
Murf Game profile


Sep 3rd 2010, 10:59:48

dixiechick to be honest i wouldnt be so sure sof would of been toast, we might have lost but you'd of had to work for it all set.

What if i can guarentee you that sof will leave icn alone next set, seeing as someone above posted we hate you guys which isn't true, tit for tat wars are boring as hell and in the longrun unless it's a true grudge it drives members out of the game.

The game is small enough as it is, SoF was using this set to netgain and rebuild, but ended up in war, at least it brought back a lot of old members including myself, so SoF will grow out of this set which I would like to thank ICN for.

dixiechick Game profile


Sep 3rd 2010, 11:13:03

Thanks Murf for that. ICN actually grew out of last set also and was here this set for the same reasons. Survival.

We had considered pacting and not waring SOF but when the insults on this board go so ugly last set and ICN was put down to such a degree, it fired a heat under us. That is why we have done our best to keep the post and insults to a min here this set. LOL I have even had others on this server come to me calling us too "passive" . they wanted to see the words war here. Hell, more wars are fought here than in the game. :P

Murf Game profile


Sep 3rd 2010, 11:19:02

well the forums suck without a good trashtalking war going on lol



Sep 3rd 2010, 15:54:07

9 year vendetta
it has to be my next country name!
but what do i know?
I only play this game for fun!

Soviet Game profile


Sep 3rd 2010, 15:59:51

Originally posted by dixiechick:
*waves to VILSE*. Thanks for clearing that up. TBH, I never figured the 9 year vendetta had anything to do with it. You know this server has little birds talking all the time. We had been told we pissed off a clan who was building to war us when we hit SOF and they had to wait until they could use a "reason" to come in. We were not given a name but it was clear once Imag hit us. Also knowing Imag's love to war and other clans actively warring others they probaly figured it was our time on their docket.

Hate to disappoint you, but iMag is not who those birds were talking about. I only ever considered hitting ICN after you guys fluffed around for 3 days and neither of your NWs changed (you 95m, sof 45m). Only then, ~4 days prior to our FS did I say "Hey lets kill ICN!".
Imaginary Numbers

Fooglmog Game profile


Sep 3rd 2010, 16:44:32

Originally posted by ViLSE:

Sorry to have to say this but it was my decision to smack iMag around back in 2001 and my decision alone. I seem to recall that we smacked iMag around more than once too but I am not entirely 100% about it I would have to go dig up my old databases to verify that. And yes we were very friendly for quite a while afterwards, didnt ICN actually come to your aid as well in a war at a later date?

For Vilse! It's good to see that you're in the game... I had no idea you were around.

Just to clear up the history... you guys invited iMagNum to hang around in your chat during the war, and I took that opportunity. I chatted a good bit with you and Thunder and a few other people and decided that I liked you guys -- so I kept hanging around after the war.

Later in the same reset, you guys were warring Militia X but couldn't get at their small countries. Showing off a huge pair of balls, you guys asked me if, since we had so many small countries, we'd be willing to jump in and help. I talked to Zarcon about it and we really appreciated the gall that it took to ask for help from an alliance you'd just been at war with. So we agreed.

That's how our pact started.

I'm sure ICN helped us our in later wars, but that first one was us helping ICN. I also can't think of any other time ICN and iMagNum warred against each other, but I may be mistaken.

Coincidentally, that war with Militia X started a 6 year feud where we warred them a couple times a year and they hated us. Alas...

Guy with no clue.

dixiechick Game profile


Sep 3rd 2010, 18:15:58

So if the first post was just a excuse to make a good war declare, why hit us? We were not in any position that SOF was last set. Why not have let us just finish up, 1 v 1?

NoleICN Game profile


Sep 3rd 2010, 22:32:30

Martin! so good to see you around man!

Murf! Man been a while... send me your contacts i lost all mine :S lol

Edited By: NoleICN on Sep 3rd 2010, 22:34:38. Reason: .
See Original Post


NukEvil Game profile


Sep 3rd 2010, 22:39:35

Originally posted by dixiechick:
So if the first post was just a excuse to make a good war declare, why hit us? We were not in any position that SOF was last set. Why not have let us just finish up, 1 v 1?

Because that would have resulted in SoF losing to ICN, and SoF can't have that...
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

archaic Game profile


Sep 4th 2010, 3:09:08

Actually Sov, you guys did not kill me, I restart a while ago. I was one of the few countries that SoF managed to kill.

Its all good Sov, I forgive you.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Beltshumeltz Game profile


Sep 4th 2010, 6:54:17

Actually the feud with Militia X could date from even earlier, as we fought Silver's WAR clan in our first full reset and he didn't like losing to us :) Silver was some sort of recurring villain in our history like you see in cartoons.

How about a 1 vs 1 with ICN next set? That could be good.

ViLSE Game profile


Sep 4th 2010, 11:13:02

Hey Foog,

I do remember some of that but cant say that I remember all the details. Cant be bothered to sit and dig through all the old message databases so I will take your word for it. :)

It was good fun back in the old days though, thats for sure!

I think we shouldnt mix the good old days up with whats happening now though, its an entire different set of people. I always liked iMag ever since that first time around but I cant speak for ICN today. I havent had anything to do with them for the last 3-4 years apart from being friendly with the 3-4 or so that I still know. :)

Murf Game profile


Sep 4th 2010, 11:50:06

nole best way to get me these days is probably on private mail on this site

but icq is 126927832, i think anyway i turn it on every few days

Fooglmog Game profile


Sep 6th 2010, 2:19:10

Scode! Good to see you're still alive :)

Guy with no clue.

Soviet Game profile


Sep 6th 2010, 2:52:46

Originally posted by Fooglmog:
Scode! Good to see you're still alive :)

Guy with no clue.

The real Scode died years ago.
Imaginary Numbers

Fooglmog Game profile


Sep 6th 2010, 3:01:42

Were you even in iMagNum when that happened Sov?

I feel like that was long before your time.

Guy with no clue.

Soviet Game profile


Sep 6th 2010, 3:14:01

Nah I joined in 06.
Imaginary Numbers

KeSSie Game profile


Sep 6th 2010, 3:29:19

yeah...Sov is a nub

Soviet Game profile


Sep 6th 2010, 3:50:31

Imaginary Numbers

KeSSie Game profile


Sep 6th 2010, 3:51:26

<3 :-P

Loafer Game profile


Sep 7th 2010, 21:35:10

*waves to ViLSE*

Beltshumeltz Game profile


Sep 10th 2010, 10:37:16

Yeah, imag was started from scratch and before vengeance and way before Stones as well I believe. I didn't see the graph though as I'm on remote desktop.

The training tag though doesn't really deserve mention as it was there only for 1 set as a spam tag which we then filtered and took 30 members from. It was MercsTrain or along those lines in 2004.


New Member

Sep 13th 2010, 23:02:25

Patience, we shouldn't have had to give you a heads up considering you had a higher avg nw and better built countries. The numbers were pretty close and it would have been a good war.

Yeah, that chart's little off. iMag was a party of Lust for a set or two and Vengeance essentially sprang out of iMag after nesting there for a set.

Lots of old faces in here.

Murf Game profile


Sep 13th 2010, 23:06:55

imag didnt tag up with vengeance in it's first set, since Blade, foog and me created Vengeance which later went onto become stones


New Member

Sep 13th 2010, 23:13:16

Yeah, you're right. I think I remember a few members going with foogl and that's what made me think that.

NukEvil Game profile


Sep 13th 2010, 23:22:55

Originally posted by iScode:
ahhh memories lol, FYI Nukevil your tree is wrong if its based on time as well, we were alive ALOT longer than vengeance and stones, in fact vengeance only appeared due to imag since we tagged up with them for their first set.

In that chart, time is arbitrary, and therefore shouldn't be used as a point of reference.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

Fooglmog Game profile


Sep 16th 2010, 6:52:20

My memory is that iMagNum did indeed tag with Vengeance the first reset... though I don't recall whether or not iMagNum stayed for the whole reset.

Guy with no clue.

iZarcon Game profile

Game Development

Sep 16th 2010, 10:07:57


Randomizers is no more, Stav. your co-leader finally retired =/
EE Developer


New Member

Sep 16th 2010, 22:12:11

Ok, so I did remember that there was something between the two alliances before Veng struck out on their own. I believe a fair amount of iMag tagged up Veng and then detagged and tagged iMag later in the set. Can't remember exactly though.

Zarcon, are you saying Me retired? If so, I'm honestly shocked. He'd been around forever.

KeSSie Game profile


Sep 17th 2010, 3:30:33

He didn't even consult me first..he just up and left! :-(

Dragonlance Game profile


Sep 17th 2010, 4:16:58

im so sorry stavros, but everytime i see your name, all i can think about is a nightclub, a yheti and spew.


New Member

Sep 21st 2010, 22:52:45

Ha, fair enough dl. That was definitely an interesting night, to say the least.

Is Yheti still around?