
Real_Man Game profile


Nov 3rd 2020, 20:43:30

1. What is NOT KNOWN to the rest of AT, is that LaF is going through a civil war right now.

2. What IS KNOWN, to the rest of AT, is that Mercs and TheBOMB have built a trust, frienship, and unbreakable bond over the last few sets as FDP's.

3. It is clear now that Rokkie and his faction of LaF, tried to infiltrate Mercs and make them look bad. This was in an attempt to break our unbreakable bond and get us to retaliate.

4. Rasp and I have spoken, and Rokkie's attempt to frame Mercs was easily sniffed out. Rasp has assured us it was not endorsed by Mercs.

5. We therefore feel no need to retaliate or break or FDP with Mercs/EVO.

6. We are glad we backed the right side in the LaF civil war and Enforcer should get his 4th consecutive Rank 1. (You're Welcome)

7. Incase its not clear, we just wanted to netgain in peace this set.

8. We are unsure how deep the LaF infiltration in Mercs goes, the bad faction in LaF may have planted multiple countries there (see #5). We will stand proud to flush out the spies within Mercs Ranks, so good people of AT DO NOT BE ALARMED IF YOU SEE US GETTING KILLED.

9. As your favourite tag, rest assured, we have a VERY GOOD insurance policy (some say the best!) in place should things not go our way.


Real Man & ChuckNorrisBeard


EE Patron

Nov 3rd 2020, 20:52:09

well said rm - it is really sad to see such a great clan like laf have so many internal problems - i just hope that we helped enough to make sure the good guys win the day

when rm and i are leaders of the clan currently named "xSOLx" we will make sure to send you fa and help you with team morale

quick shout out to mercs our fdp/bff to thank them for letting us know about the internal laf problems and glad we could help our number one supporter rasp

your faithful friend,

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 3rd 2020, 21:47:11

It is unfortunate Rokkie cost the server 3-4 1b NW countries. Probably the best grabbing set in the modern era of EE! I placed a bet on En4 taking his 4th set in a row; now, Z is going to owe me big time.

Originally posted by Z [Post Script]:
Won last reset. And two before that. And has finished second or better for a year straight. And has the highest net ever on this server.

Originally posted by Requiem:
Want me to suicide him? This isn't right!

Who would have thought that Rokkie would take the initiative to get everyone else suicided but En4! That is some next-level gameplay if I ever saw it.

But let's take a second to talk about Z and his clan, Monsters. This could be the evilest plot in the history of EE. First, get Rokkie to tag LaF, then tag Mercs, wait for his chance to pounce on BOMB, and get egg on Mercs face. Then trick Gains into forgetting he is tagged Mercs and attack as well.

It looks like LaF purposely infiltrated Mercs to suicide BOMB to prevent them from also taking #1 NW - they already hold several records on EE.

Monsters sit on the sideline, all the while, all quite netting away so that they can take all the 1b NW countries!

This is a plan that even I couldn't pull off, well-done Z & Monsters. Once again Z outmaneuvers Gerdler for his quest of world domination.

Edited By: Requiem on Nov 3rd 2020, 21:49:41
- Premium Patron Member

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Nov 3rd 2020, 22:56:32

Are you having a competition who can make up most lies in one post? If so theres probably a tie between Chevs and Req here. :)

Rokkie obviously decided on his own to suicide Chevs, who never competed for rank 1, and Zen, without thinking of the consequences. When someone does something like that I always think of the history of the player. Rokkie being a great guy for years with one slip. It's sad but it happens.

Civil war is always raging within LaF tho, come join the action:


EE Patron

Nov 4th 2020, 2:50:15

*breaking news*

it appears that laf had a mole hidden in our ranks - we thank our ally and bff mercs for sniffing them out and getting them for us while we are winning our war against the slave traders of laf

we may let him back in to keep an eye on him for everyone

do not fret - we are here to take out the trash as usual

with love
current clan named "xSOLx" head honcho

Goofy Game profile


Nov 4th 2020, 3:55:38

ROFL@ Requiem

Link Game profile


Nov 4th 2020, 14:25:32


I Am a meat popsicle.


DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 4th 2020, 15:32:15

You know, I never commented before because I just didnt feel like posts people were laughing at were actually funny. Thought it was a me thing. Whether it was direct or indirect homophobia, or just the posts about suiciding, it just didn't do it for me. They had my length but not my girth. Maybe people like watching him call gay people "fags" because it's really good for their toxic masculinity and makes them feel, like chevs, a "real man."

Chevs feels like he is winning and all this is worthwhile if you laugh at him or encourage him. He just really needs attention to enjoy his experience here. I just fail to see how anyone thinks this is humorous at all.

It's unfortunate certain mods laugh along with this guy as he makes personal attacks against other mods mental health, and still others sexual orientation. He is not funny and yall would be doing everyone a favor not to encourage this guys quest for attention.

But in any case, I read these stupid posts with their stupid bullet points that dont make any fluffing sense aside for the unabashed attacks on people's mental health and sexual orientation. And then the sheep here goes LOL. It's not funny. It hasn't been. It's fluffing stupid.

I'm not mad that the stupid bigot is talking, I'm mad my friends pretend to think its funny.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Nov 4th 2020, 15:46:50
See Original Post

Real_Man Game profile


Nov 4th 2020, 18:09:43

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
You know, I never commented before because I just didnt feel like posts people were laughing at were actually funny. Thought it was a me thing. Whether it was direct or indirect homophobia, or just the posts about suiciding, it just didn't do it for me. They had my length but not my girth. Maybe people like watching him call gay people "fags" because it's really good for their toxic masculinity and makes them feel, like chevs, a "real man."

Chevs feels like he is winning and all this is worthwhile if you laugh at him or encourage him. He just really needs attention to enjoy his experience here. I just fail to see how anyone thinks this is humorous at all.

It's unfortunate certain mods laugh along with this guy as he makes personal attacks against other mods mental health, and still others sexual orientation. He is not funny and yall would be doing everyone a favor not to encourage this guys quest for attention.

But in any case, I read these stupid posts with their stupid bullet points that dont make any fluffing sense aside for the unabashed attacks on people's mental health and sexual orientation. And then the sheep here goes LOL. It's not funny. It hasn't been. It's fluffing stupid.

I'm not mad that the stupid bigot is talking, I'm mad my friends pretend to think its funny.

Hi Derrick, Longtime Fan.

Are you having a mental breakdown or something? You seem unstable or worse.

What part of this thread is homophobic and what does any of it have to do with you?



Suicidal Game profile


Nov 4th 2020, 22:27:57

Originally posted by Real_Man:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:
You know, I never commented before because I just didnt feel like posts people were laughing at were actually funny. Thought it was a me thing. Whether it was direct or indirect homophobia, or just the posts about suiciding, it just didn't do it for me. They had my length but not my girth. Maybe people like watching him call gay people "fags" because it's really good for their toxic masculinity and makes them feel, like chevs, a "real man."

Chevs feels like he is winning and all this is worthwhile if you laugh at him or encourage him. He just really needs attention to enjoy his experience here. I just fail to see how anyone thinks this is humorous at all.

It's unfortunate certain mods laugh along with this guy as he makes personal attacks against other mods mental health, and still others sexual orientation. He is not funny and yall would be doing everyone a favor not to encourage this guys quest for attention.

But in any case, I read these stupid posts with their stupid bullet points that dont make any fluffing sense aside for the unabashed attacks on people's mental health and sexual orientation. And then the sheep here goes LOL. It's not funny. It hasn't been. It's fluffing stupid.

I'm not mad that the stupid bigot is talking, I'm mad my friends pretend to think its funny.

Hi Derrick, Longtime Fan.

Are you having a mental breakdown or something? You seem unstable or worse.

What part of this thread is homophobic and what does any of it have to do with you?



I must agree. Someone must be off of their meds or clearly trying to state their significance. Completely ruined this fun thread and this person should be banned for using words such as "fag". :P

smegma Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 5th 2020, 9:43:31

I know Derrick is such a homophobe. We need to send him to a "hidden bias, homophobia, xenophobia, and paranoia" class.

We are not all talking in code about you dude.

This thread can get back to its normally scheduled programming.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 5th 2020, 11:33:11

He didnt bash a mods mental health on this thread either. You guys really struggle reading context clues. Sheezus. It's like you are intentionally ignorant and the games worst bigots come out en masse to support him. Just because he isnt making bigoted comments on this thread doesnt mean he didn't spend a week banned for calling me a pedophile, and it surely doesn't mean he didn't tear a mod down for personal mental health reasons.

Read your context clues boys. "Wow, Hitler didnt gas any jews in that speech. His entire history is erased" *HARRRRD SIIGGGHHHH*

Suicidal Game profile


Nov 5th 2020, 12:27:44

Learn to separate real life from game life. If you read something you don't like, just scroll past it or accept the fact you are being trolled and don't let it get to you. THIS is game life.
Don't be so sensitive.

smegma Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 6th 2020, 0:51:21

What he said.

Also try buying panties that don't crawl so far up you ass crack.

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 6th 2020, 13:33:42

everyone knows whos sock puppet it is, so dont worry too much about that



Nov 6th 2020, 13:40:40

Originally posted by Suicidal:
Learn to separate real life from game life. If you read something you don't like, just scroll past it or accept the fact you are being trolled and don't let it get to you. THIS is game life.
Don't be so sensitive.

Dev encouraging it

Firedad Game profile


Nov 13th 2020, 3:25:43

See... I just wanted to try the whole net thing in peace. Didn’t even touch you.

However... you decided to try and screw up my set. So I’ve given up on trying to net. And will just skull Fck you every chance I get.

Don’t care about fdp... don’t care what the clan leaders say.
You are my target.
Every set.


EE Patron

Nov 13th 2020, 15:42:03

Originally posted by Firedad:
See... I just wanted to try the whole net thing in peace. Didn’t even touch you.

However... you decided to try and screw up my set. So I’ve given up on trying to net. And will just skull Fck you every chance I get.

Don’t care about fdp... don’t care what the clan leaders say.
You are my target.
Every set.

hi friend - seems there are some misguided views here

one of your guys decided he wanted to quit playing and take us out for zero reason - so just as you got your set ruined - we had ours ruined first

so you could attempt this one man revenge or how about you join the right side of this altercation

pm me chief - lets chat

Firedad Game profile


Nov 13th 2020, 17:01:27

I think you grossly underestimate how few fcks I give. You had an issue with someone else.
I didn’t decide to go try and ruin multiple netters sets... you did.

The thing you screwed up on was picking the netter who isn’t a netter, but vastly prefers to war and only tried to net this one set for fun.
I don’t particularly care. You made your bed.

Real_Man Game profile


Nov 13th 2020, 17:55:20

Originally posted by Firedad:
I think you grossly underestimate how few fcks I give. You had an issue with someone else.
I didn’t decide to go try and ruin multiple netters sets... you did.

The thing you screwed up on was picking the netter who isn’t a netter, but vastly prefers to war and only tried to net this one set for fun.
I don’t particularly care. You made your bed.

I really doubt Rasp would give you our country numbers.

Besides...Even if you got them somehow...try playing it out in your head how it will go (I know that's difficult for you, but try)

I can use my crystal ball to help you because I know logic and reason aren't your strong points. We have a very, VERY, expensive insurance policy. So if you hit us, you are just ensuring your friends get BOMB'd again. We just want to play in peace.

Good Luck!!

Real Man


EE Patron

Nov 13th 2020, 18:01:47

this seems like an exercise in futility - obviously you believe yourself to be righteous regardless of facts

well the good news - we will just add you to the fan pool dad on fire

not sure what i love more - you thinking we care or that you are so butt hurt

with love
commander in chief of current clan named "xSOLx"
enjoys salty tears with milk


EE Patron

Nov 13th 2020, 18:02:42

and one last thing - i never make my bed

myerr21 Game profile


Nov 13th 2020, 18:04:09

fluff yo bone spurs

gains [23:16:55] * Myerr!*@* added to ignore list

cloud-superfly: CP is ok

Firedad Game profile


Nov 13th 2020, 19:56:24

Lol, I guess we will see how this plays out then.

There are 3 kinds of people... D1cks, pu$$ys, and a$$holes.
You’re a$ssholes $hitting on everything. Just because.
But I’m a D1ck. And you’re gonna see how it works.

You done messed up A-Aron.


EE Patron

Nov 13th 2020, 20:20:35

Originally posted by Firedad:
Lol, I guess we will see how this plays out then.

There are 3 kinds of people... D1cks, pu$$ys, and a$$holes.
You’re a$ssholes $hitting on everything. Just because.
But I’m a D1ck. And you’re gonna see how it works.

You done messed up A-Aron.

i was just a boy when the infidel rokkie came and suicided on us - as quickly as he had come he had left this game - and that is when we put a jihad on laf

and if you dont believe it - ill put a jihad on you too

with sincere understanding of fathers on fire
crowned prince turned king of current clan named "xSOLx"
also known as a-aron, but may be mistaken identity

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 13th 2020, 22:30:51

/me eats popcorn

Good read, would read again.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Real_Man Game profile


Nov 13th 2020, 23:07:38

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
/me eats popcorn

Good read, would read again.

you may be interested in our promotional/recruiting material located on this board as well.

hint: (The BOMB greatest hits vol 1-3)

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 14th 2020, 1:59:26

Originally posted by Real_Man:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
/me eats popcorn

Good read, would read again.

you may be interested in our promotional/recruiting material located on this board as well.

hint: (The BOMB greatest hits vol 1-3)

Yeah, maybe after you pay me reps for the tech you ripped off of me few sets back.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!