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Oh no trying to be witty or condescending. Ran out of insults? Or is that all your brain power used for the day?
Poor buttercup. I apologise. My mother always said I should treat woman with respect.
Hey iScode, RM here, longtime Scode fan.
Not quite sure what your issue is with us or what you are so angry about? Do you have a tiny little pecker?
It's ok, I do as well, my wife calls him "Little Man." I still live a fulfilling life. Are you sad nobody gave your sad little pecker country any attention? Yeah I saw the thread too. Low energy my friend.
Have you considered some self-reflection and trying to better yourself, rather than putting down others? It's very therapeutic. I used to have anger issues as well, but then once I took responsibility for my own poor choices, I realized I had agency. I realized all along that I was not in fact a victim, and my anger went away. You have the power to make positive changes in your own life, you just need to believe in yourself my friend.
Let me know if you wish to discuss further, we are each on our own path to becoming a real man, and we are all sinners and imperfect. We just need to do the best we can each day and not compare ourselves to others, but compare ourselves to who we were yesterday. If you make a small improvement each day, after a few years you will be shocked at how far you've come.