Sep 23rd 2010, 19:22:18
We dont accept L:L , and we fought you over it as early as the summer of 2004. The above mentioned alliance-wise escalating retals is not something we enforce on every grab on us, but i/we will not hesitate to use it against alliance i/we feel are trying to take advantage of SOL.
As for Stewy, his name will always be that in SOL.
He joined SOL as a member under a different alias(as many others in other alliances)
We belive in second chances, Stewy did not run a country in IX during his stay in SOL, and he had an advisor roll there, as many other influential leaders, if you Pang, would go to another alliance, LaFs and "insert alliance name"`s relations would improve, and i assume that you would be allowed to have an account in LaF still, and your voice would be heard on mathers that affected the alliance.
As for running SOL, that is a misconseption, SOL is a triumvirate with 3 heads, one for each dept, each dept has a 2nd in command, the commander, these 6 people make up the SOL HQ, but the excecutive powers rests in the Heads.
Stewy worked his way up the FR dept like anyone else, from retal mod, JR FR Officer, FR Officer then Snr FR Officer and finaly with NycEden`s retirement, he got a chance at FR Commander
Thunderbird was Head of FR at the time.
Head of War was Dragon, He was flying solo at the time with no commander, until Dalyx was trained for the job.
Head of IA was Allied Spirits, i belive Angel and Crystal was the runners up here in IA
Sigma was Force Commander, a posistion that had more pull back then than now so its gets an honorable mention, so how he ran SOL, without ever beeing a red, im not sure pang, and i know, because me and stewy pretty much ran FR together.
Makinso bounced around from War to FR whereever we needed him, so :P
is that answer enough for you, if not, please ask questions
Praetor - disqualified from the human race for being three laps ahead in the second round.