
bertz Game profile


Apr 27th 2013, 5:21:25

Are you saying that even without evidences, you assume that there was many FAs from LCN?
These kind of reasons were okay when this game used to have more players and warring used to be the more "enjoyable" part of the game. But leaders should start thinking the effects of being FSd without good reasons. It frustrate players leading them to stop playing the game.
But this is just a biased opinion of a lazy netter by the way.

locket Game profile


Apr 27th 2013, 5:57:14

Originally posted by bertz:
Are you saying that even without evidences, you assume that there was many FAs from LCN?
These kind of reasons were okay when this game used to have more players and warring used to be the more "enjoyable" part of the game. But leaders should start thinking the effects of being FSd without good reasons. It frustrate players leading them to stop playing the game.
But this is just a biased opinion of a lazy netter by the way.

No one has looked for much evidence for ages and despite claims that people want to change it hasnt changed much



Apr 27th 2013, 6:25:57

go go go RevX!

trumper Game profile


Apr 27th 2013, 10:58:13

Originally posted by Sublime:
Well you know what they say about rats. If you see one, there's a thousand. I feel the same way about FA packages....

Well anytime SoF wants to document the thousands, hundreds, or even two would be nice. Of course they won't because they can't. It's that evil FA monster hiding under the bed that doesn't exist.

So either SoF got bad intel from someone with other designs, or, more likely, this was a pretty pathetic attempt to bait other folks. I'll go with the latter given SoF hasn't finished off either DK or LCN, yet could have done so by now.

Atryn Game profile


Apr 27th 2013, 12:50:58

Originally posted by Sublime:
Just because SoF FSd MD before MD went after LaF (if they intended on doing so) doesn't mean that going after allies helping allies is illegal, or unethical.

Whoa, wait, hold on there... Where the heck did THAT come from?!?!? We haven't had any ill will towards LaF in a very long time now...

If anyone though MD had any intentions to FS LaF, they were completely misreading their tea leaves, or someone was misleading them.

Flamey Game profile


Apr 27th 2013, 16:37:41

Why would we kill our land?



Apr 27th 2013, 17:50:45

Originally posted by Purposeful1:
i'm still baffled that one FA package that we told SoF about and apologized to SoF for immediately after logically leads to a FS. I explained to SoF that I had received information that LaF was FAing SoF, which later I found out was unproven. I told LCNers not to FA. One FA package was sent, and MD'ers rejected the other (few) pact offers that were sent.

Warring alliances always need to hit somebody, the smallest reason is reason enough!

cypress Game profile


Apr 27th 2013, 23:45:32

TAG! You're it!

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Apr 28th 2013, 3:16:27

Come Out Come Out whereever you are!!!

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Sublime Game profile


Apr 28th 2013, 4:50:40

Originally posted by Atryn:
Originally posted by Sublime:
Just because SoF FSd MD before MD went after LaF (if they intended on doing so) doesn't mean that going after allies helping allies is illegal, or unethical.

Whoa, wait, hold on there... Where the heck did THAT come from?!?!? We haven't had any ill will towards LaF in a very long time now...

If anyone though MD had any intentions to FS LaF, they were completely misreading their tea leaves, or someone was misleading them.

Sorry Atryn, I was just using it as an example....not trying to imply that there was any MD-LaF drama.

grimjoww Game profile


Apr 28th 2013, 11:31:53


iTarl Game profile


Apr 28th 2013, 13:51:34

here I am little g !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

iZarcon Game profile

Game Development

Apr 28th 2013, 14:01:04

Originally posted by iTarl:
here I am little g !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

no! i'm spartacus!
EE Developer

Makolyte Game profile


Apr 28th 2013, 17:26:37

CM TIE Ya Shoez (#9) [Dknights] --> Im on a Highway to Hell (#866) [SoF] -- 14C/2B

I thought you guys were good at war.
Alliance: VP of Death Knights
FFA: XI warrior

FireFox Game profile


Apr 28th 2013, 17:33:55


Syko_Killa Game profile


Apr 28th 2013, 17:36:01

some of you guys are way to detailed with your messaging..just write incoherent fluffe like me: )
Do as I say, not as I do.

ArsenalMD Game profile


Apr 29th 2013, 1:15:12


Goofy Game profile


Apr 29th 2013, 2:43:12

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Goofy:
Good luck LCN and DKnights

Sad when SoF = Imag 2.0

*bonus post*

How does that makes sense??
We normally hit clans bigger than us.

More along the lines of not even having close to a good reason to hit someone.

metalloid Game profile


Apr 29th 2013, 3:41:40

SoF is like a sleeping giant, wake him and he will smash you...

Boltar Game profile


Apr 29th 2013, 11:48:09

Originally posted by Purposeful1:
i'm still baffled that one FA package that we told SoF about and apologized to SoF for immediately after logically leads to a FS. I explained to SoF that I had received information that LaF was FAing SoF, which later I found out was unproven. I told LCNers not to FA. One FA package was sent, and MD'ers rejected the other (few) pact offers that were sent.

As for the PDM'ers in this thread praising our downfall, a couple months ago I apologized to Tisya and TAN about our FS of you guys. We got overaggressive and misinterpreted others' intentions, and I'll freely admit that declaring war on you guys was a bad call on my part. One of the few times I've genuinely felt bad about something I've done in this game. To any of you who haven't heard it yet in PDM, I'm sorry.

Purposeful1- LCN did FS SoF the set prior to last sets MD vs SoF


Posts: 103
Quote Post
Apr 28th 2013, 17:26:37
CM TIE Ya Shoez (#9) [Dknights] --> Im on a Highway to Hell (#866) [SoF] -- 14C/2B

I thought you guys were good at war.


u leave my late start mostly inactive crap country out of this damn it.. and killed me on the holy day of week while at my new job and new shift.. u dirty bastards!

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Apr 29th 2013, 11:55:07

Originally posted by metalloid:
SoF is like a sleeping giant, wake him and he will smash you...

SoF is more like a bull in a china shop. if they're around then something's going to get broke.
There are no messages in your Inbox.
Elvis has left the building.

Buch Game profile


Apr 29th 2013, 13:37:14

Bahahaha we got boltar that's awesome usually you are a good waller

BigRick Game profile


Apr 29th 2013, 18:21:50

*slings poo at SoF*
***Leader of DeathKnights***
Pink Elephant Tamer

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

May 1st 2013, 3:28:43

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by ArsenalMD:
90 vs 30

Classic SoF behaviour.

I need to save this quote. Especially after the current events that just happened.

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

trumper Game profile


May 1st 2013, 17:39:14

Boltar, did you see my documented proof of SoF breaking landgrabbing rules from the set before the last set before the last set plus a few sets? Yep, exactly.

Everyone has been on every which side at some point. It's just amusing to read the justifications--even begrudingly ours on occassion. But over 1 FA package, priceless. I almost wondered if your leadership was just that incapable of engaging in some form of landgrabbing war that escalated, then I realized they don't care because it was all about baiting MD...otherwise you guys should have long ago tag-killed everyone.

mider Game profile


May 1st 2013, 17:49:31


Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

May 1st 2013, 17:52:06

Originally posted by Flamey:
It was SoF's 70th celebration set a few sets ago. Yesterday was MD's 75th Reunion set.

75 continuous sets?
- Premium Patron Member

Bombay Game profile


May 1st 2013, 19:22:09

I seem to recall SOF hitting MD out of the blue a couple of resets ago for no reason. Kind of funny you guys then were "Blind-sided" in getting hit after that.

Merovingian: Oh my god Persephone, how could you do this? You betrayed me.
[Stream of French]
Persephone: Cause and Effect, my love.
Merovingian: Cause? There is no cause for this. What cause?
Persephone: What cause? How about the lipstick you're still wearing?
Merovingian: Lipstick? Lipstick? Heh, what craziness are you talking about woman? There is no lipstick.
[checks his face]
Persephone: She wasn't kissing your face, my love.