
mdevol Game profile


Mar 21st 2014, 2:48:57

I can understand that
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

aponic Game profile


Mar 21st 2014, 3:20:27

I didnt say this was unfair mdevol. I just pointed out that it was just as fair last set

mdevol Game profile


Mar 21st 2014, 4:14:23

last set was fair I think. we all understood SoL was going to attempt to net if allowed, and didnt want a war, and that if you hit our allies, we would respond. if you hit us MD was going to respond. the ball was in your court to make the changes that you claimed you wanted to make. We all understood that perfectly fine.

you went ahead and hit our allies and us preemptively, during the holidays, and MD came in and hit you. just like we all understood would happen.

that is exactly the reason that you didn't get a pact from us last reset and we were open and honest about it. being gentlemen, if you will.

This reset we different in that both of us wanted war and were geared up for it. I know losing wars is a bit taxing on a clan, try losing wars that are lopsided against you for 2 years in a row. that is what caused where we are at right now. so for the bulk of SoF to chirp about unfair and us having the advantage is laughable. you, whatever, you were gone for the most part. not them. that is why there is hate. that is why people are lining up to get a piece of SoF. we did what we could to make it even. you knew we were coming and even stated that if it went beyond the end of the month you were going to hit us. (I think I saw that somewhere, i could be mistaken)

anyways get in touch with maki or CC and figure out the differences or a plan moving forward.

time to step back from AT a little for me hahah.
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

DespicableMe Game profile


Mar 21st 2014, 5:45:02

set after set after set. Die SoL!

Colonel Chaos Game profile


Mar 21st 2014, 11:56:39

War is never fair... nor will it ever be considered so by some.

There will always be a reason for someone to cry foul. Inactivity, people joining tag mid war, countries being FAed while untagged... the list goes on forever.

That being said, it was a close war when it started. The average NW for each side was nearly identical a week later... great push by SoF. As of now, it is becoming clear who will triumph... a hard fought battle on both sides.

It is time to move on. No more revenge wars. No more 'you hit us 2 sets ago and it was unfair... in revenge for this, war we declare!' I'm willing to call it even over everything that has occurred over the last 15 months I have been back at SoL. I hope the more seasoned and experienced leaders can do the same. Find me on irc or skype if you want to chat.

Happy spring! (Die Winter die!)

Colonel Chaos
SOL FR Commander -> #solfr
ICQ: 37772272
Skype: colonel.chaos
“Tact is the knack of making a point without making an enemy.”
― Isaac Newton

hsifreta Game profile


Mar 21st 2014, 14:01:58

Originally posted by locket:
Perfectly fair? Sure. Id imagine you guys could get a much fairer war by simply agreeing to the start date though and somewhat coordinating member sizes so it is within a certain range.

I think Sol performed great here but if both sides actually want as fair a war as is likely to happen I think youd have to agree on a day. Would take too much effort to get same membership to the country.

Im uncertain if you were being sarcastic but Im guessing you were... either way I am not messing with you and would be interested to watch that war happen. Plus if it was agreed upon it would be good for the server politics imo and it would still be serious since you guys dont like eachother :P

I reckon we need to do more than that. Same acre/nw/build for every country, but hey, it's not fair if activity is different, we need to find our lifestyle counterparts from the same countries and have pair up and join different tags. And limit how long they're allowed to play each day. Oh wait..

It wasn't a fair war, no. A bit impossible, but it was a fun war, and it was a challenging war. Let's leave it at that. Let's war like this more often, guys. Even set a date, it's a lot more entertaining than hoodwinking or gangbangs. And activity-wise, it'll come if you work on it, rivalry helps to maintain the sharpness of your sword, so they say.

Thanks for a good war, guys.

aponic Game profile


Mar 22nd 2014, 1:04:29

Says who SoF wanted a war after getting stomped three sets in a row by greater numbers? We wanted to net. Now go off that assumption and come up with something to say mdevol. Seriously dude if you don't drop your fluff and act like a regular fluffing person, I will lose it. Choke on a god damn fluff dude

MauricXe Game profile


Mar 22nd 2014, 1:09:42

Originally posted by mdevol:

KC left, Galleri left, mauricXe, the members they borrowed from RD last reset left...why is that?

If you are implying anything about my departure, you need to stop.

MauricXe Game profile


Mar 22nd 2014, 1:14:42

Originally posted by Makinso:
Aponic how is you saying you will bully SOL into a war they do not wish to fight an attempt to improve relationships? As a sidenote I never said having an FS does NOT help your war effort, I just said they aren't as powerful as 6 - 12 months ago.

Anyways we're beyond those points. It's time this fluff ends and we need to talk in private.

I would have liked to see you explain why sharing private logs helps relations....and why aponic should trust your next conversations will be private.

It will be interesting to see if both sides can get over their grievances. My guess is no.

Kid Game profile


Mar 22nd 2014, 2:51:13

SOF. Stop killling me while i'm busy making business!

archaic Game profile


Mar 22nd 2014, 2:57:47

Congrats to Sol for stomping the fluff out of sof, have fun doing it again next set.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov



Mar 22nd 2014, 3:48:41

Well who'd a thunk we would see archaic on my thread sucking sol fluff.
I am absolutely dumbfounded.

Alin Game profile


Mar 22nd 2014, 6:46:49

Well, you provided some sexual pleasure with your mouth too. Within your first 3-4 posts and the recipient was Sof.

Archaic is just teasing ... altought he was paid in advance and you did it for free !!!

mdevol Game profile


Mar 22nd 2014, 6:55:10

Originally posted by MauricXe:
Originally posted by mdevol:

KC left, Galleri left, mauricXe, the members they borrowed from RD last reset left...why is that?

If you are implying anything about my departure, you need to stop.

no implications, I was mostly just curious.
Galleri I knew. The others, I wasnt positive about

The next sentence was the key one, for context.

You guys all leaving left a small but active chunk out of SoF. Would it have been enough to close the gap? We don't know.
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

tellarion Game profile


Mar 22nd 2014, 10:53:12

Originally posted by MauricXe:
Originally posted by Makinso:
Aponic how is you saying you will bully SOL into a war they do not wish to fight an attempt to improve relationships? As a sidenote I never said having an FS does NOT help your war effort, I just said they aren't as powerful as 6 - 12 months ago.

Anyways we're beyond those points. It's time this fluff ends and we need to talk in private.

I would have liked to see you explain why sharing private logs helps relations....and why aponic should trust your next conversations will be private.

It will be interesting to see if both sides can get over their grievances. My guess is no.

Doesn't help that Aponic said the same thing to multiple alliance leaders, myself included. Not sure how you can spin a straightforward statement like he made, but people sure do seem to be trying..

Helmet Game profile


Mar 22nd 2014, 15:18:50

Don't motivate me to come back.



Mar 22nd 2014, 15:49:18

Originally posted by Alin:
Well, you provided some sexual pleasure with your mouth too. Within your first 3-4 posts and the recipient was Sof.
Archaic is just teasing ... altought he was paid in advance and you did it for free !!!

Well archaic is probably the most anti-sof/laf guy on the boards and I was drunk some. Sorry archaic.

Anyways, not at all on my part. SoF is ranked better than SoL, SoF was coming back and should have overtaken sol. I listed the reasons they should have beat SoL, and stated the reasons SoL could still win. I based my analysis on stats and with the exception that activity remains the same. It didn't.

Not only that, but I believe with the current changes in a later war that crippling is not as effective as in an earlier war. I banked my thought of SoF coming back heavily on crippling being as effective as it was in the LaF/NeoRage war. It did not appear to be. SoL's activity remained pretty constant and they evidently had enough stocked to negate much of the crippling.

In the end,
Killing > Maiming
SoL Activity > SoF Activity

Even the best lose occasionally. Nice war on both sides.

aponic Game profile


Mar 22nd 2014, 17:34:36

Symac's summation of the war results is fair imo

Alin Game profile


Mar 22nd 2014, 17:40:19


Tell me what did Sof do in the last 3 resets to be placed even among "the best". 1 single fact they did, that makes them "best" .

Hell, the last time i remember Sof being best at something is when they Fsed MD in MDs 75 reset. And before that you gotta go back another 12 months or something.



Mar 22nd 2014, 18:55:53

Originally posted by Alin:
Tell me what did Sof do in the last 3 resets to be placed even among "the best". 1 single fact they did, that makes them "best" .
Hell, the last time i remember Sof being best at something is when they Fsed MD in MDs 75 reset. And before that you gotta go back another 12 months or something.

Be as jaded as you want, but SoF is and always has been in the top 3 maybe at a stretch 5 war alliances in the game. SoL is up there too, probably has always been in the top 5 war alliances in the game.
SoF are usually regarded as having better netting strategy and better target selection than SoL, with both having crazy activity and morale during wars.
Now these things fluctuate every set. This set SoL was the better. That simple.

Saying SoF isn't one of the best war alliances is stupid, it would be the same as saying SoL isn't one of the best warring alliances or LaF isn't one of the best netting alliances and now war alliances.

locket Game profile


Mar 22nd 2014, 20:02:43

You actually think crippling had anything to do with how Laf vs NeoRage turned out Symac?



Mar 22nd 2014, 20:09:48

Originally posted by locket:
You actually think crippling had anything to do with how Laf vs NeoRage turned out Symac?
You don't?



Mar 22nd 2014, 20:42:15

Originally posted by Alin:

Tell me what did Sof do in the last 3 resets to be placed even among "the best". 1 single fact they did, that makes them "best" .

Hell, the last time i remember Sof being best at something is when they Fsed MD in MDs 75 reset. And before that you gotta go back another 12 months or something.

I would probably refer to last sets beat down of SOL until the point where they needed a 2-1 member advantage to save face. We could start there...

Colo Game profile


Mar 22nd 2014, 20:47:19

Originally posted by ssewellusmc:
Originally posted by Alin:

Tell me what did Sof do in the last 3 resets to be placed even among "the best". 1 single fact they did, that makes them "best" .

Hell, the last time i remember Sof being best at something is when they Fsed MD in MDs 75 reset. And before that you gotta go back another 12 months or something.

I would probably refer to last sets beat down of SOF.

I agree USMC, last sets beat down on SOF is a good example.

Edited By: Colo on Mar 22nd 2014, 20:54:19



Mar 22nd 2014, 20:49:50

Ok... I'm pretty sure we would have won this set too if you FSed us, and we called in another alliance to go 2-1... simple math.

archaic Game profile


Mar 22nd 2014, 22:30:19

Originally posted by Symac:
Originally posted by Alin:
Well, you provided some sexual pleasure with your mouth too. Within your first 3-4 posts and the recipient was Sof.
Archaic is just teasing ... altought he was paid in advance and you did it for free !!!

Well archaic is probably the most anti-sof/laf guy on the boards and I was drunk some. Sorry archaic.

Very true, no worries.

I've never really had any beef with Sol. Sol has always reminded me of the parable of the frog and scorpion - you know what they are, if you're still surprised when you get stung its your own damned fault. Sof on the other hand changes colors so often that even most Sof members don't know whose lap they are reclining in any given set. Their slow and painful demise is well deserved.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

OrderofBleh Game profile


Mar 23rd 2014, 0:25:45


Makinso Game profile


Mar 23rd 2014, 1:06:25

Originally posted by MauricXe:
Originally posted by Makinso:
Aponic how is you saying you will bully SOL into a war they do not wish to fight an attempt to improve relationships? As a sidenote I never said having an FS does NOT help your war effort, I just said they aren't as powerful as 6 - 12 months ago.

Anyways we're beyond those points. It's time this fluff ends and we need to talk in private.

I would have liked to see you explain why sharing private logs helps relations....and why aponic should trust your next conversations will be private.

It will be interesting to see if both sides can get over their grievances. My guess is no.

Dear Maurice.

What I said there was nothing private. It was widely discussed among many alliance leaders. Including aponic and multiple alliance leaders. Stop saying stupid stuff based on having no facts on what went down and how.

Aponic you can still contact me.

locket Game profile


Mar 23rd 2014, 1:40:49

Originally posted by Symac:
Originally posted by locket:
You actually think crippling had anything to do with how Laf vs NeoRage turned out Symac?
You don't?

The entire war was won by activity and country quality. The rest made no difference in the end. Neo isnt RD and Rage also doesnt compare to Laf so...



Mar 23rd 2014, 2:21:10

Originally posted by locket:
Originally posted by Symac:
Originally posted by locket:
You actually think crippling had anything to do with how Laf vs NeoRage turned out Symac?
You don't?

The entire war was won by activity and country quality. The rest made no difference in the end. Neo isnt RD and Rage also doesnt compare to Laf so...

Your view of war is limited. Activity is defiantly one of the most important deciders but means nothing without proper focus.

MauricXe Game profile


Mar 23rd 2014, 3:25:12


You can stop lying about sharing private logs. That's not up for debate. It's well known that you did indeed share private logs between aponic and yourself. It is very clear that aponic can't trust you.

Makinso Game profile


Mar 23rd 2014, 7:46:43

You're missing the point entirely lol.

I'm not even going to reply to that anymore if you keep your head stuck in the dark hole lol

MauricXe Game profile


Mar 23rd 2014, 14:16:41

Ofc you won't reply....because you are obviously guilty.

mdevol Game profile


Mar 23rd 2014, 15:19:38

SoF didn't trust him before, what makes you think anything changed on the SoF side? 3/4 of SoF leadership remained when aponic came back into leadership. Truth is, aponic came back to help repair a broken SoF FR dept that Sov was running into the ground. He has a chance to do that still. Obviously, it has become a bit more difficult than it was at first, but it is still possible.

Scott, I know it is hard to understand but as I have said, more than once, the spin you are trying to do in AT makes NO SENSE.

Last reset, the entire server knew that SoF was going to get pummeled if they hit SoL or our allies. We promised your leaders that, multiple times. MD promised your leaders that, multiple times. Your leaders walked into it anyways. They can tell you members whatever they want want, but the truth is still the truth regardless of how what you want it to be. That is 100% on SoF. Nobody else. Even by apoincs own standards of honesty and being gentlemen, everybody was up front last reset. fluff, even Flamey admitted (and you clung to) that you guys had discussed an alternative to getting beat down - *cough* civil war *cough* - you could have taken that route, improved relations with SoL and MD (as you claim you want to do) and this reset likely wouldn't have gone down like it did.

This set, SoL was pissed about being forced to war during holidays when we clearly told you we had no interest warring. This reset was personal. I think we proved our point.

Your sides statements about exhausted war dept and membership are falling on deaf ears. As far as the good of the game, that is somewhat unfortunate. However, a lot of alliances in the server are still recovering from the merciless, lopsided beatdowns SoF and Co. gave them over the past couple years while they held and abused the hell out of the power block until the block was ripped away from them by their cheating, law-breaking allies in RD. Only time will repair that aspect of the history of the game.

As I said would happen when I stepped into leadership, SoL is returning to its core values and principles and that includes dropping these meaningless, redundant grudge wars. They are bad for the server, they are bad for both clans involved and that is not what SoL is interested in taking part in.

SoL is open to discuss moving forward. I suggest that aponic get in touch with Maki or Chaos and we start working on putting this behind us before the reset is over so that it doesn't drag into next set.
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

archaic Game profile


Mar 23rd 2014, 15:42:54

Originally posted by mdevol:

Your sides statements about exhausted war dept and membership are falling on deaf ears. As far as the good of the game, that is somewhat unfortunate. However, a lot of alliances in the server are still recovering from the merciless, lopsided beatdowns SoF and Co. gave them over the past couple years while they held and abused the hell out of the power block until the block was ripped away from them by their cheating, law-breaking allies in RD. Only time will repair that aspect of the history of the game.

Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

locket Game profile


Mar 23rd 2014, 18:46:11

Originally posted by Symac:
Originally posted by locket:
Originally posted by Symac:
Originally posted by locket:
You actually think crippling had anything to do with how Laf vs NeoRage turned out Symac?
You don't?

The entire war was won by activity and country quality. The rest made no difference in the end. Neo isnt RD and Rage also doesnt compare to Laf so...

Your view of war is limited. Activity is defiantly one of the most important deciders but means nothing without proper focus.

My view of war is not limited at all. Laf had more active countries. Laf had better average countries. There was nothing more needed to win the war. You couldnt have lost it.

The fact is the activity wasnt even close. By the 20th of February it was already going one way in that regard. Neo had 77 HPM, Laf had 66, and Rage had 46. After getting the FS. It only got worse after that. Add in stronger countries and you could have killed bottom up and won.

aponic Game profile


Mar 24th 2014, 1:04:26

SOL: FYI, I wont be contacting you. That's as nice as I can put it.

aponic Game profile


Mar 24th 2014, 1:06:46

Btw, lmao at mdevols comment that SOL was mad over last set FS. You called in your ally and stomped us for a month. Grudge war hypocrit.

Atryn Game profile


Mar 24th 2014, 12:13:35

Wow aponic, that is a pretty senseless reaction. I've been giving you the benefit of the doubt and waiting to see how you handled your return... but wow.

1. SOL didn't want to fight last set. They asked not to be hit. They told you if they were hit, they had allies on stand-by to stomp you.

2. You hit them anyway. As promised, they called allies and stomped you.

That is more than enough reason (you FS'd them) for them to want to hit you back this set. But on top of that, everyone last set was calling for a 1v1. So not only did they hit you back, they arranged to keep it 1v1 and there has (thank goodness) been no outside FA or market shenanigans (well, not that I've seen).

How hard is this to understand? You FS people that don't want to be FS'd. They FS you back. OMG CRY ME A RIVER.

Then, on top of that, you refuse to talk to them and hope relations will improve???????


Alin Game profile


Mar 24th 2014, 12:41:56

aponic just went through Sof`s 1on1 ignorance high-school. He`s applying for Sov`s "Go fluff yourself" university, where Helmut is teaching. He will be probably admitted ...

arthog Game profile


Mar 24th 2014, 13:26:27

we have fluff ?



Mar 24th 2014, 13:39:03

so much fun reading this thread, it should become the new bonus thread!

DespicableMe Game profile


Mar 25th 2014, 5:46:10

Originally posted by Helmet:
Don't motivate me to come back.

post some more guys!!! ^^I would love this to happen. :P

The Cloaked Game profile


Mar 25th 2014, 7:34:46


Atryn Game profile


Mar 25th 2014, 11:58:46

Originally posted by DespicableMe:
Originally posted by Helmet:
Don't motivate me to come back.

post some more guys!!! ^^I would love this to happen. :P

Helmet didn't really say who that was directed to... All I have to go on is that his sig is anti-Alin. ;)

I need to know what statements made him want to come back before I can post more of them.

sampaul Game profile


Mar 25th 2014, 12:22:45


TeckMing Game profile


Mar 25th 2014, 12:30:41


crest23 Game profile


Mar 25th 2014, 13:40:30

I have to admit, perception is everything. When I 1st started reading 1A forum, the word on the street was SoF was just a badass alliance. Their leaders certainly thought so and voiced it. The member did the same. I think I posted here somewhere about how the mighty always fall, ALWAYS. That's a fact of life. (QZ! Make searching viable already!)

Now reading this forum of recent, I have come to determine that SoF is a sh1t clan, who have made losing a habit and are not stuck in it's evergrasping clasp. All the members are now excuse makers and fault finders. Some have 'retired' from the game like the losers they really always were.

Someone please let me know if they will be coming to get their asses kicked again next set, I don't have time to play, but I think I can make something happen just for them. And I don't much care which alliance they want to kick them in the teeth next set, just if you suspect which alliance it is, call me, I will sign up.
The Nigerian Nightmare.

Atryn Game profile


Mar 25th 2014, 15:40:21

I think crest23 is trying to get Helmet to return. ;)

NukEvil Game profile


Mar 25th 2014, 15:56:14

I think crest23 is trying to see just how quickly the universe in general can force a person to eat his or her own words.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.