Apr 27th 2010, 2:54:16
We here at Collab are land hungry.
Everyone please set Imag to "farm" status.
This will also help prove ourselves as the #1 Police in EE today.
Make sure FIST/Imag are on DNH or you face the head-chopper-offer.
Oh, and we will police any landgrabs made on Fist that they ask us to police for until they find and declare official police, so dont touch them either.
Someone might come along to confirm, if they dont, too bad. ;p
Everyone please set Imag to "farm" status.
This will also help prove ourselves as the #1 Police in EE today.
Make sure FIST/Imag are on DNH or you face the head-chopper-offer.
Oh, and we will police any landgrabs made on Fist that they ask us to police for until they find and declare official police, so dont touch them either.
Someone might come along to confirm, if they dont, too bad. ;p
Edited By: AxAlar on Apr 27th 2010, 2:55:04