Jan 17th 2011, 12:01:05
you know if you guys can all have a gentlemen's agreement where we all war every other reset regardless of whether you prefer to net or war (so someone like SOL/SoF wars half the time and nets half the time, and someone like NA/EVO wars half the time and nets half the time, etc.)
in other words, if a fighting alliance wants to war a netting one, the netting reset must have netted the reset prior, and the fighting alliance also. that means the fighting alliance took a break from "pushing more netters out of the game", and the netters got their netting in, so they can stop complaining and get their war on ;P
obviously if a warring alliance has an willing opponent a second reset even tho they just fought, they can surely get that fight.
and the reverse is true, if no one wants to fight a netting alliance that already netted the reset before, they can net.
but somehow it sounds kind of lame in some aspects. we used to be 15 year old kids getting nerd rage at each other trying to compare our e-penises, and some of us want to continue that tradition instead of having orderly fun ;) just kidding on that part, but i do think if everything is completely arranged the game will lose a lot of the suspense...
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia