated reasons and nothing more.

"Looking forward to laughing at you after you lose the next one, unless you decide that another small netting clan has somehow "wronged" you in the past."

There has never been a single set in iMags history where we ended up with original countries. It almost happened 1.5 years ago, but IX helped us with that one 3 days before the sets end. And to tell you the truth, "losing" is according to perspective as well. We had this debate when we FSed LaF, but basically iMag never loses. If we die, we win. Whether or not you think the same way does not matter to me, but its a clue for you.
Imaginary Numbers

iXenomorph Game profile


Apr 29th 2010, 5:05:37

Ohhhh booohoo! We're killing the game!!!! Oh noooooo!

You know, I would actually prefer a game without people like you in it, because if getting hit by another clan is warrant enough for you to quit the game, the game was probably too hardcore for you anyway. We, TEH IMAG, on the other hand, LOOOOOOVE dying! You know what we do when we die? We go to and create another country. It takes all of five seconds. You could've spent 5 seconds restarting instead of ridiculing yourself on the internet and burying yourself in the sphincter of my memories forever more. But no! Instead you decide to whine and cry. Ohhh boo hooo. Imag killed meee ohh noooo! Boooooohooooo!

Seriously, if we had no reason to hit you OTHER than see this kind of reaction, it would be worth it. This stuff makes me rofflecopterpwnlol myself onto the floor.

Looks like Odin's not pulling his weight. No wonder nobody believes in him anymore!

"Have you ever noticed how a cat is genuinely sad when the mouse they are playing with dies ???" - Prima

jon316 Game profile


Apr 29th 2010, 5:18:41

If I don't restart in a set, the enemy didn't try hard enough to kill me :(



Apr 29th 2010, 6:44:10

hah: well said :)
"basically iMag never loses. If we die, we win. Whether or not you think the same way does not matter to me, but its a clue for you. "

that's what we keep saying to all those yelling on the forums "omg Imag declared on us!..." :)... you're making it worth it. whenever we see the opposing clan acting like you act, Imag has already won :)

iXenomorph Game profile


Apr 29th 2010, 10:22:31

This is why I'm proud to be a imagger! If death is not a threat, you are immortal!!

"Have you ever noticed how a cat is genuinely sad when the mouse they are playing with dies ???" - Prima

Sifos Game profile


Apr 29th 2010, 10:48:49

Imaginary Numbers
If you're important enough to contact me, you will know how to contact me.
Self appointed emperor of the Order of Bunnies.
The only way to be certain your allies will not betray you is to kill them all!

spawn Game profile


Apr 29th 2010, 15:18:21

hey Scode, you know me lub you, so i didnt mean you with "iDiot", so the rest of your post is null and void, thats why i didnt read the it ;)
/slap iZarcon

All your deleted countries are belong to me!

smikke Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 29th 2010, 22:40:54

Scode, are you serious? One player FAing one player is an FA issue, not an act of war. And we would have cut if off if we had been told.

Stop being stupid.

Soviet: Glad you're so proud to suck :) I mean dying every set would be understandable if you actually did something worthwhile while alive (see SOL during the big IX block vs. SOL block wars) but when you constantly get outclassed it just seems pointless. Why even play?

smikke Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 29th 2010, 22:42:37

So to reiterate what dagga said:

"Are imaginary numbers important enough an alliance to be allowed to post a war dec? Should be a separate board for them"

Soviet Game profile


Apr 29th 2010, 23:32:27

"Soviet: Glad you're so proud to suck :) I mean dying every set would be understandable if you actually did something worthwhile while alive (see SOL during the big IX block vs. SOL block wars) but when you constantly get outclassed it just seems pointless. Why even play?"

I really had to lol at you for this one. We are proud to die. And we are proud to have fun while doing it. Our countries are worthless to us, we don't spend weeks babying it and all that other gay crap netters do. You know why? There's little you can do to scare us. Oh, you want to threaten death on us? Yay. You want to threaten suiciding us? Even better. We don't care because you know what, the moment you give us something to kill we're like kids at a theme park. That is what sets iMag apart from the "normal" alliances and "normal" people in this game.

As far as doing important stuff while alive, I don't see why we need to _all_ the time. We are here to have fun and you on here whining to the world about how we are big bad bullies that just raped your sister etc etc makes it that much more enjoyable. Hell, if you keep doing this well enough we might come back for seconds, you never know.

"Are imaginary numbers important enough an alliance to be allowed to post a war dec? Should be a separate board for them"

You just got pwned by what you believe is a spam tag basically. Congratz on that achievement (maybe it's Fist's only achievement?).

Finally I'd like to say smikke, of all the things you accuse iMag of being, why are you in such a suck alliance like Fist who really has not achieved anything in netting (you're suppose to be a netting alliance right?). I certainly don't remember you winning ANW, TNW, etc etc last set or the ones before. Must mean _you_ are the one that should be asking yourself, "Why are we so below mediocre?".

P.S. I hope there is at least some damage control coming from Spawn to your members. This rolling over and dying usually doesn't work out for the small alliances (Survival of the Fittest, I know.)

Edited By: Soviet on Apr 29th 2010, 23:37:22
Imaginary Numbers

smikke Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 30th 2010, 0:17:31

Ofc we haven't won anything. Last set was our first set back and we have Rogue for fluffs sake.

iMag on the other hand has existed for 8 year straight now without achieving anything. When was the last time you won an even war? Basically you've stooped down to the level of declaring war on netting clans smaller than you for ridiculous reasons to justify your loss in whatever retarded war you pick next. And you will lose - like in the LaF war, you somehow still have countries with fluff defence levels and no SDI. Your phone list has been called average at best, which for a clan that wars every set is quite pathetic. You've got decent activity but your killrun leaders are still fluff (seriously, go to an Evo warchat run by Slagpit to see how it's done) You'll lose to any clan around your size with a warring setup, but hey, at least now you have an excuse for sending all your missiles.

And hey, why would we be ashamed of losing to you? You're significantly bigger than us, we were netting and to be honest, it's our second set back - we haven't got anything set up.

smikke Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 30th 2010, 0:20:41

And being mediocre has kept you guys in business for 8 years - rolling over and dying may well guarantee longetivity

Soviet Game profile


Apr 30th 2010, 0:45:24

"Ofc we haven't won anything. Last set was our first set back and we have Rogue for fluffs sake."

So you admit you suck. Good.

"iMag on the other hand has existed for 8 year straight now without achieving anything."

Almost 10 years now, and we have achieved plenty for being a mid sized alliance all that time.

"Basically you've stooped down to the level of declaring war on netting clans smaller than you for ridiculous reasons to justify your loss in whatever retarded war you pick next."

Not true. I'm sure everyone other than you agrees what you did is an act of war. As for other "netting" alliances we have hit in the past, they were usually well stocked, had more members, etc etc. I can only think of a few cases where we have warred someone smaller than us for no reason.

"And you will lose - like in the LaF war, you somehow still have countries with fluff defence levels and no SDI."

In the LaF war they were almost double our members, had lots of stock, lots of defense, etc etc. You are going to tell me that by us not having sizeable defense (which, we were almost fully offense) we would've won? The answer is quite simply, No. We planned to lose but it was a hell of a fun war to wage after they stopped buying up. In fact, that war taught some of our younger members the art of Lemming, which is an invaluable lesson to learn. :D

"Your phone list has been called average at best, which for a clan that wars every set is quite pathetic."

How does one rate a phone list? Are you trying to say we don't wall or something? Because 80% of the time a text is sent, whether or not the member cares enough/is at work/has phone on silent has nothing to do with the phone list itself. You have to understand we don't all have no life to sit on a comp all day waiting to wall. We have some very intelligent people that are working on doctorates etc that take massive amounts of personal time.

"You've got decent activity but your killrun leaders are still fluff (seriously, go to an Evo warchat run by Slagpit to see how it's done)"

Slagpit is an excellent war leader. My Bujke, to me, is still the best. I wouldn't give my War Dept to Slagpit or any one else but him.

"You'll lose to any clan around your size with a warring setup, but hey, at least now you have an excuse for sending all your missiles."

We hardly ever fight an "even" war so the jury is still out on that one.

"And hey, why would we be ashamed of losing to you? You're significantly bigger than us, we were netting and to be honest, it's our second set back - we haven't got anything set up."

Probably your last set too. Way to go out with a bang.

"And being mediocre has kept you guys in business for 8 years - rolling over and dying may well guarantee longetivity"

We've never rolled over and died.
Imaginary Numbers

iXenomorph Game profile


Apr 30th 2010, 1:06:29

"Soviet: Glad you're so proud to suck :) I mean dying every set would be understandable if you actually did something worthwhile while alive (see SOL during the big IX block vs. SOL block wars) but when you constantly get outclassed it just seems pointless. Why even play? "

I lol'd. You clearly cannot grasp the Imag mentality. I give up, it ain't worth the effort to try to explain to that "brain" of yours. If you're so morally self righteous about the whole "attacking a smaller clan" mentality, then why don't you go pact EVO and DK and start hitting SOL. Oh wait, you don't have a clan anymore :D :D D: :D D:

Edited By: iXenomorph on Apr 30th 2010, 1:08:10
"Have you ever noticed how a cat is genuinely sad when the mouse they are playing with dies ???" - Prima



Apr 30th 2010, 2:11:51


Sifos Game profile


Apr 30th 2010, 9:04:39

Yeah! Now were talking, keep it up! This thread is getting more fun by the hour.
Imaginary Numbers
If you're important enough to contact me, you will know how to contact me.
Self appointed emperor of the Order of Bunnies.
The only way to be certain your allies will not betray you is to kill them all!

smikke Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 30th 2010, 22:36:41

Let's ignore the other crap you posted because you obviously ignored the question there and are putting way more effort into this than I am and focus on the essentials:

You pretty much admitted that iMag hasn't won an even war in recent history. Nice.

Oh yeah and only iMag members seem to think one country sending FA is an act of war, because no one else has really agreed with you there (or commented on the issue, save for a few people ridiculing you on the first page, but you're used to being a joke I guess)

Soviet Game profile


May 1st 2010, 2:34:42

How can one "win" (your definition) a war one hasn't fought?

I'll leave you to ponder that while you actually come up with some examples to back up your claims.

Meanwhile, here are a couple of mine.

Jan-Apr 2010
iMag vs TIE, Ely, RAGE, Rogue (26 vs 27, 13, 23, 7)

Dec-Jan 2010
iMag vs LaF (31 vs 55)

Oct-Dec 2009
iMag vs TIE, LCN (42 vs 22, 29)

Aug-Oct 2009
iMag vs SOL (37 vs 63)
iMag vs LCN (37 restarts vs 23)

May-Aug 2009
iMag vs IX, SOL (44 vs 64, 56)

Mar-May 2009
iMag vs MD (24 vs 29)

Jan-Mar 2009
iMag vs IX, NA (server war)

Nov-Jan 2009
iMag vs IX (server war)
iMag vs TKO (21 vs 16)

...I can keep going if you want me too.
Imaginary Numbers



May 1st 2010, 3:02:47

I find Imag Threads are some of my favorites!
The Death Knights


Game Development

May 1st 2010, 7:29:05

Originally posted by iTavi:
Dear Fist,
We wanted to kill Rogue but we couldn't find them so we thought you should know where they are :)

Oh and we're 98% sure you did a bad thing last set :P

Imaginary Numbers declares TheFist soon to be dead!

Policing info will arrive soon

just testing the quoting
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires' Clan & Alliance Hosting

smikke Game profile

EE Patron

May 1st 2010, 10:51:53

Originally posted by Soviet:
How can one "win" (your definition) a war one hasn't fought?

I'll leave you to ponder that while you actually come up with some examples to back up your claims.

Meanwhile, here are a couple of mine.

Jan-Apr 2010
iMag vs TIE, Ely, RAGE, Rogue (26 vs 27, 13, 23, 7)

Dec-Jan 2010
iMag vs LaF (31 vs 55)

Oct-Dec 2009
iMag vs TIE, LCN (42 vs 22, 29)

Aug-Oct 2009
iMag vs SOL (37 vs 63)
iMag vs LCN (37 restarts vs 23)

May-Aug 2009
iMag vs IX, SOL (44 vs 64, 56)

Mar-May 2009
iMag vs MD (24 vs 29)

Jan-Mar 2009
iMag vs IX, NA (server war)

Nov-Jan 2009
iMag vs IX (server war)
iMag vs TKO (21 vs 16)

...I can keep going if you want me too.

So you cite a coalition war where "your side" outnumbered the enemy something like 3:2, a war which you lost, FSing two netting clans (losing), another war which you lost, another war which you lost until we finally get to the MD war.

Basically the TIE and LCN war is understandable, if you did that every set people might consider you a serious clan. MD war is the last even war you actually won (I think you did anyway but not sure). So your member's idea of fun is to build their countries all set, then lose in a day or two to LaF/SOL or build their countries all set and then steamroll over a netting alliance or in a coalitiion war.

Wow man, your examples sure make you seem LESS pathetic!

iXenomorph Game profile


May 1st 2010, 11:36:56

While I'm tempted to address your militant assumptions (for they are merely, assumptions and not fact) about Imag, I can only say that while you are attacking the integrity of Imag, you should demonstrate some level of functionality of FIST as well. Surely surely, that because you are critiquing us, you are somehow at a level above us? In what sense could this be? Your astounding ability to be pulverized so completely that the dregs of what countries remain in your clan are almost unrecognizable from the gravel under my heels? What has FIST done that has been remotely note worthy? Are you a netting clan or a warring clan? I can hardly tell. For one, you are impossibly far from being anywhere near the top netters, and yet your warring methods have been pathetic (no disrespect to all things pathetic, here) at best, failing to do any lasting harm to us other than to kill ONE of our active countries and some of our inactives (internet issues and one was a new recruit), most of whom were so far behind the rest of us that it was a small breath of relief they died.

So please, stop playing e-shrink and actually do something productive. And by that I refer to various lines in your glaringly indignant responses in this thread such as "Basically the TIE and LCN war is understandable, if you did that every set people might consider you a serious clan." Oh boo hoo. If you applied as much effort to your wars as you did with your Dr. Phil psychobabble you'd have killed us several times over without breaking a sweat.

/ad hominem
"Have you ever noticed how a cat is genuinely sad when the mouse they are playing with dies ???" - Prima

Snarf Game profile


May 1st 2010, 14:50:19

Ok first off we have 1 country that is not a restart at the moment (not sure why you haven't killed it yet, slackers) so expecting us to actually be able to do much to any of your countries that are not inactive/small is ridiculous. The fact that we are actually doing what damage we can should tell you more about our members.

We are a netting alliance, we always have been primarily, but even more so now that most of our members have played this game for 5-10 years and frankly we don't have time to war due to RL.

We play the game more for fun than anything else. If we really put 100% effort into the game we would easily win avg NW with our size. Ok well maybe not now that we have a galleri handicap ;)

We will be here next reset and the reset after that and so on. This whole war won't have any effect on how we view ourselves or the game. We got blindsided out of the blue and got killed not a whole lot you can do in that situation.

Frankly I think the only really annoying part about this war was that as a warring alliance you could have gotten a lot better than glorified target practice elsewhere and why you think killing us is fun is beyond me but to each his own I guess.

So let's stop yammering and get around to finishing your tag kill so I know whether you are going to kill my restart or if we are going to end this afterwards.

Soviet Game profile


May 1st 2010, 18:55:23

Originally posted by smikke:
Originally posted by Soviet:
How can one "win" (your definition) a war one hasn't fought?

I'll leave you to ponder that while you actually come up with some examples to back up your claims.

Meanwhile, here are a couple of mine.

Jan-Apr 2010
iMag vs TIE, Ely, RAGE, Rogue (26 vs 27, 13, 23, 7)

Dec-Jan 2010
iMag vs LaF (31 vs 55)

Oct-Dec 2009
iMag vs TIE, LCN (42 vs 22, 29)

Aug-Oct 2009
iMag vs SOL (37 vs 63)
iMag vs LCN (37 restarts vs 23)

May-Aug 2009
iMag vs IX, SOL (44 vs 64, 56)

Mar-May 2009
iMag vs MD (24 vs 29)

Jan-Mar 2009
iMag vs IX, NA (server war)

Nov-Jan 2009
iMag vs IX (server war)
iMag vs TKO (21 vs 16)

...I can keep going if you want me too.

So you cite a coalition war where "your side" outnumbered the enemy something like 3:2, a war which you lost, FSing two netting clans (losing), another war which you lost, another war which you lost until we finally get to the MD war.

Basically the TIE and LCN war is understandable, if you did that every set people might consider you a serious clan. MD war is the last even war you actually won (I think you did anyway but not sure). So your member's idea of fun is to build their countries all set, then lose in a day or two to LaF/SOL or build their countries all set and then steamroll over a netting alliance or in a coalitiion war.

Wow man, your examples sure make you seem LESS pathetic!

Nov-Jan 2009
iMag vs IX (server war)

Our side won that one.

Jan-Mar 2009
iMag vs IX, NA (server war)

Revenge for IX and co. We lost but I hardly think that you attempting to pin the lose on iMag is a valid point to be made. It's a team effort, and honestly, we probably had PDM in on it that made us lose. :P

I honestly don't care if other clans think we're serious or not. The fact is, most of them know we will FS them for any reason (or none at all) just to keep them on their toes and out of our news.

Our idea of fun is to _have fun_. Fun can be accomplished many ways like fighting, dying, restarting, fighting some more, ruin netters sets, dying again. It's complicated. Our thinking is if we end the set with original countries leadership has failed (didn't get in a war which we were killed). So really, the goal is to die. Whether that means server wars, couple small wars, impossible odd wars (most common) we will die. Eventually.

Hope this clears up your understanding. ;)

Edited By: Soviet on May 1st 2010, 18:56:08
Imaginary Numbers

smikke Game profile

EE Patron

May 2nd 2010, 13:44:04

Look, I know your idea is to have fun. That's every clan's idea.

Some people have fun by trying to be the best netters. Others have fun by fighting wars. Some people have fun because they're playing with the same group of people as 8 years ago. (ie. Fist)

It's just that most people also think your idea of fun is quite pathetic and that you're a mediocre alliance who can't win even wars, and seems to avoid them for this reason, choosing either to get massacred by larger clans or to win against smaller clans.

Hope this clears up your understanding. ;)

Soviet Game profile


May 2nd 2010, 17:27:44

Originally posted by smikke:
It's just that most people also think your idea of fun is quite pathetic and that you're a mediocre alliance who can't win even wars, and seems to avoid them for this reason, choosing either to get massacred by larger clans or to win against smaller clans.

Apr-Jun 2010
iMag vs Fist (26 vs 20) - Win

Jan-Apr 2010
iMag vs TIE, Ely, RAGE, Rogue (26 vs 27, 13, 23, 7) - Win

Dec-Jan 2010
iMag vs LaF (31 vs 55) - Win

Oct-Dec 2009
iMag vs TIE, LCN (42 vs 22, 29) - Win

Aug-Oct 2009
iMag vs SOL (37 vs 63) - Win
iMag vs LCN (37 restarts vs 23) - Win

May-Aug 2009
iMag vs IX, SOL (44 vs 64, 56) - Win

Mar-May 2009
iMag vs MD (24 vs 29) - Win

Jan-Mar 2009
iMag vs IX, NA (server war) - Lose

Nov-Jan 2009
iMag vs IX (server war) - Win
iMag vs TKO (21 vs 16) - Win

Looks to me that we Win 90.9% of the time.
Imaginary Numbers

smikke Game profile

EE Patron

May 2nd 2010, 17:45:43

im fairly sure you lost the Fist war so its more like you win 0% of hte time

Soviet Game profile


May 2nd 2010, 17:58:27

You're dumb. I mean seriously, my statistics are at least plausible. Yours don't even use reason.
Imaginary Numbers

kemo Game profile


May 2nd 2010, 18:09:10

you may or may not have been the only one hittin your opposition. to automatically call that a win for you is well...

its just easier to assume you wait for trains at an over pass
all praised to ra

smikke Game profile

EE Patron

May 2nd 2010, 18:54:01

Originally posted by Soviet:
You're dumb. I mean seriously, my statistics are at least plausible. Yours don't even use reason.

lol plausible iMag vs. LaF - win
if you can call LaF, LCN + TIE, SOL, LCN, IX + SOL wins then I can call ours a win. I mean, we proved how mediocre iMag is... it's probably a better justification for the "win" than what you will ahve for LCN+TIE

Soviet Game profile


May 2nd 2010, 22:02:03

Originally posted by smikke:
lol plausible iMag vs. LaF - win
if you can call LaF, LCN + TIE, SOL, LCN, IX + SOL wins then I can call ours a win.

"Hey guys we're going to ruin LaF's netting set"

"Hey guys we've ruined LaF's netting set"


Originally posted by smikke:
I mean, we proved how mediocre iMag is... it's probably a better justification for the "win" than what you will ahve for LCN+TIE

No you proved how inferior Fist is.
Imaginary Numbers

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

May 2nd 2010, 22:17:20

*places soviet and spawn in two different rooms for time out*

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

smikke Game profile

EE Patron

May 2nd 2010, 22:35:14

Originally posted by Soviet:

No you proved how inferior Fist is.




cypress Game profile


May 3rd 2010, 0:59:19

I was wondering how long it would take before "you're gay!!" accussations to come out :P

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

May 3rd 2010, 4:31:25


<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

iXenomorph Game profile


May 3rd 2010, 5:31:05

Well, you guys just got pulverized into a bunch of barely-existing-more-nothing-than-something fecal matter by "gay" people.

So whatever, okay, we're gay. But at least we can back ourselves up.
"Have you ever noticed how a cat is genuinely sad when the mouse they are playing with dies ???" - Prima

spawn Game profile


May 3rd 2010, 6:02:56

hey, what did i do Galleri? i've been trying to be a good boy you know...
/slap iZarcon

All your deleted countries are belong to me!