
cypress Game profile


Aug 19th 2013, 7:27:03

more raging please, running out of stuff to read

tellarion Game profile


Aug 19th 2013, 7:48:13

Originally posted by Pain:
Originally posted by tellarion:
Originally posted by ssewellusmc:
I didnt see Sol crying about fairness when they fsed us oop and had a 30-40 member advantage. Kind of funny how that works. Need a tissue SOL?

Bertz isn't Sol.

And not our fault you A) Can't retain members, and B) Can't handle the pressure. I mean seriously, I thought Sof was the premier warring alliance in the game? You can't handle a 20 member difference?

now its a 20 member difference (its actually 25 according to current numbers), tomorrow youll be saying it was only a 15 member difference, it seems to keep dropping even though at the day of the FS it was actually like a 40+ member difference lol. keep spinning how much advantage you actually had. im sure you can eventually spin it into SoF being the gangbangers from the start, ask dagga for some tips.

Actually, at the time of the FS, we weren't finished tagging up either. Evo has an over 2.0 restart rate, lol.

And now what is the difference? Sof/Rival/Laf have 193 countries alive, Evo/Monsters/Sol have 107. And we ate two FSes at this point. Remember that '3.5 alliances' and 'we're going to go it alone' bit? Well, now it's 3 vs 3.2 alliances, and the 3 alliances have almost double the numbers we do.

Syko_Killa Game profile


Aug 19th 2013, 9:19:02

wheres MD?
Do as I say, not as I do.

MauricXe Game profile


Aug 19th 2013, 11:45:40


You aren't one of the unreasonable naysayers.


I would be surprised that you were netting when you knew SoF was coming for you. At worst, that is poor planning on MD's part.

None claimed MD won. They just don't give SoF credit....for some of the reasons you stated. Yet, we are supposed to ignore those same reasons offered wrt the previous set; MD FSd a mostly netting SoF.

Sov Game profile


Aug 19th 2013, 12:00:53

If MD were netting that set then that is poor communication to the members from MD's leadership because both sides knew it was coming.



Aug 19th 2013, 12:17:19

its not our fault you giys cant recruit!

Atryn Game profile


Aug 19th 2013, 12:20:24

Originally posted by MauricXe:

I would be surprised that you were netting when you knew SoF was coming for you. At worst, that is poor planning on MD's part.

None claimed MD won. They just don't give SoF credit....for some of the reasons you stated. Yet, we are supposed to ignore those same reasons offered wrt the previous set; MD FSd a mostly netting SoF.

Its almost the same. SoF knew MD was coming. I don't know exactly what SoF wanted, I thought I heard you wanted 1/2 your alliance to war and 1/2 to net or something? Either way, you knew we were coming. You called in LaF for a 2x (or whatever it was) advantage over MD and MD went down in flames.

I think it was reasonable to assume, at that point, given your victory that MD could back off. But no, you came after MD the next set as well. Maybe some in MD suspected you were coming, I don't know. But the set was supposed to be netting and that is what MD set up for. MD certainly didn't go running off to make it 2x against you. MD fought it out the hard way, and lost.

SoF wants to always win its wars, I think AT gets that. There isn't any interest there in "fairness" or sportsmanship. They just want to win. That isn't wrong, it just is what it is.

The sooner people realize reality, the sooner they can stop making dumb assumptions like "if its even they'll fight it out".

Sov Game profile


Aug 19th 2013, 12:23:12

You are so wrong on many levels. I wonder if you are just twisting facts for the public eye or if you really believe the crap you are shovelling.

Or maybe you missed Havoc's video address where he specifically quoted Maverick's presidential speech "fluff SoF, this set we are bringing 100." Or did they just mean you are bringing 100 to a net-off? I see.

iScode Game profile


Aug 19th 2013, 12:27:25

Originally posted by Atryn:
Originally posted by MauricXe:

I would be surprised that you were netting when you knew SoF was coming for you. At worst, that is poor planning on MD's part.

None claimed MD won. They just don't give SoF credit....for some of the reasons you stated. Yet, we are supposed to ignore those same reasons offered wrt the previous set; MD FSd a mostly netting SoF.

Its almost the same. SoF knew MD was coming. I don't know exactly what SoF wanted, I thought I heard you wanted 1/2 your alliance to war and 1/2 to net or something? Either way, you knew we were coming. You called in LaF for a 2x (or whatever it was) advantage over MD and MD went down in flames.

I think it was reasonable to assume, at that point, given your victory that MD could back off. But no, you came after MD the next set as well. Maybe some in MD suspected you were coming, I don't know. But the set was supposed to be netting and that is what MD set up for. MD certainly didn't go running off to make it 2x against you. MD fought it out the hard way, and lost.

SoF wants to always win its wars, I think AT gets that. There isn't any interest there in "fairness" or sportsmanship. They just want to win. That isn't wrong, it just is what it is.

The sooner people realize reality, the sooner they can stop making dumb assumptions like "if its even they'll fight it out".

MD knew if they hit sof that laf would be called in, the sole reason they hit that set was to ruin sof's anniversary set and not let them split the tags. They were warned, then knew the consequences and yet they still went through with it.

MD shouldnt cry about laf being called in when they knew it would happen before they fs'd. However your properganda team thought, this will be a great chance to loose and play the victim/sympathy card, i guess you just love playing the victim. I bet you love it so much, after sex, you yell rape...
God of War


Atryn Game profile


Aug 19th 2013, 12:32:30

Sov / iScode,

Its clear we don't see things the same way. There was certainly never any discussion that I saw where MD was "out to ruin an anniversary set". That's BS I would never condone. In fact, there was discussion about the fact that we SoF was having a reunion set and _should_ that stop us from proceeding? In the end, we decided it shouldn't stop us because SoF would have a larger number of players anyway and it would be a better fight.

You are mixing causation and correlation.

Where you both seem to consistently go wrong with your logic is the starting assumption that its all about you.

iScode Game profile


Aug 19th 2013, 12:37:19


it was disscused with me, by your leaders, in a pre set meeting along with Omega, SoL and LCN when imag and md were FDP's

I know for a fact it was part of there motivation, I have posted logs from that meeting showing it was part of there motivation. There was no assumption.
God of War


Sov Game profile


Aug 19th 2013, 12:41:24

Oh you didn't know about LAF coming in? Maybe your leadership needs to work on communication.

[2012-12-19 22:23:00] <Sov> You were not being ignored, you were messaging my home computer when I was at work
[2012-12-19 22:23:10] <Sov> but this discussion is useless
[2012-12-19 22:23:20] <FujiMD> Why is that?
[2012-12-19 22:25:59] <Sov> Because we have been going round and round for weeks and it has gotten us nowhere. LAF sent a message to MD today, I suggest you take it seriously. I am not going to waste any more time negotiating.
[2012-12-19 22:27:58] <Sov> But know this, SoF is not looking to hit MD, we will leave the ball in your court for this set. We will judge you on your actions.
[2012-12-19 22:30:34] <FujiMD> I feel like you should know why I don't believe you

And yes we left the ball in your court and we judged you on your actions. And you didn't take LAF seriously, your own problem and not ours.

Sov Game profile


Aug 19th 2013, 12:44:40

If you want we can post all the logs? It's just well, MD won't look like the victim you portray them to be. But hey, if we want to get it all out in the open, let's make a new thread and go for it. And you guys can post up Havoc's video for fluffs and giggles :)



Aug 19th 2013, 12:46:43

Love the oop FS, creates so much farm land!
but what do i know?
I only play this game for fun!

Atryn Game profile


Aug 19th 2013, 12:47:35

Originally posted by Sov:
Oh you didn't know about LAF coming in?

Don't see anywhere that I said that actually? We knew you could call LaF in. I never said "we didn't know LaF would come in". I think it just goes well with the title of this thread about SoF being pussies.

Sov Game profile


Aug 19th 2013, 12:50:17

You can consider us pussies if you want, everyone is entitled to their opinion. We still wiped the floor with MD for 4 sets in a row so we have our own opinion.

iScode Game profile


Aug 19th 2013, 12:51:13

FYI Atryn

[09:27] <@Randy[MD]> and we'll ruin their reunion netting set
[09:27] <@Randy[MD]> WIN WIN baby
[09:27] <@PrideMD> Doesn't matter
[09:27] <@PrideMD> we're ok with it
[09:27] <@iScode> remember i do have a lot of love for sof guys, if your plan here is to do that, i want no part of it
God of War


Atryn Game profile


Aug 19th 2013, 12:51:57

Originally posted by Sov:
And you guys can post up Havoc's video for fluffs and giggles :)

Well, I guess "you're welcome" for what you must have seen as a recruitment video for SoF's FS?

MD had just gotten slaughtered in a way unbalanced war. We were proud that even with that loss we were going to bring 100 countries (our goal) for our reunion set. The whole "fluff SoF we are bringing 100" (or whatever the exact language was) was about US not YOU.

As I said before, it isn't all about YOU. WE were proud to bring players back to the game DESPITE a loss to SoF/LaF combined the prior set. That isn't the same as your personal interpretation of it as "let's get 100+ countries to FS SoF". See, in your version of the world, SoF is the center of everyone's actions. Get over yourself.

Atryn Game profile


Aug 19th 2013, 12:53:16

Originally posted by Sov:
You can consider us pussies if you want, everyone is entitled to their opinion. We still wiped the floor with MD for 4 sets in a row so we have our own opinion.

I think we found agreement!!!!

To you, winning is everything, regardless of the means.


Atryn Game profile


Aug 19th 2013, 12:56:54

Originally posted by iScode:
FYI Atryn

09:27 <@Randy(MD)> and we'll ruin their reunion netting set
09:27 <@Randy(MD)> WIN WIN baby
09:27 <@PrideMD> Doesn't matter
09:27 <@PrideMD> we're ok with it
09:27 <@iScode> remember i do have a lot of love for sof guys, if your plan here is to do that, i want no part of it

Every alliance has its more.... passionate? members. Randy's voice there wasn't the dominant voice in the decision process. We weren't FS'ing SoF to ruin their reunion set. We were FS'ing SoF for other reasons and it happened to also be their reunion set. As I said before, there was a discussion internally over whether this should cause us to hold off or not. The decision was that SoF would have better numbers and was a warring alliance at heart anyway. So the position was much closer to Pride's quote there: "we're ok with it" and not Randy's "WIN WIN".

But, like I said, every alliance has a range of perspectives.

mdevol Game profile


Aug 19th 2013, 13:00:31

Originally posted by iScode:
I bet you love it so much, after sex, you yell rape...

Dude, rape isn't something to joke about. I know you Aussies are a bit of an odd lot but that crossed a line.

Grow up.
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

Sov Game profile


Aug 19th 2013, 13:19:03

Originally posted by Atryn:
Originally posted by Sov:
And you guys can post up Havoc's video for fluffs and giggles :)

Well, I guess "you're welcome" for what you must have seen as a recruitment video for SoF's FS?

MD had just gotten slaughtered in a way unbalanced war. We were proud that even with that loss we were going to bring 100 countries (our goal) for our reunion set. The whole "fluff SoF we are bringing 100" (or whatever the exact language was) was about US not YOU.

As I said before, it isn't all about YOU. WE were proud to bring players back to the game DESPITE a loss to SoF/LaF combined the prior set. That isn't the same as your personal interpretation of it as "let's get 100+ countries to FS SoF". See, in your version of the world, SoF is the center of everyone's actions. Get over yourself.

I love how you guys try to portray yourselves in such a positive light, but you are not really fooling many people. Maybe your own members if they want to believe you. The entire server knew SoF/MD were going to fight that set. Your allies knew and discussed it with us. Your leaders discussed it with our allies.

See one thing you forget is that SoF/MD were fighting that set before because MD was trying to bully/kill RD, an Alliance half your size. SoF was defending RD. So when MD outnumber an Alliance 2:1 it is okay, but when MD is outnumbered by those same odds it is unfair. Yes, we see how MD perceives things.

cypress Game profile


Aug 19th 2013, 13:48:06

Originally posted by mdevol:
Originally posted by iScode:
I bet you love it so much, after sex, you yell rape...

Dude, rape isn't something to joke about. I know you Aussies are a bit of an odd lot but that crossed a line.

Grow up.

Woah now cowboy, I'm not sure if you insulted Aussies by saying iSode is an Aussie....or if you insulted iScode by calling him an Aussie, but I'm pretty sure someone is insulted!



Aug 19th 2013, 14:09:45

LOL its probably the latter. iScode might suicide you now XD.

Kat Game profile


Aug 19th 2013, 17:28:57

regardless of all the crap people are spouting, we all know that there is more than one way to be good at this game. Some clans are good at warring, some good at netting and some are good at politics. Usually a winning combination is combining netting or warring with politics. If you can do all three (which I have RARELY seen) then your clan is destined for greatness.

When SoF doesn't want to war alone they never do, why? Because SoF is good at politics. They make agreements and do their best to stick with them. They make policies that they stand by (even if others may not agree with them). Because of this they have made AND kept many friends who are willing to fight for them whenever they need or want.

SO if you want to complain that SoF is winning or could win because of the numbers, complain to your clan leaders on why your clan doesn't have as many friends. Maybe you'll find some truths you don't like.

RandyMD Game profile


Aug 19th 2013, 17:34:47

You stupid fluffs are pissing me off. This is a war about SOL/EVO/Monsters vs LAF/RIVAL/SOF.

Shut the fluff up and get off MD's fluff. We're not in this battle, we dont' give a fluff about you or the fluffing past. We do our thing no matter what you fluffing do. I find it fluffING hilarious that sets after that fluff happened, yours till talking about it. Both sides. Get the fluff on to a new subject already you stupid fluffing trolls.

Enough said.

Randybu - a nobody in MD, no matter what my old sig says that i've never changed.
Skype: randybumd

Wu Game profile


Aug 19th 2013, 19:01:34

SOF is ranked too low!

Syko_Killa Game profile


Aug 19th 2013, 19:03:44

How can SoF/LaF be pussies, when your all the pussies for not standing up to them? They punk you guys everyset!
Do as I say, not as I do.

iScode Game profile


Aug 19th 2013, 20:06:12

Originally posted by Atryn:
Originally posted by iScode:
FYI Atryn

09:27 <@Randy(MD)> and we'll ruin their reunion netting set
09:27 <@Randy(MD)> WIN WIN baby
09:27 <@PrideMD> Doesn't matter
09:27 <@PrideMD> we're ok with it
09:27 <@iScode> remember i do have a lot of love for sof guys, if your plan here is to do that, i want no part of it

Every alliance has its more.... passionate? members. Randy's voice there wasn't the dominant voice in the decision process. We weren't FS'ing SoF to ruin their reunion set. We were FS'ing SoF for other reasons and it happened to also be their reunion set. As I said before, there was a discussion internally over whether this should cause us to hold off or not. The decision was that SoF would have better numbers and was a warring alliance at heart anyway. So the position was much closer to Pride's quote there: "we're ok with it" and not Randy's "WIN WIN".

But, like I said, every alliance has a range of perspectives.

There we have it people. Proof that MD never intended to hold up the agreement they made with Omega, Sol and Imag, bassically before this discussion took place they had already decided to hit SoF, even though in this discussion they said they wouldnt.

SOL this is clear evidence that you were stabbed in the back by MD, yet you still support them? More fool you.

Mdevol - If hollywood can joke about rape, i dont see how I have crossed a line.

The wild hogs.

Martin Lawerance - "Does anyone get that pre rape feeling"
Biker guy in with raper look - "I do".

that fluff still cracks me up.
God of War


Son Goku Game profile


Aug 19th 2013, 20:47:58

Wild Hogs quote on AT?

My life is complete.

mrford Game profile


Aug 19th 2013, 20:53:23

Originally posted by RandyMD:
You stupid fluffs are pissing me off. This is a war about SOL/EVO/Monsters vs LAF/RIVAL/SOF.

Shut the fluff up and get off MD's fluff. We're not in this battle, we dont' give a fluff about you or the fluffing past. We do our thing no matter what you fluffing do. I find it fluffING hilarious that sets after that fluff happened, yours till talking about it. Both sides. Get the fluff on to a new subject already you stupid fluffing trolls.

Enough said.

Randybu - a nobody in MD, no matter what my old sig says that i've never changed.

you seem to be on a different page than the rest of your members. you might wanna look into that.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

bertz Game profile


Aug 20th 2013, 2:21:14

Yeah wtf is MD doing in this f**cking thread.
You hijacking mofos.


RandyMD Game profile


Aug 20th 2013, 15:25:05

What is it good for
Absolutely nothing
What is it good for
Absolutely nothing
War is something that I despise
For it means destruction of innocent lives
For it means tears in thousands of mothers' eyes
When their sons go out to fight to give their lives

What is it good for
Absolutely nothing
Say it again
What is it good for
Absolutely nothing

It's nothing but a heartbreaker
Friend only to the undertaker
War is the enemy of all mankind
The thought of war blows my mind
Handed down from generation to generation
Induction destruction
Who wants to die

What is it good for
Absolutely nothing
Say it again
What is it good for
Absolutely nothing

War has shattered many young men's dreams
Made them disabled bitter and meanLife is too precious to be fighting wars
each day
War can't give life it can only take it away

It's nothing but a heartbreaker
Friend only to the undertaker
Peace love and understanding
There must be some place for these things today
They say we must fight to keep our freedom
But Lord there's gotta be a better way
That's better than

What is it good for
Absolutely nothing
Say it again
What is it good for
Absolutely nothing
Skype: randybumd

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Aug 20th 2013, 17:45:32


<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

vern Game profile


Aug 20th 2013, 17:51:33

Randy Randy Bodandy working the street with noooo shirt

vern Game profile


Aug 20th 2013, 17:53:48

hey Randy

fluff you

love Ricky

keivisuaL Game profile


Aug 21st 2013, 3:26:15

Just do a successful AB FS MD.
Innocence is something we all forget. I haven't quite, I'm naive.