
FUXX0R3D Game profile


Aug 31st 2014, 18:37:58

What's the matter poopykins, did you lose your little game? Don't worry sweetcakes. Mummy will bake you some hot fudge bushels.

Iron Mike Tyson


Aug 31st 2014, 20:25:37

Cable, building an efficient country isn't how you show you're a good player. It is just the first prerequisite. Learning how to keep it is next. Good luck with step two. It would help if you whined less. Everyone is going to keep using my strategy - fluff you til you love me - as long as you keep being hilarious in your but hurt about it.

MountainYeti Game profile


Aug 31st 2014, 21:50:42

Craterus you're pretty dumb if you still haven't realized that spy op you have at 1511 turn was after his 2nd hit. I got 1 at same turns where he has 190k production

Cable Game profile


Aug 31st 2014, 23:30:14

Originally posted by Iron Mike Tyson:
Cable, building an efficient country isn't how you show you're a good player. It is just the first prerequisite. Learning how to keep it is next. Good luck with step two. It would help if you whined less. Everyone is going to keep using my strategy - fluff you til you love me - as long as you keep being hilarious in your but hurt about it.

Defending from DR abuse is near impossible if the player isnt dumb, nor is defending your land from jetters. We've been here before and myself as well as others warred people week in and week out till players smartend up. A few players stuck it out and now its time to do it again. I swldom ever play to win, but time to time it goes well.

I'll be back next week but I wont be playing to win I'll be playing to adjust others play styles.

Thirdly you complain when a guy suicides you then don't tell me not to post about others doing it to me.

Iron Mike Tyson


Sep 1st 2014, 4:07:15

Originally posted by Cable:
Originally posted by Iron Mike Tyson:
Cable, building an efficient country isn't how you show you're a good player. It is just the first prerequisite. Learning how to keep it is next. Good luck with step two. It would help if you whined less. Everyone is going to keep using my strategy - fluff you til you love me - as long as you keep being hilarious in your but hurt about it.

Defending from DR abuse is near impossible if the player isnt dumb, nor is defending your land from jetters. We've been here before and myself as well as others warred people week in and week out till players smartend up. A few players stuck it out and now its time to do it again. I swldom ever play to win, but time to time it goes well.

I'll be back next week but I wont be playing to win I'll be playing to adjust others play styles.

Thirdly you complain when a guy suicides you then don't tell me not to post about others doing it to me.

Let me see if I have got this straight... A guy who actually suicides (that is, self deletes) is the same as someone who doesn't, a land grab is the same as 100+ attacks and spy ops, and me saying "y'all are right, I should have joined gdi, I wish he hadn't deleted so I could hit him back" is the same as you saying "1 landgrab ruined my sure thing win?" Seems legit.

"Playing to adjust others [sic] play styles" how has that worked out for you? Seems the vast majority just want you to shut your pie hole.

Don't worry, I will be back in two weeks, you will know who I am, you can "adjust my playing style" then.

Sure seems like your super l33t country with the mad stocks should've beaten me though. Or even my first try two weeks ago when I missed about 300 turns.

Craterus Game profile


Sep 1st 2014, 4:34:07

Originally posted by MountainYeti:
Craterus you're pretty dumb if you still haven't realized that spy op you have at 1511 turn was after his 2nd hit. I got 1 at same turns where he has 190k production

Not when it was me who made the second hit... It's pretty well established I'm Cypselos, though apparently i won't admit it since saying openly I was Mr Ed is the obvious plan if i changed it because I'm apparrently so hated by Cable and Blid ( sorry, that should say on this server)

Edited By: Craterus on Sep 1st 2014, 4:37:22
See Original Post

Craterus Game profile


Sep 1st 2014, 4:48:21

Originally posted by Cable:
I swldom ever play to win

Tell hyourself what ever you need to chap

Originally posted by Cable:
I'll be playing to adjust others play styles. .

My playing style is generally All X + Retal Rep Casher unless so dipfluff screws me over. That really needs adjusting.

HosstheBoss Game profile

New Member

Sep 5th 2014, 20:16:40
