
Turtle Crawler Game profile


May 25th 2024, 1:42:24

Originally posted by TAN:
I'm with Slag on this, it's ridiculous to send out pacts to NPCs and get free tech.

>>make the game more competitive by reducing the impact of feeding via tech alliances with humans.

But...that's been part of the game since 2002. You know what hasn't? NPCs and getting free tech that way. I actually think nerfing NPCs is the way to go - there are too many, get rid of at least half of them, it's way too easy to get land. There are people who are going to get over 200k land by the end of the set, that's just absurd and ridiculous.

Yes, but what is or is not ridiculous is not the same thing as good game design. In fact it's completely immaterial with respect to good game design.

Symbolic Game profile


May 25th 2024, 2:30:42

Originally posted by Turtle Crawler:
Originally posted by TAN:
I'm with Slag on this, it's ridiculous to send out pacts to NPCs and get free tech.

>>make the game more competitive by reducing the impact of feeding via tech alliances with humans.

But...that's been part of the game since 2002. You know what hasn't? NPCs and getting free tech that way. I actually think nerfing NPCs is the way to go - there are too many, get rid of at least half of them, it's way too easy to get land. There are people who are going to get over 200k land by the end of the set, that's just absurd and ridiculous.

Yes, but what is or is not ridiculous is not the same thing as good game design. In fact it's completely immaterial with respect to good game design.


BlackHole Game profile


May 25th 2024, 3:25:07

Originally posted by Symbolic:
Originally posted by Turtle Crawler:
Originally posted by TAN:
I'm with Slag on this, it's ridiculous to send out pacts to NPCs and get free tech.

>>make the game more competitive by reducing the impact of feeding via tech alliances with humans.

But...that's been part of the game since 2002. You know what hasn't? NPCs and getting free tech that way. I actually think nerfing NPCs is the way to go - there are too many, get rid of at least half of them, it's way too easy to get land. There are people who are going to get over 200k land by the end of the set, that's just absurd and ridiculous.

Yes, but what is or is not ridiculous is not the same thing as good game design. In fact it's completely immaterial with respect to good game design.



BlackHole Game profile


May 25th 2024, 3:25:30

Oof, it sounds even dumber in all caps. Didn't think that was possible.

Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

May 25th 2024, 3:47:44

YEZ, bUT wut iZ OR Iz NOT ReDikulUs Iz NOt tEH SAmE TInG as GUd GAme DESIgn. In faCT iZ cOmPleTELY ImMAtERiaL WiF resPEct 2 GuD gAMe DEsIgn.

-Disgraced former game admin
Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander

TAN Game profile


May 25th 2024, 4:00:03

Guys, there are ways to dialogue like adults. Instead of mocking a person, just address their points. Treat TC with a bit more respect, he's done great things for the game despite what he may have done after. I don't agree with TC either but you don't see me being a massive douchebag about it.

table4two Game profile


May 25th 2024, 4:39:31

Originally posted by Syko_Killa:
Welp, I've given you all a reason to kill me now. Might stonewall with my 2 Billion cash if I'm lucky.

I assume #538 is yours then. Honestly why grief like that for? It only pushes people away from our already small community.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

May 25th 2024, 4:52:30

Actually, I think he was 522. It was purpled for the VPN previously. This is also why on team untags are killed off proactively.

Edit: Zen, give us back Req! Our discord misses him.

Syko_Killa Game profile


May 25th 2024, 6:22:54

522, you had a hand in running LaF off the server.
Do as I say, not as I do.



May 25th 2024, 7:23:56

Originally posted by Syko_Killa:
522, you had a hand in running LaF off the server.

So 522 hates both LaF and Evo?

Syko_Killa Game profile


May 25th 2024, 7:58:40

There is no LaF
Do as I say, not as I do.

BlackHole Game profile


May 25th 2024, 10:22:40

Originally posted by TAN:
Guys, there are ways to dialogue like adults. Instead of mocking a person, just address their points. Treat TC with a bit more respect, he's done great things for the game despite what he may have done after. I don't agree with TC either but you don't see me being a massive douchebag about it.

Two things:

1. I'm going to need you to cite your source for the claim 'he's done great things for the game...'

2. TC said to me a few weeks back " You should watch how people act and imitate them, preferably someone who never causes issues and doesn't post. The results will astound you."

This was unprovoked, and I hadn't even said two things to him my entire time here prior to that statement.

He drew first blood. He just didn't realize I was going to destroy him for that statement. His mistake, I'm not the type that shows mercy.

He then followed that statement up with a

" It's the detachment from reality to protect your ego that really exposes you. "

I asked TC how posting a gif indicates a detachment from reality. I asked this because he appeared to be acting like a clinical psychologist and was commenting on my mental state. As someone who knows a little bit about that stuff, I pulled out a copy of my DSM-V and asked TC if he could clarify his statement and back it up.

Turns out he was talking out of his @$$ like he always does (surprirse, surprise). Instead of apologizing for the above two comments, admitting he was wrong, or taking responsibility for his actions in any way whatsoever, he turn and hid like the coward he is (wonder where he learned that from).

Now he's resurfaced. And what is he doing? He's acting like a giant know it all prick to slagpit who is trying to improve the game.

But no worries, his white knight TAN is here to defend him!

TAN - let me explain something to you about me. I may be mean, but I'm also fair. I'm mean to people who deserve it, and who don't take responsibility for their actions. I've had public spats with a LOT of people here. There is a list of people who I am still publicly spatting with though. You know what all those people on the list have in common? They've never apologized or taken responsibility for their nefarious actions.

I'm really sorry that holding people accountable to their words and actions seems like someone who is being being a douchebag. I guess I'm a douchebag. Deal with it.

vettiv Game profile


May 25th 2024, 10:41:00

I'm curious as to what you looked up in the DSM-V. I haven't looked at that book in a few years.

BlackHole Game profile


May 25th 2024, 10:48:25

Originally posted by vettiv:
I'm curious as to what you looked up in the DSM-V. I haven't looked at that book in a few years.

I didn't look up anything, I opened it and was waiting for TC to reference a page for me. I was hoping to learn something new. All I learned was that TC was full of crap.

vettiv Game profile


May 25th 2024, 11:25:29

Were you really trying to learn something, or were you looking for information to manipulate and troll with?

BlackHole Game profile


May 25th 2024, 11:32:15

Well vettiv, I thought it was very unlikely that I was actually showing a detachment from reality. I don't think you have to be all that educated on the topic to know that TC is speaking non-sense, but luckily I am, so I had quite a bit of confidence on my assessment of the situation.

That said - I always like to give someone to chance to back up their claims. And when they can't, I bury them for it.

What is the point of this line of inquisition, though? You seem fairly intelligent, and I think you already understand what's happening here. Turtle Crawler said stupid things, and I made him look like a fool.

If your point is that I should show TC mercy for some reason, feel free to make your case. But this beating around the bush stuff is a little tiring.

vettiv Game profile


May 25th 2024, 11:43:56

Two points:

1. I'm simply trying to understand your mindset. The best way to do that is observe and ask questions. I've observed a lot, hence the questions.

2. If your sole purpose is to prove someone wrong/out their wrongdoings, then I feel you may be doing what you're doing for the wrong reasons. Just feels too time consuming in my opinion to solidify my status, morals, or intellect to someone on the internet whom I'll never meet and is therefore irrelevant. Maybe you feel different, hence point 1.

I say all of that to say that I think you're an entertaining person, as do others on the server probably, but you gotta find some chill. This can't be healthy mentally.

BlackHole Game profile


May 25th 2024, 12:06:44

Originally posted by vettiv:
Two points:

1. I'm simply trying to understand your mindset. The best way to do that is observe and ask questions. I've observed a lot, hence the questions.

2. If your sole purpose is to prove someone wrong/out their wrongdoings, then I feel you may be doing what you're doing for the wrong reasons. Just feels too time consuming in my opinion to solidify my status, morals, or intellect to someone on the internet whom I'll never meet and is therefore irrelevant. Maybe you feel different, hence point 1.

I say all of that to say that I think you're an entertaining person, as do others on the server probably, but you gotta find some chill. This can't be healthy mentally.

Ahhh, I see what's happening.

Ok, I'll respond in good faith to this post.

If you want understand my mindset, I'll explain further. I think I've been pretty clear in the past though. Seek and destroy. I know what I bring to the table, and it's a relentless assault that is unwavering in the face of resistance. I have been killed more times than anyone else in this game on a per game basis. I have fought with, quite literally, everyone in this community at one time or another. My closest allies have become my most bitter enemies. And I have done this for long periods of time.

With all of this, I think by now, I've demonstrated that I will not, and cannot, be stopped. I am the waves in the ocean that, no matter how bad you get pummeled, will keep coming over and over and over, until you get out of the ocean. You don't want to fvck with this force, stay out of the water.

As for the purpose behind what I'm doing. That's easy. I do this because it's what I do. Plain and simple. If you're looking for a deeper meaning, you're going to be disappointed. This is just what I do.

As for the rest of your comment about it being time consuming, or mentally unhealthy. Look vet, I appreciate the concern. But I promise you, I'm good bro. You don't have to believe me. I could attempt to prove it to you by telling you about my personal life. Hell, you probably know about it anyway. I think you're in M4D, right? So you've probably had my doxxed info shared with you. If you've got my name you can google me and see that, at least from a public image perspective, I'm a pretty well-adjusted, valuable member of my community.

But honestly, what's the point? I have nothing to prove to you. Your concerns for my mental health are at best silly, at worst meant as a passive aggressive comment. I'm not on here talking about how I drove people to suicide, attacking people's personal lives, threatening people's cats, talking fluff about people's wives, or any of the other absolutely unhinged fluff that others have done on these forums.

All I'm doing is burying people underneath their words and game-related actions. I get that it SEEMS I'm on the level of the actual lunatics in this community. That's just because I'm extremely effective at what I do. But I think if you carefully vet (hah, get it!) my actions, you'll see that your concerns about my mental health are likely unwarranted.

Appreciate the talk though, hopefully that brings some clarity to the situation for you.

Now back to our regularly scheduled program.

Turtle Crawler, stop acting like a prick to Slag. Why the F does M4D even put up with you?

table4two Game profile


May 25th 2024, 12:19:26

Originally posted by Slagpit:
Originally posted by table4two:
Cyref or myself might've been the last people to win 1a with a casher. 2019 seems about right as its been a looong time since a casher has last felt competitive.

Its a weird one- You'd think I would be a proponent of the recent change set, as yes it gets stale seeing the one strat dominate. But even more that, the traditional oil destock was such a quality of life addition, I find myself still preferring to have kept this element even if it means the status quo doesn't change.

All that is to say I don't think the benefit of removing the traditional oil destock out weighs the quality of life addition it provided to the wider meta of the game.

Also, it is a shame to see the 'best 3' metric rendered obsolete now. It was the best metric to compare the best netters in the game.

I wonder if there are more surgical ways to rebalance some of the strategies? For example, reducing the food/oil production of the Fascist or increasing the PCI of a Republic?

In any case, it has been fun to see how people are playing this set and seeing how the market plays out. Change is inevitable and you can't make everyone happy. I applaud you Slagpit for trying to shake things up in the first place.

Thank you for the thoughtful comment.

As I understand it, players on the alliance server are able to send research pacts to bots and get free tech all set. This strikes me as a completely ridiculous mechanic that should be removed. If it is removed then final NWs will drop somewhat which could impact leaderboards. Should it not be removed then?

Generally speaking we're going to prioritize other factors above leaderboard parity. It's really difficult to have meaningful leaderboards over a 15 year period in the first place and any change isn't fair to a certain degree. For example, suppose the same player managed to win the first ten rounds of alliance. He would have a Best 3 of around 300 M. In the current era a player could play a single country to 901 M NW and not even finish in the top ten. He would then have a higher best 3 than the other player. That's hardly fair, right? At some point I plan to offer a seasonal view of the leaderboards that would be retroactively applied. We'd have metrics that would apply on a yearly basis to Alliance in addition to the overall metrics.

We want players to have multiple feasible options for destocking. That's always been a core design principle. Having a single destocking method be dominant as well as risk-free is the exact opposite of that. Can you explain what the missing quality of life feature here is? You can still do private destocks and you can still burn oil for units. It's just less efficient than before.

Re the leaderboards - yes, 100% agree with you that comparisons between two different periods aren't meaningful as the meta changes over time. Despite that, the 'best 3' was still a good indicator of who were presently the best netters in the game. This view is now lost with the current changes but I think your idea to implement a seasonal view of the leaderboard is a fantastic one. On a side tangent, for average netters like me, simply besting my PB is always a goal I set for myself. Its a bit of a blow to have that water line reset, but hey that's just life innit :)

Re destocking - Yes, you make very valid points. When I speak of quality of life features I guess I'm thinking about how time poor I am now. I'm no longer the teenager who first encountered this game and had the time to log in at any moment. The traditional oil destock suited players like me perfectly as it was the combination of low risk, time efficient, and competitive. If it means I need to invest more time in order to destock competitively, I really don't know if I have the time to play when I have other competing priorities.

In the grand scheme of things, take this response as minor feedback as overall I think you are doing a great job. I think Tertius summed it up best- the full effect of the change set will reveal itself over the next few sets and it'll be interested to see how people adapt their strategies to maximise their end nws.

vettiv Game profile


May 25th 2024, 12:23:31

Yes I'm with M4D, but that was well after whatever doxxing you're talking about, and I don't want any personal information on you.

And yes, I was hoping to get a deeper understanding, but as you said, that was as basic as it gets, so I'll have to accept that for an answer, but your responses has given me a little more insight as to what's going on with you.

Not sure why you mentioned not having to prove something to me. As I said in my previous statement, it's highly unlikely that I will ever meet anyone on this forum in real life, so having to prove anything to anyone is futile, and I expect the same stance from others. With that context in perspective, what you do in your daily life is none of my business, and neither is your family, mental health or personal contributions to society. Contextually, when I said this can't be mentally healthy, I was looking at it from my perspective because it is impossible for me to look at things from your perspective, which is why I asked questions. That's also why I said in my opinion, it seems too time consuming.

Your response also leads me to believe that you think I have ulterior motives. Not everyone is trying to attack you. Finally, I reiterate my point; I think you're an entertaining person, as do others on this forum probably, but you gotta find some chill.

Good talk nonetheless.

Cathankins Game profile


May 25th 2024, 12:34:34

This is the most passive aggressive community I have ever seen in my life.

Where do you all live that men fight over who is the least crazy? Lmao

Wait I don’t even care. I will assume New York City or Californian and leave it at that.

I don’t understand this feminine authoritarian energy where you want to control everyone when every idea and every thought.

If you speak out about bullying that’s a bridge too far. But Doug can post about his sex preferences on here all day every day

It’s very easy to see why people come here and then leave. The one sided censorship And bullying here is ridiculous

I think every single user has been accused of being “crazy” lol who even cares. That’s some major feminine energy

It reminds me of a group of office ladies trying to get each other written up

BlackHole Game profile


May 25th 2024, 12:36:55

Originally posted by vettiv:
Yes I'm with M4D, but that was well after whatever doxxing you're talking about, and I don't want any personal information on you.

And yes, I was hoping to get a deeper understanding, but as you said, that was as basic as it gets, so I'll have to accept that for an answer, but your responses has given me a little more insight as to what's going on with you.

Not sure why you mentioned not having to prove something to me. As I said in my previous statement, it's highly unlikely that I will ever meet anyone on this forum in real life, so having to prove anything to anyone is futile, and I expect the same stance from others. With that context in perspective, what you do in your daily life is none of my business, and neither is your family, mental health or personal contributions to society. Contextually, when I said this can't be mentally healthy, I was looking at it from my perspective because it is impossible for me to look at things from your perspective, which is why I asked questions. That's also why I said in my opinion, it seems too time consuming.

Your response also leads me to believe that you think I have ulterior motives. Not everyone is trying to attack you. Finally, I reiterate my point; I think you're an entertaining person, as do others on this forum probably, but you gotta find some chill.

Good talk nonetheless.

It's not really time consuming at all. I've got a baller gwam.

Why do I have to find chill? I see no reason why I need to do that at all. I'm quite enjoying myself.

Cathankins Game profile


May 25th 2024, 12:39:12

I don’t get this either BH. The guys here are very averse to conflict even when it’s in jest and just having some fun. Drama sells, I don’t get it.

Drow Game profile


May 25th 2024, 12:45:12

Originally posted by table4two:
Originally posted by Slagpit:
Originally posted by table4two:
Cyref or myself might've been the last people to win 1a with a casher. 2019 seems about right as its been a looong time since a casher has last felt competitive.

Its a weird one- You'd think I would be a proponent of the recent change set, as yes it gets stale seeing the one strat dominate. But even more that, the traditional oil destock was such a quality of life addition, I find myself still preferring to have kept this element even if it means the status quo doesn't change.

All that is to say I don't think the benefit of removing the traditional oil destock out weighs the quality of life addition it provided to the wider meta of the game.

Also, it is a shame to see the 'best 3' metric rendered obsolete now. It was the best metric to compare the best netters in the game.

I wonder if there are more surgical ways to rebalance some of the strategies? For example, reducing the food/oil production of the Fascist or increasing the PCI of a Republic?

In any case, it has been fun to see how people are playing this set and seeing how the market plays out. Change is inevitable and you can't make everyone happy. I applaud you Slagpit for trying to shake things up in the first place.

Thank you for the thoughtful comment.

As I understand it, players on the alliance server are able to send research pacts to bots and get free tech all set. This strikes me as a completely ridiculous mechanic that should be removed. If it is removed then final NWs will drop somewhat which could impact leaderboards. Should it not be removed then?

Generally speaking we're going to prioritize other factors above leaderboard parity. It's really difficult to have meaningful leaderboards over a 15 year period in the first place and any change isn't fair to a certain degree. For example, suppose the same player managed to win the first ten rounds of alliance. He would have a Best 3 of around 300 M. In the current era a player could play a single country to 901 M NW and not even finish in the top ten. He would then have a higher best 3 than the other player. That's hardly fair, right? At some point I plan to offer a seasonal view of the leaderboards that would be retroactively applied. We'd have metrics that would apply on a yearly basis to Alliance in addition to the overall metrics.

We want players to have multiple feasible options for destocking. That's always been a core design principle. Having a single destocking method be dominant as well as risk-free is the exact opposite of that. Can you explain what the missing quality of life feature here is? You can still do private destocks and you can still burn oil for units. It's just less efficient than before.

Re the leaderboards - yes, 100% agree with you that comparisons between two different periods aren't meaningful as the meta changes over time. Despite that, the 'best 3' was still a good indicator of who were presently the best netters in the game. This view is now lost with the current changes but I think your idea to implement a seasonal view of the leaderboard is a fantastic one. On a side tangent, for average netters like me, simply besting my PB is always a goal I set for myself. Its a bit of a blow to have that water line reset, but hey that's just life innit :)

Re destocking - Yes, you make very valid points. When I speak of quality of life features I guess I'm thinking about how time poor I am now. I'm no longer the teenager who first encountered this game and had the time to log in at any moment. The traditional oil destock suited players like me perfectly as it was the combination of low risk, time efficient, and competitive. If it means I need to invest more time in order to destock competitively, I really don't know if I have the time to play when I have other competing priorities.

In the grand scheme of things, take this response as minor feedback as overall I think you are doing a great job. I think Tertius summed it up best- the full effect of the change set will reveal itself over the next few sets and it'll be interested to see how people adapt their strategies to maximise their end nws.

QFT on the only competing against myself.

In terms of who will come out on top, I don't know yet, prices for farmer/oilers in particular were a lot worse than normal start of set. Food only just sorta hit the more normal 34-35 a bushel mark, and oil last I checked was sub 190. That said, it's also the first set to have a war in awhile, which also makes a difference to prices due to differing strats.

Paradigm President of failed speeling

"EE's DILF" - Coalie

vettiv Game profile


May 25th 2024, 13:46:44


You do you and be your best you then. Have a good day.

Doug Game profile


May 25th 2024, 13:51:03

Originally posted by Cathankins:
This is the most passive aggressive community I have ever seen in my life.

Where do you all live that men fight over who is the least crazy? Lmao

Wait I don’t even care. I will assume New York City or Californian and leave it at that.

I don’t understand this feminine authoritarian energy where you want to control everyone when every idea and every thought.

If you speak out about bullying that’s a bridge too far. But Doug can post about his sex preferences on here all day every day

It’s very easy to see why people come here and then leave. The one sided censorship And bullying here is ridiculous

I think every single user has been accused of being “crazy” lol who even cares. That’s some major feminine energy

It reminds me of a group of office ladies trying to get each other written up

Every day?

Glad I’m on your mind so much… Sweetheart…

Edited By: Doug on May 25th 2024, 14:00:40

Cathankins Game profile


May 25th 2024, 14:06:48

I think the entire board knows your sex preferences because you talk about it all the time but you will get banned if you defend judaism beliefs, I’ve had this happen before.

It’s perfectly fine to attack these beliefs but if you respond in an equally antagonistic way you get banned.

It makes me wonder how many people have come here, been abused, censored and then left.

I would wager it’s a lot. And hey if you want to talk about that stuff I actually don’t care I am just pointing out the glaring double standards around here. I imagine a lot of people have been treated very unfairly and left.

Doug Game profile


May 25th 2024, 14:12:47

Edited by me:

This is going to be another endless back and forth. Moving on.

Have a nice Memorial Day everyone. Be safe. Storms are gearing up for many of us Saturday and Sunday.

Edited By: Doug on May 25th 2024, 14:45:17

Drow Game profile


May 25th 2024, 14:13:43

Originally posted by Cathankins:
This is the most passive aggressive community I have ever seen in my life.

Where do you all live that men fight over who is the least crazy? Lmao

Wait I don’t even care. I will assume New York City or Californian and leave it at that.

I don’t understand this feminine authoritarian energy where you want to control everyone when every idea and every thought.

If you speak out about bullying that’s a bridge too far. But Doug can post about his sex preferences on here all day every day

It’s very easy to see why people come here and then leave. The one sided censorship And bullying here is ridiculous

I think every single user has been accused of being “crazy” lol who even cares. That’s some major feminine energy

It reminds me of a group of office ladies trying to get each other written up

Spouts something like this, wonders why he gets banned...

Paradigm President of failed speeling

"EE's DILF" - Coalie

Syko_Killa Game profile


May 25th 2024, 16:46:30

Originally posted by Drow:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
This is the most passive aggressive community I have ever seen in my life.

Where do you all live that men fight over who is the least crazy? Lmao

Wait I don’t even care. I will assume New York City or Californian and leave it at that.

I don’t understand this feminine authoritarian energy where you want to control everyone when every idea and every thought.

If you speak out about bullying that’s a bridge too far. But Doug can post about his sex preferences on here all day every day

It’s very easy to see why people come here and then leave. The one sided censorship And bullying here is ridiculous

I think every single user has been accused of being “crazy” lol who even cares. That’s some major feminine energy

It reminds me of a group of office ladies trying to get each other written up

Spouts something like this, wonders why he gets banned...
Authentic Post, you can love people without loving the things they do.
Do as I say, not as I do.

Turtle Crawler Game profile


May 25th 2024, 17:37:50

Holy wall of text, I didn't read any of that.

Regardless, to have a good game you need to make decisions according to game design principles. This is a known topic you can lookup and learn.

If anyone disagrees with that they they are simply factually incorrect.

Making good games is not an accident, it's a choice. The current decision has been to decide against making good gameplay, that should change.

Leto Game profile

EE Patron

May 25th 2024, 17:52:21

Agreed 100%
M4D Founder

BlackHole Game profile


May 25th 2024, 18:40:01

Originally posted by Turtle Crawler:
Holy wall of text, I didn't read any of that.

Regardless, to have a good game you need to make decisions according to game design principles. This is a known topic you can lookup and learn.

If anyone disagrees with that they they are simply factually incorrect.

Making good games is not an accident, it's a choice. The current decision has been to decide against making good gameplay, that should change.

Who gets to decide what 'good game design' is? You, TC? Is there a handbook somewhere? Or are you, like usual, just spouting bullfluff and hoping people will accept it as 'simply, facts'.

The reality is that there are game design trends. There are copy cat games that utilize similar features over and over. But there isn't one single way that a game can be designed. History is LITTERED with games that broke the mould, did something new, and ended up being excellent. If they listened to your stupid ass they would have simply followed 'good game design principles' and we'd never have any innovation.

If you disagree you are simply, factually incorrect. (what a stupid fvcking phrase, wow).

Leto - why don't you actually try to contribute something useful to this conversation? You are the epitome of wasted text. I have never, in my entire life, met someone who says so little with every word they utter. The ramblings of a parrot are more substantial than yours.

BlackHole Game profile


May 25th 2024, 18:41:18

Let's do this - Turtle Crawler.

Demonstrate how smart you are and how stupid I am.

You said 'Regardless, to have a good game you need to make decisions according to game design principles. This is a known topic you can lookup and learn.'

Please teach me. Cite your source, and provide me with the details of good game design principles that all games must follow if they want to be good games.

BlackHole Game profile


May 25th 2024, 18:57:22

Actually, TC. I'm going to do your job for you... to demonstrate how absolutely fvcking stupid you are.

Let's look at the 'known game design principles'

Principle #1: Design Your Game Around a Core Mechanic
Principle #2: Make Your Game Easy to Learn, but Challenging to Master
Principle #3: Make Sure You Have Balanced Gameplay Options
Principle #4: Provide Regular Feedback and Rewards
Principle #5: Give the Player a Meaningful Core Mission

1. Set clear goals and objectives
2. Engaging core mechanics
3. Maintain gameflow and experience
4. Balancing the game
5. Offer feedback and rewards.
6. Playtesting
7. Sound Design

1. Focal Point
2. Anticipation
3. Announce Change
4. Believable Events and Behavior
5. Overlapping Events and Behavior
6. Physics
7. Sound
8. Pacing
9. Spacing
10. Linear Design versus Component Breakdown
11. Player
12. Communication
13. Appeal

1. Keep it Simple
2. Balance
3. Accessibility
4. Feedback
5. Reward System
6. Narrative
7. User Interface
8. Immersion
9. Replayability
10. Testing and Iteration

1. Gameplay loops
2. Adding juice to gameplay
3. Psychological principles, like peak-end rule
4. designing around choice
5. player taxonomy
6. Start with minimal scope
7. Agency
8. Get the gameplay loop right
9. Stay true to the intended experience

1. I'd only ever consider selling a game if it runs at a smooth framerate of at least 40 FPS on medium range hardware, has at least 3 hours of gameplay and runs stable on 90% of the test hardware. If it does not hold up to that, it will be free regardless of effort put into it.

2. Every level is first and foremost a place that should have some internal logic and feel real and lived in.

3. Visual quality should be consistent with what I can do throughout the game. I rather have it look like its from the mid 2000s than sacrifice my own models and visual diversity with static environments that are built using megascans or third party asset packs.

4. Combat does not involve violence against women, children or civilians. The latter is because I can not pull of proper consequences to that.

5. There is an in-lore reason for most mechanics. If the player can take 10 hits before he goes down, there is a reason for that, however flimsy it might be.

6. Atmosphere and pacing is king. Gameplay is queen.

7. I always design the mid part of the game first, as you always learn by doing and this way I can avoid remaking the beginning and end of the game which have to shine and be polished to either draw the player in or give a somewhat statisfying conclusion.

8. Nothing is ever inspired by latest releases or contemporary standards.

9. Its okay to ask for help! Especially (for me) on the coding end of things. Being stubborn about this can hurt the game.

10. There is always at least one sewer level (its a running gag at this point and I'm one of the few that like playing and designing them :P )

Or how about all of these different answers:

Or these

Or these

Or these

Or these

OK, I'll stop now. I think I've gotten my point across. Point is... And I'm going to scream it so you can get the fvcking point, TC.


You can argue your opinion, but to state that Slagpit is 'factually incorrect' for making this decision or that is to engage in an intellectually dishonest way, because you are ignoring the reality that you are spewing OPINIONS. These are you fvcking opinions. Let me say it one more time. IT'S YOUR OPINION, NOT A FACT.

Holy fvcking fluff. I cannot believe I have to even type all of this.

Leto Game profile

EE Patron

May 25th 2024, 19:02:47

Tldr to whatever yall were talking about.

I think of that old mark twain saying, never argue with an idiot because they will drag yall down to their level and beat you with experience...
M4D Founder

BlackHole Game profile


May 25th 2024, 19:38:54

Leto - I didn't realize you had such a shallow attention span. I'll make it easier for your less than capable brain.

Your cheating teammate, Turtle Crawler, claims that slagpit is making game design decisions that interfere with known principles of good game design.

I am asserting that what is a 'known principle of good game design' is an opinion, despite Turtle Crawler claiming those principles to be well known and factual.

I provided a list of conflicting 'good game design' principles from a dozen different sources to prove my point.

That short enough for you Leto?

One last piece of advice. Insulting me for being an idiot is lazy and uninspired. Do what I do. Tell the person they are stupid, to their face, and then prove to them why.

All you've done is the same as you're idiot teammate. You've ASSERTED something, but you fail to back it up. Is that like... a thing over at M4D or something? Ya'll just say fluff, acting like it's a fact? Hoping everyone will believe you?

Maybe that's why we don't get along. I do the legwork. I prove my case. I cite my sources. I bring the receipts.

TLDR for you: You and TC are fvcking stupid, and I prove it.

herb Game profile


May 25th 2024, 19:57:06

Blablablabla, That’s what I read.

Stop with those ridiculous long posts, no one reads that.
Don’t try to pick fights like this, you are creating grudges and a lot of drama.
Founder of ELF
Played in

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

May 25th 2024, 19:59:24

Blackhole, there's no need to defend me. There's no rule against players making self-aggrandizing posts on AT.

BlackHole Game profile


May 25th 2024, 22:09:06

Originally posted by herb:
Blablablabla, That’s what I read.

Stop with those ridiculous long posts, no one reads that.
Don’t try to pick fights like this, you are creating grudges and a lot of drama.

Do... you think I care? I'm here to create grudges and pick fights.

SP - I appreciate it, but I'm not going to let claims go unchallenged.

If TC really believes his bullsh1t, let him come on here and ACTUALLY defend his points. Saying stuff like 'if you disagree, you're just factually wrong'. Let the smart boy prove how smart he is. Back up his claims. Show us some sources of a well accepted game design norm, and how it relates to the game design choices that are being made here. If he can't do that, if he can't back up his claims, him and Leto can STFU.

Herb, don't like reading a lot? No problem, GTFO. Nobody is making you read. Go pick up a pop-up picture book if words are that aversive.

Anyone else want to white knight for the genius cheater turtle crawler? Come on in. I live for this fluff.

If you can't backup what you're saying, STOP SAYING IT. Because I WILL call you out.

EmpyreanMKR Game profile


May 25th 2024, 22:32:35

Shut off the servers. It is the only way to make these boards legible.
M4D - IA/War


Doug Game profile


May 25th 2024, 22:33:48

Originally posted by EmpyreanMKR:
Shut off the servers. It is the only way to make these boards legible.


Y’all make my ass itch

BlackHole Game profile


May 25th 2024, 22:45:05

Originally posted by EmpyreanMKR:
Shut off the servers. It is the only way to make these boards legible.

Dude. You don't have to be here. If you don't like seeing me make TC or Leto back up their claims, don't click on the thread. It's not THAT hard.

Every single one of you can play this game without the forums.

What you can't do is express opinions publicly, and be absolved from others expressing their opinions back to you, publicly. That is exactly how public discourse works. If you don't want to partake in the public discourse process, run and hide like TC typically does when I start to make him look stupid. It's also very easy to do.

But if you want to express your opinions publicly, you're going to have to deal with other people also being able to express theirs.

Cathankins Game profile


May 25th 2024, 22:49:28

Originally posted by Drow:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
This is the most passive aggressive community I have ever seen in my life.

Where do you all live that men fight over who is the least crazy? Lmao

Wait I don’t even care. I will assume New York City or Californian and leave it at that.

I don’t understand this feminine authoritarian energy where you want to control everyone when every idea and every thought.

If you speak out about bullying that’s a bridge too far. But Doug can post about his sex preferences on here all day every day

It’s very easy to see why people come here and then leave. The one sided censorship And bullying here is ridiculous

I think every single user has been accused of being “crazy” lol who even cares. That’s some major feminine energy

It reminds me of a group of office ladies trying to get each other written up

Spouts something like this, wonders why he gets banned...

Thank you for proving my exact point

Originally posted by Doug:
Originally posted by EmpyreanMKR:
Shut off the servers. It is the only way to make these boards legible.


Y’all make my ass itch

This is fine though.

There is a clear double standard here against religious users. If I can talk about drinking beer and gay sex all day then this place is mature enough to advocate against bullying jews and people in general.

But of course not. That will get you banned.

Doug Game profile


May 25th 2024, 23:20:13

oh brother…

taking swipes at me isn’t going to help. I will make sure Colin, my 5’4 jewish husband knows you’re rooting for him. Annnnd I don’t drink alcohol.

And the phrase “making my ass itch” isn’t gay sex you simp. It means “y’all annoy me” - only you would take that as “gay sex.” Makes me wonder what’s really on your mind.

I had nothing to do with your ban and I’ve not posted here in like a week. The moment they cut you loose from your cage and/or padded room, you come out swinging at me?

Fire away kiddo, fire away.

EmpyreanMKR Game profile


May 25th 2024, 23:42:52

Forums are like a kindergarten. Dumb kids and no teachers.
M4D - IA/War


EmpyreanMKR Game profile


May 25th 2024, 23:48:40

Originally posted by Doug:
oh brother…

taking swipes at me isn’t going to help. I will make sure Colin, my 5’4 jewish husband knows you’re rooting for him. Annnnd I don’t drink alcohol.

And the phrase “making my ass itch” isn’t gay sex you simp. It means “y’all annoy me” - only you would take that as “gay sex.” Makes me wonder what’s really on your mind.

I had nothing to do with your ban and I’ve not posted here in like a week. The moment they cut you loose from your cage and/or padded room, you come out swinging at me?

Fire away kiddo, fire away.

Doug, best to walk away from these simpletons
M4D - IA/War


EmpyreanMKR Game profile


May 25th 2024, 23:48:41

Originally posted by Doug:
oh brother…

taking swipes at me isn’t going to help. I will make sure Colin, my 5’4 jewish husband knows you’re rooting for him. Annnnd I don’t drink alcohol.

And the phrase “making my ass itch” isn’t gay sex you simp. It means “y’all annoy me” - only you would take that as “gay sex.” Makes me wonder what’s really on your mind.

I had nothing to do with your ban and I’ve not posted here in like a week. The moment they cut you loose from your cage and/or padded room, you come out swinging at me?

Fire away kiddo, fire away.

Doug, best to walk away from these simpletons
M4D - IA/War


EmpyreanMKR Game profile


May 25th 2024, 23:49:02

Originally posted by Doug:
oh brother…

taking swipes at me isn’t going to help. I will make sure Colin, my 5’4 jewish husband knows you’re rooting for him. Annnnd I don’t drink alcohol.

And the phrase “making my ass itch” isn’t gay sex you simp. It means “y’all annoy me” - only you would take that as “gay sex.” Makes me wonder what’s really on your mind.

I had nothing to do with your ban and I’ve not posted here in like a week. The moment they cut you loose from your cage and/or padded room, you come out swinging at me?

Fire away kiddo, fire away.

Doug, best to walk away from these simpletons
M4D - IA/War


EmpyreanMKR Game profile


May 25th 2024, 23:52:09

Sorry, didn't mean to post that too much.

Bad net where I'm at right now.
M4D - IA/War
