
Turtle Crawler Game profile


May 22nd 2023, 16:58:58

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Lol. Don't get yourselves all worked up. There's people on both sides of this war that needed a fuller explanation and I can personally attest. I brought this up, and expected all to see it their way. Don't get extra mad at each other for my ignorance.

Do you understand the tea better, TC, or are you still certain this is over nothing. I'm kinda not. I think the previous 5 or so posts satisfy the parameters of war for a reason for some....and some being just allies....and some being long time haters.

It seems like a bunch of gradeschoolers who simply don't know how to act right. I haven't seen any actual reason that might pass muster for a war. Pretty certain now that there is no justification.

Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

May 22nd 2023, 18:15:11

Let’s also not forget this war is also partially a civil war.

The majority of the people leading the charge are former LAF players.

We’re all “garbage” in your eyes but at least we can cross the finish line.

We’ll also be checking the open profiles for each tag at the end of the set.
Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander

mdevol Game profile


May 22nd 2023, 18:36:59

Gradeschoolers seems a bit odd given it's your side that too summer vacation early...
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

May 22nd 2023, 19:04:10

Originally posted by Requiem:

P.S. Still time to surrender to coalies terms before then!


Anyhow.... In case most folks have no idea. The terms to surrender are wearing women's loafers. The exact pair Coalie has.

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

May 22nd 2023, 20:50:50

Originally posted by Turtle Crawler:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Lol. Don't get yourselves all worked up. There's people on both sides of this war that needed a fuller explanation and I can personally attest. I brought this up, and expected all to see it their way. Don't get extra mad at each other for my ignorance.

Do you understand the tea better, TC, or are you still certain this is over nothing. I'm kinda not. I think the previous 5 or so posts satisfy the parameters of war for a reason for some....and some being just allies....and some being long time haters.

It seems like a bunch of gradeschoolers who simply don't know how to act right. I haven't seen any actual reason that might pass muster for a war. Pretty certain now that there is no justification.

It's worth talking about, then, that one of the proxies within this war is that LaF FSed EVO. People have differing opinions of the why is seems, but the reality we can all agree on is that LaF FSed EVO.

Following your logic of their being no actual reason and no actual justification for war at all, are you not calling your own tag gradeschoolers for initiating that proxy?

Turtle Crawler Game profile


May 22nd 2023, 22:11:05

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Originally posted by Turtle Crawler:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Lol. Don't get yourselves all worked up. There's people on both sides of this war that needed a fuller explanation and I can personally attest. I brought this up, and expected all to see it their way. Don't get extra mad at each other for my ignorance.

Do you understand the tea better, TC, or are you still certain this is over nothing. I'm kinda not. I think the previous 5 or so posts satisfy the parameters of war for a reason for some....and some being just allies....and some being long time haters.

It seems like a bunch of gradeschoolers who simply don't know how to act right. I haven't seen any actual reason that might pass muster for a war. Pretty certain now that there is no justification.

It's worth talking about, then, that one of the proxies within this war is that LaF FSed EVO. People have differing opinions of the why is seems, but the reality we can all agree on is that LaF FSed EVO.

Following your logic of their being no actual reason and no actual justification for war at all, are you not calling your own tag gradeschoolers for initiating that proxy?

Oh I was referring for the reasons to hit LaF. LaF FSing Evo isn't the cause of war, as the war started before that. And LaF had every reason to hit Evo because it was aiding up countries to kill LaF, and had done so successfully at least once. That's a legitimate justification, even to the extent that one should say that Evo initiated the conflict, not LaF.

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

May 22nd 2023, 22:17:53

Hold on. Some of the same people are in this thread upset that a clan got FS'd....are the same players who previously said this is a war game and there is a button.

I never understood this back and forth statement. Because one minute it is ok for that person depending on who FS'd who and the next minute it is not depending on their mood.

iMag had to deal with this b.s. analogy on the forums for years....even though we all know....iMag uses 0 excuses for why they FS someone and they did it for years..... Like a decade.
Honestly, iMag didn't give 2 craps about who cared.... It just gave them permission to add someone to the dartboard.
(Inserted space for Requiem.)
Now I am not saying that I would want to spend my time warring now.... Because I am too old.... and adulting sucks at my age..... But seriously. I know you all know what I am talking about here.

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

May 22nd 2023, 22:18:43

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Requiem:

P.S. Still time to surrender to coalies terms before then!


Anyhow.... In case most folks have no idea. The terms to surrender are wearing women's loafers. The exact pair Coalie has.

Crossdress or war, got it :-)
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

May 22nd 2023, 22:35:51

Let me add to my post in a new post.
I suggested to BH that he hit PDM. He told me he wanted to hit EVO. I told him do not do that. Only because I was once an EVO player. I didn't tell him my reason why, I just think Evo is cool. He said he was going to hit them anyways.

Moral of my story is this: Everyone got upset that Tmac got hit. No one was upset that Doug got hit (lol). No one ever got upset that En4cer was suicided on for sets. And in the history of earth and ee..... Many players get hit. It is a risk and gamble in the game. And many people have told other players they should hit so and so... You see where I am going here?

It is just like someone in Mercs/Elders (use this term because they are the same per them) recently telling Doug that I was going to have iMag FS PDM....which is true... Because they need practice. I even told Doug I was coming for him lol But that is neither here or there. My point is .... Someone was trying to rile up the action.

In other news.... Claiming to another player saying you asked a higher up to check if I have a country still on alliance is risky business. Because you are accusing a game mod of giving you info....

I won't name the player that did this. Edit: I had to rearead.... They told Doug that I wanted him to worry and that Link wanted PDM to FS iMag lol

Edited By: galleri on May 22nd 2023, 22:50:32

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Real Man


May 22nd 2023, 23:06:53

Originally posted by Tertius:
Originally posted by Gerdler:

It was Tmac(who some consider the leader of Evo), Cathoweverhespellshisname, Duff and g0nz0 that FAed.

< Removed content. Do not post for banned forum users - Primeval >

Ho Lee Fuk…. Dangerously Based.

Edited By: Primeval on May 23rd 2023, 4:21:07. Reason: Quote from banned acct removed



May 22nd 2023, 23:12:42

Galleri nobody gives a sh*t about Doug and his sh*tty spam tag.

People cared about tmac because we all know the real reason Gerdler hit Evo is because tmac set the NW record and was gonna do it again.

Gerdler is just plain jealous of tmac. Tmac beats him on every server (and it’s not even close) from a mobile phone at the club and/or while slamming groupies.

Gerdler by contrast, allegedly sits in his soiled undies in a dimly lit room with a diet pepsi, cold chicken tendies , and 40 GB of spreadsheets.
SOF Head Of Poop
2019-04-03 21:40:26 PS the stinky deyicks (#599) Beryl Houston (#360) LaF 30638A (43783A)
En4cer: Chevs... u would have beaten me by more than 100m

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

May 22nd 2023, 23:27:15

Originally posted by Chevs:
Galleri nobody gives a sh*t about Doug and his sh*tty spam tag.

People cared about tmac because we all know the real reason Gerdler hit Evo is because tmac set the NW record and was gonna do it again.

Gerdler is just plain jealous of tmac. Tmac beats him on every server (and it’s not even close) from a mobile phone at the club and/or while slamming groupies.

Gerdler by contrast, allegedly sits in his soiled undies in a dimly lit room with a diet pepsi, cold chicken tendies , and 40 GB of spreadsheets.

At least someone read my 10 page TLDR

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Link Game profile


May 22nd 2023, 23:41:59

i returned last set to hang out with my homies and Laf FSed us.. we got rekt and still fought all set.

now look at this set.

I Am a meat popsicle.


SuperFly Game profile


May 23rd 2023, 0:30:39

Originally posted by Turtle Crawler:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Originally posted by Turtle Crawler:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Lol. Don't get yourselves all worked up. There's people on both sides of this war that needed a fuller explanation and I can personally attest. I brought this up, and expected all to see it their way. Don't get extra mad at each other for my ignorance.

Do you understand the tea better, TC, or are you still certain this is over nothing. I'm kinda not. I think the previous 5 or so posts satisfy the parameters of war for a reason for some....and some being just allies....and some being long time haters.

It seems like a bunch of gradeschoolers who simply don't know how to act right. I haven't seen any actual reason that might pass muster for a war. Pretty certain now that there is no justification.

It's worth talking about, then, that one of the proxies within this war is that LaF FSed EVO. People have differing opinions of the why is seems, but the reality we can all agree on is that LaF FSed EVO.

Following your logic of their being no actual reason and no actual justification for war at all, are you not calling your own tag gradeschoolers for initiating that proxy?

Oh I was referring for the reasons to hit LaF. LaF FSing Evo isn't the cause of war, as the war started before that. And LaF had every reason to hit Evo because it was aiding up countries to kill LaF, and had done so successfully at least once. That's a legitimate justification, even to the extent that one should say that Evo initiated the conflict, not LaF.

Reasons to hit LaF are outlined in the war dec and posted through out the entire thread by various players.

Coles notes basically is cuz LaF are mean spirited jerks in game and in the forums. They have pushed, bullied and got their way for way too long and the war tags were sick of it.

Same things jerk things that laf pulled last set with insults between tag leaders, bully Evo, overall being rude jerks on the forums etc..

After reading that thread and all the others relating to the war from the last 3 months let us know if you have your answer now.

SuperFly Game profile


May 23rd 2023, 0:42:17

Also I’d like to quote the 2nd post from the war Dec written by KoH

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
This should be interesting, last time LaF got blindsided by SoF was interesting for a few days then it turned into bloodshed that lead to SoF demise, it was a valiant effort but very fruitless, the outcome was the complete opposite of what was visioned by the all mighty war machine.

Hopefully y'all will not disappoint this time around, good luck to both sides!

KoH, have you been entertained and fully satisfied with the war performance?

Doug Game profile


May 23rd 2023, 0:56:29

Edited By: Doug on May 23rd 2023, 1:23:51
See Original Post

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

May 23rd 2023, 6:28:19

Originally posted by galleri:
Let me add to my post in a new post.
I suggested to BH that he hit PDM. He told me he wanted to hit EVO. I told him do not do that. Only because I was once an EVO player. I didn't tell him my reason why, I just think Evo is cool. He said he was going to hit them anyways.

Moral of my story is this: Everyone got upset that Tmac got hit. No one was upset that Doug got hit (lol). No one ever got upset that En4cer was suicided on for sets. And in the history of earth and ee..... Many players get hit. It is a risk and gamble in the game. And many people have told other players they should hit so and so... You see where I am going here?

It is just like someone in Mercs/Elders (use this term because they are the same per them) recently telling Doug that I was going to have iMag FS PDM....which is true... Because they need practice. I even told Doug I was coming for him lol But that is neither here or there. My point is .... Someone was trying to rile up the action.

In other news.... Claiming to another player saying you asked a higher up to check if I have a country still on alliance is risky business. Because you are accusing a game mod of giving you info....

I won't name the player that did this. Edit: I had to rearead.... They told Doug that I wanted him to worry and that Link wanted PDM to FS iMag lol

Doug is a homie and PDM members are stellar. While I agree that everyone can use a Lil war, people mostly get upsetty spaghetti about it and can't just take an L without carrying fluff on for sets. IMO, it's a problem with this community as a whole and not the individual clan type infractions.

Reality is, lots of folks don't like LaF. At this point, it's most of the players to a near majority. Some for history and some for current events but by and large there's a discontent we can agree upon.

I think it would behoove LaF to start realizing it's not elementary education vs elite math nerds who don't restart. Im one of very few elite math nerds left with dubs on multiple servers and i run a barely active country for the good guys. 60-70% of the people fighting LaF are, as noted, former LaF, or have stock in EVO, or are etc bodies, like myself (2025 is soon!!!1).

If LaF was willing to negotiate half the people fighting out of this war instead of calling them idiots, they would have already won, but they just can't take the fact that people like me would choose to leave this war and would desire not to be culpable for it in my future netting.

Until you guys lay off, people like me can't either. It would literally take you guys taking the L against EVO and piecing that off. Taking the L against SOL and piecing that off, and over time the tag would survive and become dominant again. But it seems it'd take some pandering and y'all just seem to have too much ego for that.

I want y'all to know to the casual tho, that what you've done as clan leaders altogether is incredibly boring. There's over 100 people in this war and while I actually do care about your BS, most don't. They're here to run turns for the coolest dudes in the game. And the side that's being chillest will win. Just be fluffin fonzie for 2 months you absolute ignoramus fluffs. Sheesh. Have a voice of reason and maybe, just maybe, it will have an impact.

It can't be that everyone else is stupid and you're so smart. It can't. You're literally better than that as a tag and you've fluffed with enough clans to know when taking an L is the right move. Maybe you've never had to do it, but I've done it against you several times to save players here quitting. Just do better politics. You aren't the dominant tag anymore. Sorry.

Edited By: DerrickICN on May 23rd 2023, 6:58:29
See Original Post

mrford Game profile


May 23rd 2023, 9:14:38

fluffin nerds
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

BlackHole Game profile


May 23rd 2023, 10:58:56

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Originally posted by galleri:
Let me add to my post in a new post.
I suggested to BH that he hit PDM. He told me he wanted to hit EVO. I told him do not do that. Only because I was once an EVO player. I didn't tell him my reason why, I just think Evo is cool. He said he was going to hit them anyways.

Moral of my story is this: Everyone got upset that Tmac got hit. No one was upset that Doug got hit (lol). No one ever got upset that En4cer was suicided on for sets. And in the history of earth and ee..... Many players get hit. It is a risk and gamble in the game. And many people have told other players they should hit so and so... You see where I am going here?

It is just like someone in Mercs/Elders (use this term because they are the same per them) recently telling Doug that I was going to have iMag FS PDM....which is true... Because they need practice. I even told Doug I was coming for him lol But that is neither here or there. My point is .... Someone was trying to rile up the action.

In other news.... Claiming to another player saying you asked a higher up to check if I have a country still on alliance is risky business. Because you are accusing a game mod of giving you info....

I won't name the player that did this. Edit: I had to rearead.... They told Doug that I wanted him to worry and that Link wanted PDM to FS iMag lol

Doug is a homie and PDM members are stellar. While I agree that everyone can use a Lil war, people mostly get upsetty spaghetti about it and can't just take an L without carrying fluff on for sets. IMO, it's a problem with this community as a whole and not the individual clan type infractions.

Reality is, lots of folks don't like LaF. At this point, it's most of the players to a near majority. Some for history and some for current events but by and large there's a discontent we can agree upon.

I think it would behoove LaF to start realizing it's not elementary education vs elite math nerds who don't restart. Im one of very few elite math nerds left with dubs on multiple servers and i run a barely active country for the good guys. 60-70% of the people fighting LaF are, as noted, former LaF, or have stock in EVO, or are etc bodies, like myself (2025 is soon!!!1).

If LaF was willing to negotiate half the people fighting out of this war instead of calling them idiots, they would have already won, but they just can't take the fact that people like me would choose to leave this war and would desire not to be culpable for it in my future netting.

Until you guys lay off, people like me can't either. It would literally take you guys taking the L against EVO and piecing that off. Taking the L against SOL and piecing that off, and over time the tag would survive and become dominant again. But it seems it'd take some pandering and y'all just seem to have too much ego for that.

I want y'all to know to the casual tho, that what you've done as clan leaders altogether is incredibly boring. There's over 100 people in this war and while I actually do care about your BS, most don't. They're here to run turns for the coolest dudes in the game. And the side that's being chillest will win. Just be fluffin fonzie for 2 months you absolute ignoramus fluffs. Sheesh. Have a voice of reason and maybe, just maybe, it will have an impact.

It can't be that everyone else is stupid and you're so smart. It can't. You're literally better than that as a tag and you've fluffed with enough clans to know when taking an L is the right move. Maybe you've never had to do it, but I've done it against you several times to save players here quitting. Just do better politics. You aren't the dominant tag anymore. Sorry.

I take issue with three things here, Derrick.

1. You are calling yourself the good guys, that's a matter of opinion.

2. You keep stating that the majority of players left in this server hate LaF. I think it's probably half the game hates LaF, half the game doesn't.

3. And this is the big one. You keep saying 'take the L and move on'. I'm not sure exactly what you envision happening, but I don't think that's how any of this is going to work. You see, the 'good guys' have promised to never let LaF net again. You think they will just stop? They won't have any targets then, because there is no one else left to fight.

As exhibit A, I present to you, my desire to get the 'good guys' to stop attacking my alliance on the team server. I 'took the L and tried to move on'. I went to them, asking for peace. I even brokered peace. And then a day before the server started, I was informed, 'nah, we gonna kill you 25v10 again'. Why? Because they didn't like me. And their dislike for me is far less than their dislike for Gerdler and LaF.

So this 'take the L and move on' is a misnomer. It's not going to happen. The 'good guys' (notice how I keep calling them that, while indicating how they aren't actually being good guys?) are not going to let LaF net. They just aren't. They've said it a million times. Why would anyone believe otherwise?

DruncK Game profile


May 23rd 2023, 12:41:46

BH you don't have a clue about why it was so easy to recruit people to kill laf. Generally wars happen, someone wins, whatever caused the war is worked out and we move on.

The cause of this war is laf's long term past, current past and present. Cheaters never prosper and being apart of this revenge served so damn cold is why the GOOD guys aren't going to let laf just walk away from this war.

Obviously I'm not trying to provide any answers, cuz fluff laf, so hard.

Murf Game profile


May 23rd 2023, 13:13:20

Lots of long winded posts

SuperFly Game profile


May 23rd 2023, 13:21:36

Black Hole the guy who quit the game but doesn’t leave.

As usual you forget to post crucial information.

You where told multiple times that if you wanted peace in teams you had to give us peace in alliance as we were not going to give you what you wanted in teams while still being an enemy in alliance and not giving us what we wanted in return.

You specially told us that you would not leave LaF hanging and that we could go and F ourselves. So you didn’t get your peace in teams and thus you single handedly destroyed your team in both servers.

Negations is give and take on both sides and you have always demanded things and never given anything in return ever. You are poor leader.

Look at how successful Milk has been on the other hand. Dude brokered peace with everyone in 48hrs. What a difference between you and him…

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

May 23rd 2023, 13:22:25

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Also I’d like to quote the 2nd post from the war Dec written by KoH

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
This should be interesting, last time LaF got blindsided by SoF was interesting for a few days then it turned into bloodshed that lead to SoF demise, it was a valiant effort but very fruitless, the outcome was the complete opposite of what was visioned by the all mighty war machine.

Hopefully y'all will not disappoint this time around, good luck to both sides!

KoH, have you been entertained and fully satisfied with the war performance?

I honestly don't care, i don't even watch the news on this server, I'll give you all props for keeping the forums alive... 10/10
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

May 23rd 2023, 16:47:46

That's exactly what I mean about piecing up the war BH. I don't think anyone in EVO has ever said LaF will never net again. I don't think I've ever said that either.

If one person or even 5 people say something on AT, it doesn't necessarily represent the feelings of all 60+ people hitting LaF.

LaF will not attempt to declare peace with 10 members of the war and then focus on 50. Declare peace with 10 more and then be fighting 40. They need to blame EVERYONE if even only 1 person hits them, and won't take any less than 0 people hitting them or we are all still accountable.

Because there exists 5-10 people who will likely hit LaF no matter what the actions of the other 50 are, LaF hasn't even attempted negotiations for peace with the majority because there's no point if 5 people still hit them. And they instead choose to spend their time calling people idiots and riling them up.

I find that logic extremely bizarre. If I were a leader in LaF rn, my goal would be to have LESS people hitting me by sets end and realize NONE is unrealistic, but keep working towards the goal of NONE.

When Solid Snake was a leader in LaF, and LaF was a dominant tag, he told me LaF would hunt me down and kill me wherever I played regardless of tag and that I'd never enjoy this game again (over 1 landgrab I might add that someone else i was tagged with made. They used to flex on small tags pretty hard). Yet here I am.

Edited By: DerrickICN on May 23rd 2023, 17:17:48
See Original Post

BlackHole Game profile


May 23rd 2023, 18:10:42

Originally posted by DruncK:
BH you don't have a clue about why it was so easy to recruit people to kill laf. Generally wars happen, someone wins, whatever caused the war is worked out and we move on.

The cause of this war is laf's long term past, current past and present. Cheaters never prosper and being apart of this revenge served so damn cold is why the GOOD guys aren't going to let laf just walk away from this war.

Obviously I'm not trying to provide any answers, cuz fluff laf, so hard.

So you're confirming what I just said? That you guys aren't going to just let LaF 'take the L and move on'.

Could you please tell Derrick that, I don't know if he believes me.

BlackHole Game profile


May 23rd 2023, 18:12:45

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Black Hole the guy who quit the game but doesn’t leave.

As usual you forget to post crucial information.

You where told multiple times that if you wanted peace in teams you had to give us peace in alliance as we were not going to give you what you wanted in teams while still being an enemy in alliance and not giving us what we wanted in return.

You specially told us that you would not leave LaF hanging and that we could go and F ourselves. So you didn’t get your peace in teams and thus you single handedly destroyed your team in both servers.

Negations is give and take on both sides and you have always demanded things and never given anything in return ever. You are poor leader.

Look at how successful Milk has been on the other hand. Dude brokered peace with everyone in 48hrs. What a difference between you and him…

Yes, Milk is far superior to me. I'm proud of him.

But I gave all the crucial information that was needed.

You, me, coalie, Symba, Req and Captain Control all got on your IRC. We yelled at screamed a lot. Some of you demanded peace on all servers if we wanted peace on alliance. I said no, that wasn't happening.

We kept negotiating, and then YOU ALL AGREED TO PEACE ON TEAMS.

You fvcking agreed to it. Without peace on alliance. You agreed.

And then without any other conversation between us, you canceled the agreement. So don't give me this bs about 'we told you you couldn't have peace on teams if you didn't have it on alliance'.

Yes, you started that way. But then you agreed to peace on teams and went back on your deal.

BlackHole Game profile


May 23rd 2023, 18:14:34

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
That's exactly what I mean about piecing up the war BH. I don't think anyone in EVO has ever said LaF will never net again. I don't think I've ever said that either.

If one person or even 5 people say something on AT, it doesn't necessarily represent the feelings of all 60+ people hitting LaF.

LaF will not attempt to declare peace with 10 members of the war and then focus on 50. Declare peace with 10 more and then be fighting 40. They need to blame EVERYONE if even only 1 person hits them, and won't take any less than 0 people hitting them or we are all still accountable.

Because there exists 5-10 people who will likely hit LaF no matter what the actions of the other 50 are, LaF hasn't even attempted negotiations for peace with the majority because there's no point if 5 people still hit them. And they instead choose to spend their time calling people idiots and riling them up.

I find that logic extremely bizarre. If I were a leader in LaF rn, my goal would be to have LESS people hitting me by sets end and realize NONE is unrealistic, but keep working towards the goal of NONE.

When Solid Snake was a leader in LaF, and LaF was a dominant tag, he told me LaF would hunt me down and kill me wherever I played regardless of tag and that I'd never enjoy this game again (over 1 landgrab I might add that someone else i was tagged with made. They used to flex on small tags pretty hard). Yet here I am.

To my knowledge, LaF has tried to piece it apart. I know I have personally attempted to declare peace with APOC, and I believe LaF has attempted to declare peace with them as well.

It was turned down. And they were the easiest piece to pull off first, imo.

major Game profile


May 23rd 2023, 18:27:16


DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

May 23rd 2023, 18:29:21

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:
That's exactly what I mean about piecing up the war BH. I don't think anyone in EVO has ever said LaF will never net again. I don't think I've ever said that either.

If one person or even 5 people say something on AT, it doesn't necessarily represent the feelings of all 60+ people hitting LaF.

LaF will not attempt to declare peace with 10 members of the war and then focus on 50. Declare peace with 10 more and then be fighting 40. They need to blame EVERYONE if even only 1 person hits them, and won't take any less than 0 people hitting them or we are all still accountable.

Because there exists 5-10 people who will likely hit LaF no matter what the actions of the other 50 are, LaF hasn't even attempted negotiations for peace with the majority because there's no point if 5 people still hit them. And they instead choose to spend their time calling people idiots and riling them up.

I find that logic extremely bizarre. If I were a leader in LaF rn, my goal would be to have LESS people hitting me by sets end and realize NONE is unrealistic, but keep working towards the goal of NONE.

When Solid Snake was a leader in LaF, and LaF was a dominant tag, he told me LaF would hunt me down and kill me wherever I played regardless of tag and that I'd never enjoy this game again (over 1 landgrab I might add that someone else i was tagged with made. They used to flex on small tags pretty hard). Yet here I am.

To my knowledge, LaF has tried to piece it apart. I know I have personally attempted to declare peace with APOC, and I believe LaF has attempted to declare peace with them as well.

It was turned down. And they were the easiest piece to pull off first, imo.

I would start with the netters and work my way to the dogs of war. And I'd make pretty big concessions if I thought it was the beginning of saving my tag/player base.

It's easy to forget there's also people on our side who would rather be netting.

Edited By: DerrickICN on May 23rd 2023, 18:32:43
See Original Post

BlackHole Game profile


May 23rd 2023, 18:43:39

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:
That's exactly what I mean about piecing up the war BH. I don't think anyone in EVO has ever said LaF will never net again. I don't think I've ever said that either.

If one person or even 5 people say something on AT, it doesn't necessarily represent the feelings of all 60+ people hitting LaF.

LaF will not attempt to declare peace with 10 members of the war and then focus on 50. Declare peace with 10 more and then be fighting 40. They need to blame EVERYONE if even only 1 person hits them, and won't take any less than 0 people hitting them or we are all still accountable.

Because there exists 5-10 people who will likely hit LaF no matter what the actions of the other 50 are, LaF hasn't even attempted negotiations for peace with the majority because there's no point if 5 people still hit them. And they instead choose to spend their time calling people idiots and riling them up.

I find that logic extremely bizarre. If I were a leader in LaF rn, my goal would be to have LESS people hitting me by sets end and realize NONE is unrealistic, but keep working towards the goal of NONE.

When Solid Snake was a leader in LaF, and LaF was a dominant tag, he told me LaF would hunt me down and kill me wherever I played regardless of tag and that I'd never enjoy this game again (over 1 landgrab I might add that someone else i was tagged with made. They used to flex on small tags pretty hard). Yet here I am.

To my knowledge, LaF has tried to piece it apart. I know I have personally attempted to declare peace with APOC, and I believe LaF has attempted to declare peace with them as well.

It was turned down. And they were the easiest piece to pull off first, imo.

I would start with the netters and work my way to the dogs of war. And I'd make pretty big concessions if I thought it was the beginning of saving my tag/player base.

It's easy to forget there's also people on our side who would rather be netting.

I'm really curious as to what kind of concessions can even be made? What do you want a picture of Gerdler in a tutu or something? It's like... hey guys, can we stop fighting? Yea, sure... ok cool. What do you want from them?

Honestly though, I think this game kind of cannibalizes itself. They want to net. Lots of people hate them, and claim they won't let them net. There isn't really much they can do. It's a numbers game ultimately. So they just.... move on.

And that's exactly what is happening. Many of them play the other game I alluded to earlier. Or just go onto other things in life.

So while the 'good guys' keep harping on and on about how they need to apologize, take the l and move on, give people concessions, ya'll are missing the forest for the trees.

Without enemies, you have nothing. But I'm not the first to have said this. Go read the forum over the last 10 years. It's a tale old as time. Someone comes on here and complains you'll not have a player base if you all keep this up. And they are right.

This game isn't dying because it's a text based game. It's dying because if you don't have a numbers advantage, and the other side wants to absolutely ruin the experience for you, they can. And there is next to nothing you can do about it.

So they just... quit.

The other game we play, the server I'm on has 300-400 active players online, AT A TIME. And about 1400 on the server currently. And it's a stupid text based game. But the game is setup in a way that it's much more difficult to just ruin the game for someone else so completely.

So Mercs/SoL/SoF can keep doing what they are doing, keep asking for concessions, keep posting in these threads. But to what end? What do you all get out of this? Maybe LaF dies? So now you've run Resistance out of the game and LaF. Ya'll gonna war with each other next?

What really should have happened is Mercs declares war on LaF. They beat them the first set. LaF/Resist/Stones come back and beat them the second set. Third set Mercs gets the upper hand again and wins.

And then they should have said 'good game guys'. Well done. Good try. Thanks for the fight.

That's something I've never seen on here. Maybe it's happened in the past. But the state of the game right now? I can't even imagine that happening.

So I guess next war can be between Mercs and.... ? I don't know. I guess you gotta fight each other again.

Or just hit the 8 LaF countries at the start of next set, and bang on your chests for 3 months about how awesome you are. That works too.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

May 23rd 2023, 18:54:53

I'll be honest, dude. I agree with you completely aside from needing enemies. War tags survive without them and generally arranged wars have more parity than blindsides. People just actually like the drama of grudge wars more.

A lot of "We won't take the L gracefully because YOU won't take the W gracefully" and vise versa going on here, imo.

Edited By: DerrickICN on May 23rd 2023, 19:12:22
See Original Post

BlackHole Game profile


May 23rd 2023, 19:38:35

Gotcha, that makes sense.

And yea, the war tags will survive. But the game gets less fun with less people. This game would be an absolute blast right now with 1000 active players. Could you imagine 20-30 alliances, with 20-30 members each? Some netting, some warring, complex political intrigue. But RESPECT amongst the player base? Oh man, this game could be amazing. Probably was at one point in time, makes me sad I missed it.

But when you've got basically just one side left. Yea, you survived. Congratulations, I guess. Isn't this game supposed to be fun though?

I guess that's the thesis of my entire existence here. From day 1, I've fought on the losing end of the numbers wars. 1v5. 3v10. 10v25.

Every time I recruited more, I got out recruited. And even if I managed to get to close to even numbers, our players were much newer. How is that fun for anyone? I guess it's fun if you win. And it was probably fun for the 'good guys' since I talked so much fluff. I'm sure it's fun to beat someone like me.

But aren't even wars way more fun? Why is there no desire to have that anywhere?

DruncK Game profile


May 23rd 2023, 19:39:08

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by DruncK:
BH you don't have a clue about why it was so easy to recruit people to kill laf. Generally wars happen, someone wins, whatever caused the war is worked out and we move on.

The cause of this war is laf's long term past, current past and present. Cheaters never prosper and being apart of this revenge served so damn cold is why the GOOD guys aren't going to let laf just walk away from this war.

Obviously I'm not trying to provide any answers, cuz fluff laf, so hard.

So you're confirming what I just said? That you guys aren't going to just let LaF 'take the L and move on'.

Could you please tell Derrick that, I don't know if he believes me.

Generally wars happen, someone wins, whatever caused the war is worked out and we move on.

Not at all BH, but laf does need to meet the winners demands. Those demands have been stated and are known by LaF leadership. They will never agree to those demands so the song remains the same.

To be completely honest I didn't put much thought or effort into this was until I saw it's also about retal policies. Now I am 100% invested because that's VERY important to me.

BlackHole Game profile


May 23rd 2023, 19:40:47

What are the demands? I'm genuinely curious? Outside of some sort of public statement (which is just lame AF, btw) what could you possibly be demanding? Do you want Gains to send you naked pictures of his mom or something? Like wtf demands can there be in a game that ends every 2 months?!?

DruncK Game profile


May 23rd 2023, 20:12:20

I'm not in a leadership position so I'm not at liberty to do any type of foreign affairs on the forums. Absolutely none of this back and forth name calling or assumptions should be allowed by either side.

BlackHole Game profile


May 23rd 2023, 20:48:42

I agree, I think the name calling is what takes it from fun to over the edge. And at the risk of sounding biased, a lot of it comes from the 'good guys' side.

Superfly and Coalie, specifically, REALLY like to get under people's skins and engage in a lot of name calling. Others have engaged in it too, but those two get it popping most of the time, and then it just escalates from there.

They will claim it's trash talking, or trolling, or whatever. And maybe it is. But look at the state of the game currently. We are here for a reason. If someone else can explain how we got here, and how to unwind it, I'd be interested to hear.

SuperFly Game profile


May 23rd 2023, 21:02:25

Originally posted by BlackHole:
I agree, I think the name calling is what takes it from fun to over the edge. And at the risk of sounding biased, a lot of it comes from the 'good guys' side.

Superfly and Coalie, specifically, REALLY like to get under people's skins and engage in a lot of name calling. Others have engaged in it too, but those two get it popping most of the time, and then it just escalates from there.

They will claim it's trash talking, or trolling, or whatever. And maybe it is. But look at the state of the game currently. We are here for a reason. If someone else can explain how we got here, and how to unwind it, I'd be interested to hear.

My name calling was calling you a purple cheater and that was me not letting go how many delations you had for rules violations.

Your name calling was always insults and swears.

Big difference between you and me bud… I stated facts which got you mad and you resorted to cussing me out..

Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

May 23rd 2023, 21:20:43

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Requiem:

P.S. Still time to surrender to coalies terms before then!


Anyhow.... In case most folks have no idea. The terms to surrender are wearing women's loafers. The exact pair Coalie has.

Ahaha lol that’s funny

I’ve never seen a woman wear Gucci Horsebit Joordans or Ferragamo Gancinis before though.
Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander

KSFRekuyukai Game profile


May 23rd 2023, 21:46:39

So hypothetically if i wanted to bring my old ass back in here and play could i or would i just be endlessly farmed for being a KSFer? Also i have stolen my wifes shoes to take out the garbage before Galleri so i dont think your terms will be an issue.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

May 23rd 2023, 23:15:20

Originally posted by BlackHole:
I agree, I think the name calling is what takes it from fun to over the edge. And at the risk of sounding biased, a lot of it comes from the 'good guys' side.

Superfly and Coalie, specifically, REALLY like to get under people's skins and engage in a lot of name calling. Others have engaged in it too, but those two get it popping most of the time, and then it just escalates from there.

They will claim it's trash talking, or trolling, or whatever. And maybe it is. But look at the state of the game currently. We are here for a reason. If someone else can explain how we got here, and how to unwind it, I'd be interested to hear.

That's incredibly biased when you consider in the last couple pages of these threads, TC has blatantly used entire posts just to sling mud and name call. SF and Coalie at least put some content in their posts along with calling people stupid. That guy was using his eloquence to literally no other effect than to call people uneducated...

Either way tho, it probably isn't important who is doing it more or less. If you're doing it at all, you're probably just part of the problem and not the solution.

I can explain how we got here, but it's 20+ years of BS, and the answer to unwinding it I think lies somewhere in people being nice to each other and attempting to be understanding rather than just defending your position and maintaining being righteously indignant to a fault.

Edited By: DerrickICN on May 23rd 2023, 23:20:27
See Original Post

BlackHole Game profile


May 24th 2023, 0:13:34

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
I agree, I think the name calling is what takes it from fun to over the edge. And at the risk of sounding biased, a lot of it comes from the 'good guys' side.

Superfly and Coalie, specifically, REALLY like to get under people's skins and engage in a lot of name calling. Others have engaged in it too, but those two get it popping most of the time, and then it just escalates from there.

They will claim it's trash talking, or trolling, or whatever. And maybe it is. But look at the state of the game currently. We are here for a reason. If someone else can explain how we got here, and how to unwind it, I'd be interested to hear.

That's incredibly biased when you consider in the last couple pages of these threads, TC has blatantly used entire posts just to sling mud and name call. SF and Coalie at least put some content in their posts along with calling people stupid. That guy was using his eloquence to literally no other effect than to call people uneducated...

Either way tho, it probably isn't important who is doing it more or less. If you're doing it at all, you're probably just part of the problem and not the solution.

I can explain how we got here, but it's 20+ years of BS, and the answer to unwinding it I think lies somewhere in people being nice to each other and attempting to be understanding rather than just defending your position and maintaining being righteously indignant to a fault.

That's fair. And I agree.

Also what I tried to start with my congrats and apology retirement post.

Which btw - Super, I know you don't believe it, but you will eventually. I'm not playing in any servers. Milk has taken the reigns to the remainder of The Resistance. You've all even acknowledged how much better he is doing than I am. So I think the evidence speaks for itself that I am not playing.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

May 24th 2023, 4:06:22

fluffing walls of txt up in this fluff, TL:DR
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

SuperFly Game profile


May 24th 2023, 4:31:25

Originally posted by BlackHole:

Which btw - Super, I know you don't believe it, but you will eventually. I'm not playing in any servers. Milk has taken the reigns to the remainder of The Resistance. You've all even acknowledged how much better he is doing than I am. So I think the evidence speaks for itself that I am not playing.

As you are not playing but still spend a lot of time reading and replying to the forum posts I would like to officially nominate you as a forum moderator to lighten Gallerie's work load.

If anyone seconds my motion please let us know.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

May 24th 2023, 5:08:36

Honestly the people who play the least seem to generally be the happiest people on the forums. I can attest haha.

Dark Demon Game profile

Game Moderator
EE Patron

May 24th 2023, 13:02:11

Pokes around.
Natural Born Killers

mdevol Game profile


May 24th 2023, 14:12:12

Will you guys PLEASE farm the bots to get in nw range for me to hit you.
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

SuperFly Game profile


May 24th 2023, 14:21:28

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Honestly the people who play the least seem to generally be the happiest people on the forums. I can attest haha.

More like those who play the least spend the most time on the boards reading and posting lol

Also what happened to TC? Is he still reading all of the threads or did he finally get his answers and now he is satisfied and retreated for the rest of the round?

Link Game profile


May 24th 2023, 16:41:25

how anyone could have fun playing this dumbass game via farmin bots and hugging trees is beyond me

I Am a meat popsicle.


DruncK Game profile


May 24th 2023, 16:50:22

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Honestly the people who play the least seem to generally be the happiest people on the forums. I can attest haha.

More like those who play the least spend the most time on the boards reading and posting lol

Also what happened to TC? Is he still reading all of the threads or did he finally get his answers and now he is satisfied and retreated for the rest of the round?

He took my advice I guess lol

Mr Gainsboro Game profile

EE Patron

May 24th 2023, 18:38:52

Originally posted by Tertius:
TC you are laughably wrong, as usual.

Evo had already agreed to FA mercs for killing the suiciders from the previous set. Several mercs folks reached out directly to Evo members and asked for the aid, and since LaF dropped our pact (because they just assume Evo somehow controls all of the war alliances, but of course they just wanted to rub it in Gerdler's face that he lost the top netting spots to tmac) there was no reason to change that plan because of an unexpectedly early war. Tmac shared that we had agreed to the FA (which isn't atypical because as a small netting tag we do rely on friends and diplomacy to help finish our kill runs of griefers) and so people could send it or not. 3 people sent like one package each, and admitted it on the forums because it wasn't meant to be some dirty secret. Though a number of people didn't send any, they were killed in the first wave - the only people who survived were LaF players who tagged over to Evo for that set (because we weren't trying to be involved in any wars, and we have friends on both sides).

And no one warned Evo or even asked for it to stop - Tmac had one in game message from a random LaF player who didn't identify themselves and only said they didn't like it. Clearly we see the failed spy ops in the clan messages and know they knew. The usual diplomatic contacts never reached out because, just like with the dropping of the pact, it was just pretext to ruin Evo's netting set (par for the course for LaF). And even the following set, no FA, but LaF and Resist restarts suicided Evo. Oh and followed us to multiple servers and did the same. If you're going to rehash the same conversations over and over again, at least get it right because it's well known at this point.

You sent FA to SoF, Mercs and SoL. We accepted the FA to mercs and went on our way. it was only when SoL countries (Atlantis to name one) got FA that we started to get worried and made a plan to kill Evo.
At one stage tmac was able to make a breaker every 2 days and it was not enough for us to replenish.
Don of LaF