Jun 28th 2017, 17:56:48
Macdaddy messaged me on IRC complaining that I'm a cherrypicking coward with no honour (or something like that) who should stay out of other peoples' wars. Since he wasn't around when I finally received the message, I will post my response here:
1. You lie about your intentions every set. You ambush netters (TKO last set) and small/single-man tags every set, or you suicide (this set). More than one large clan leader has told me that it's always open season on your countries, because you are such a fluff. So no, I do not feel bad about jumping in and gangbanging your fluff tag.
2. You recruited for the express purpose of netting, and then hit IMP. You lied to your members and got some of them killed. Solely on that basis, I would have killed you - it'd be a favour to your clan members.
3. I killed some of your countries when you hit TKO last set or whenever that was, and the last time you tagged SMC and grabbed me I was prepping to kill you when someone from CC stole all the fun and wiped you out before I had turns saved. So I consider that based on your previous actions you should have expected to be killed, and indeed you knew you would be when you hit a clan 20x your size.
4. At the time I hit you, CC wasn't dead yet, and you messaged me saying they'd kill me on your behalf. I then left on a trip for a few days and when I came back everyone on your side was dead. I was actually expecting (and hoping) to die as a result of hitting you.
TL;DR you're an idiot, eat a fluff
PS if anyone from CC or KnowMe is wondering why I hit KnowMe, it's because Macdiddle told me CC & friends were going to kill me for hitting him. If that wasn't true then blame him for me hitting your other subtag. :)