
Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 21st 2014, 15:23:51

Hey Celphi, I tried a Rep casher to Dictator conversion a while back. use the republic to explore, build lots of CS and use the cash for bushels, put all the bushels on the market and convert, sell the bushels at a profit, then start grabbing.

221 12 Atom Heart Mother (#118) 18,034 $18,613,897 IG

mrford Game profile


Jul 21st 2014, 15:41:37

Originally posted by Cerberus:
Ford, you're a fluff, you do nothing but rip on other people. I have never seen you do anything of note, other than run your mouth.

In fact, that's about the only thing you can do, I suspect, run your mouth.

I picture a guy in his PJ's who is disillusioned with his pathetic life sitting in his family room, on his comoputer just looking for somebody who he can rip on, just so he can feel better about the fluffty life he's built for himself.

Why don't you try to offer something positive once in a while? Oh, that's right, that would illustrate how bad your life actually is, my bad.

All you can do is run around and accuse people of wearing tin-foil hats, which joke had run it's course years ago, by the way.

You are rapidly becoming my favorite fanboy. Atleast you got that going for you, lol.

I help people that want, or ask for help. I troll and attack those that I feel do stupid fluff. Don't like it? Ignore me. But no, you hop in a thread that has nothing to do with you, with a post that has nothing to do with the thread! Lol. Classic entertainment value though.

I have no loyalties here on solo servers. It isn't my job to teach hard headed nubs. That is what alliance servers are for. Why don't you go ask SoF members or TKO members how much I help. The last days of the war last week i was helping a half dozen people with their land grab calcs and target selection and handing out O alliances. THis week im helping my entire division, the best division in SOF i might add, convert from war countries to netting countries to try to finish the set strong. THAT is where i help. my clan members. people I have loyalties and responsibilities to. People that have earmed my respect and help. That is an environment for helping and learning. Not the express server forums.

Every time I see a serious question though, I answer it. I just answer it in a way you don't like. Deal with it.

Edited By: mrford on Jul 21st 2014, 15:46:40
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Kingme Game profile


Jul 21st 2014, 16:30:56

Originally posted by Celphi:

Thanks for the feedback. I do want to make top 10, but as a dictator. To me, it wouldn't seem that gratifying to make top 10 as a R/D/H. I'm certainly not taking away that achievement. It's just my goal. I know primary is vastly different from express, but I noticed a player name Oldman made #1 as a dictator farmer. Any ideas how he did it?

I will take your advice on focusing on developing a smaller amount of land. I get the consensus that my tech levels are way too low (and should be maximized) before expanding my land. I will focus on that. Thanks again.

Oldman is one of the best solo players around. I'm sure everything he did was optimized based on his vast experience. I've personally never tried to run a Dict on express but i'd assume you'd have to do a very heavy CS start. From there you'd have to come out of the gates quickly to gain land and catch up.

Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 21st 2014, 16:36:14

The Dictator casher just can't generate enough cash in Express compared with a rep casher, even with a great start and lots of luck on the market

mrford Game profile


Jul 21st 2014, 16:43:14

dict isnt a good netter on any server. sure, some super player can calc out some fluff and make a t-10, but i gurantee you that player could finish higher with a true netting strat. it is admirable trying to net with a non netting strat, like Slagpit getting all those massive commies on the alliance server (on longer servers commie fizzles out halfway through the set) but once again, he could of done better with an easier strat. people can play this game however they want, but dont complain when a non-netting strat isnt as good at netting as a netting strat.

dict has no real netting bonus, other than in grabbing. in fact, its bonuses hurt netting, like the BPT penalty. One look at the bonuses and you should be able to tell it isnt a netting strat. It's strengths are all geared towards spying and attacking, not the cash button.

dict works best in war where it has tyranies to back it up. it is a really good breaker (hits the target first to lower the break for other htters) and it makes an OK spy country. i say OK because in war you want to hit efficiently, and with the readiness loss with a dict when compared to a tyr, you can hit and spy/grow far more efficiently as a tyr. Dict is good for its strengths, not its efficiency. Tyranny will always be the best all around war strat.

in netting, a dicts only hope is efficient grabbing, market luck, and retal luck. you are taking a lot of the variables that effect your NW and placing them in other peoples hands. you spend more turns building than any other strat, and you have 0 true economic bonuses.

Edited By: mrford on Jul 21st 2014, 16:48:50
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Kingme Game profile


Jul 21st 2014, 16:56:07

Couldn't agree more ^


If you want a "different" strategy, why not try Theo Casher. Or if you're bent on a war-like government you could try Tyranny Techer.

But to mirror what mrford said, you're just making things more difficult for your quest for a top 10.

Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 21st 2014, 17:00:21

I love playing a Dictator, the extra power is amazing. With that country Atom Heart Mother it took a lot of turns to get the point where I could start grabbing, but once I did it was really efficient to run all five brigades and attack all Friday night every 20 minutes.

mrford Game profile


Jul 21st 2014, 17:13:00

do you grab and drop unbuilt acres? in your mind is the +25% attacking strength and +33% ghost acres really worth the 30% lower BPT and extra turns that it takes to build your plunders up?

i ask this because the extra use of turns is far more apparent on slower paced servers. you dont care about an extra dozen turns here or there on a server where you can have 360+ turns onhand for a batch.

regardless. dict isnt optimal, i think evryone can agree on that. there is a reason they arnt domnating the t10

Edited By: mrford on Jul 21st 2014, 17:35:51
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 21st 2014, 21:32:31

When I started grabbing I had something well over 300 CS and I built on the land. I did try to hit cashers as much as possible.

Untagged Hunter


Jul 22nd 2014, 1:11:14

I bet Ford can out net both syko and ceberus

UpTheIrons Game profile


Jul 22nd 2014, 1:53:06

I love playing dictator, but I'm experimenting with others govt's now. I was able to get top ten as a casher with both Rep and Theo, but I don't think I could do much better just yet. I liked Commie, but the 10% killed me. Democracy is fun too, even when I launched missiles. I think I'll run that again.