
Popcom Game profile


Mar 12th 2011, 23:21:26

both sides should team up and tag kill them, then go back to fighting each other imo

disclaimer: they might alreayd be doing that, i unno, didn't read the thread, TL:DR

Edited By: Popcom on Mar 12th 2011, 23:26:40
See Original Post

~If at first you don't succeed, you are clearly not Popcom~

Some Guy


Mar 12th 2011, 23:31:33

I wouldnt say 1 tagged called in 3 moreso than you sucking at life so much that 4 tags or more want to kill you. Just an observation.

Thomas Game profile


Mar 12th 2011, 23:32:50

Have you seen how many hits it takes them to kill our guys?


All one after another. Lol it's pathetic.

Akula Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 12th 2011, 23:58:18

Originally posted by Thomas:
Have you seen how many hits it takes them to kill our guys?


All one after another. Lol it's pathetic.

alliances that have been fighting for weeks so far this set when you have had WEEKS extra to prepare
gawd, whos the pathetic one, lol :D
"Astra inclinant, sed non obligant"


Thomas Game profile


Mar 13th 2011, 0:02:47

We warred this set as well buddy

Kill4Free Game profile


Mar 13th 2011, 0:36:29

You are seriously bragging about walling just over 500 hits?

Funny guy.
So many ways to die, only one way to live...

crazyserb Game profile


Mar 13th 2011, 0:44:42

big respect to CC for reacting this way...i would be pissed too if i was putting so much effort into a war and someone came and scrwed it up...
sanct couldev waiter till next set....

mrford Game profile


Mar 13th 2011, 0:52:09

i dont know what you would consider a fast KR thomas, but we have put in many sub 1 min kills including a 27 second one already on you.

with a 3 hour notice we have already killed 11, including 2 20mill+ NW countries that we lemminged down like a mofo.

please, CC is the best war clan on this server at this point in time. go back to 1a.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Warster Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Mar 13th 2011, 1:13:29

Originally posted by Slagpit:
Originally posted by synoder:
thats a pretty pessimistic line of thinking and also assumes that by taking the high ground you are making yourself vulnerable which is not the case. In my experience people who take the "low ground" do not have the skill or intellect to keep up with honorable people and in the long run always lose.

But it's a war game. Alliances are awarded for being strong, not for taking the high ground. Why should honor come into play when most people just want to kill countries? They don't care who or why.

If you can give me an example of a tag taking the high ground and coming out the better for it, great, do it. The most recent example I can think of when a tag took the high ground and lost out was when TKO didn't do anything after my country was killed. Other small tags decided to start doing stupid crap to TKO because they thought TKO wouldn't defend its tag.

Slagpit just to correct you :), after the IMP crap, we only had issues with 2 alliances

Revolt- which was sorted out to the benefit of both Revolt and TKO

and Swords, which has been an on going issue for 2 resets, and is now sorted

and as for IMP, well we made a deal was to our Benefit tho we made need to re visit that since Swords is disbanded

Edited By: Warster on Mar 13th 2011, 1:34:51
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332

Twain Game profile


Mar 13th 2011, 1:40:03

Originally posted by Thomas:
Lol. Pathetic.

Just enabling the idiots who bully people on this server, as long as they post a half-assed public apology vowing never to do it again once there's too much heat on them. Then when everybody forgets, they do it again.

And you guys really think this server is better than 1a? You might not farm untaggeds, but you bully people just as bad, if not worse.


1) Only people who show themselves as being truly spineless get bullied here on the same level as newbies get bullied on 1a. SancT has simply proven that they are, in fact, spineless, by running away from one war and only jumping a tag they don't like when they're already at war with someone else.

2) The fact that IMP has acted like jerks and that we're all generally still on their side in this issue should really show you just how reprehensible your tag's behavior has been. If you guys had declared before the CC/IMP war, I'm sure there would be many people supporting you guys in your war, but you didn't, and now you need to deal with the consequences, which in this case happens to be a beatdown at the hands of IMP and CC.

mrford Game profile


Mar 13th 2011, 1:45:01

did someone say beat down?
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Mar 13th 2011, 2:13:00

Thanks for the correction Warster. Someone tell me which is more spineless?

Clan A:
-throwing in the towel when FSed during a netting set
-FSing a tag with ~40% (?) more members and beating them
-FSing a bigger tag than you, while that tag was in war, for farming you earlier in the reset


Clan B:
-farming/killing one man tags just for fun
-killing countries in pacted clans
-farming a tag around 40% (?) of your size to try to get into a war with them
-agreeing to a friendly war with a tag that already warred oop

I really don't blame SanctFFA at all for giving up on this server. Seems like it's okay to have one set of standards for "us" and another set of standards for "them".



Mar 13th 2011, 2:32:21

Originally posted by Slagpit:
Thanks for the correction Warster. Someone tell me which is more spineless?

Clan A:
-throwing in the towel when FSed during a netting set
-FSing a tag with ~40% (?) more members and beating them
-FSing a bigger tag than you, while that tag was in war, for farming you earlier in the reset


Clan B:
-farming/killing one man tags just for fun
-killing countries in pacted clans
-farming a tag around 40% (?) of your size to try to get into a war with them
-agreeing to a friendly war with a tag that already warred oop

I really don't blame SanctFFA at all for giving up on this server. Seems like it's okay to have one set of standards for "us" and another set of standards for "them".

Seems like a few important details are missing from these scenarios. Anyone want to add/correct them?

Twain Game profile


Mar 13th 2011, 2:37:48

Originally posted by Slagpit:
Thanks for the correction Warster. Someone tell me which is more spineless?

Clan A:
-throwing in the towel when FSed during a netting set
-FSing a tag with ~40% (?) more members and beating them
-FSing a bigger tag than you, while that tag was in war, for farming you earlier in the reset


Clan B:
-farming/killing one man tags just for fun
-killing countries in pacted clans
-farming a tag around 40% (?) of your size to try to get into a war with them
-agreeing to a friendly war with a tag that already warred oop

I really don't blame SanctFFA at all for giving up on this server. Seems like it's okay to have one set of standards for "us" and another set of standards for "them".

As already stated: I'm sure there are plenty of people and plenty of clans that are very critical (myself included) that wouldn't be saying a word if SancT had simply hit IMP prior to the start of their war with CC. They didn't. One of the sacrosanct rules of this server is that you don't get yourself involved in someone else's war if you're not called in by one of the warring clans. Instead they didn't, so instead of Xtinct/SancT actually repairing some of the damage done because they ran away from the first war, they're actually making themselves look even more petty.

If SancT is so amazing, and clans like IMP and CC suck so much (as Thomas implies with virtually every one of his posts), then SancT could have easily wiped the floor with IMP even before IMP launched all their missiles and traded a few body blows with CC. But again, they didn't. They waited and let two clans get into a war. Even though theirs is "friendly" and ours isn't (although ours actually had less trash talk, ironically), I'd be pissed if SancT jumped in our war and started hitting NBK, whether it was before or after the point where we started feeling confident we'd win.

KyleCleric Game profile


Mar 13th 2011, 2:39:58

our trash talk, though, was friendly. :)
This is our fluffing city. And no one is going to dictate our freedom. Stay strong.

LeftyHa8er Game profile


Mar 13th 2011, 2:43:02

-farming/killing one man tags just for fun

we killed rockman for a reason and we dont like him

-killing countries in pacted clans

killing a country in a pacted clan and we all know why that happen right pit

-farming a tag around 40% (?) of your size to try to get into a war with them

we farmed 2 or 3 other clans the day beside Sanctffa totaling to over 300 countries. yes we were trying to pick a fight and all that was left that we were not allied to at the time were small tags so we were trying to get them all to get mad and hit us together

-agreeing to a friendly war with a tag that already warred oop
1st most clans in old earth would get into 2 or 3 wars a set.

that war was over in the first few weeks but 4 restarts....

we gave CC lots of time to recover from that war and to tag up anyone they wanted. gave them the FS and did not go spy crazy be4 the war because it was a friendly. They are active as hell and we were not but it was getting much better as the war went on we were rusty and over confident in the NW adv. that about covers it i think

Rockman Game profile


Mar 13th 2011, 2:43:19

Originally posted by Twain:
Originally posted by Slagpit:
Thanks for the correction Warster. Someone tell me which is more spineless?

Clan A:
-throwing in the towel when FSed during a netting set
-FSing a tag with ~40% (?) more members and beating them
-FSing a bigger tag than you, while that tag was in war, for farming you earlier in the reset


Clan B:
-farming/killing one man tags just for fun
-killing countries in pacted clans
-farming a tag around 40% (?) of your size to try to get into a war with them
-agreeing to a friendly war with a tag that already warred oop

I really don't blame SanctFFA at all for giving up on this server. Seems like it's okay to have one set of standards for "us" and another set of standards for "them".

As already stated: I'm sure there are plenty of people and plenty of clans that are very critical (myself included) that wouldn't be saying a word if SancT had simply hit IMP prior to the start of their war with CC. They didn't. One of the sacrosanct rules of this server is that you don't get yourself involved in someone else's war if you're not called in by one of the warring clans. Instead they didn't, so instead of Xtinct/SancT actually repairing some of the damage done because they ran away from the first war, they're actually making themselves look even more petty.

If SancT is so amazing, and clans like IMP and CC suck so much (as Thomas implies with virtually every one of his posts), then SancT could have easily wiped the floor with IMP even before IMP launched all their missiles and traded a few body blows with CC. But again, they didn't. They waited and let two clans get into a war. Even though theirs is "friendly" and ours isn't (although ours actually had less trash talk, ironically), I'd be pissed if SancT jumped in our war and started hitting NBK, whether it was before or after the point where we started feeling confident we'd win.

1) Why should they follow the 'sacrosanct' rules of this server? Hitting a tag 40% of your size 80 times in 48 hours isn't against the sacrosanct rules, nor is farming/killing 1 man tagged, nor is killing people for their actions on another server. So what use is there in following the rules that this server has, since its missing so many essential ones?

2) You left out the part about Sanct warring an alliance larger than themselves earlier in the set, whereas IMP only fought alliances under 10% of their size. And despite warring an alliance larger themselves and winning, Sanct still was going to FS a much larger alliance than themselves, but needed some time to rebuild after defeating Swords.

You're even worse than Slagpit about leaving important pieces of information out.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Mar 13th 2011, 2:49:37

Originally posted by Twain:
As already stated: I'm sure there are plenty of people and plenty of clans that are very critical (myself included) that wouldn't be saying a word if SancT had simply hit IMP prior to the start of their war with CC. They didn't. One of the sacrosanct rules of this server is that you don't get yourself involved in someone else's war if you're not called in by one of the warring clans. Instead they didn't, so instead of Xtinct/SancT actually repairing some of the damage done because they ran away from the first war, they're actually making themselves look even more petty.

If SancT is so amazing, and clans like IMP and CC suck so much (as Thomas implies with virtually every one of his posts), then SancT could have easily wiped the floor with IMP even before IMP launched all their missiles and traded a few body blows with CC. But again, they didn't. They waited and let two clans get into a war. Even though theirs is "friendly" and ours isn't (although ours actually had less trash talk, ironically), I'd be pissed if SancT jumped in our war and started hitting NBK, whether it was before or after the point where we started feeling confident we'd win.

That's not actually the point. SanctFFA isn't coming back. If you guys think they're so spineless or dishonorable, great, you won. The problem seems to be that friendly wars are held to be sacrosanct, but things like not cheating, not breaking pacts, and not bullying aren't all that important. A pretty clear double standard is applied on this server simply because Sanct is made up of 1aers and IMP was a classic FFA clan. That's a screwed up philosophy to take if you ever want the server to grow.

I still don't see what I left out. My analysis didn't exactly paint Sanct in a positive light. If Thomas said that CC sucked at war then he was wrong, I don't have an issue giving credit where it's due.

Edited By: Slagpit on Mar 13th 2011, 2:51:40
See Original Post

Rockman Game profile


Mar 13th 2011, 2:50:00

Originally posted by LeftyHa8er:
-farming/killing one man tags just for fun

we killed rockman for a reason and we dont like him

I was far from the only one man tag you killed for fun. I was the only one man tag to get one of your members deleted for cheating on another server, and you killed both me & slagpit for our roles in getting Titanium deleted for trying to use a team to enforce a retal policy on an individual server. Funny how IMP players need to resort to sheer numbers to be bullies, and even on an individual server, they cannot succeed without having to resort to getting their friends to back them up. Unfortunately for you nubs, having to use your friends to back you up in enforcing a retal policy is against the rules on an individual server. Unfortunately for me, killing someone in FFA for their actions in primary isn't against the rules. And its not against server etiquette either apparently, whereas FSing someone thats already in war, even though they farmed you earlier in the set in an attempt to get you to war them is against the rules. These rules of server etiquette are ridiculous, which is why players like you are ruining the FFA server.

The server would be better off if you assholes joined Titanium and left.

KeTcHuP Game profile


Mar 13th 2011, 2:50:46

Lefty- Killing a country in a pacted clan is still wrong regardless. The reasons only make it worse in this situation.
Ketchup the Thoughtful Suicidier

KyleCleric Game profile


Mar 13th 2011, 2:54:28

lol, we weren't even going after Rockman. just a couple of landgrabs and he overreacted.
This is our fluffing city. And no one is going to dictate our freedom. Stay strong.

Rockman Game profile


Mar 13th 2011, 2:56:36

Originally posted by KyleCleric:
lol, we weren't even going after Rockman. just a couple of landgrabs and he overreacted.

A couple of landgrabs, along telling me I was being hit for my actions in primary. And your actions farming/killing numerous other 1 man tags before me, and I dropped the land on my countries within hours of your first hit on me and told you guys that you won.

Given your treatment of one man tags, and the lack of anyone willing to stand up to you, how was what I did overreacting? Hitting someone because of their actions on another server, though, that is overreacting.

LeftyHa8er Game profile


Mar 13th 2011, 2:57:01

sry ketchup but we are going to disagree forever on that

KyleCleric Game profile


Mar 13th 2011, 2:57:30

lol, you were on our DNH list till then.
This is our fluffing city. And no one is going to dictate our freedom. Stay strong.

kwmi Game profile


Mar 13th 2011, 2:59:30

God you guys are douche bags. So glad we ruined your war. No matter how many times you kill us, you won't be able to take that away. Glad to see it upset you so much. You must be really pissed. Seems like we've already won this one, no matter what the stats say, lol.

LeftyHa8er Game profile


Mar 13th 2011, 3:00:17

what other one man tags did we farm and kill this set? that we did not try to make right. go ask dragon(ESD) what i offer him for the hits imp did. i would have done the same for any clan/person that spoke to me or another member of imp

Rockman Game profile


Mar 13th 2011, 3:02:11

Originally posted by LeftyHa8er:
what other one man tags did we farm and kill this set? that we did not try to make right. go ask dragon(ESD) what i offer him for the hits imp did. i would have done the same for any clan/person that spoke to me or another member of imp

Apologizing after you screwed them over is your attempt to make it right? Isn't that what Maz tried to do just now? You don't farm or kill someone, and then issue a public apology later, and then claim that no longer makes you bullies.

Rico Game profile


Mar 13th 2011, 3:02:15

If Sanct had any balls they would have FSed IMP after we started landgrabbing them. They were war ready after all. Instead they ran away from IMP by declaring on Swords.

You only went after IMP after we were properly beat down by CC.

Edited By: Rico on Mar 13th 2011, 3:06:04
See Original Post

LeftyHa8er Game profile


Mar 13th 2011, 3:04:34


KeTcHuP Game profile


Mar 13th 2011, 3:09:22

Yep we will lefty. But we both handled it maturely after a few days of calming down and should be able to put this behind us.
Ketchup the Thoughtful Suicidier

Raf Game profile


Mar 13th 2011, 3:16:28

Rico Sanct isn't afraid of you. We wanted to kill swords for the BS they pulled and all the fluff they talked about set before. And we smoked them, while they had numbers advantage and were fully war prepped. Apparently to well since Sword fell apart.

Yes we are chicken fluffs!!! We ran by hitting an alliance we also had issue with that was fully war prepped and had a a huge number advantage.

That is chicken fluff. Trying to pick fights with poeple 1/2-1/4 your size that takes some balls. Fighting CC who warred oop takes some balls.

Hitting someone in war is a fluff move. But so is everything IMP has done this whole set from farming us to killing slag. Why do you deserve any kind of respect when you walk around like a bunch of assholes. Feel bad for CC cause you were well on your way to curb stomping them.

Edited By: Raf on Mar 13th 2011, 3:22:30
See Original Post



Mar 13th 2011, 3:23:27

Originally posted by kwmi:
God you guys are douche bags. So glad we ruined your war. No matter how many times you kill us, you won't be able to take that away. Glad to see it upset you so much. You must be really pissed. Seems like we've already won this one, no matter what the stats say, lol.


Originally posted by Rockman:
These rules of server etiquette are ridiculous, which is why players like you are ruining the FFA server.

The server would be better off if you assholes joined Titanium and left.

Originally posted by Slagpit:
That's a screwed up philosophy to take if you ever want the server to grow.

Isn't the Alliance server discussing the use of fake countries and bots to run them in order to increase the available resources because your game is screwed up so bad over there?

I haven't noticed those discussions on this board. Or did I miss them?

Edited By: EViL on Mar 13th 2011, 3:25:27
See Original Post

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Mar 13th 2011, 3:30:35

What exactly is your point?



Mar 13th 2011, 3:38:23

I suppose my point is if this server is being ruined and having growth troubles then the one that you call home would be ruined and having growth troubles + some.

Excuse us "classic" FFAers for not taking proprietary advice from you folks.

I guess that wasn't clear.

Twain Game profile


Mar 13th 2011, 3:44:04

Originally posted by Rockman:

1) Why should they follow the 'sacrosanct' rules of this server? Hitting a tag 40% of your size 80 times in 48 hours isn't against the sacrosanct rules, nor is farming/killing 1 man tagged, nor is killing people for their actions on another server. So what use is there in following the rules that this server has, since its missing so many essential ones?

2) You left out the part about Sanct warring an alliance larger than themselves earlier in the set, whereas IMP only fought alliances under 10% of their size. And despite warring an alliance larger themselves and winning, Sanct still was going to FS a much larger alliance than themselves, but needed some time to rebuild after defeating Swords.

You're even worse than Slagpit about leaving important pieces of information out.

And what exactly did I leave out?

Things I'm not debating:
-IMP made some fluff moves this set
-SancT/Xtinct had reason to war IMP
-Slagpit has reason to be pissed at IMP
-If IMP hit you so many times, so do you, Rockman

The only thing I'm saying is SancT/Xtinct had plenty of opportunity to hit IMP before they were at war with CC. Instead of doing so before their war, when CC might've been mad, but really wouldn't have any recourse to go after you, you waited until CC and IMP were in a war, making it CC's business. The whining all seems to be about CC's involvement. You guys in SancT are the reason they're involved though.

Argue all you want that maybe IMP deserved your wrath and anger and perhaps you can argue that they don't deserve any respect as far as people staying out of their wars, but as far as I know CC hasn't done anything to you, and yet you're messing with THEIR war, too.

Junky Game profile


Mar 13th 2011, 3:52:01

which is why we are killing them now... they screwed with our war, had it been someone else we'd probly be like TKO, just building up our countries, looking for a clan to have a friendly war with.. not sure about tko looking for friendly wars, but that'd be what we'd be doing if we weren't warring already.
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.



Mar 13th 2011, 3:53:28

Twain and anyone else curious - just a quick point:

IMP hit rockman maybe 3-4 times in a days time or so because his countries were landfat and he had low defense.

There is a news bug on Boxcar and he misread the news, thinking that some IMP country dropped land to hit him. He retalled 2:1 and had a hissyfit when IMP told him they were hitting him for overretalling. Then when he figured out he was in the wrong and there actually is a news bug he took his ball and went home (dropped land on all of his countries). This was all around the time he was on some mission to make people on FFAT believe that landgrabbing is evil or something. Right up Sanct's ally if you ask me.

Just FYI =)

Edited By: EViL on Mar 13th 2011, 3:55:30
See Original Post

Kill4Free Game profile


Mar 13th 2011, 4:10:36

I skipped a bunch of posts here.

Few things Id like to mention.

Sanct pretty much destroyed a 1 man tag for no reason last set. And you critise IMP for something something similar?

Second, is Sanct threw in the tower, refused to war under non fair terms. A good war clan will war reguardless, sure you might lose, but giving up after a few hours is a joke.

Also what goes around comes around, and sanct jumped someone who was in a war, which means they were willing to gangbang, so you have no leg to stand on whining about the result.
So many ways to die, only one way to live...

Raf Game profile


Mar 13th 2011, 4:18:39


1a has 807 active players. Untag are farmed to death and smaller alliance have problems keeping up.

FFA has 3530 countires assuming everyone runs that is 220. If use 12 for an average that is 294. One man tags get abused and smaller guys also get picked on.

I wouldn't call that population healthy for either server. But to say your server doesn't have issues is being ignorant. Some of the 1a issues are masked by the volume of countries one player can have.

You can say what you want about Sanct this set. But to say this server did anything but want them to go away last set would be a lie. They were netting and got blindsided for no real reason other than war alliances were bored. That was a sure to drive them from server. If SanctFFA started tagged that way it would have been hit OOP or

That wouldn't happen in 1a. Case and point is WoF. First set in being a small alliance by 1a standards hasn't been touched and got naped by most of server. 1a alliances didn't jump all over them cause they would be easy targets.

To say your environment is conducive to getting new players would be crazy. You have same land issues as 1a but it is masked by the fact the majority of server is full of war alliances that keep their land on purpose and self farming. Both servers have their issues and getting new members is pretty bad for both.


Kill4Free Game profile


Mar 13th 2011, 4:30:55


The reason they got "Blindsided" Was cause they pretty much destroyed a 1 man tag for no reason.

You say that FFA farms and kills 1 man tags on a whim, this is usually not the case. If SAS got hit by someone for no reason, Im sure have of the server would volunteer to kill the offender.

Yes WoF was received well in Alliance, also had a great FA team doing everything they could to make things go smoothly. Sanct took several days of saying Jam should die and why should anyone else care, before they did anything about it.
So many ways to die, only one way to live...

Rockman Game profile


Mar 13th 2011, 4:55:04

Originally posted by EViL:
Twain and anyone else curious - just a quick point:

IMP hit rockman maybe 3-4 times in a days time or so because his countries were landfat and he had low defense.

There is a news bug on Boxcar and he misread the news, thinking that some IMP country dropped land to hit him. He retalled 2:1 and had a hissyfit when IMP told him they were hitting him for overretalling. Then when he figured out he was in the wrong and there actually is a news bug he took his ball and went home (dropped land on all of his countries). This was all around the time he was on some mission to make people on FFAT believe that landgrabbing is evil or something. Right up Sanct's ally if you ask me.

Just FYI =)

IMP hit me 3 times in less than 3 hours, and from the messages I received, it was clear that those 3 hits were far from all I was going to receive.

My countries did not have low defense, but they were landfat in that they did not artificially stop their growth and explored at a normal rate.

I don't even have a FFA boxcar account and never made a claim about a news bug or dropping land.

I dropped land after I was told I was being attacked for what I had done in primary.

My question on FFAT was why countries that intentionally stay small are entitled to 1:1 retals. I did not say that landgrabbing was evil, I was asking why intentionally staying small is any different from landdropping or GSing yourself into DR.

Keep telling yourself lies to make yourself believe you aren't a bully. You're the ones who decided to farm me because I got one of your members deleted on another server for cheating.

Raf Game profile


Mar 13th 2011, 4:58:05

Kill4Free Look up one man tags this set. They are killed and farmed for no reason. To say Sanct got hit cause of that is BS. They got hit cause they were easy target that wasn't war prepped.

I know of two one man tags that were run by 1Aers that were killed cause IMP was bored or they retaled. As a server you don't treat them any differently than 1a treats untags.

WoF did a good job and i am not taking anything away from them. But 1a alliances gave them pacts in part cause they are new to the server. No 1A alliance was going to hit them over how they treat untags.

If a 1a alliance declared on WoF the cause they are farming untags(basiclly a one man tag in ffa) you would flip out.



Mar 13th 2011, 5:16:44

Originally posted by Rockman:

I ... never made a claim about a news bug or dropping land.

I dropped land after I was told I was being attacked for what I had done in primary.

My question on FFAT was why countries that intentionally stay small are entitled to 1:1 retals. I did not say that landgrabbing was evil, I was asking why intentionally staying small is any different from landdropping or GSing yourself into DR.

Keep telling yourself lies to make yourself believe you aren't a bully. You're the ones who decided to farm me because I got one of your members deleted on another server for cheating.

Sorry bud. You're the liar here and I'm calling you on it. I'll be bumping your thread shortly.

Kill4Free Game profile


Mar 13th 2011, 5:21:20

If a member in WoF was repeatedly farming untags I would flip out, agreed :P

The issue with Sanct is that it was a very verbal 1 man tag that got hit, so EVERYONE knew about it.

Ill admit IMP screwed up a couple times, Prime said so himself. But they didn't do anything to the level of what Sanct did for less of a reason.

All that aside, in FFA if you hit a clan in friendly war, you should EXPECT both clans to hit you. Even if you hit a clan in a fairly even war, you should expect both clans to hit you.

The thing it comes down to is honor. If you are fighting someone 1v1, winning or losing, and someone jumps your opponent, you have 3 options.

1) Keep killing him
2) CF
3) Kill the jumper

Now, option 1, you are just a tool, and your win means nothing at all, no honorable clan would do that, which is most of us.

Option two, CF all round. If you did that, people can just say you were saved from losing by the jumper, AND your war is ruined. Pretty bad both ways.

Option three, you get to have something to kill, no one can comment that you won/lost/were saved by jumping clan, and you make a pretty damn big statement that you don't appreciate having your wars ruined.

Now what would ANY of you do if you were put into CC's situation.
So many ways to die, only one way to live...

Raf Game profile


Mar 13th 2011, 6:00:02

Bah you know what i meant!

Kill4free I agree jumping in midwar is a fluff move. I figured CC or police would hit us. Sanct hit was more a suicide than a war. We aren't playing on the server in the future and just wanted to say FU to IMP is what it comes down to it.

But Sanct would probably still be giving this server a try if they weren't hit for no reason their first reset. If it wasn't universally viewed as a great thing. Again that is based on the impression of post about it on FFAT. And in the long term your server is worse off not having those extra 10 players (well maybe not Thomas you guys seem not really not like Thomas lol).

I was tagged Sanctffa with 8 of my countries. The only 8 out of protection early this set. I was hit by imp several times for land i retaled not anything beyond 1:1 and the country was killed. WTFisFFA was killed for retaling hits. there is another tag i can't remember that got killed for nothing.

If messing with one man tags was such a serious issue it wouldn't be happening all set without anything happening. Or is it only an issue when "outsiders" do it??

Sanct got hit cause it was new and clearly not war prepped not because of one-man tags.

Thomas Game profile


Mar 13th 2011, 6:06:10

That's the bottom line. It's only okay if you've been around here long enough. This place is like a union. As much as they're douchebags to each other, they all stick up for one another when there is a new tag on the server.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Mar 13th 2011, 21:00:41

Originally posted by EViL:
I suppose my point is if this server is being ruined and having growth troubles then the one that you call home would be ruined and having growth troubles + some.

Excuse us "classic" FFAers for not taking proprietary advice from you folks.

I guess that wasn't clear.

I don't have a "home server". The people who built the game, built the forums, and provide bandwidth so you can play for free are not your enemies. The sooner you realize that there is no competition between 1a and ffa, the better off you will be.

aponic Game profile


Mar 13th 2011, 23:00:17

Originally posted by Popcom:
both sides should team up and tag kill them, then go back to fighting each other imo

disclaimer: they might alreayd be doing that, i unno, didn't read the thread, TL:DR

I certainly hope IMP is expecting that because it is our intention

aponic Game profile


Mar 13th 2011, 23:02:56

Originally posted by Thomas:
Have you seen how many hits it takes them to kill our guys?


All one after another. Lol it's pathetic.

To be fair, CC has a total of about 10 hits on those kills because we are running our own kills on you. Maybe you could post things mocking IMP on an IMP thread rather than this one?

aponic Game profile


Mar 13th 2011, 23:13:22

Originally posted by Slagpit:
Originally posted by synoder:
thats a pretty pessimistic line of thinking and also assumes that by taking the high ground you are making yourself vulnerable which is not the case. In my experience people who take the "low ground" do not have the skill or intellect to keep up with honorable people and in the long run always lose.

But it's a war game. Alliances are awarded for being strong, not for taking the high ground. Why should honor come into play when most people just want to kill countries? They don't care who or why.

If you can give me an example of a tag taking the high ground and coming out the better for it, great, do it. The most recent example I can think of when a tag took the high ground and lost out was when TKO didn't do anything after my country was killed. Other small tags decided to start doing stupid crap to TKO because they thought TKO wouldn't defend its tag.

NBK refuses to FS alliance smaller than them. After having problems with them exercising their 'we kill a suiciders entire string regardless of the tag the suiciders other countries are in' policy they knew we were coming for them (SOF). We merged with DOOM and NBK took the FS on us seeing that they would be up against a completely prepared alliance with even numbers. They gave us a straight up war and we emerged from hating each other to a position of respect.

I certainly do not think the alliance on high-ground always ends up benefiting from their moral behavior, but it does seem to work out here if you understand the server etiquette. Like many people said here, CC only declared on Sanct because they ruined our chance for victory. Friendly war or not, we put a lot of effort into winning. If Sanct had hit IMP before our war we would not have given a fluff. Also, we pacted Sanct this set because we wanted them to come back on the server. New alliances benefit everyone.